table of contents
SCANIN,(1) | User Commands | SCANIN,(1) |
Scanin, - Scanin.
Scanin, Version 1.6.3
scanin [options] input.tif recogin.cht valin.cie [diag.tif]
- :- inputs 'input.tif' and outputs scanner 'input.ti3', or
scanin -g [options] input.tif recogout.cht [diag.tif]
- :- outputs file 'recogout.cht', or
scanin -o [options] input.tif recogin.cht [diag.tif]
- :- outputs file 'input.val', or
scanin -c [options] input.tif recogin.cht scanprofile.[icc|mpp] pbase [diag.tif]
- :- inputs pbase.ti2 and outputs printer pbase.ti3, or
scanin -r [options] input.tif recogin.cht pbase [diag.tif]
- :- inputs pbase.ti2+.ti3 and outputs pbase.ti3
- -g
- Generate a chart reference (.cht) file
- -o
- Output patch values in .val file
- -c
- Use image to measure color to convert printer pbase .ti2 to .ti3
- -ca
- Same as -c, but accumulates more values to pbase .ti3 from subsequent pages
- -r
- Replace device values in pbase .ti2/.ti3 Default is to create a scanner .ti3 file
- -F x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4
- Don't auto recognize, locate using four fiducual marks
- -p
- Compensate for perspective distortion
- -a
- Recognise chart in normal orientation only (-A fallback as is) Default is to recognise all possible chart angles
- -m
- Return true mean (default is robust mean)
- -G gamma
- Approximate gamma encoding of image
- -v [n]
- Verbosity level 0-9
- -d [ihvglLIcrsonap]
- Generate diagnostic output (try -dipn)
- i
- diag - B&W of input image
- h
- diag - Horizontal edge/tick detection
- v
- diag - Vertical edge/tick detection
- g
- diag - Groups detected
- l
- diag - Lines detected
- L
- diag - All lines detected
- I
- diag - lines used to improve fit
- c
- diag - lines perspective corrected
- r
- diag - lines rotated
- s
- diag - diagnostic sample boxes rotated
- o
- diag - sample box outlines
- n
- diag - sample box names
- a
- diag - sample box areas
- p
- diag - pixel areas sampled
-O outputfile Override the default output filename & extension.
September 2014 | scanin |