- bullseye 5.12.0+dfsg-1+deb11u1
- bullseye-backports 5.44.0+dfsg-1~bpo11+1
- testing 6.13.0+repack-2
- unstable 6.20.0-1
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calibre-debug - calibre-debug
calibre-debug [aukerak]
Various command line interfaces useful for debugging calibre. With no options, this command starts an embedded Python interpreter. You can also run the main calibre GUI, the calibre E-book viewer and the calibre editor in debug mode.
It also contains interfaces to various bits of calibre that do not have dedicated command line tools, such as font subsetting, the E-book diff tool and so on.
You can also use calibre-debug to run standalone scripts. To do that use it like this:
Everything after the -- is passed to the script.
Whenever you pass arguments to calibre-debug that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces"
- --add-simple-plugin
- Add a simple plugin (i.e. a plugin that consists of only a .py file), by specifying the path to the py file containing the plugin code.
- --command, -c
- Exekutatu Python kodea.
- --debug-device-driver, -d
- Irakurgailuaren akatsgabetze detekzioa
- --default-programs
- (Un)register calibre from Windows Default Programs. --default-programs = (register|unregister)
- --diff
- Abiarazi calibre aplikazioaren diff tresna. Esate baterako calibre-debug --diff file1 file2
- --edit-book, -t
- Abiarazi calibre aplikazioaren "Editatu liburua" arazketa moduan
- --exec-file, -e
- Exekutatu Python kodea fitxategian.
- --explode-book, -x
- Explode the book into the specified directory. Usage: -x file.epub output_dir Exports the book as a collection of HTML files and metadata, which you can edit using standard HTML editing tools. Works with EPUB, AZW3, HTMLZ and DOCX files.
- --export-all-calibre-data
- Export all calibre data (books/settings/plugins). Normally, you will be asked for the export dir and the libraries to export. You can also specify them as command line arguments to skip the questions. Use absolute paths for the export directory and libraries. The special keyword "all" can be used to export all libraries.
- --fix-multiprocessing
- For internal use
- --gui, -g
- Run the GUI with debugging enabled. Debug output is printed to stdout and stderr.
- --gui-debug
- Run the GUI with a debug console, logging to the specified path. For internal use only, use the -g option to run the GUI in debug mode
- --help, -h
- Erakutsi laguntza mezu hau eta irten
- --implode-book, -i
- Implode a previously exploded book. Usage: -i output_dir file.epub Imports the book from the files in output_dir which must have been created by a previous call to --explode-book. Be sure to specify the same file type as was used when exploding.
- --import-calibre-data
- Inportatu aurretik esportatutako calibre datuak
- --inspect-mobi, -m
- Ikuskatu MOBI fitxategia(k) zehaztutako bide(et)an
- --paths
- Output the paths necessary to setup the calibre environment
- --reinitialize-db
- Re-initialize the sqlite calibre database at the specified path. Useful to recover from db corruption.
- --run-plugin, -r
- Komando-lerroa erakusten duen plugina abiarazi. Adibidez: calibre-debug -r "Add Books" -- file1 --option1 Marra bien (--) osteko guztia pluginaren argumentu modura ulertuko da.
- --shutdown-running-calibre, -s
- calibre programaren edozein saio edo azpi-atal martxan baldin balego, honek geldituko luke. Ibili kontuz honekin zeren eta calibre programaren atal batzuk martxan egongo balira bertan behera geratuko lirateke oharkabean.
- --subset-font, -f
- Subset the specified font. Use -- after this option to pass option to the font subsetting program.
- --test-build
- Eraikitzen modulu bitarren testa
- --version
- Erakutsi programaren bertsioa zein den eta irten
- --viewer, -w
- Exekutatu liburu elektronikoen irakurgailua arazketa moduan
Kovid Goyal
Kovid Goyal
otsailak 26, 2021 | 5.12.0 |