table of contents
ZZIP_DIR_ALLOC_EXT_I(3) | zziplib Function List | ZZIP_DIR_ALLOC_EXT_I(3) |
zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io, zzip_dir_alloc - ...
#include <zzip/lib.h>
ZZIP_DIR * zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io((zzip_strings_t * ext, const zzip_plugin_io_t io));
ZZIP_DIR * zzip_dir_alloc((zzip_strings_t * fileext));
the zzip_dir_alloc function is obsolete - it was generally used for implementation and exported to let other code build on it. It is now advised to use zzip_dir_alloc_ext_io now on explicitly, just set that second argument to zero to achieve the same functionality as the old style.
Copyright (c) 1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 Guido Draheim All rights reserved, use under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
0.13.62 | zziplib |