table of contents
GUPPY(1) | User Commands | GUPPY(1) |
guppy - Grand Unified Phylogenetic Placement Yanalyzer - yanalyzes pplacer output
guppy <command> [options]
statistical comparison¶
- bary
- draws the barycenter of a placement collection on the reference tree
- edpl
- calculates the EDPL uncertainty values for a collection of pqueries
- epca
- performs edge principal components
- error
- finds the error between two placefiles
- fpd
- calculates various alpha diversity metrics of placefiles
- indep_c
- calculates the independent contrasts of pqueries
- kr
- calculates the Kantorovich-Rubinstein distance and corresponding p-values
- kr_heat
- makes a heat tree
- lpca
- performs length principal components
- mcl
- cluster pqueries using Markov clustering via MCL
- pmlpca
- performs poor-man's length principal components
- rarefact
- calculates phylogenetic rarefaction curves
- splitify
- writes out differences of masses for the splits of the tree
- squash
- performs squash clustering
- unifrac
- calculates unifrac on two or more placefiles
- classify
- outputs classification information in SQLite format
- to_rdp
- convert a reference package to a format RDP wants
- adcl
- calculates ADCL for each pquery in a placefile
- check
- checks placefiles for common problems
- compress
- compresses a placefile's pqueries
- demulti
- splits apart placements with multiplicity, undoing a round procedure
- distmat
- prints out a pairwise distance matrix between the edges
- filter
- filters one or more placefiles by placement name
- info
- writes the number of leaves of the reference tree and the number of pqueries
- islands
- finds the mass islands of one or more pqueries
- merge
- merges placefiles together
- mft
- Multi-Filter and Transform placefiles
- ograph
- finds the overlap graph of one or more pqueries
- placemat
- prints out a pairwise distance matrix between placements
- rarefy
- performs rarefaction on collections of placements
- redup
- restores duplicates to deduped placefiles
- round
- clusters the placements by rounding branch lengths
- to_csv
- turns a placefile into a csv file
- to_json
- converts old-style .place files to .jplace placement files
- trim
- trims placefiles down to only containing an informative subset of the mass
To get more help about a given command, type guppy COMMAND --help
Additional options¶
- --version
- Print version and exit
- --cmds
- Print a list of the available commands.
- --batch
- Run the provided batch file of guppy commands
- --quiet
- Don't write messages to stdout (unless explicitly requested).
- --help
- Display this list of options and subcommands
- -help
- Display this list of options and subcommands
This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian
distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.
June 2020 | guppy 1.1~alpha19 |