PURIFY(1) | User Commands | PURIFY(1) |
purify - Reconstruct images from radio interferometers using PADMM
purify --measurement_set path --name path [options]
PURIFY is a tool for radio interferometric imaging including file handling (for both visibilities and fits files), implementation of the measurement operator and set-up of the different optimization problems used for image deconvolution.
The code is given for educational purpose. The code is in beta and still under development.
- --measurement_set
- Path of measurement set. (required)
- --name
- Path of file output. (required)
- --noise
- Path of measurement_set with Stokes V noise estimate. (Assumes Stokes V of measurement set).
- --niters
- Number of iterations.
- --stokes
- Choice of stokes I, Q, U, or V (I is default).
- --cellsize
- Size of a pixel in arcseconds.
- --size
- Image size in pixels.
- --width
- Image width in pixels.
- --height
- Image height in pixels.
- --beta
- Values used to set the stepsize of PADMM
- --noadapt
- Choose not to update the stepsize.
- --diagnostic
- Save diagnostic information to log file.
- --l2_bound
- Factor to multiply the l2 bound by.
- --relative_variation
- Convergence criteria on relative variation (default is 1e-3).
- --residual_convergence
- Factor to multiply the l2 bound by for convergence. (default is 1)
- --relative_gamma_adapt
- Relative difference criteria for adapting the stepsize gamma (default 0.01).
- --power_iterations
- Maximum iterations for the power method.
- --primary_beam
- Choice of primary beam model. (none is the only option).
- --fft_grid_correction
- Choose calculate the gridding correction using an FFT rather than analytic formula.
- --kernel
- Type of gridding kernel to use, kb, gauss, pswf, box. (kb is default)
- --kernel_support
- Support of kernel in grid cells. (4 is the default)
- --logging_level
- Determines the output logging level for sopt and purify. ("debug" is the default)
- --help
- Print usage information.
PURIFY was initially created by Rafael Carrillo, Jason McEwen and Yves Wiaux but major contributions have since been made by a number of others. The full list of contributors is as follows: Rafael E. Carrillo, Jason D. McEwen, Yves Wiaux, Luke Pratley, and Mayeul d'Avezac.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact Rafael Carrillo or Jason McEwen, or add an issue in the issue tracker https://github.com/astro-informatics/purify/issues
PURIFY Copyright (C) 2013 Rafael Carrillo, Jason McEwen, Yves Wiaux
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
October 2016 | purify 2.0.0 |