table of contents
- buster 5.1.1-3
aut - Memory allocation, and hash tables managementORIGIN¶
This software belongs to the ALLIANCE CAD SYSTEM developed by the ASIM team at LIP6 laboratory of Université Pierre et Marie CURIE, in Paris, France.Web :
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aut is a set of utilities functions and types that may be useful.- Types :
authelem - Hash table element type.
- authtable
- - Hash table type.
- auth2elem
- - Hash table element type.
- auth2table
- - Hash table type.
- Functions :
autallocblock - memory allocator
- autallocheap
- - heap memory allocator
- autresizeblock
- - resizes a memory block
- autfreeblock
- - releases a memory block
- autfreeheap
- - releases an heap memory block.
- autexit
- - encapsulates exit function.
- createauthtable
- - creates a simple hash table.
- destroyauthtable
- - destroys a simple hash table.
- resetauthtable
- - resets a simple hash table.
- addauthelem
- - adds an element in the hash table.
- delauthelem
- - deletes an element in the hash table.
- searchauthelem
- - searches an element in the hash table.
- viewauthelem
- - displays an hash table element.
- viewauthtable
- - displays an hash table.
- createauth2table
- - creates an hash table with two keys.
- destroyauth2table
- - destroys an hash table with two keys.
- resetauth2table
- - resets an hash table with two keys.
- addauth2elem
- - adds an element in the hash table.
- delauth2elem
- - deletes an element in the hash table.
- searchauth2elem
- - searches an element in the hash table.
- viewauth2elem
- - displays an hash table element.
- viewauth2table
- - displays an hash table with two keys.
- sortautcompare
- - default heap sort comparison function.
- sortautarray
- - heap sort.
- libAut101.a :
autallocblock, autallocblock, autresizeblock, autfreeblock, autfreeheap, autexit, setauthfunc, getauthsize, getauthkey, getauthindex, checkauthkey, createauthtable, destroyauthtable, resetauthtable, stretchauthtable, addauthelem, delauthelem, searchauthelem, viewauthelem, viewauthtable, setauth2func, getauth2size, getauth2key, getauth2index, checkauth2key, createauth2table, destroyauth2table, resetauth2table, stretchauth2table, addauth2elem, delauth2elem, searchauth2elem, viewauth2elem, viewauth2table, sortautcompare, sortautarray,
This tool is under development at the ASIM department of the LIP6 laboratory.We need your feedback to improve documentation and tools.
October 1, 1997 | ASIM/LIP6 |