table of contents
augustus - a gene prediction toolSYNOPSIS¶
augustus [parameters] --species=SPECIES queryfilenameOPTIONS¶
The mandatory option 'queryfilename' specifies the filename (including relative path) to the file containing the query sequence(s) in FASTA format.SPECIES is an identifier for the species. Use --species=help to see a list.
Further parameters:¶
--strand=both, --strand=forward or --strand=backwarddefine the strand to search on
where genemodel is one of:
•partial - allow prediction of incomplete genes at
the sequence boundaries (default)
•intronless - only predict single-exon genes like
in prokaryotes and some eukaryotes
•complete - only predict complete genes
•atleastone - predict at least one complete
•exactlyone - predict exactly one complete
predict genes independently on each strand, allow
overlapping genes on opposite strands. This option is turned off by
When this option is used the prediction considering hints
(extrinsic information) is turned on. hintsfilename contains the hints in gff
path to config directory (if not specified as environment
report alternative transcripts when they are suggested by
report alternative transcripts generated through
probabilistic sampling
For a description of these parameters see section 4 of
When this option is used the prediction will consider the
protein profile provided as parameter. The protein profile extension is
described in section 7 of README.TXT.
show a progressmeter
output in gff3 format
--predictionStart=A, --predictionEnd=B
A and B define the range of the sequence for which
predictions should be found.
predict the untranslated regions in addition to the
coding sequence. This currently works only for a subset of species.
Do not report transcripts with in-frame stop codons.
Otherwise, intron-spanning stop codons could occur. Default: false
If true and input is in genbank format, no prediction is
made. Useful for getting the annotated protein sequences.
If true, output gene identifyers like this:
Show full list of supported parameters.