stdlib.h(3avr) | avr-libc | stdlib.h(3avr) |
Data Structures¶
struct div_t
struct ldiv_t
#define RAND_MAX 0x7FFF
typedef int(* __compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *)
void abort (void) __ATTR_NORETURN__
int abs (int __i)
long labs (long __i)
void * bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, int(*__compar)(const void *, const void *))
div_t div (int __num, int __denom) __asm__('__divmodhi4')
ldiv_t ldiv (long __num, long __denom) __asm__('__divmodsi4')
void qsort (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t __compar)
long strtol (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base)
unsigned long strtoul (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base)
long atol (const char *__s) __ATTR_PURE__
int atoi (const char *__s) __ATTR_PURE__
void exit (int __status) __ATTR_NORETURN__
void * malloc (size_t __size) __ATTR_MALLOC__
void free (void *__ptr)
void * calloc (size_t __nele, size_t __size) __ATTR_MALLOC__
void * realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size) __ATTR_MALLOC__
double strtod (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr)
double atof (const char *__nptr)
int rand (void)
void srand (unsigned int __seed)
int rand_r (unsigned long *__ctx)
size_t __malloc_margin
char * __malloc_heap_start
char * __malloc_heap_end
Non-standard (i.e. non-ISO C) functions.¶
char * itoa (int val, char *s, int radix)
char * ltoa (long val, char *s, int radix)
char * utoa (unsigned int val, char *s, int radix)
char * ultoa (unsigned long val, char *s, int radix)
long random (void)
void srandom (unsigned long __seed)
long random_r (unsigned long *__ctx)
Conversion functions for double arguments.¶
Note that these functions are not located in the default library, libc.a, but in the mathematical library, libm.a. So when linking the application, the -lm option needs to be specified.#define DTOSTR_ALWAYS_SIGN 0x01 /* put '+' or ' ' for positives */
#define DTOSTR_PLUS_SIGN 0x02 /* put '+' rather than ' ' */
#define DTOSTR_UPPERCASE 0x04 /* put 'E' rather 'e' */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
char * dtostre (double __val, char *__s, unsigned char __prec, unsigned char __flags)
char * dtostrf (double __val, signed char __width, unsigned char __prec, char *__s)
Generated automatically by Doxygen for avr-libc from the source code.Sat Feb 16 2019 | Version 2.0.0 |