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readms - Read one or more MeasurementSets
readms parm=value ...
- nms
- Number of MeasurementSets to read (0 means 1 MS without suffix;
- msname
- Name of the MeasurementSet (suffix _p<i> is added if nms>0)
- data
- Read DATA column? (default=true)
- flag
- Read FLAG column? (default=true)
- weightspectrum
- Read WEIGHT_SPECTRUM column? (default=false)
- fields
- Fields to read
- ntime
- Number of time steps to read (0=all; default)
- spw
- Spectral window numbers to read
- npol
- Number of polarizations to read (0=all; default)
- nchan
- Number of channels to read (0=all; default)
- baselines
- Baselines to read (CASA baseline selection)
- rowwise
- Read the data row wise (thus a get per row) (default=true)