CONCALC(1) | User Commands | CONCALC(1) |
concalc - console calculatorSYNOPSIS¶
concalc [options] "expression"concalc -m script "path"
concalc calculates the given input term and returns the result as text. Please use will have problems with the shell interpretor. If you give concalc more than one expression, all expression will be put together.CALCULATION SYNTAX¶
- standard calculations
- 2*(3+4/9)^3
- standard operations
- + - * / ^ % sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh ln log & | ! && || ~ >> << x rnd sqrt curt root integ d/dx
- sqare root and cubic root
- sqrt12 curt8
- trigonometric functions and logarithms
- sin3.64+ln5
- other roots
- fourth root of nine: 4root9
- differential calculation
- differential calculation of 2x^2-3x+3 at x=9: d/dx(2x^2-3x+3,9)
- integration
- integration of sinx+cosx between -1 and 3.2: integ(sinx+cosx,-1,3.2)
- set variables
- save the result of a calculation in variable A: 12*45/2->A
- recall variables
- multiply the saved value with 2: A*2
- use last result
- The last result is saved in the answer memory: ans+1
- e
- euler constant
- pi
- pi; example: sin(pi/2)
- standard
- 12.34
- with exponent
- 12.23e-5
- complex
- 12i-5
- -o, --output [output length]
- The argument is a number between 2 and the maximal possible output length (normally 18).
- -m, --mode [calculator mode]
- The mode can be std (default, normal scientific calculatons), base (for logic functions and base-n calculatons) or script (for executing scripts). In scripting mode, the last argument must be the path to the script file.
- -c, --complex
- This option enables complex numbers for the calculation. They are switched off by default.
- -b, --base [calculator base]
- The argument must be one of hex (hexadecimal), dec (decimal, default), oct (octal) and bin (binary). This option can only be used when -m base is set.
- -a, --angle [angle type]
- The argument must be one of deg (degrees), rad (radiant), gra (grade).
- -v, --version
- Output the version of Concalc.
- -h, --help
- Outputs a short help.
The script interpreter of calc uses a C-like programming syntax. The following command are supported.- if expression
command for condition true;
else command for condition false;
- while loop
command that is run while condition is true;
- for loop
for(initialisation; condition; count-command) command that is run while condition is true;
- print command
print( output to print out );
- getline command
getline; // read a text line from stdin and returns this text
- getkey command
getkey; // return the key pressed by the user // blocks until the user presses any key
- keystate command
keystate; // returns the key pressed by the user or 0 if no key was pressed // nonblocking
- sleep command
sleep( time in microseconds ); //Script is stops for the given time
- compare operators
==, != equal, unequal
>=, <=, >, < greather or equal, less or equal, greather, less
- set operators
-> calculator set operator
= C-like set operator
- type converting
(float) floating point value
(int) integer value
(string) text value
(bool) boolean value
No bugs known!- If you find one, please report it by e-mail to the author.
Rainer Strobel <>SEE ALSO¶
http://extcalc-linux.sourceforge.netAPRIL 2007 | Linux |