catalog_update - send update to catalog server
catalog_update [options] [name=value] ..
The catalog_update tool allows users to manually send an update to a catalog
server via a short UDP packet.
- -c, --catalog=<host>
- Send update to this catalog host.
- -f, --file=<json-file>
Send additional JSON attributes in this file.
- -d, --debug=<flags>
Enable debug flags.
- -o, --debug-file=<file>
Send debug output to this file.
- -v <version>
Show software version.
- -h <help>
Show all options.
The catalog_update tool sends a custom message to the catalog
server in the from of a JSON object with various properties describing the
host. By default, the catalog_update tool includes the following fields in
the update:
- type This describes the node type (default is
- version This is the version of CCTools.
- cpu This is CPU architecture of the machine.
- opsys This is operating system of the machine.
- opsysversion This is operating system version of the machine.
- load1 This is 1-minute load of the machine.
- load5 This is 5-minute load of the machine.
- load15 This is 15-minute load of the machine.
- memory_total This is total amount of memory on the machine
- memory_avail This is amount of available memory on the machine
- cpus This is number of detected CPUs on the machine.
- uptime This how long the machine has been running.
- owner This is user who sent the update.
- •
- CATALOG_HOST Hostname of catalog server (same as -c).
On success, returns zero. On failure, returns non-zero.
The following example sends an update to the catalog server located at with three custom fields.
% cat > test.json << EOF
"type" : "node",
"has_java" : true,
"mode" : 3
% catalog_update -c -f test.json
The Cooperative Computing Tools are Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Douglas Thain and
Copyright (C) 2005-2015 The University of Notre Dame. This software is
distributed under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for