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ipmiseld.conf(5) ipmiseld.conf ipmiseld.conf(5)


ipmiseld.conf - ipmiseld configuration file


The ipmiseld configuration file configures the ipmiseld daemon.

The default configuration file loaded is /etc/freeipmi//ipmiseld.conf.

The configuration options that can be specified in the configuration file are listed below. Each configuration option must be listed on a separate line. Arguments for an option are separated by any amount of whitespace. Multiple arguments are also separated by whitespace. Comments can be marked by using the pound sign ("#") character, and lines can be continued on the next using backslash ("\").

Note that it is possible to list the username, password and other potentially sensitive information in the configuration file. If this data is stored in a configuration file, system administrators should limit access to this file.


driver-type IPMIDRIVER
Specify the driver type to use.
disable-auto-probe ENABLE|DISABLE
Specify if IPMI devices should be probed for settings.
driver-address DRIVER-ADDRESS
Specify the in-band driver address to use.
driver-device DEVICE
Specify the in-band driver device path to use.
register-spacing REGISTER-SPACING
Specify the in-band driver register spacing to use.
target-channel-number CHANNEL-NUMBER
Specify the in-band driver target channel number.
target-slave-address SLAVE-ADDRESS
Specify the in-band driver target slave address.
hostname IPMIHOST1,IPMIHOST2,...
Specify the remote host(s) to communicate with. Multiple hostnames may be separated by comma or may be specified in a range format.
username USERNAME
Specify the username to use.
password PASSWORD
Specify the password to use.
k_g str
Specify the BMC key (K_g) to use. Prefix with '0x' to enter the key in hex.
session-timeout MILLISECONDS
Specify the session timeout length to use in milliseconds.
retransmission-timeout MILLISECONDS
Specify the retransmission timeout length to use in milliseconds.
authentication-type AUTHENTICATION-TYPE
Specify the authentication type to use. The following authentication types are supported: NONE, STRAIGHT_PASSWORD_KEY, MD2, and MD5.
cipher-suite-id CIPHER-SUITE-ID
Specify the cipher suite id to use. The following cipher suite ids are supported: 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12.
privilege-level PRIVILEGE-LEVEL
Specify the privilege type to use. The following privilege levels are supported: USER, OPERATOR, ADMIN.
workaround-flags WORKAROUNDS
Specify workaround flags to use. Multiple workarounds can be specified separated by whitespace. Please see tool manpages for details about available workarounds for each tool. The following workarounds are supported: assumeio, spinpoll, idzero, forcepermsg, unexpectedauth, endianseq, authcap, intel20, supermicro20, sun20, opensesspriv, integritycheckvalue, assumesystemevent.
verbose-count COUNT
Specify default verbose count to use for ipmi-sel(8).
sensors-types TYPE-LIST
Specify sensor types of SEL events to log. Multiple types can be specified separated by whitespace. Users may specify sensor types by string or by number (decimal or hex). Please see ipmi-sel(8) --list-types option to see possible string input types.
exclude-sensor-types ENSOR-TYPES-LIST
Specify sensor types of SEL events to not log. default sensor types to not show sensor outputs for. Multiple sensor types can be specified separated by whitespace. Users may specify sensor types by string or by number. Please see ipmi-sel(8) --list-types option to see possible string input types.
system-event-only ENABLE|DISABLE
Specify if output should only include system event records.
oem-event-only ENABLE|DISABLE
Specify if output should only include OEM event records.
event-state-config-file FILE
Specify the event state configuration file.
interpret-oem-data ENABLE|DISABLE
Specify if ipmiseld should attempt to interpret OEM data or not.
entity-sensor-names ENABLE|DISABLE
Specify if output of sensor names should include entity ids and instances or not.
non-abbreviated-units ENABLE|DISABLE
Specify if output should have units abbreviated by default or not.
event-state-filter FILTERSTRING
Specify event states to be filtered out and not logged.
--warning-threshold PERCENTINT
Specify SEL fullness warning threshold as an integer percentage.
--clear-threshold PERCENTINT
Specify SEL fullness clear threshold as an integer percentage.
system-event-format FORMATSTRING
Specify the format of the log output when a SEL system event is encountered.
oem-timestamped-event-format FORMATSTRING
Specify the format of the log output when a SEL OEM timestamped event is encountered.
oem-non-timestamped-event-format FORMATSTRING
Specify the format of the log output when a SEL OEM non-timestamped event is encountered.
poll-interval SECONDS
Specify the poll interval to check the SEL for new events.
log-facility STRING
Specify the log facility to use.
log-priority STRING
Specify the log priority to use.
cache-directory DIRECTORY
Specify the cache directory to use.
ignore-sdr DISABLE
Specify if the SDR should be ignored.
re-download-sdr DISABLE
Specify if the SDR should be re-downloaded on start.
clear-sel DISABLE
Specify if the SEL should be cleared on start.
threadpool-count NUM
Specify the threadpool count for parallel SEL polling.




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Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.


ipmiseld(8), ipmi-sel(8)

2019-01-23 ipmiseld.conf 1.6.3