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gpsbabel - GPS route and waypoint data converter
GPSBabel Version 1.5.4.
- ./gpsbabel [options] -i INTYPE -f INFILE [filter] -o
OUTTYPE -F OUTFILE ./gpsbabel [options] -i INTYPE -o
- Converts GPS route and waypoint data from one format type to another. The
input type and filename are specified with the -i INTYPE and
-f INFILE options. The output type and filename are specified with
the -o OUTTYPE and -F OUTFILE options. If '-' is used for
INFILE or OUTFILE, stdin or stdout will be used.
- In the second form of the command, INFILE and OUTFILE are the first and
second positional (non-option) arguments.
- INTYPE and OUTTYPE must be one of the supported file types and may include
options valid for that file type. For example:
- 'gpx', 'gpx,snlen=10' and 'ozi,snlen=10,snwhite=1'
- (without the quotes) are all valid file type specifications.
- -p
- Preferences file (gpsbabel.ini)
- -s
- Synthesize shortnames
- -r
- Process route information
- -t
- Process track information
- -T
- Process realtime tracking information
- -w
- Process waypoint information [default]
- -b
- Process command file (batch mode)
- -N
- No smart icons on output
- -x filtername
- Invoke filter (placed between inputs and output)
- -D level
- Set debug level [0]
- -h, -?
- Print detailed help and exit
- -V
- Print GPSBabel version and exit
File Types (-i and -o options):¶
- alantrl
- Alan Map500 tracklogs (.trl)
- alanwpr
- Alan Map500 waypoints and routes (.wpr)
- baroiq
- Brauniger IQ Series Barograph Download
- bushnell_trl
- Bushnell GPS Trail file
- bushnell
- Bushnell GPS Waypoint file
- cambridge
- Cambridge/Winpilot glider software
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- cst
- CarteSurTable data file
- v900
- Columbus/Visiontac V900 files (.csv)
- csv
- Comma separated values
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- compegps
- CompeGPS data files (.wpt/.trk/.rte)
- deficon
- Default icon name
- index
- Index of route/track to write (if more than one in
- radius
- Give points (waypoints/route points) a default rad
- snlen
- Length of generated shortnames (default 16)
- iblue747
- Data Logger iBlue747 csv
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- iblue757
- Data Logger iBlue757 csv
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- an1
- DeLorme .an1 (drawing) file
- type
- Type of .an1 file
- road
- Road type changes
- nogc
- (0/1) Do not add geocache data to description
- nourl
- (0/1) Do not add URLs to description
- deficon
- Symbol to use for point data
- color
- Color for lines or mapnotes
- zoom
- Zoom level to reduce points
- wpt_type
- Waypoint type
- radius
- Radius for circles
- gpl
- DeLorme GPL
- saplus
- DeLorme Street Atlas Plus
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- saroute
- DeLorme Street Atlas Route
- turns_important
- (0/1) Keep turns if simplify filter is used
- turns_only
- (0/1) Only read turns; skip all other points
- split
- (0/1) Split into multiple routes at turns
- controls
- Read control points as waypoint/route/none
- times
- (0/1) Synthesize track times
- xmap
- DeLorme XMap HH Native .WPT
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- xmap2006
- DeLorme XMap/SAHH 2006 Native .TXT
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- xmapwpt
- DeLorme XMat HH Street Atlas USA .WPT (PPC)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- destinator_itn
- Destinator Itineraries (.dat)
- destinator_poi
- Destinator Points of Interest (.dat)
- destinator_trl
- Destinator TrackLogs (.dat)
- easygps
- EasyGPS binary format
- exif
- Embedded Exif-GPS data (.jpg)
- filename
- (0/1) Set waypoint name to source filename
- frame
- Time-frame (in seconds)
- name
- Locate waypoint for tagging by this name
- overwrite
- (0/1) !OVERWRITE! the original file. Default=N
- energympro
- Energympro GPS training watch
- enigma
- Enigma binary waypoint file (.ert)
- f90g
- F90G Automobile DVR GPS log file
- igc
- FAI/IGC Flight Recorder Data Format
- timeadj
- (integer sec or 'auto') Barograph to GPS time diff
- garmin_fit
- Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer (FIT) Act
- allpoints
- (0/1) Read all points even if latitude or longitude is m
- flysight
- FlySight GPS File
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- gpssim
- Franson GPSGate Simulation
- wayptspd
- Default speed for waypoints (knots/hr)
- split
- (0/1) Split input into separate files
- fugawi
- Fugawi
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- g7towin
- G7ToWin data files (.g7t)
- garmin301
- Garmin 301 Custom position and heartrate
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- garmin_g1000
- Garmin G1000 datalog input filter file
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- glogbook
- Garmin Logbook XML
- gdb
- Garmin MapSource - gdb
- cat
- Default category on output (1..16)
- bitscategory
- Bitmap of categories
- ver
- Version of gdb file to generate (1..3)
- via
- (0/1) Drop route points that do not have an equivalent w
- roadbook
- (0/1) Include major turn points (with description) from
- mapsource
- Garmin MapSource - mps
- snlen
- Length of generated shortnames
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- mpsverout
- Version of mapsource file to generate (3,4,5)
- mpsmergeout
- (0/1) Merge output with existing file
- mpsusedepth
- (0/1) Use depth values on output (default is ignore)
- mpsuseprox
- (0/1) Use proximity values on output (default is ignore)
- garmin_txt
- Garmin MapSource - txt (tab delimited)
- date
- Read/Write date format (i.e. yyyy/mm/dd)
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- dist
- Distance unit [m=metric, s=statute]
- grid
- Write position using this grid.
- prec
- Precision of coordinates
- temp
- Temperature unit [c=Celsius, f=Fahrenheit]
- time
- Read/Write time format (i.e. HH:mm:ss xx)
- utc
- Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time
- pcx
- Garmin PCX5
- deficon
- Default icon name
- cartoexploreur
- (0/1) Write tracks compatible with Carto Exploreur
- garmin_poi
- Garmin POI database
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- garmin_gpi
- Garmin Points of Interest (.gpi)
- alerts
- (0/1) Enable alerts on speed or proximity distance
- bitmap
- Use specified bitmap on output
- category
- Default category on output
- hide
- (0/1) Don't show gpi bitmap on device
- descr
- (0/1) Write description to address field
- notes
- (0/1) Write notes to address field
- position
- (0/1) Write position to address field
- proximity
- Default proximity
- sleep
- After output job done sleep n second(s)
- speed
- Default speed
- unique
- (0/1) Create unique waypoint names (default = yes)
- units
- Units used for names with @speed ('s'tatute or 'm'
- writecodec
- codec to use for writing strings
- garmin
- Garmin serial/USB protocol
- snlen
- Length of generated shortnames
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- deficon
- Default icon name
- get_posn
- (0/1) Return current position as a waypoint
- power_off
- (0/1) Command unit to power itself down
- erase_t
- (0/1) Erase existing courses when writing new ones
- resettime
- (0/1) Sync GPS time to computer time
- category
- Category number to use for written waypoints
- bitscategory
- Bitmap of categories
- baud
- Speed in bits per second of serial port (baud=9600
- gtrnctr
- Garmin Training Center (.tcx)
- course
- (0/1) Write course rather than history, default yes
- sport
- Sport: Biking (deflt), Running, MultiSport, Other
- gtrnctr
- Garmin Training Center (.xml)
- course
- (0/1) Write course rather than history, default yes
- sport
- Sport: Biking (deflt), Running, MultiSport, Other
- geo
- .loc
- deficon
- Default icon name
- nuke_placer
- (0/1) Omit Placer name
- ggv_ovl
- Geogrid-Viewer ascii overlay file (.ovl)
- ggv_bin
- Geogrid-Viewer binary overlay file (.ovl)
- ggv_log
- Geogrid-Viewer tracklogs (.log)
- geojson
- GeoJson
- compact
- (0/1) Compact Output. Default is off.
- geonet
- GEOnet Names Server (GNS)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- dg-100
- GlobalSat DG-100/BT-335 Download
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- erase_only
- (0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
- dg-200
- GlobalSat DG-200 Download
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- erase_only
- (0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
- globalsat
- GlobalSat GH625XT GPS training watch
- showlist
- (0/1) list tracks
- track
- get track
- dump-file
- Dump raw data to this file
- input-is-dump-file
- (0/1) Dump raw data to this file
- googledir
- Google Directions XML
- kml
- Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language
- deficon
- Default icon name
- lines
- (0/1) Export linestrings for tracks and routes
- points
- (0/1) Export placemarks for tracks and routes
- line_width
- Width of lines, in pixels
- line_color
- Line color, specified in hex AABBGGRR
- floating
- (0/1) Altitudes are absolute and not clamped to ground
- extrude
- (0/1) Draw extrusion line from trackpoint to ground
- track
- (0/1) Write KML track (default = 0)
- trackdata
- (0/1) Include extended data for trackpoints (default = 1
- trackdirection
- (0/1) Indicate direction of travel in track icons (defau
- units
- Units used when writing comments ('s'tatute, 'm'et
- labels
- (0/1) Display labels on track and routepoints (default
- max_position_point
- Retain at most this number of position points (0
- rotate_colors
- Rotate colors for tracks and routes (default autom
- prec
- Precision of coordinates, number of decimals
- gnav_trl
- Google Navigator Tracklines (.trl)
- gopal
- GoPal GPS track log (.trk)
- date
- Complete date-free tracks with given date (YYYYMMD
- maxspeed
- The maximum speed (km/h) traveling from waypoint t
- minspeed
- The minimum speed (km/h) traveling from waypoint t
- clean
- (0/1) Cleanup common errors in trackdata
- land_air_sea
- GPS Tracking Key Pro text
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- gtm
- GPS TrackMaker
- arc
- GPSBabel arc filter file
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- gpsdrive
- GpsDrive Format
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- gpsdrivetrack
- GpsDrive Format for Tracks
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- gpsman
- GPSman
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- gpsutil
- gpsutil
- gpx
- snlen
- Length of generated shortnames
- suppresswhite
- (0/1) No whitespace in generated shortnames
- logpoint
- (0/1) Create waypoints from geocache log entries
- urlbase
- Base URL for link tag in output
- gpxver
- Target GPX version for output
- humminbirdextensio
- (0/1) Add info (depth) as Humminbird extension
- garminextensions
- (0/1) Add info (depth) as Garmin extension
- hiketech
- HikeTech
- holux
- Holux (gm-100) .wpo Format
- m241-bin
- Holux M-241 (MTK based) Binary File Format
- csv
- MTK compatible CSV output file
- m241
- Holux M-241 (MTK based) download
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- erase_only
- (0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
- log_enable
- (0/1) Enable logging after download
- csv
- MTK compatible CSV output file
- block_size_kb
- Size of blocks in KB to request from device
- vpl
- Honda/Acura Navigation System VP Log File Format
- html
- HTML Output
- stylesheet
- Path to HTML style sheet
- encrypt
- (0/1) Encrypt hints using ROT13
- logs
- (0/1) Include groundspeak logs if present
- degformat
- Degrees output as 'ddd', 'dmm'(default) or 'dms'
- altunits
- Units for altitude (f)eet or (m)etres
- humminbird_ht
- Humminbird tracks (.ht)
- humminbird
- Humminbird waypoints and routes (.hwr)
- ignrando
- IGN Rando track files
- index
- Index of track to write (if more than one in sourc
- igoprimo_poi
- iGo Primo points of interest (.upoi)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- igo2008_poi
- iGO2008 points of interest (.upoi)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- igo8
- IGO8 .trk
- tracknum
- Track identification number
- title
- Track title
- description
- Track description
- jtr
- Jelbert GeoTagger data file
- jogmap
- XML format
- kompass_tk
- Kompass (DAV) Track (.tk)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- kompass_wp
- Kompass (DAV) Waypoints (.wp)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- psitrex
- KuDaTa PsiTrex text
- lowranceusr
- Lowrance USR
- ignoreicons
- (0/1) Ignore event marker icons on read
- writeasicons
- (0/1) Treat waypoints as icons on write
- merge
- (0/1) (USR output) Merge into one segmented track
- break
- (0/1) (USR input) Break segments into separate tracks
- wversion
- (USR output) Write version
- lowranceusr4
- Lowrance USR version 4
- title
- (output) Output title string
- serialnum
- (output) Device serial number
- description
- (output) Content description
- maggeo
- Magellan Explorist Geocaching
- mapsend
- Magellan Mapsend
- trkver
- MapSend version TRK file to generate (3,4)
- magellanx
- Magellan SD files (as for eXplorist)
- deficon
- Default icon name
- maxcmts
- Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)
- magellan
- Magellan SD files (as for Meridian)
- deficon
- Default icon name
- maxcmts
- Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)
- magellan
- Magellan serial protocol
- deficon
- Default icon name
- maxcmts
- Max number of comments to write (maxcmts=200)
- baud
- Numeric value of bitrate (baud=4800)
- noack
- (0/1) Suppress use of handshaking in name of speed
- nukewpt
- (0/1) Delete all waypoints
- ik3d
- MagicMaps IK3D project file (.ikt)
- mainnav
- Mainnav
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- tef
- Map&Guide 'TourExchangeFormat' XML
- routevia
- (0/1) Include only via stations in route
- mapasia_tr7
- MapAsia track file (.tr7)
- mapbar
- Mapbar (China) navigation track for Sonim Xp3300
- mapfactor
- Mapfactor Navigator
- mapconverter
- Mapconverter CSV
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- mxf
- MapTech Exchange Format
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- mtk_locus
- MediaTek Locus
- baudrate
- Speed in bits per second of serial port (autodetec
- download
- (0/1) Download logged fixes
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- status
- (0/1) Show device status
- enable
- (0/1) Enable logging after download
- mmo
- Memory-Map Navigator overlay files (.mmo)
- locked
- (0/1) Write items 'locked' [default no]
- visible
- (0/1) Write items 'visible' [default yes]
- ver
- Write files with internal version [n]
- s_and_t
- Microsoft Streets and Trips 2002-2007
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- miniHomer
- MiniHomer, a skyTraq Venus 6 based logger (downloa
- baud
- Baud rate used for download
- dump-file
- Dump raw data to this file
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- first-sector
- First sector to be read from the device
- initbaud
- Baud rate used to init device (0=autodetect)
- last-sector
- Last sector to be read from the device (-1: smart
- no-output
- (0/1) Disable output (useful with erase)
- read-at-once
- Number of sectors to read at once (0=use single se
- Home
- POI for Home Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
- Car
- POI for Car Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
- Boat
- POI for Boat Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
- Heart
- POI for Heart Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
- Bar
- POI for Bar Symbol as lat:lng[:alt]
- garmin_xt
- Mobile Garmin XT Track files
- ftype
- Garmin Mobile XT ([ATRK]/STRK) (required)
- trk_header
- Track name processing option ([0]-nrm/1-ign)
- motoactv
- Motoactiv CSV
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- bcr
- Motorrad Routenplaner (Map&Guide) .bcr files
- index
- Index of route to write (if more than one in sourc
- name
- New name for the route
- radius
- Radius of our big earth (default 6371000 meters)
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- mtk-bin
- MTK Logger (iBlue 747,...) Binary File Format
- csv
- MTK compatible CSV output file
- mtk
- MTK Logger (iBlue 747,Qstarz BT-1000,...) download
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- erase_only
- (0/1) Only erase device data, do not download anything
- log_enable
- (0/1) Enable logging after download
- csv
- MTK compatible CSV output file
- block_size_kb
- Size of blocks in KB to request from device
- mynav
- MyNav TRC format
- tpg
- National Geographic Topo .tpg (waypoints)
- datum
- Datum (default=NAD27)
- tpo2
- National Geographic Topo 2.x .tpo
- tpo3
- National Geographic Topo 3.x/4.x .tpo
- navicache
- noretired
- (0/1) Suppress retired geocaches
- nmn4
- Navigon Mobile Navigator .rte files
- index
- Index of route to write (if more than one in sourc
- navigonwpt
- Navigon Waypoints
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- navilink
- NaviGPS GT-11/BGT-11 Download
- nuketrk
- (0/1) Delete all track points
- nukerte
- (0/1) Delete all routes
- nukewpt
- (0/1) Delete all waypoints
- nukedlg
- (0/1) Clear the datalog
- datalog
- (0/1) Read from datalogger buffer
- power_off
- (0/1) Command unit to power itself down
- sbp
- NaviGPS GT-31/BGT-31 datalogger (.sbp)
- sbn
- NaviGPS GT-31/BGT-31 SiRF binary logfile (.sbn)
- naviguide
- Naviguide binary route file (.twl)
- output
- 'wp' - Create waypoint file , 'rte' - Create route
- reorder
- 'n' - Keep the existing wp name, 'y' - rename wayp
- navitel_trk
- Navitel binary track (.bin)
- dna
- Navitrak DNA marker format
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- netstumbler
- NetStumbler Summary File (text)
- nseicon
- Non-stealth encrypted icon name
- nsneicon
- Non-stealth non-encrypted icon name
- seicon
- Stealth encrypted icon name
- sneicon
- Stealth non-encrypted icon name
- snmac
- (0/1) Shortname is MAC address
- nima
- NIMA/GNIS Geographic Names File
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- nmea
- NMEA 0183 sentences
- snlen
- Max length of waypoint name to write
- gprmc
- (0/1) Read/write GPRMC sentences
- gpgga
- (0/1) Read/write GPGGA sentences
- gpvtg
- (0/1) Read/write GPVTG sentences
- gpgsa
- (0/1) Read/write GPGSA sentences
- date
- Complete date-free tracks with given date (YYYYMMD
- get_posn
- (0/1) Return current position as a waypoint
- pause
- Decimal seconds to pause between groups of strings
- append_positioning
- (0/1) Append realtime positioning data to the output fil
- baud
- Speed in bits per second of serial port (baud=4800
- gisteq
- (0/1) Write tracks for Gisteq Phototracker
- ignore_fix
- (0/1) Accept position fixes in gpgga marked invalid
- lmx
- Nokia Landmark Exchange
- binary
- (0/1) Compact binary representation
- osm
- OpenStreetMap data files
- tag
- Write additional way tag key/value pairs
- tagnd
- Write additional node tag key/value pairs
- created_by
- Use this value as custom created_by value
- ozi
- OziExplorer
- pack
- (0/1) Write all tracks into one file
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- wptfgcolor
- Waypoint foreground color
- wptbgcolor
- Waypoint background color
- proximity
- Proximity distance
- altunit
- Unit used in altitude values
- proxunit
- Unit used in proximity values
- pocketfms_bc
- PocketFMS breadcrumbs
- pocketfms_fp
- PocketFMS flightplan (.xml)
- pocketfms_wp
- PocketFMS waypoints (.txt)
- raymarine
- Raymarine Waypoint File (.rwf)
- location
- Default location
- ricoh
- Ricoh GPS Log File
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- cup
- See You flight analysis data
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- skyforce
- Skymap / KMD150 ascii files
- skytraq
- SkyTraq Venus based loggers (download)
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- targetlocation
- Set location finder target location as lat,lng
- configlog
- Configure logging parameter as tmin:tmax:dmin:dmax
- baud
- Baud rate used for download
- initbaud
- Baud rate used to init device (0=autodetect)
- read-at-once
- Number of sectors to read at once (0=use single se
- first-sector
- First sector to be read from the device
- last-sector
- Last sector to be read from the device (-1: smart
- dump-file
- Dump raw data to this file
- no-output
- (0/1) Disable output (useful with erase)
- skytraq-bin
- SkyTraq Venus based loggers Binary File Format
- first-sector
- First sector to be read from the file
- last-sector
- Last sector to be read from the file (-1: read til
- subrip
- SubRip subtitles for video mapping (.srt)
- video_time
- Video position for which exact GPS time is known (
- gps_time
- GPS time at position video_time (hhmmss, default i
- gps_date
- GPS date at position video_time (hhmmss, default i
- format
- Format for subtitles
- stmsdf
- Suunto Trek Manager (STM) .sdf files
- index
- Index of route (if more than one in source)
- stmwpp
- Suunto Trek Manager (STM) WaypointPlus files
- index
- Index of route/track to write (if more than one in
- xol
- Swiss Map 25/50/100 (.xol)
- openoffice
- Tab delimited fields useful for OpenOffice, Plotic
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- teletype
- Teletype [ Get Jonathon Johnson to describe
- text
- Textual Output
- nosep
- (0/1) Suppress separator lines between waypoints
- encrypt
- (0/1) Encrypt hints using ROT13
- logs
- (0/1) Include groundspeak logs if present
- degformat
- Degrees output as 'ddd', 'dmm'(default) or 'dms'
- altunits
- Units for altitude (f)eet or (m)etres
- splitoutput
- (0/1) Write each waypoint in a separate file
- tomtom_itn
- TomTom Itineraries (.itn)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- tomtom_itn_places
- TomTom Places Itineraries (.itn)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- tomtom_asc
- TomTom POI file (.asc)
- snlen
- Max synthesized shortname length
- snwhite
- (0/1) Allow whitespace synth. shortnames
- snupper
- (0/1) UPPERCASE synth. shortnames
- snunique
- (0/1) Make synth. shortnames unique
- urlbase
- Basename prepended to URL on output
- prefer_shortnames
- (0/1) Use shortname instead of description
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- tomtom
- TomTom POI file (.ov2)
- tmpro
- TopoMapPro Places File
- dmtlog
- TrackLogs digital mapping (.trl)
- index
- Index of track (if more than one in source)
- tiger
- U.S. Census Bureau Tiger Mapping Service
- nolabels
- (0/1) Suppress labels on generated pins
- genurl
- Generate file with lat/lon for centering map
- margin
- Margin for map. Degrees or percentage
- snlen
- Max shortname length when used with -s
- oldthresh
- Days after which points are considered old
- oldmarker
- Marker type for old points
- newmarker
- Marker type for new points
- suppresswhite
- (0/1) Suppress whitespace in generated shortnames
- unfoundmarker
- Marker type for unfound points
- xpixels
- Width in pixels of map
- ypixels
- Height in pixels of map
- iconismarker
- (0/1) The icon description is already the marker
- unicsv
- Universal csv with field structure in first line
- datum
- GPS datum (def. WGS 84)
- grid
- Write position using this grid.
- utc
- Write timestamps with offset x to UTC time
- format
- (0/1) Write name(s) of format(s) from input session(s)
- filename
- (0/1) Write filename(s) from input session(s)
- fields
- Name and order of input fields, separated by '+'
- vcard
- Vcard Output (for iPod)
- encrypt
- (0/1) Encrypt hints using ROT13
- vidaone
- VidaOne GPS for Pocket PC (.gpb)
- ver
- Version of VidaOne file to read or write (1 or 2)
- vitosmt
- Vito Navigator II tracks
- vitovtt
- Vito SmartMap tracks (.vtt)
- wfff
- WiFiFoFum 2.0 for PocketPC XML
- aicicon
- Infrastructure closed icon name
- aioicon
- Infrastructure open icon name
- ahcicon
- Ad-hoc closed icon name
- ahoicon
- Ad-hoc open icon name
- snmac
- (0/1) Shortname is MAC address
- wintec_tes
- Wintec TES file
- wbt-bin
- Wintec WBT-100/200 Binary File Format
- wbt
- Wintec WBT-100/200 GPS Download
- erase
- (0/1) Erase device data after download
- wbt-tk1
- Wintec WBT-201/G-Rays 2 Binary File Format
- itracku
- XAiOX iTrackU Logger
- backup
- Appends the input to a backup file
- new
- Only waypoints that are not the backup file
- itracku-bin
- XAiOX iTrackU Logger Binary File Format
- backup
- Appends the input to a backup file
- new
- Only waypoints that are not the backup file
- yahoo
- Yahoo Geocode API data
- addrsep
- String to separate concatenated address fields (de
Supported data filters:¶
- arc
- Include Only Points Within Distance of Arc
- file
- File containing vertices of arc
- rte
- Route(s) are vertices of arc
- trk
- Track(s) are vertices of arc
- distance
- Maximum distance from arc (required)
- exclude
- Exclude points close to the arc
- points
- Use distance from vertices not lines
- project
- Move waypoints to its projection on lines or verti
- bend
- Add points before and after bends in routes
- distance
- Distance to the bend in meters where the new point
- minangle
- Minimum bend angle in degrees
- discard
- Remove unreliable points with high hdop or vdop
- hdop
- Suppress points with higher hdop
- vdop
- Suppress points with higher vdop
- hdopandvdop
- Link hdop and vdop supression with AND
- sat
- Minimium sats to keep points
- fixnone
- Suppress points without fix
- fixunknown
- Suppress points with unknown fix
- elemin
- Suppress points below given elevation in meters
- elemax
- Suppress points above given elevation in meters
- matchname
- Suppress points where name matches given name
- matchdesc
- Suppress points where description matches given na
- matchcmt
- Suppress points where comment matches given name
- matchicon
- Suppress points where type matches given name
- duplicate
- Remove Duplicates
- shortname
- Suppress duplicate waypoints based on name
- location
- Suppress duplicate waypoint based on coords
- all
- Suppress all instances of duplicates
- correct
- Use coords from duplicate points
- interpolate
- Interpolate between trackpoints
- time
- Time interval in seconds
- distance
- Distance interval in miles or kilometers
- route
- Interpolate routes instead
- nuketypes
- Remove all waypoints, tracks, or routes
- waypoints
- Remove all waypoints from data stream
- tracks
- Remove all tracks from data stream
- routes
- Remove all routes from data stream
- polygon
- Include Only Points Inside Polygon
- file
- File containing vertices of polygon (required)
- exclude
- Exclude points inside the polygon
- position
- Remove Points Within Distance
- distance
- Maximum positional distance (required)
- all
- Suppress all points close to other points
- time
- Maximum time in seconds beetween two points (required)
- radius
- Include Only Points Within Radius
- lat
- Latitude for center point (D.DDDDD) (required)
- lon
- Longitude for center point (D.DDDDD) (required)
- distance
- Maximum distance from center (required)
- exclude
- Exclude points close to center
- nosort
- Inhibit sort by distance to center
- maxcount
- Output no more than this number of points
- asroute
- Put resulting waypoints in route of this name
- simplify
- Simplify routes
- count
- Maximum number of points in route
- error
- Maximum error
- crosstrack
- Use cross-track error (default)
- length
- Use arclength error
- relative
- Use relative error
- sort
- Rearrange waypoints by resorting
- gcid
- Sort by numeric geocache ID
- shortname
- Sort by waypoint short name
- description
- Sort by waypoint description
- time
- Sort by time
- stack
- Save and restore waypoint lists
- push
- Push waypoint list onto stack
- pop
- Pop waypoint list from stack
- swap
- Swap waypoint list with <depth> item on stack
- copy
- (push) Copy waypoint list
- append
- (pop) Append list
- discard
- (pop) Discard top of stack
- replace
- (pop) Replace list (default)
- depth
- (swap) Item to use (default=1)
- reverse
- Reverse stops within routes
- track
- Manipulate track lists
- move
- Correct trackpoint timestamps by a delta
- pack
- Pack all tracks into one
- split
- Split by date or time interval (see README)
- sdistance
- Split by distance
- merge
- Merge multiple tracks for the same way
- name
- Use only track(s) where title matches given name
- start
- Use only track points after this timestamp
- stop
- Use only track points before this timestamp
- title
- Basic title for new track(s)
- fix
- Synthesize GPS fixes (PPS, DGPS, 3D, 2D, NONE)
- course
- Synthesize course
- speed
- Synthesize speed
- seg2trk
- Split track at segment boundaries into multiple tr
- trk2seg
- Merge tracks inserting segment separators at bound
- segment
- segment tracks with abnormally long gaps
- faketime
- Add specified timestamp to each trackpoint
- discard
- Discard track points without timestamps during mer
- minimum_points
- Discard tracks with fewer than these points
- transform
- Transform waypoints into a route, tracks into rout
- wpt
- Transform track(s) or route(s) into waypoint(s) [R
- rte
- Transform waypoint(s) or track(s) into route(s) [W
- trk
- Transform waypoint(s) or route(s) into tracks(s) [
- rptdigits
- Number of digits in generated names
- rptname
- Use source name for route point names
- del
- Delete source data after transformation
- height
- Manipulate altitudes
- add
- Adds a constant value to every altitude (meter, ap
- wgs84tomsl
- Converts WGS84 ellipsoidal height to orthometric h
- swap
- Swap latitude and longitude of all loaded points
- validate
- Validate internal data structures
- checkempty
- Check for empty input
- debug
- Output debug messages instead of possibly issuing
Detailed lists of filters and formats are given in the doc at