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IMPUT(1p) | Internet Message commands | IMPUT(1p) |
imput - put mail/news message into networksSYNOPSIS¶
The imput command dispatches mail/news message by way of SMTP/NNTP.This command is provided by IM (Internet Message).
- With UCB Mail
- Define "sendmail" environment variable with value "imput".
- With Mew 1.x
- Eval (setq mew-prog-imput "imput").
- With MH
- Define sendproc in ~/.mh_profile like "sendproc: imput".
- With sendmail.el (if you are using VM or ...)
- Eval (setq sendmail-program "imput").
- With mh-e (4 or later)
- Eval (setq mh-send-prog "imput").
- With pine
- Define "sendmail-path" in ~/.pinerc, for example:
sendmail-path=/usr/local/bin/imput -Report -ObeyHeader -IgnoreDot
- With applications which use sendmail
- Replace sendmail to this program but if daemon sendmail is required, original sendmail should be renamed to sendmail.bin or something else for starting daemon mode sendmail and for newaliasing.
- With applications which use inews
- Header generation by command line option not supported.
- --version
- Output version information and exit.
- --help
- Display help message and exit.
- --debug={on,off}
- Set all debug options.
- --debugflag=DEBUG_OPTION
- Set specific debug options (separated with ',').
- --verbose={on,off}
- Print verbose messages when running.
- --require=STRING
- User defined perl script to be required.
- --smtpservers=STRING
- List of SMTP servers (separated with ',').
Each element should be server[/remote_port][%local_port]
- --emgsmtpsvrs=STRING
- List of SMTP servers for Emergency Use (i.e. error reporting).
- --trynextonfatal={on,off}
- Try next SMTP server evenif permanent failure.
- --nntpservers=STRING
- List of NNTP servers (separated with ',').
Each element should be server[/remote_port][%local_port]
- --nntpauthuser=STRING
- User name for NNTP authentication.
- --clientname=STRING
- Name as a SMTP client (used for SMTP HELO).
- --sshserver=STRING
- SSH port relay server.
- --obeymtadomain={on,off}
- Do not qualify local addresses with default domain.
- --fromdomain=STRING
- Default domain name for sender.
- --todomain=STRING
- Default domain name for recipients.
- --msgiduser=STRING
- A user name for Message-Id generation.
- --msgiddomain=STRING
- A domain name for Message-Id generation.
- --nomsgidfornews=STRING
- Strip Message-Id when posting to news system.
- --user=STRING
- Local part of the sender address.
- --address=STRING
- Address used in From: header; equivalent to User@FromDomain
- --name=STRING
- Commentary name for sender.
- --nameincomment={on,off}
- Show commentary name in () on From: header.
- --org=STRING
- Name of organization for news posting.
- --subj=STRING
- A string for subject field.
- --nscmpl={on,off}
- Use domain-part completion with nameserver.
- --showrcpts={on,off}
- Allow to show recipients in header as To: if no To: in original.
- --metoo={on,off}
- Request DCC to me.
- --dcc=STRING
- Supplemental DCC address.
- --fcc=STRING
- Folder name to save FCC.
- --receipt={on,off}
- Need a report of successful delivery.
- --group=STRING
- Newsgroup names to be posted in.
- --jpconv={on,off}
- Convert japanese character encoding from EUC/SJIS to JIS.
- --defcode=STRING
- Default classification of japanese character code (EUC/SJIS/8BIT). Default value is "8bit".
- --jpheader={on,off}
- Encode japanese JIS characters to MIME style at header. Default value is "on".
- --hdrqencoding={on,off}
- Header encoding type: 0 is B; 1 is Q.
- --nohdrfolding={on,off}
- Do not fold long header lines.
- --sortheader=STRING
- Header sequence for sorting (labels separated with ',').
- --8to7={on,off}
- Convert 8bit body to 7bit by base64/quoted-printable encoding.
- --8bitlabel=STRING
- Sub-type label for unknown 8bit body on Content-Type:. Default value is "unknown-8bit".
- --lines=NUM
- Line numbers for splitting into partial messages.
- --sleep=NUM
- Sleep interval for dispatching each splitted messages. Default value is 10.
- --log=STRING
- File name to write delivery log. Default value is "putlog".
- --syslog={on,off}
- Use SYSLOG feature instead of writing to a file directly.
- --report={on,off}
- Report errors via mail. Default value is "on".
- --msgid={on,off}
- Generate Message-Id header line. Default value is "on".
- --pidmsgid={on,off}
- Generate Message-Id with Process ID.
- --uidmsgid={on,off}
- Generate Message-Id with User ID instead of login name.
- --date={on,off}
- Generate Date header line. Default value is "on".
- --newsgmtdate={on,off}
- Generate date field in GMT for posting news.
- --uselines={on,off}
- Generate Lines header line. Default value is "on".
- --aliasesfile=STRING
- List of files for mail address aliasing. Default value is "Aliases".
- --addrbook=STRING
- List of Addrbook files.
- --hostaliases=STRING
- List of files for domain part completion.
- --fccpartial={on,off}
- Save FCC with partial format.
- --dead=STRING
- Path of file to save unsent message as a deadletter. Default value is "dead.letter".
- --justqueuing={on,off}
- Just store message into queue without attempt of delivery.
- --queuing={on,off}
- Store message into queue on delivery failure.
- --processqueue={on,off}
- Process queued messages.
- --queuestatus={on,off}
- Show list of queued messages.
- --folder=STRING
- Path of draft folder directory.
- --mimebcc={on,off}
- Use MIME (message/rfc822) style BCC. Default value is "on".
- --trashmark=STRING
- Prefix character for draft message file renaming. Default value is "#".
- --preserve={on,off}
- Preserve draft message as is even if dispatched successfully.
- --message=STRING
- Path/name of draft message.
- --pgpsign={on,off}
- Generate PGP signature for body-part.
- --multipartadd=STRING,STRING...
- Path/name of message to be added as a part of multipart message.
- --filenameadd={on,off}
- Add filename field at Content-Disposition header.
- --smtp={on,off}
- Perform SMTP style input mode.
- --annotate={on,off}
- Annotate on the parent message (MsgDB required).
- --dist={on,off}
- Redistribution mode (using Resent-*:).
- --distmsg=STRING
- Path of message for redistribution.
- --obeyheader={on,off}
- Collect recipients from message header.
- --ignoredot={on,off}
- Ignore DOT for message termination.
- --newscheck={on,off}
- No news posting if To, Cc header found evenif Newsgroups: exists.
- --esmtp={on,off}
- Enforce ESMTP (always begins with EHLO).
- --newspost={on,off}
- Enable NNTP. Default value is "on".
- --addheader=STRING,STRING...
- Header lines to be added.
For compatibility with the send command (provided by MH/nmh):
-mime -nomime -msgid -nomsgid -watch -nowatch -verbose -noverbose -draftmessage=<string> -draftf=<string> -draftfolder=<string> -nodraftfolder -draftm=<string> -draft -alias=<string> -aliasesfile=<string> -filter=<string> -nofilter -format -noformat -forward -noforward -push -nopush -width=<num> -split=<num> -version -help -hencode -nohencode -library=<string> -server=<string> -client=<string> -bs -f=<string> -t -v -odb -odi -oem -oi -i -om -m -odq -q -bp -J -h -s=<string>
IM (Internet Message) is copyrighted by IM developing team. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the modified BSD license. See the copyright file for more details.2016-10-10 | IM153 |