pspaint(3U) | InterViews Reference Manual | pspaint(3U) |
PSBrush, PSColor, PSFont, PSPattern - graphics state objects with added PostScript informationSYNOPSIS¶
#include <Unidraw/Graphic/pspaint.h>DESCRIPTION¶
PSBrush, PSColor, PSFont, and PSPattern are subclasses of Brush, Color, Font, and Pattern, respectively, that store added information needed to generate idraw-compatible PostScript. Unidraw's structured graphics objects use these subclasses exclusively.PSBRUSH PUBLIC OPERATIONS¶
- PSBrush()
- PSBrush(int pattern, int width)
- Create an undefined PSBrush (the parameterless constructor) or one having the specified line pattern and width. Structured graphics having an undefined brush will not render their stroked portions.
- int GetLinePattern()
- int Width()
- Return constructor-specified brush parameters.
- boolean None()
- Return true if this is an undefined brush.
- const int* GetDashPattern()
- int GetDashPatternSize()
- int GetDashOffset()
- Return values required to characterize the brush in PostScript. The equivalent PostScript dash pattern is computed from the brush's line pattern.
- void CalcDashPat(int)
- Compute the equivalent PostScript dash pattern from the line pattern specified in the constructor.
- PSColor(
- Color_Intensity, Color_Intensity, Color_Intensity,
- const char* name
- )
Create a PSColor, supplying color intensity information and a name to associate with the intensities. The name is used solely to generate idraw-compatible PostScript.
- PSFont(
- const char* name, const char* PS_name, const char* PS_size
- )
Construct a PSFont, supplying the window-system-specified font name and the corresponding PostScript font name and its size. - const char* GetName()
- const char* GetPrintFont()
- const char* GetPrintSize()
- const char* GetPrintFontAndSize()
- Return constructor-supplied parameters. GetPrintFontAndSize returns the concatenation of the PostScript font name and its size, with a space interposed for legibility.
- int GetLineHt()
- Return an integer version of the PostScript font's size (as supplied to the constructor).
- PSPattern()
- PSPattern(int dither, float graylevel)
- PSPattern(const int* pattern, int)
- Create an undefined PSPattern (the parameterless constructor), or one having specific dither and graylevel values, or one that replicates a pattern defined by the given array. Structured graphics having an undefined pattern will not render their filled portions.
- boolean None()
- Return true if this is an undefined pattern.
- float GetGrayLevel()
- Return the graylevel that the pattern approximates, if one was specified in the constructor.
- const int* GetData()
- int GetSize()
- Return the array that defines the replicated pattern and its size, if the pattern was constructed with one.
idraw(1I), pspaint(3I), and the InterViews 3.1 reference manual2 February 1991 | Unidraw |