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Kcheckers |
kcheckers - Checkers boardgame.
kcheckers kcheckers is a Qt version of the classic boardgame
"checkers", also known as
"draughts". It has the following features:
* Built-in checkers engine.
* Beginner, Novice, Average, Good, Expert and Master levels of skill.
* Several themes of the board.
* Portable Draughts Notation database format support.
* Saving, loading and restarting of game.
* Auto change of the men's color.
* Multiple Undos/Redos.
* Optional numeration of the board.
* Internationalization support (English, German, Russian and French).
kcheckers was written Andi Peredri <> and Artur Wiebe
<> and is released under the conditions of the GNU General
Public License. For further details see the application's "About"
dialog or the file LICENSE supplied with the source code.