Apache::Session::Oracle - An implementation of Apache::Session
use Apache::Session::Oracle;
#if you want Apache::Session to open new DB handles:
tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $id, {
DataSource => 'dbi:Oracle:sessions',
UserName => $db_user,
Password => $db_pass,
Commit => 1
#or, if your handles are already opened:
tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $id, {
Handle => $dbh,
Commit => 1
This module is an implementation of Apache::Session. It uses the Oracle backing
store and no locking. See the example, and the documentation for
Apache::Session::Store::Oracle for more details.
The special Apache::Session argument for this module is Commit. You MUST provide
the Commit argument, which instructs this module to either commit the
transaction when it is finished, or to simply do nothing. This feature is
provided so that this module will not have adverse interactions with your
local transaction policy, nor your local database handle caching policy. The
argument is mandatory in order to make you think about this problem.
This module also respects the LongReadLen argument, which
specifies the maximum size of the session object. If not specified, the
default maximum is 8 KB.
This module was written by Jeffrey William Baker <>.
Apache::Session::File, Apache::Session::Flex, Apache::Session::DB_File,
Apache::Session::Postgres, Apache::Session