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Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL(3pm) |
use Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL; use Bio::SearchIO; # 3 methods to input the blast results # straight forward raw blast output (NCBI or WU-BLAST) my @params = ('inputtype'=>'blastfile'); # OR # markov program format # protein_id1 protein_id2 evalue_magnitude evalue_factor # for example: # proteins ENSP00000257547 and ENSP00000261659 # with a blast score evalue of 1e-50 # and proteins O42187 and ENSP00000257547 # with a blast score evalue of 1e-119 # entry would be my @array = [[qw(ENSP00000257547 ENSP00000261659 1 50)], [qw(O42187 ENSP00000257547 1 119)]]; my @params = ('pairs'=>\@array,I=>'2.0'); # OR # pass in a searchio object # slowest of the 3 methods as it does more rigourous parsing # than required for us here my $sio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format=>'blast', -file=>'blast.out'); my @params=('inputtype'=>'searchio',I=>'2.0'); # you can specify the path to the executable manually in the following way my @params=('inputtype'=>'blastfile',I=>'2.0', 'mcl'=>'/home/shawn/software/mcl-02-150/src/shmcl/mcl', 'matrix'=>'/home/shawn/software/mcl-02-150/src/contrib/tribe/tribe-matrix'); my $fact = Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL->new(@params); # OR $fact->matrix_executable('/home/shawn/software/mcl-02-150/src/contrib/tribe/tribe-matrix'); $fact->mcl_executable('/home/shawn/software/mcl-02-150/src/shmcl/mcl'); # to run my $fact = Bio::Tools::Run::TribeMCL->new(@params); # Run the program # returns an array reference to clusters where members are the ids # for example :2 clusters with 3 members per cluster: # $fam = [ [mem1 mem2 mem3],[mem1 mem2 mem3]] # pass in either the blastfile path/searchio obj/the array ref to scores my $fam = $fact->run($sio); # print out your clusters for (my $i = 0; $i <scalar(@{$fam}); $i++){ print "Cluster $i \t ".scalar(@{$fam->[$i]})." members\n"; foreach my $member (@{$fam->[$i]}){ print "\t$member\n"; } }
TribeMCL is a method for clustering proteins into related groups, which are termed 'protein families'. This clustering is achieved by analysing similarity patterns between proteins in a given dataset, and using these patterns to assign proteins into related groups. In many cases, proteins in the same protein family will have similar functional properties.TribeMCL uses a novel clustering method (Markov Clustering or MCL) which solves problems which normally hinder protein sequence clustering.
Enright A.J., Van Dongen S., Ouzounis C.A; Nucleic Acids Res. 30(7):1575-1584 (2002)
You will need tribe-matrix (the program used to generate the matrix for input into mcl) and mcl (the clustering software) available at: or
Future Work in this module: Port the tribe-matrix program into perl so that we can enable have a SearchIO kinda module for reading and writing mcl data format
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Reporting Bugs¶
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:
AUTHOR - Shawn Hoon¶
Email shawnh@fugu-sg.orgAPPENDIX¶
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a "_".mcl_executable¶
Title : mcl_executable Usage : $self->mcl_executable() Function: get set for path to mcl executable Returns : String or undef if not installed Args : [optional] string of path to executable [optional] boolean to warn on missing executable status
Title : matrix_executable Usage : $self->matrix_executable() Function: get set for path to tribe-matrix executable Returns : String or undef if not installed Args : [optional] string of path to executable [optional] boolean to warn on missing executable status
Title : run Usage : $self->run() Function: runs the clustering Returns : Array Ref of clustered Ids Args :
Title : _run_mcl Usage : $self->_run_mcl() Function: internal function for running the mcl program Returns : Array Ref of clustered Ids Args : Index_file name, matrix input file name
Title : _run_matrix Usage : $self->_run_matrix() Function: internal function for running the tribe-matrix program Returns : index filepath and matrix file path Args : filepath of parsed ids and scores
Title : _setup_input Usage : $self->_setup_input() Function: internal function for running setting up the inputs needed for running mcl Returns : filepath of parsed ids and scores Args :
Title : _get_from_hsp Usage : $self->_get_from_hsp() Function: internal function for getting blast scores from hsp Returns : array ref to ids and score [protein1 protein2 magnitude factor] Args : L<Bio::Search::HSP::GenericHSP>
Title : _get_from_searchio Usage : $self->_get_from_searchio() Function: internal function for parsing blast scores from searchio object Returns : array ref to ids and score [protein1 protein2 magnitude factor] Args : L<Bio::Tools::SearchIO>
Title : _parse_blastfile Usage : $self->_parse_blastfile() Function: internal function for quickly parsing blast evalue scores from raw blast output file Returns : array ref to ids and score [protein1 protein2 magnitude factor] Args : file path
Title : _parse_mcl Usage : $self->_parse_mcl() Function: internal function for quickly parsing mcl output and generating the array of clusters Returns : Array Ref of clustered Ids Args : index file path, mcl output file path
2018-09-14 | perl v5.26.2 |