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Moose::Cookbook::Meta::GlobRef_InstanceMetaclass(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Moose::Cookbook::Meta::GlobRef_InstanceMetaclass(3pm) |
Moose::Cookbook::Meta::GlobRef_InstanceMetaclass - Creating a glob reference meta-instance classVERSION¶
version 2.2011SYNOPSIS¶
package My::Meta::Instance; use Scalar::Util qw( weaken ); use Symbol qw( gensym ); use Moose::Role; sub create_instance { my $self = shift; my $sym = gensym(); bless $sym, $self->_class_name; } sub clone_instance { my ( $self, $instance ) = @_; my $new_sym = gensym(); %{*$new_sym} = %{*$instance}; bless $new_sym, $self->_class_name; } sub get_slot_value { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; return *$instance->{$slot_name}; } sub set_slot_value { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name, $value ) = @_; *$instance->{$slot_name} = $value; } sub deinitialize_slot { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; delete *$instance->{$slot_name}; } sub is_slot_initialized { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; exists *$instance->{$slot_name}; } sub weaken_slot_value { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; weaken *$instance->{$slot_name}; } sub inline_create_instance { my ( $self, $class_variable ) = @_; return 'do { my $sym = Symbol::gensym(); bless $sym, ' . $class_variable . ' }'; } sub inline_slot_access { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; return '*{' . $instance . '}->{' . $slot_name . '}'; } package MyApp::User; use Moose; Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles( for => __PACKAGE__, class_metaroles => { instance => ['My::Meta::Instance'], }, ); has 'name' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', ); has 'email' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', );
This recipe shows how to build your own meta-instance. The meta instance is the metaclass that creates object instances and helps manages access to attribute slots.In this example, we're creating a meta-instance that is based on a glob reference rather than a hash reference. This example is largely based on the Piotr Roszatycki's MooseX::GlobRef module.
Our extension is a role which will be applied to Moose::Meta::Instance, which creates hash reference based objects. We need to override all the methods which make assumptions about the object's data structure.
The first method we override is "create_instance":
sub create_instance { my $self = shift; my $sym = gensym(); bless $sym, $self->_class_name; }
This returns an glob reference which has been blessed into our meta-instance's associated class.
We also override "clone_instance" to create a new array reference:
sub clone_instance { my ( $self, $instance ) = @_; my $new_sym = gensym(); %{*$new_sym} = %{*$instance}; bless $new_sym, $self->_class_name; }
After that, we have a series of methods which mediate access to the object's slots (attributes are stored in "slots"). In the default instance class, these expect the object to be a hash reference, but we need to change this to expect a glob reference instead.
sub get_slot_value { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; *$instance->{$slot_name}; }
This level of indirection probably makes our instance class slower than the default. However, when attribute access is inlined, this lookup will be cached:
sub inline_slot_access { my ( $self, $instance, $slot_name ) = @_; return '*{' . $instance . '}->{' . $slot_name . '}'; }
The code snippet that the "inline_slot_access" method returns will get "eval"'d once per attribute.
Finally, we use this meta-instance in our "MyApp::User" class:
Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles( for => __PACKAGE__, class_metaroles => { instance => ['My::Meta::Instance'], }, );
We actually don't recommend the use of Moose::Util::MetaRole directly in your class in most cases. Typically, this would be provided by a Moose::Exporter-based module which handles applying the role for you.
This recipe shows how to create your own meta-instance class. It's unlikely that you'll need to do this yourself, but it's interesting to take a peek at how Moose works under the hood.SEE ALSO¶
There are a few meta-instance class extensions on CPAN:- MooseX::Singleton
This module extends the instance class in order to ensure that the object is a singleton. The instance it uses is still a blessed hash reference.
- MooseX::GlobRef
This module makes the instance a blessed glob reference. This lets you use a handle as an object instance.
- Stevan Little <>
- Dave Rolsky <>
- Jesse Luehrs <>
- Shawn M Moore <>
- יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <>
- Karen Etheridge <>
- Florian Ragwitz <>
- Hans Dieter Pearcey <>
- Chris Prather <>
- Matt S Trout <>
This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
2018-11-02 | perl v5.28.0 |