MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base(3pm) |
MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base - A set of basic Moose-like types for MooSYNOPSIS¶
package MyPackage; use Moo; use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base qw(:all); has "beers_by_day_of_week" => ( isa => HashRef ); has "current_BAC" => ( isa => Num ); # Also supporting is_$type. For example, is_Int() can be used as follows has 'legal_age' => ( is => 'ro', isa => sub { die "$_[0] is not of legal age" unless (is_Int($_[0]) && $_[0] > 17) }, );
Moo attributes (like Moose) have an 'isa' property. This module provides some basic types for this property. One can import all types with ':all' tag or import a list of types like:use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base qw/HashRef ArrayRef/;
so one could then declare some attributes like:
has 'contact' => ( is => 'ro', isa => HashRef, ); has 'guest_list' => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayRef[HashRef], );
These types provide a check that the contact attribute is a "hash" reference, and that the guest_list is an "array of hash" references.
TYPES (1st class functions - return a coderef)¶
Any type (test is always true)Item¶
Synonymous with Any typeUndef¶
A type that is not definedDefined¶
A type that is definedBool¶
A boolean 1|0 typeValue¶
A non-reference typeRef¶
A reference typeStr¶
A non-reference type where a reference to it is a SCALARNum¶
A number typeInt¶
An integer typeArrayRef¶
An ArrayRef (ARRAY) typeHashRef¶
A HashRef (HASH) typeCodeRef¶
A CodeRef (CODE) typeRegexpRef¶
A regular expression reference typeGlobRef¶
A glob reference typeFileHandle¶
A type that is either a builtin perl filehandle or an IO::Handle objectObject¶
A type that is an object (think blessed)PARAMETERIZED TYPES¶
Parameterizing Types With a Single Type¶
The following types can be parameterized with other types.ArrayRef
For example, ArrayRef[HashRef]
For example, Maybe[Int] would be an integer or undef
Parameterizing Types With Multiple Types¶
AnyOfCheck if the attribute is any of the listed types (think union). Takes a list of types as the argument, for example:
isa => AnyOf[Int, ArrayRef[Int], HashRef[Int]]
Note: AnyOf is passed an ArrayRef[CodeRef]
Check if the attribute is all of the listed types (think intersection). Takes a list of types as the argument. For example:
isa => AllOf[ InstanceOf['Human'], ConsumerOf['Air'], HasMethods['breath', 'dance'] ],
Parameterizing Types With (Multiple) Strings¶
In addition, we have some parameterized types that take string arguments.InstanceOf
Check if the attribute is an object instance of one or more classes. Uses "blessed" and "isa" to do so. Takes a list of class names as the argument. For example:
isa => InstanceOf['MyClass','MyOtherClass']
Note: InstanceOf is passed an ArrayRef[Str]
Check if the attribute is blessed and consumes one or more roles. Uses "blessed" and "does" to do so. Takes a list of role names as the arguments. For example:
isa => ConsumerOf['My::Role', 'My::AnotherRole']
Check if the attribute is blessed and has one or more methods. Uses "blessed" and "can" to do so. Takes a list of method names as the arguments. For example:
isa => HasMethods[qw/postulate contemplate liberate/]
Check if the attribute is one of the enumerated strings. Takes a list of possible string values. For example:
isa => Enum['rock', 'spock', 'paper', 'lizard', 'scissors']
MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric - an example of building subtypes.MooX::Types::SetObject - an example of building parameterized types.
MooX::Types::MooseLike::Email, MooX::Types::MooseLike::DateTime
Mateu Hunter ""THANKS¶
mst has provided critical guidance on the designCOPYRIGHT¶
Copyright 2011-2015 Mateu HunterLICENSE¶
You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.2015-06-26 | perl v5.20.2 |