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SURF2 - 2D interpolation for gridded dataSYNOPSIS¶
FUNCTION SURF2 (XX, YY, M, N, X, Y, Z, IZ, ZP, SIGMA)This function interpolates a surface value at a specified coordinate using bi-splines under tension. SURF1 must be called before invoking SURF2. The desired interpolated value is returned as the value of the function.
- XX
- (real, input) Contains the X coordinate of a point to be mapped onto the interpolated surface.
- YY
- (real, input) Contains the Y coordinate of a point to be mapped onto the interpolated surface.
- M
- (integer, input) The number of grid lines in the X direction. (M > 1)
- N
- (integer, input) The number of grid lines in the Y direction. (N > 1)
- X
- (real, input) An array containing M X coordinates for grid lines in the X direction. These values must be strictly increasing.
- Y
- (real, input) An array containing N Y coordinates for grid lines in the Y direction. These values must be strictly increasing.
- Z
- (real, input) An array containing M x N functional values at the grid points; Z(I,J) contains the functional value at (X(I),Y(J)) for I=1,M and J=1,N.
- IZ
- (integer, input) The row dimension of the matrix Z (IZ is greater than or equal to M).
- ZP
- (real, input) An array of size M x N x 3.
- (real, input) Tension factor. Values near zero result in a cubic spline; large values (e.g. 50) result in nearly a polygonal line. A typical value is 1.
SURF2 returns the interpolated value at the specified point T.ACCESS¶
To use SURF2, load the NCAR Graphics library ngmath.SEE ALSO¶
surf1, fitgrid_params.Complete documentation for Fitgrid is available at URL
Copyright (C) 2000University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.
March 1998 | UNIX |