Net::Jabber::Key - Jabber Key Library
Net::Jabber::Key is a module that provides a developer easy access
to generating, caching, and comparing keys.
DESCRIPTION¶ is a helper module for the Net::Jabber::Transport. When the
Transport talks to a Client it sends a key and expects to get that
key back from the Client. This module provides an API to generate,
cache, and then compare the key send from the Client.
Basic Functions¶
$Key = new Net::Jabber::Key();
$key = $Key->Generate();
$key = $Key->Create("bob\");
$test = $Key->Compare("bob\","some key");
Basic Functions¶
new(debug=>string, - creates the Key object. debug should
debugfh=>FileHandle, be set to the path for the debug
debuglevel=>integer) log to be written. If set to "stdout"
then the debug will go there. Also, you
can specify a filehandle that already
exists and use that. debuglevel controls
the amount of debug. 0 is none, 1 is
normal, 2 is all.
Generate() - returns a key in Digest SHA1 form based on the current
time and the PID.
Create(cacheString) - generates a key and caches it with the key
of cacheString. Create returns the key.
Compare(cacheString, - compares the key stored in the cache under
keyString) cacheString with the keyString. Returns 1
if they match, and 0 otherwise.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
same terms as Perl itself.