QwtPicker(3) | Qwt User's Guide | QwtPicker(3) |
QwtPicker - QwtPicker provides selections on a widget.SYNOPSIS¶
#include <qwt_picker.h>
Inherits QObject, and QwtEventPattern.
Inherited by QwtPlotPicker.
Public Types¶
enum RubberBand { NoRubberBand = 0, HLineRubberBand, VLineRubberBand, CrossRubberBand, RectRubberBand, EllipseRubberBand, PolygonRubberBand, UserRubberBand = 100 }
enum DisplayMode { AlwaysOff, AlwaysOn, ActiveOnly }
Display mode. enum ResizeMode { Stretch, KeepSize }
Public Slots¶
void setEnabled (bool)
En/disable the picker.
void activated (bool on)
void selected (const QPolygon &polygon)
void appended (const QPoint &pos)
void moved (const QPoint &pos)
void removed (const QPoint &pos)
void changed (const QPolygon &selection)
Public Member Functions¶
QwtPicker (QWidget *parent)
QwtPicker (RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode, QWidget *)
virtual ~QwtPicker ()
Destructor. void setStateMachine (QwtPickerMachine *)
const QwtPickerMachine * stateMachine () const
QwtPickerMachine * stateMachine ()
void setRubberBand (RubberBand)
RubberBand rubberBand () const
void setTrackerMode (DisplayMode)
Set the display mode of the tracker. DisplayMode trackerMode () const
void setResizeMode (ResizeMode)
Set the resize mode. ResizeMode resizeMode () const
void setRubberBandPen (const QPen &)
QPen rubberBandPen () const
void setTrackerPen (const QPen &)
QPen trackerPen () const
void setTrackerFont (const QFont &)
QFont trackerFont () const
bool isEnabled () const
bool isActive () const
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *, QEvent *)
Event filter. QWidget * parentWidget ()
Return the parent widget, where the selection happens. const QWidget * parentWidget () const
Return the parent widget, where the selection happens. virtual QPainterPath pickArea () const
virtual void drawRubberBand (QPainter *) const
virtual void drawTracker (QPainter *) const
virtual QRegion rubberBandMask () const
virtual QwtText trackerText (const QPoint &pos) const
Return the label for a position. QPoint trackerPosition () const
virtual QRect trackerRect (const QFont &) const
QPolygon selection () const
Protected Member Functions¶
virtual QPolygon adjustedPoints (const QPolygon &) const
Map the pickedPoints() into a selection() virtual void transition (const QEvent *)
virtual void begin ()
virtual void append (const QPoint &)
virtual void move (const QPoint &)
virtual void remove ()
virtual bool end (bool ok=true)
Close a selection setting the state to inactive. virtual bool accept (QPolygon &) const
Validate and fix up the selection. virtual void reset ()
virtual void widgetMousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetWheelEvent (QWheelEvent *)
virtual void widgetKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void widgetKeyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void widgetEnterEvent (QEvent *)
virtual void widgetLeaveEvent (QEvent *)
virtual void stretchSelection (const QSize &oldSize, const QSize &newSize)
virtual void updateDisplay ()
Update the state of rubber band and tracker label. const QwtWidgetOverlay * rubberBandOverlay () const
const QwtWidgetOverlay * trackerOverlay () const
const QPolygon & pickedPoints () const
Detailed Description¶
QwtPicker provides selections on a widget.QwtPicker filters all enter, leave, mouse and keyboard events of a widget and translates them into an array of selected points.
The way how the points are collected depends on type of state machine that is connected to the picker. Qwt offers a couple of predefined state machines for selecting:
- Nothing QwtPickerTrackerMachine
- Single points QwtPickerClickPointMachine, QwtPickerDragPointMachine
- Rectangles QwtPickerClickRectMachine, QwtPickerDragRectMachine
- Polygons QwtPickerPolygonMachine
While these state machines cover the most common ways to collect points it is also possible to implement individual machines as well.
QwtPicker translates the picked points into a selection using the adjustedPoints() method. adjustedPoints() is intended to be reimplemented to fix up the selection according to application specific requirements. (F.e. when an application accepts rectangles of a fixed aspect ratio only.)
Optionally QwtPicker support the process of collecting points by a rubber band and tracker displaying a text for the current mouse position.
#include <qwt_picker.h> #include <qwt_picker_machine.h> QwtPicker *picker = new QwtPicker(widget); picker->setStateMachine(new QwtPickerDragRectMachine); picker->setTrackerMode(QwtPicker::ActiveOnly); picker->setRubberBand(QwtPicker::RectRubberBand);
The state machine triggers the following commands:
- begin() Activate/Initialize the selection.
- append() Add a new point
- move() Change the position of the last point.
- remove() Remove the last point.
- end() Terminate the selection and call accept to validate the picked points.
The picker is active (isActive()), between begin() and end(). In active state the rubber band is displayed, and the tracker is visible in case of trackerMode is ActiveOnly or AlwaysOn.
The cursor can be moved using the arrow keys. All selections can be aborted using the abort key. (QwtEventPattern::KeyPatternCode)
Member Enumeration Documentation¶
enum QwtPicker::DisplayMode¶
Display mode.See also:
- AlwaysOff
- Display never.
- AlwaysOn
- Display always.
- ActiveOnly
- Display only when the selection is active.
enum QwtPicker::ResizeMode¶
Controls what to do with the selected points of an active selection when the observed widget is resized.The default value is QwtPicker::Stretch.
See also:
- Stretch
- All points are scaled according to the new size,.
- KeepSize
- All points remain unchanged.
enum QwtPicker::RubberBand¶
Rubber band styleThe default value is QwtPicker::NoRubberBand.
See also:
- NoRubberBand
- No rubberband.
- HLineRubberBand
- A horizontal line ( only for QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection )
- VLineRubberBand
- A vertical line ( only for QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection )
- CrossRubberBand
- A crosshair ( only for QwtPickerMachine::PointSelection )
- RectRubberBand
- A rectangle ( only for QwtPickerMachine::RectSelection )
- EllipseRubberBand
- An ellipse ( only for QwtPickerMachine::RectSelection )
- PolygonRubberBand
- A polygon ( only for QwtPickerMachine::PolygonSelection )
- UserRubberBand
- Values >= UserRubberBand can be used to define additional rubber bands.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation¶
QwtPicker::QwtPicker (QWidget * parent) [explicit]¶
ConstructorCreates an picker that is enabled, but without a state machine. rubber band and tracker are disabled.
QwtPicker::QwtPicker (RubberBand rubberBand, DisplayMode trackerMode, QWidget * parent) [explicit]¶
trackerMode Tracker mode
parent Parent widget, that will be observed
Member Function Documentation¶
bool QwtPicker::accept (QPolygon & selection) const [protected], [virtual]¶
Validate and fix up the selection. Accepts all selections unmodifiedParameters:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotZoomer.
void QwtPicker::activated (bool on) [signal]¶
A signal indicating, when the picker has been activated. Together with setEnabled() it can be used to implement selections with more than one picker.Parameters:
QPolygon QwtPicker::adjustedPoints (const QPolygon & points) const [protected], [virtual]¶
Map the pickedPoints() into a selection() adjustedPoints() maps the points, that have been collected on the parentWidget() into a selection(). The default implementation simply returns the points unmodified.The reason, why a selection() differs from the picked points depends on the application requirements. F.e. :
- A rectangular selection might need to have a specific aspect ratio only.
- A selection could accept non intersecting polygons only.
- ...
The example below is for a rectangular selection, where the first point is the center of the selected rectangle.
QPolygon MyPicker::adjustedPoints( const QPolygon &points ) const { QPolygon adjusted; if ( points.size() == 2 ) { const int width = qAbs( points[1].x() - points[0].x() ); const int height = qAbs( points[1].y() - points[0].y() ); QRect rect( 0, 0, 2 * width, 2 * height ); rect.moveCenter( points[0] ); adjusted += rect.topLeft(); adjusted += rect.bottomRight(); } return adjusted; }
void QwtPicker::append (const QPoint & pos) [protected], [virtual]¶
Append a point to the selection and update rubber band and tracker. The appended() signal is emitted.Parameters:
See also:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotPicker.
void QwtPicker::appended (const QPoint & pos) [signal]¶
A signal emitted when a point has been appended to the selectionParameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::begin () [protected], [virtual]¶
Open a selection setting the state to activeSee also:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotZoomer.
void QwtPicker::changed (const QPolygon & selection) [signal]¶
A signal emitted when the active selection has been changed. This might happen when the observed widget is resized.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::drawRubberBand (QPainter * painter) const [virtual]¶
Draw a rubber band, depending on rubberBand()Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::drawTracker (QPainter * painter) const [virtual]¶
Draw the trackerParameters:
See also:
bool QwtPicker::end (bool ok = true) [protected], [virtual]¶
Close a selection setting the state to inactive. The selection is validated and maybe fixed by accept().Parameters:
See also:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotZoomer, and QwtPlotPicker.
bool QwtPicker::eventFilter (QObject * object, QEvent * event) [virtual]¶
Event filter. When isEnabled() is true all events of the observed widget are filtered. Mouse and keyboard events are translated into widgetMouse- and widgetKey- and widgetWheel-events. Paint and Resize events are handled to keep rubber band and tracker up to date.Parameters:
event Event
See also:
bool QwtPicker::isActive () const¶
A picker is active between begin() and end().Returns:
bool QwtPicker::isEnabled () const¶
Returns:See also:
void QwtPicker::move (const QPoint & pos) [protected], [virtual]¶
Move the last point of the selection The moved() signal is emitted.Parameters:
See also:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotPicker.
void QwtPicker::moved (const QPoint & pos) [signal]¶
A signal emitted whenever the last appended point of the selection has been moved.Parameters:
See also:
QPainterPath QwtPicker::pickArea () const [virtual]¶
Find the area of the observed widget, where selection might happen.Returns:
const QPolygon & QwtPicker::pickedPoints () const [protected]¶
Return the points, that have been collected so far. The selection() is calculated from the pickedPoints() in adjustedPoints().Returns:
void QwtPicker::remove () [protected], [virtual]¶
Remove the last point of the selection The removed() signal is emitted.See also:
void QwtPicker::removed (const QPoint & pos) [signal]¶
A signal emitted whenever the last appended point of the selection has been removed.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::reset () [protected], [virtual]¶
Reset the state machine and terminate ( end(false) ) the selectionQwtPicker::ResizeMode QwtPicker::resizeMode () const¶
Returns:See also:
QwtPicker::RubberBand QwtPicker::rubberBand () const¶
Returns:See also:
QRegion QwtPicker::rubberBandMask () const [virtual]¶
Calculate the mask for the rubber band overlayReturns:
See also:
const QwtWidgetOverlay * QwtPicker::rubberBandOverlay () const [protected]¶
Returns:QPen QwtPicker::rubberBandPen () const¶
Returns:See also:
void QwtPicker::selected (const QPolygon & polygon) [signal]¶
A signal emitting the selected points, at the end of a selection.Parameters:
QPolygon QwtPicker::selection () const¶
Returns:See also:
void QwtPicker::setEnabled (bool enabled) [slot]¶
En/disable the picker. When enabled is true an event filter is installed for the observed widget, otherwise the event filter is removed.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::setResizeMode (ResizeMode mode)¶
Set the resize mode. The resize mode controls what to do with the selected points of an active selection when the observed widget is resized.Stretch means the points are scaled according to the new size, KeepSize means the points remain unchanged.
The default mode is Stretch.
See also:
void QwtPicker::setRubberBand (RubberBand rubberBand)¶
Set the rubber band styleParameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::setRubberBandPen (const QPen & pen)¶
Set the pen for the rubberbandParameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::setStateMachine (QwtPickerMachine * stateMachine)¶
Set a state machine and delete the previous oneParameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::setTrackerFont (const QFont & font)¶
Set the font for the trackerParameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::setTrackerMode (DisplayMode mode)¶
Set the display mode of the tracker. A tracker displays information about current position of the cursor as a string. The display mode controls if the tracker has to be displayed whenever the observed widget has focus and cursor (AlwaysOn), never (AlwaysOff), or only when the selection is active (ActiveOnly).Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::setTrackerPen (const QPen & pen)¶
Set the pen for the trackerParameters:
See also:
const QwtPickerMachine * QwtPicker::stateMachine () const¶
Returns:See also:
QwtPickerMachine * QwtPicker::stateMachine ()¶
Returns:See also:
void QwtPicker::stretchSelection (const QSize & oldSize, const QSize & newSize) [protected], [virtual]¶
Scale the selection by the ratios of oldSize and newSize The changed() signal is emitted.Parameters:
newSize Current size
See also:
QFont QwtPicker::trackerFont () const¶
Returns:See also:
QwtPicker::DisplayMode QwtPicker::trackerMode () const¶
Returns:See also:
const QwtWidgetOverlay * QwtPicker::trackerOverlay () const [protected]¶
Returns:QPen QwtPicker::trackerPen () const¶
Returns:See also:
QPoint QwtPicker::trackerPosition () const¶
Returns:QRect QwtPicker::trackerRect (const QFont & font) const [virtual]¶
Calculate the bounding rectangle for the tracker text from the current position of the trackerParameters:
See also:
QwtText QwtPicker::trackerText (const QPoint & pos) const [virtual]¶
Return the label for a position. In case of HLineRubberBand the label is the value of the y position, in case of VLineRubberBand the value of the x position. Otherwise the label contains x and y position separated by a ',' .The format for the string conversion is '%d'.
Reimplemented in QwtPlotPicker.
void QwtPicker::transition (const QEvent * event) [protected], [virtual]¶
Passes an event to the state machine and executes the resulting commands. Append and Move commands use the current position of the cursor ( QCursor::pos() ).Parameters:
void QwtPicker::widgetEnterEvent (QEvent * event) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a enter event for the observed widget.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::widgetKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * keyEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a key press event for the observed widget.Selections can be completely done by the keyboard. The arrow keys move the cursor, the abort key aborts a selection. All other keys are handled by the current state machine.
See also:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotZoomer.
void QwtPicker::widgetKeyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent * keyEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a key release event for the observed widget.Passes the event to the state machine.
See also:
void QwtPicker::widgetLeaveEvent (QEvent * event) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a leave event for the observed widget.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::widgetMouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent * mouseEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle mouse double click event for the observed widget.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::widgetMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * mouseEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a mouse move event for the observed widget.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::widgetMousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * mouseEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a mouse press event for the observed widget.Parameters:
See also:
void QwtPicker::widgetMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * mouseEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a mouse release event for the observed widget.Parameters:
See also:
Reimplemented in QwtPlotZoomer.
void QwtPicker::widgetWheelEvent (QWheelEvent * wheelEvent) [protected], [virtual]¶
Handle a wheel event for the observed widget.Move the last point of the selection in case of isActive() == true
See also:
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