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QwtPlotPrintFilter(3) | Qwt User's Guide | QwtPlotPrintFilter(3) |
QwtPlotPrintFilter -SYNOPSIS¶
#include <qwt_plot_printfilter.h>
Public Types¶
enum Item { Title, Legend, Curve, CurveSymbol, Marker, MarkerSymbol, MajorGrid, MinorGrid, CanvasBackground, AxisScale, AxisTitle, WidgetBackground }
enum Options { PrintMargin = 1, PrintTitle = 2, PrintLegend = 4, PrintGrid = 8, PrintBackground = 16, PrintFrameWithScales = 32, PrintAll = ~PrintFrameWithScales }
Public Member Functions¶
QwtPlotPrintFilter ()
virtual ~QwtPlotPrintFilter ()
virtual void apply (QwtPlot *) const
virtual void apply (QwtPlotItem *) const
virtual QColor color (const QColor &, Item item) const
virtual QFont font (const QFont &, Item item) const
int options () const
virtual void reset (QwtPlot *) const
virtual void reset (QwtPlotItem *) const
void setOptions (int options)
Detailed Description¶
A base class for plot print filters.A print filter can be used to customize QwtPlot::print().
In Qwt 5.0 the design of QwtPlot allows/recommends
writing individual QwtPlotItems, that are not known to
QwtPlotPrintFilter. So this concept is outdated and
QwtPlotPrintFilter will be removed/replaced in Qwt 6.x.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation¶
QwtPlotPrintFilter::QwtPlotPrintFilter () [explicit]¶
Sets filter options to PrintAllMember Function Documentation¶
void QwtPlotPrintFilter::apply (QwtPlot *plot) const [virtual]¶
Change color and fonts of a plotSee also:
QColor QwtPlotPrintFilter::color (const QColor &c, Itemitem) const [virtual]¶
Modifies a color for printing. Parameters:c Color to be modified
item Type of item where the color belongs
item Type of item where the color belongs
Modified color.
In case of !(QwtPlotPrintFilter::options() & PrintBackground) MajorGrid is modified to Qt::darkGray, MinorGrid to Qt::gray. All other colors are returned unmodified.
QFont QwtPlotPrintFilter::font (const QFont &f, Itemitem) const [virtual]¶
Modifies a font for printing. Parameters:f Font to be modified
item Type of item where the font belongs
item Type of item where the font belongs
All fonts are returned unmodified
int QwtPlotPrintFilter::options () const¶
Get plot print options. See also:setOptions()
void QwtPlotPrintFilter::reset (QwtPlot *plot) const [virtual]¶
Reset color and fonts of a plotSee also:
void QwtPlotPrintFilter::setOptions (intoptions)¶
Set plot print options. Parameters:options Or'd QwtPlotPrintFilter::Options
See also:
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Qwt User's Guide from the source code.Tue Nov 20 2012 | Version 5.2.3 |