The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal
methods are preceded with an underscore.
Title : new
Usage : my $alignment = TFBS::Matrix::Alignment->new(%args)
Function: constructor for the TFBS::Matrix::Alignment object
Returns : a new TFBS::Matrix::Alignment object
Args : # you must specify:
-pfm1, # a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object
-pfm2, # another TFBS::Matrix::PFM object
-binary, # a valid path to the comparison algorithm (matrixalign)
-ext_penalty #OPTIONAL gap extension penalty in Needleman-Wunsch
algorithmstring. Default 0.01
-open_penalty, #OPTIONAL gap opening penalty in Needleman-Wunsch
algorithmstring. Default 3.0
Title : score
Usage : my $score = $alignmentobject->score();
Function: access an alignment score (where each aligned position can contribute max 2)
Returns : a floating point number
Args : none
Title : gaps
Usage : my $nr_of_gaps = $alignmentobject->gaps();
Function: access the number of gaps in an alignment
Returns : an integer
Args : none
Title : length
Usage : my $length = $alignmentobject->length();
Function: access the length of an alignment (ie thenumber of aligned positions)
Returns : an integer
Args : none
Title : strand
Usage : my $strand = $alignmentobject->strand();
Function: access the oriantation of the aligned patterns:
++= oriented as input
+-= second pattern is reverse-complemented
Returns : a string
Args : none
Title : alignment
Usage : my $alignment_string = $alignmentobject->alignment();
Function: access a string describing the alignment
Returns : an string, where each number refers to a position in respective PFM.
Position numbering is according to orientation: ie if the second profile is
reversed, position 1 corresponds to the last position in the input profile.
Gaps are denoted as - .
RXR-VDR - 1 2 3 - 4 5 -
PPARgamma-RXRal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Args : none