TFBS::PatternGen is a base class providing methods common to all pattern
generating modules. It is meant to be inherited by a concrete pattern
generator, which must have its own constructor.
Title : pattern
Usage : my $pattern_obj = $patterngen->pattern()
Function: retrieves a pattern object produced by the pattern generator
Returns : a pattern object (currently available pattern generators
return a TFBS::Matrix::PFM object)
Args : none
Warning : If a pattern generator produces more than one pattern,
this method call returns only the first one and prints
a warning on STDERR, In those cases you should use
I<all_patterns> or I<patternSet> methods.
Title : patternSet
Usage : my $patternSet = $patterngen->patternSet()
Function: retrieves a pattern set object containing all the patterns
produced by the pattern generator
Returns : a pattern set object (currently available pattern generators
return a TFBS::MatrixSet object)
Args : none
Title : all_patterns
Usage : my @patterns = $patterngen->all_patterns()
Function: retrieves an array of pattern objects
produced by the pattern generator
Returns : an array of pattern set objects (currently available
pattern generators return an array of
TFBS::Matrix::PFM objects)
Args : none