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UR::Object::Command::FetchAndDo(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation UR::Object::Command::FetchAndDo(3pm)


UR::Object::Command::FetchAndDo - Base class for fetching objects and then performing a function on/with them.


 package MyFecthAndDo;

 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use above "UR";

 class MyFecthAndDo {
     is => 'UR::Object::Command::FetchAndDo',
     has => [
     # other properties...

 sub _do { # required
    my ($self, $iterator) = @_;

    while (my $obj = $iterator->next) {

    return 1;

Provided by the Developer

_do (required)

Implement this method to 'do' unto the iterator. Return true for success, false for failure.

 sub _do {
    my ($self, $iterator) = @_;

    while (my $obj = $iterator->next) {

    return 1;

subject_class_name (optional)

The subject_class_name is the class for which the objects will be fetched. It can be specified one of two main ways:
For this do nothing, the end user will have to provide it when the command is run.
by_the_developer_in the_class_declartion
For this, in the class declaration, add a has key w/ arrayref of hashrefs. One of the hashrefs needs to be subject_class_name. Give it this declaration:

 class MyFetchAndDo {
     is => 'UR::Object::Command::FetchAndDo',
     has => [
         subject_class_name => {
             value => <CLASS NAME>,
             is_constant => 1,

helps (optional)

Overwrite the help_brief, help_synopsis and help_detail methods to provide specific help. If overwiting the help_detail method, use call '_filter_doc' to get the filter documentation and usage to combine with your specific help.
2019-01-02 perl v5.28.1