VistaIOReadObjects - read a series of objects from a stream
#include <stdio>
#include <vistaio.h>
int VistaIOReadObjects (file, repn, attributes, objects)
FILE *file;
VistaIORepnKind repn;
VistaIOAttrList *attributes;
VistaIOPointer (*objects)[];
- file
- Specifies the open stream from which the objects should be read.
- repn
- Specifies the kind of objects sought.
- attributes
- Returns a list of attributes read from the stream.
- edge_sets
- Returns a vector of pointers to the objects read.
VistaIOReadObjects reads a Vista data file from an open stream, collects
all top-level objects of the type specified by repn, and returns those
objects separately from the file's other contents. It is used by
VistaIOReadImages, for example, to read and collect images by
specifying VistaIOImageRepn for the repn argument.
VistaIOReadObjects returns the number of objects obtained, or 0 if an
error is encountered. A vector of the objects is allocated and returned via
objects. Any other objects found in the file are returned as an
attribute list via attributes.
Besides the following, any of the diagnostics produced by VistaIOReadFile
may be generated.
- ``No type objects present in stream.''
- No objects of the type specified by repn were encountered in the
Art Pope <>
Adaption to vistaio: Gert Wollny <>