zmq_z85_encode - encode a binary key as Z85 printable text
char *zmq_z85_encode (char *dest, const uint8_t *data, size_t size);
The zmq_z85_encode() function shall encode the binary block specified by
data and size into a string in dest. The size of the
binary block must be divisible by 4. The dest must have sufficient
space for size * 1.25 plus 1 for a null terminator. A 32-byte CURVE key is
encoded as 40 ASCII characters plus a null terminator.
The encoding shall follow the ZMQ RFC 32 specification.
The zmq_z85_encode() function shall return dest if successful,
else it shall return NULL.
Encoding a CURVE key.
#include <sodium.h>
uint8_t public_key [32];
uint8_t secret_key [32];
int rc = crypto_box_keypair (public_key, secret_key);
assert (rc == 0);
char encoded [41];
zmq_z85_encode (encoded, public_key, 32);
puts (encoded);