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LogolMultiExec - Program to parse a logol grammar and search pattern in a
sequence, it allows one to run the LogolExec program on multi fasta input and
to dispatch the treatements
on a DRMAA compliant grid or on multi-cpu servers.
LogolMultiExec [-h]
LogolMultiExec needs the drmaa library. Default is to use SGE library. If
another is used,
one should update the symbolic link in /usr/share/logol/lib/drmaa.jar to the
correct library.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH must also updated in /sur/share/logol/
LogolMultiExec and LogolExec share the same configuration file. See LogolExec
man page for more info.
Minimum arguments are -m for logol model or -g for logol grammar, and -s for
input sequence
- -h
display the list of commands.
- -v
get version
- -conf
specify configuration file
- -s
sequence file to analyse.
- -g
grammar file to analyse
- -m
model file to analyse
- -dna
analyse dna, is default
- -rna
analyse rna
- -protein
analyse protein
- -max
maximum returned solutions
- -all
analyse both directions of the sequence
- -out
Zip output file name
- -fasta
Add fasta conversion of the matches to the result archive
- -contig
Set the input bank as contig sequences
- -guid
Unique identifier for the query
- -email
Email address to sent result availability info
(needs mail setup)
- -local
Use local mode (multi core)
- -sge
Use SGE mode
- -forcesplit
Force the sequence splitting according to parameters and whatever is the
number of model used in grammar
- -lmax
maximum length of a variable
- -maxspacer
maximum size of a spacer
- -noclean
Do not delete created files after treatment (for debug)
- -enabledups
enable duplicate result matches. By default only keep singletons
- -filter
Type of filter when enabledups is not enabled. Allowed types are
- -lmin
minimum length of a variable (to speedup parsing)
- -maxmatchsize
maximum size of a match (to speedup parsing)
- -maxres
maximum result size of a match (to speedup parsing)
Olivier Sallou (olivier.sallou (at)