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- 《中國linux論壇man手冊頁翻譯計劃》:
smb.conf - Samba組件的配置文件總覽 SYNOPSIS¶
smb.conf是Samba組件的配置文件,包含Samba程序運行時的配置信 息.smb.conf被設計成可由swat (8)程序來配置和管理.本文件包含了 關於smb.conf的文件格式和可能出現的選項的完整描述以供參考.文件格式 FILE FORMAT¶
本文件由一系列段和選項構成.一個段由一對方括號中的段名開始,直到下一個段名結束.包含在段中的選項按以下格式定義:選項名 = 選項值
等號後面跟的是字符串(無需引號)或者邏輯值(可以是yes/no,1/0,或者true/false 來表示).邏輯值是不區分大小寫的.字符串值則原樣保留了輸入的大小寫.某些選項 (例如create modes)的值是數值型的.
配置文件的每一段([global]段除外)描述一項共享資源.段名就是共享名,段內的選項設置確定了該共享資源的屬性.三個特殊段([global],[homes],[printers])將在後面'special sections'單獨說明,以下的內容是普通段的說明.
段可以定義成guest服務類型,在這種情況下,客戶無需口令就可以訪問該資源.一個特定的UNIX系統下的guest account通常用來指定這種情況下的客戶訪問權限.
[foo] path = /home/bar read only = no
下面示範段定義了一項打印服務,此共享資源是隻讀的,但是可以進行打印操作.也就是說,唯一允許的寫操作只能是打開、寫入並關閉一個打印假脫機文件.其中的guest ok選項定義意味着允許以缺省的guest用戶(在別處定義的)權限進行訪問.
[aprinter] path = /usr/spool/public read only = yes printable = yes guest ok = yes
[global] 全局選項段 ¶
這一段中定義的選項是服務器的全局性設置,如果在其他段中沒有再對這些選項進行重新設置的話還可以作爲它們的缺省選項.更多的說明請參閱'PARAMETERS'部分的內容.[homes] 個人目錄段¶
- 共享名從'homes'改爲查到的用戶名.
- 如果沒有指定訪問路徑,則設置爲該用戶的個人目錄.
path = /data/pchome/%S
如果你的PC 有與UNIX服務器上個人目錄不同的目錄,象上面這樣的設置會很有用的.
[homes] read only = no
[printers] 打印機共享設置段¶
這一段很象[homes]段,不過是用於設置共享打印機的.如果在本配置文件中存在[printers]段,用戶就可以連接到在主機上的printcap文件 中指定的任一打印機.
- 共享名被設置爲查找到的打印機名.
- 如果未給出打印機名,則把打印機名設爲前面查找到的打印機名.
- 如果該共享資源不允許以guest身份進行訪問,且沒有給出用戶名,那麼用戶名就被設爲前面查找到的打印機名.
[printers] path = /usr/spool/public guest ok = yes printable = yes
注意,在SYSV系統中,用lpstat可以確定系統中安裝了什麼樣的打印機.你可以設置"printcap name = lpstat"來自動獲得打印機列表.詳情參見"printcap name"選項.
選項定義了每個段的屬性.有些選項是在[global]段中設定的(比如有關安全特性的設置),有些可以用在任何段中的(比如建立方式 ),剩下的就只能用在普通的段中了.在以下的描述中,[homes]和[printers]段被看作是普通段.標記(G)表示此選項只能在[global]段中使用,標記(S)表示此選項可以在服務定義段中使用.注意,有(S)標記的選項也可以用在[global]段中,在這種情況下,這個選項設置被當作所有其他段的缺省設置.
在配置文件中可以用很多字符串進行替換.例如,當用戶以john的名稱建立連接後,選項"path = /tmp/%u"就被解釋成"path = /tmp/john".這些置換會在後面的描述中說明,這裏說明一些可以用在任何地方的通用置換.它們是:
- %U
- 對話用戶名(客戶端想要的用戶名不一定與取得的一致.)
- %G
- %U的用戶組名
- %h
- 運行Samba的主機的internet主機名
- %m
- 客戶機的NetBIOS名(非常有用)
- %L
- 服務器的NetBIOS名.這使得你可以根據調用的客戶端來改變你的配置,這樣你的服務器就可以擁有"雙重個性".
Note that this parameter is not available when Samba listens on port 445, as clients no longer send this information
- %M
- 客戶端的internet主機名
- %R
- 協議協商後選擇的協議,它可以是CORE,COREPLUS,LANMAN1,LANMAN2或NT1中的一種.
- %d
- 當前samba服務器的進程號.
- %a
- 遠程主機的結構.現在只能認出來某些類型,並且不是100%可靠.目前支持的有Samba、WfWg、WinNT和Win95.任何其他的都被認作"UNKNOWN".如果出現錯誤就給samba-bugs@samba.org發一個3級的日誌以便修復這個bug.
- %I
- 客戶機的IP地址.
- %T
- 當前的日期和時間.
- %D
- Name of the domain or workgroup of the current user.
- %$(envvar)
- The value of the environment variable envar.
The following substitutes apply only to some configuration options(only those that are used when a connection has been established):
- %S
- 當前服務名
- %P
- 當前服務的根目錄
- %u
- 當前服務的用戶名
- %g
- %u的用戶組名
- %H
- %u所表示的用戶的宿主目錄
- %N
- tNIS服務器的名字.它從auto.map獲得.如果沒有用--with-auto-mount選項編譯samba,那麼它的值和%L相同.
- %p
- 用戶宿主目錄的路徑.它由NIS的auot.map得到.NIS的auot.map入口項被分爲"%N:%p".
- mangle case = yes/no
- 作用是控制是否對不符合缺省寫法的名稱進行修正.例如,如果設爲yes,象"Mail"這樣的文件名就會被修正.缺省設置是no.
- case sensitive = yes/no
- 控制文件名是否區分大小寫.如果不區分的話,Samba就必須在傳遞名稱時查找並匹配文件名.缺省設置是no.
- default case = upper/lower
- 控制新文件名大小寫缺省值.缺省設置是小寫.
- preserve case = yes/no
- 控制建新文件時是否用客戶所提供的大小寫形式,或強制用缺省形式.缺省爲yes.
- short preserve case = yes/no
- 控制新建8.3格式的文件名時是全部用大寫及合適長度,還是強制用缺省情況.它可以和上面的"preserve case = yes"聯用以允許長文件名保持大小寫不變,而短文件名爲小寫.本項的缺省設置是yes.
缺省情況下,Samba3.0與Windows NT相同,就是不區分大小寫但保持大小寫形式.
用戶有多種連接到服務項的方式.服務器按照下面的步驟來確定是否允許客戶對指定服務的連接.如果下面步驟全部失敗,則拒絕用戶的連接請求.如果某一步通過,餘下的檢驗就不再進行.如果被請求的服務項設置爲guest only = yes,並且,服務運行在共享級安全模式(security = share) ,則跳過1--5步檢查.
- 第一步:
- 如果客戶端提供一對用戶名和口令,且這對用戶名和口令經unix系統口令程序檢驗爲有效,那麼就以該用戶名建立連接.注意,這包括用\\server\service%username方式傳遞用戶名.
- 第二步:
- 如果客戶端事先在系統上註冊了一個用戶名,並且提供了正確的口令,就允許建立連接.
- 第三步:
- 根據提供的口令檢查客戶端的netbios名及以前用過的用戶名,如匹配,就允許以該用戶名建立連接.
- 第四步:
- 如果客戶端以前有合法的用戶名和口令,並獲得了有效的令牌,就允許以該用戶名建立連接.
- 第五步:
- 如果在smb.conf裏設置了"user = "字段,且客戶端提供了一個口令,口令經UNIX系統檢驗,並與"user="字段裏某一個用戶匹配,那麼就允許以"user="裏匹配到的用戶名建立連接.如果"user="字段是以@開始,那麼該名字會展開爲同名組裏的用戶名列表 .
- 第六步:
- 如果這是一個提供給guest用的服務項,那麼連接以"guest account ="裏給出的用戶名建立,而不考慮提供的口令.
以下列出了所有的全局選項,各選項的詳細說明請參看後面的相應段落.注意,有些選項的意義是相同的.- •
- abort shutdown script
- •
- add group script
- •
- add machine script
- •
- addprinter command
- •
- add share command
- •
- add user script
- •
- add user to group script
- •
- afs username map
- •
- algorithmic rid base
- •
- allow trusted domains
- •
- announce as
- •
- announce version
- •
- auth methods
- •
- auto services
- •
- bind interfaces only
- •
- browse list
- •
- change notify timeout
- •
- change share command
- •
- client lanman auth
- •
- client ntlmv2 auth
- •
- client plaintext auth
- •
- client schannel
- •
- client signing
- •
- client use spnego
- •
- config file
- •
- deadtime
- •
- debug hires timestamp
- •
- debuglevel
- •
- debug pid
- •
- debug timestamp
- •
- debug uid
- •
- default
- •
- default service
- •
- delete group script
- •
- deleteprinter command
- •
- delete share command
- •
- delete user from group script
- •
- delete user script
- •
- dfree command
- •
- disable netbios
- •
- disable spoolss
- •
- display charset
- •
- dns proxy
- •
- domain logons
- •
- domain master
- •
- dos charset
- •
- enable rid algorithm
- •
- encrypt passwords
- •
- enhanced browsing
- •
- enumports command
- •
- get quota command
- •
- getwd cache
- •
- guest account
- •
- hide local users
- •
- homedir map
- •
- host msdfs
- •
- hostname lookups
- •
- hosts equiv
- •
- idmap backend
- •
- idmap gid
- •
- idmap uid
- •
- include
- •
- interfaces
- •
- keepalive
- •
- kernel change notify
- •
- kernel oplocks
- •
- lanman auth
- •
- large readwrite
- •
- ldap admin dn
- •
- ldap delete dn
- •
- ldap filter
- •
- ldap group suffix
- •
- ldap idmap suffix
- •
- ldap machine suffix
- •
- ldap passwd sync
- •
- ldap port
- •
- ldap server
- •
- ldap ssl
- •
- ldap suffix
- •
- ldap user suffix
- •
- lm announce
- •
- lm interval
- •
- load printers
- •
- local master
- •
- lock dir
- •
- lock directory
- •
- lock spin count
- •
- lock spin time
- •
- log file
- •
- log level
- •
- logon drive
- •
- logon home
- •
- logon path
- •
- logon script
- •
- lpq cache time
- •
- machine password timeout
- •
- mangled stack
- •
- mangle prefix
- •
- mangling method
- •
- map to guest
- •
- max disk size
- •
- max log size
- •
- max mux
- •
- max open files
- •
- max protocol
- •
- max smbd processes
- •
- max ttl
- •
- max wins ttl
- •
- max xmit
- •
- message command
- •
- min passwd length
- •
- min password length
- •
- min protocol
- •
- min wins ttl
- •
- name cache timeout
- •
- name resolve order
- •
- netbios aliases
- •
- netbios name
- •
- netbios scope
- •
- nis homedir
- •
- ntlm auth
- •
- nt pipe support
- •
- nt status support
- •
- null passwords
- •
- obey pam restrictions
- •
- oplock break wait time
- •
- os2 driver map
- •
- os level
- •
- pam password change
- •
- panic action
- •
- paranoid server security
- •
- passdb backend
- •
- passwd chat
- •
- passwd chat debug
- •
- passwd program
- •
- password level
- •
- password server
- •
- pid directory
- •
- prefered master
- •
- preferred master
- •
- preload
- •
- preload modules
- •
- printcap
- •
- private dir
- •
- protocol
- •
- read bmpx
- •
- read raw
- •
- read size
- •
- realm
- •
- remote announce
- •
- remote browse sync
- •
- restrict anonymous
- •
- root
- •
- root dir
- •
- root directory
- •
- security
- •
- server schannel
- •
- server signing
- •
- server string
- •
- set primary group script
- •
- set quota command
- •
- show add printer wizard
- •
- shutdown script
- •
- smb passwd file
- •
- smb ports
- •
- socket address
- •
- socket options
- •
- source environment
- •
- stat cache
- •
- syslog
- •
- syslog only
- •
- template homedir
- •
- template primary group
- •
- template shell
- •
- time offset
- •
- time server
- •
- timestamp logs
- •
- unicode
- •
- unix charset
- •
- unix extensions
- •
- unix password sync
- •
- update encrypted
- •
- use mmap
- •
- username level
- •
- username map
- •
- use spnego
- •
- utmp
- •
- utmp directory
- •
- winbind cache time
- •
- winbind enable local accounts
- •
- winbind enum groups
- •
- winbind enum users
- •
- winbind gid
- •
- winbind separator
- •
- winbind trusted domains only
- •
- winbind uid
- •
- winbind use default domain
- •
- wins hook
- •
- wins partners
- •
- wins proxy
- •
- wins server
- •
- wins support
- •
- workgroup
- •
- write raw
- •
- wtmp directory
以下列出了所有關於服務項的選項,各選項的詳細說明請參見後面的相應段落.注意,有些選項的意義是相同的.- •
- acl compatibility
- •
- admin users
- •
- afs share
- •
- allow hosts
- •
- available
- •
- blocking locks
- •
- block size
- •
- browsable
- •
- browseable
- •
- case sensitive
- •
- casesignames
- •
- comment
- •
- copy
- •
- create mask
- •
- create mode
- •
- csc policy
- •
- default case
- •
- default devmode
- •
- delete readonly
- •
- delete veto files
- •
- deny hosts
- •
- directory
- •
- directory mask
- •
- directory mode
- •
- directory security mask
- •
- dont descend
- •
- dos filemode
- •
- dos filetime resolution
- •
- dos filetimes
- •
- exec
- •
- fake directory create times
- •
- fake oplocks
- •
- follow symlinks
- •
- force create mode
- •
- force directory mode
- •
- force directory security mode
- •
- force group
- •
- force security mode
- •
- force user
- •
- fstype
- •
- group
- •
- guest account
- •
- guest ok
- •
- guest only
- •
- hide dot files
- •
- hide files
- •
- hide special files
- •
- hide unreadable
- •
- hide unwriteable files
- •
- hosts allow
- •
- hosts deny
- •
- inherit acls
- •
- inherit permissions
- •
- invalid users
- •
- level2 oplocks
- •
- locking
- •
- lppause command
- •
- lpq command
- •
- lpresume command
- •
- lprm command
- •
- magic output
- •
- magic script
- •
- mangle case
- •
- mangled map
- •
- mangled names
- •
- mangling char
- •
- map acl inherit
- •
- map archive
- •
- map hidden
- •
- map system
- •
- max connections
- •
- max print jobs
- •
- max reported print jobs
- •
- min print space
- •
- msdfs proxy
- •
- msdfs root
- •
- nt acl support
- •
- only guest
- •
- only user
- •
- oplock contention limit
- •
- oplocks
- •
- path
- •
- posix locking
- •
- postexec
- •
- preexec
- •
- preexec close
- •
- preserve case
- •
- printable
- •
- printcap name
- •
- print command
- •
- printer
- •
- printer admin
- •
- printer name
- •
- printing
- •
- print ok
- •
- profile acls
- •
- public
- •
- queuepause command
- •
- queueresume command
- •
- read list
- •
- read only
- •
- root postexec
- •
- root preexec
- •
- root preexec close
- •
- security mask
- •
- set directory
- •
- share modes
- •
- short preserve case
- •
- strict allocate
- •
- strict locking
- •
- strict sync
- •
- sync always
- •
- use client driver
- •
- user
- •
- username
- •
- users
- •
- use sendfile
- •
- -valid
- •
- valid users
- •
- veto files
- •
- veto oplock files
- •
- vfs object
- •
- vfs objects
- •
- volume
- •
- wide links
- •
- writable
- •
- writeable
- •
- write cache size
- •
- write list
- •
- write ok
- abort shutdown script (G)
- This parameter only exists in the HEAD cvs branch This a full path
name to a script called by smbd(8) that should stop a shutdown
procedure issued by the shutdown script.
This command will be run as user.
缺省設置: None.
示例: abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c
- acl compatibility (S)
- This parameter specifies what OS ACL semantics should be compatible with.
Possible values are winnt for Windows NT 4, win2k for
Windows 2000 and above and auto. If you specify auto, the
value for this parameter will be based upon the version of the client.
There should be no reason to change this parameter from the default.
缺省設置: acl compatibility = Auto
示例: acl compatibility = win2k
- add group script (G)
- This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT by smbd(8) when a new group is requested. It will expand any %g to the group name passed. This script is only useful for installations using the Windows NT domain administration tools. The script is free to create a group with an arbitrary name to circumvent unix group name restrictions. In that case the script must print the numeric gid of the created group on stdout.
- add machine script (G)
- This is the full pathname to a script that will be run by smbd(8)
when a machine is added to it's domain using the administrator username
and password method.
This option is only required when using sam back-ends tied to the Unix uid method of RID calculation such as smbpasswd. This option is only available in Samba 3.0.
缺省設置: add machine script = <空字符串>
示例: add machine script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g machines -c Machine -d /dev/null -s /bin/false %u
- addprinter command (G)
- With the introduction of MS-RPC based printing support for Windows NT/2000
clients in Samba 2.2, The MS Add Printer Wizard (APW) icon is now also
available in the "Printers..." folder displayed a share listing.
The APW allows for printers to be add remotely to a Samba or Windows
NT/2000 print server.
For a Samba host this means that the printer must be physically added to the underlying printing system. The add printer command defines a script to be run which will perform the necessary operations for adding the printer to the print system and to add the appropriate service definition to the smb.conf file in order that it can be shared by smbd(8).
The addprinter command is automatically invoked with the following parameter (in order):
printer name
share name
port name
driver name
Windows 9x driver location
All parameters are filled in from the PRINTER_INFO_2 structure sent by the Windows NT/2000 client with one exception. The "Windows 9x driver location" parameter is included for backwards compatibility only. The remaining fields in the structure are generated from answers to the APW questions.
Once the addprinter command has been executed, smbd will reparse the smb.conf to determine if the share defined by the APW exists. If the sharename is still invalid, then smbd will return an ACCESS_DENIED error to the client.
The "add printer command" program can output a single line of text, which Samba will set as the port the new printer is connected to. If this line isn't output, Samba won't reload its printer shares.
參見 deleteprinter command, printing, show add printer wizard
缺省設置: none
示例: addprinter command = /usr/bin/addprinter
- add share command (G)
- Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically add and delete shares
via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The add share command is
used to define an external program or script which will add a new service
definition to smb.conf. In order to successfully execute the add
share command, smbd requires that the administrator be
connected using a root account (i.e. uid == 0).
When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the add share command with four parameters.
configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file.
shareName - the name of the new share.
pathName - path to an **existing** directory on disk.
comment - comment string to associate with the new share.
This parameter is only used for add file shares. To add printer shares, see the addprinter command.
參見 change share command, delete share command.
缺省設置: none
示例: add share command = /usr/local/bin/addshare
- add user script (G)
- 這個選項指出一個腳本的完整文件路徑,這個腳本將在特定環境下(下面有詳細解釋)由smbd
通常,samba服務器需要爲所有訪問服務器上文件的用戶建立UNIX用戶賬號.但是在使用Windows NT賬號數據庫作爲主用戶數據庫的站點,建立這些用戶並在與NT的主域控制器保持用戶列表同步是一件很麻煩的事情.這個選項使smbd可以在用戶訪問時根據需要自動生成UNIX用戶賬號.
爲了使用這個選項,smbd必須被設置成security=server或者security=domain,並且add user script必須設爲用%u參數來建立unix帳號的腳本文件的全路徑,%u擴展成建立的unix帳號名.
當windows用戶嘗試訪問samba服務器時,在登陸時(建立SMB協議會話),smbd與口令服務器聯繫,並嘗試驗證用戶名和口令.如果成功,smbd就會根據unix的口令文件試着將這個windows用戶映射成一個unix用戶.如果查找失敗,但設置了add user script ,smbd就會以root的身份調用這個腳本,將%u擴展成該要建立的用戶賬號.
參見 security, password server, delete user script.
缺省設置: add user script = <空字符串>
示例: add user script = /usr/local/samba/bin/add_user %u
- add user to group script (G)
- Full path to the script that will be called when a user is added to a
group using the Windows NT domain administration tools. It will be run by
smbd(8) AS ROOT. Any %g will be replaced with the
group name and any %u will be replaced with the user name.
缺省設置: add user to group script =
示例: add user to group script = /usr/sbin/adduser %u %g
- admin users (S)
- admin
缺省設置: 沒有 admin users
示例: admin users = jason
- afs share (S)
- This parameter controls whether special AFS features are enabled for this
share. If enabled, it assumes that the directory exported via the
path parameter is a local AFS import. The special AFS features
include the attempt to hand-craft an AFS token if you enabled
--with-fake-kaserver in configure.
缺省設置: afs share = no
示例: afs share = yes
- afs username map (G)
- If you are using the fake kaserver AFS feature, you might want to
hand-craft the usernames you are creating tokens for. For example this is
necessary if you have users from several domain in your AFS Protection
Database. One possible scheme to code users as DOMAIN+User as it is done
by winbind with the + as a separator.
The mapped user name must contain the cell name to log into, so without setting this parameter there will be no token.
缺省設置: none
示例: afs username map =
- algorithmic rid base (G)
- This determines how Samba will use its algorithmic mapping from uids/gid
to the RIDs needed to construct NT Security Identifiers.
Setting this option to a larger value could be useful to sites transitioning from WinNT and Win2k, as existing user and group rids would otherwise clash with sytem users etc.
All UIDs and GIDs must be able to be resolved into SIDs for the correct operation of ACLs on the server. As such the algorithmic mapping can't be 'turned off', but pushing it 'out of the way' should resolve the issues. Users and groups can then be assigned 'low' RIDs in arbitary-rid supporting backends.
缺省設置: algorithmic rid base = 1000
示例: algorithmic rid base = 100000
- allow hosts (S)
- 和hosts allow同義.
- allow trusted domains (G)
- 這個選項只在security選項被設成server或domain模式時纔有效果.如果設爲no的話,嘗試聯接到smbd運行的域或工作組以外的資源時會失敗,即使那個域是由遠程服務器驗證爲可信的也不行.
缺省設置: allow trusted domains = yes
- announce as (G)
- 這個選項定義nmbd(8)
Server"同義,"NT Server","NT
NT Server,Windows NT Workstation,Windows 95和Windows for
缺省設置: announce as = NT Server
示例: announce as = Win95
- announce version (G)
- 此選項定義nmbd用於聲明服務器版本號的主版本號和次版本號.缺省版本號的是4.9。除非有特殊的必要想將samba設爲低版本,一般不要改動這個選項.
缺省設置: announce version = 4.9
示例: announce version = 2.0
- auth methods (G)
- This option allows the administrator to chose what authentication methods
smbd will use when authenticating a user. This option defaults to
sensible values based on security. This should be considered a
developer option and used only in rare circumstances. In the majority (if
not all) of production servers, the default setting should be adequate.
Each entry in the list attempts to authenticate the user in turn, until the user authenticates. In practice only one method will ever actually be able to complete the authentication.
Possible options include guest (anonymous access), sam (lookups in local list of accounts based on netbios name or domain name), winbind (relay authentication requests for remote users through winbindd), ntdomain (pre-winbindd method of authentication for remote domain users; deprecated in favour of winbind method), trustdomain (authenticate trusted users by contacting the remote DC directly from smbd; deprecated in favour of winbind method).
缺省設置: auth methods = <空字符串>
示例: auth methods = guest sam winbind
- auto services (G)
- 與 preload 同義.
- available (S)
- 這個選項可以用來關掉一個服務項.如果available
缺省設置: available = yes
- bind interfaces only (G)
- 這個全局選項允許samba管理員限制一臺主機的某一個網絡接口用於響應請求.這會對於smbd(8)文件服務和nmbd(8)名字服務造成些許影響.
對於名字服務,它將使nmbd 綁定到'interfaces'選項裏列出的網絡接口的137和138端口上.爲了讀取廣播消息,nmbd也會綁定到"所有地址"接口(的137和138端口上.如果沒有設置這個選項,nmbd將在所有的接口上響應名字服務請求.如果設置了"bind interfaces only",那麼nmbd將在廣播接口上檢查任何分組的源地址,丟棄任何不匹配interfaces選項所列接口之廣播地址的分組.當在其它接口上收到單播分組,此選項使nmbd拒絕對任何不是是interfaces選項所列接口來發送分組的主機的服務.IP源地址哄騙可以使這個簡單的檢查失效,所以不要將nmbd安全功能用於嚴肅場合.
對於文件服務,該選項使smbd(8)只在'interfaces'選項所列的網絡接口上綁定.這就限制smbd 只響應那些接口上發出的分組.注意,不應該在PPP和時斷時續的機器上或非廣播網絡接口上使用這個選項,因爲它處理不了非永久連接的接口.
如果設置了bind interfaces only,除非網絡地址127.0.0.1被加到interfaces選項的列表中,否則smbpasswd(8)和swat(8) 可能不會象我們所期望的那樣工作,原因如下:
爲了改變用戶SMB口令,smbpasswd缺省情況下會以smb客戶端的身份連接本地主機地址localhost -,發出更改口令請求.如果設置了bind interfaces only,smbpasswd在缺省情況下將會連接失敗,除非127.0.0.1已被加入到interfaces選項.另外,可以用-r remote machine選項指定本地主機的主網絡接口ip地址,這樣smbpasswd就會強制使用本地的主ip地址.
swat的狀態頁面會在127.0.0.1嘗試連接smbd和 nmbd,以確定它們是否正在運行.如果不加入127.0.0.1,將會使smbd和nmbd 總表示沒有運行甚至實際情況並不是這樣.這就阻止了 swat啓動/停止/重啓動smbd 和nmbd進程.
缺省設置: bind interfaces only = no
- blocking locks (S)
- 此項控制在客戶爲了在打開文件處獲得一個字節範圍的鎖定而發出請求時smbd(8)的動作,同時
缺省設置: blocking locks = yes
- block size (S)
- This parameter controls the behavior of smbd(8) when reporting disk
free sizes. By default, this reports a disk block size of 1024 bytes.
Changing this parameter may have some effect on the efficiency of client writes, this is not yet confirmed. This parameter was added to allow advanced administrators to change it (usually to a higher value) and test the effect it has on client write performance without re-compiling the code. As this is an experimental option it may be removed in a future release.
Changing this option does not change the disk free reporting size, just the block size unit reported to the client.
- browsable (S)
- 與 browseable 同義。
- browseable (S)
- 這個選項控制共享資源在可獲得共享列表、net
缺省設置: browseable = yes
- browse list (G)
- 它控制smbd(8)是否執行一個NetServerEnum調用來爲客戶提供一個瀏覽列表.正常情況它被設爲yes.這個選項可能永遠不需要改動.
缺省設置: browse list = yes
- case sensitive (S)
缺省設置: case sensitive = no
- casesignames (S)
- 與 case sensitive 同義.
- change notify timeout (G)
- samba允許客戶端告訴服務器監視某個特定目錄的任何變化,僅當有變化發生的時候回覆SMB請求.這種連續不斷的掃描在unix系統上代價很高,因此,smbd(8)只在等待change
缺省設置: change notify timeout = 60
示例: change notify timeout = 300
- change share command (G)
- Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically add and delete shares
via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The change share command is
used to define an external program or script which will modify an existing
service definition in smb.conf. In order to successfully execute
the change share command, smbd requires that the
administrator be connected using a root account (i.e. uid == 0).
When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the change share command with four parameters.
configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file.
shareName - the name of the new share.
pathName - path to an **existing** directory on disk.
comment - comment string to associate with the new share.
This parameter is only used modify existing file shares definitions. To modify printer shares, use the "Printers..." folder as seen when browsing the Samba host.
參見 add share command, delete share command.
缺省設置: none
示例: change share command = /usr/local/bin/addshare
- client lanman auth (G)
- This parameter determines whether or not smbclient(8) and other
samba client tools will attempt to authenticate itself to servers using
the weaker LANMAN password hash. If disabled, only server which support NT
password hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000, Samba, etc... but not Windows
95/98) will be able to be connected from the Samba client.
The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to it's case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Clients without Windows 95/98 servers are advised to disable this option.
Disabling this option will also disable the client plaintext auth option
Likewise, if the client ntlmv2 auth parameter is enabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be attempted. Not all servers support NTLMv2, and most will require special configuration to us it.
Default : client lanman auth = yes
- client ntlmv2 auth (G)
- This parameter determines whether or not smbclient(8) will attempt
to authenticate itself to servers using the NTLMv2 encrypted password
If enabled, only an NTLMv2 and LMv2 response (both much more secure than earlier versions) will be sent. Many servers (including NT4 < SP4, Win9x and Samba 2.2) are not compatible with NTLMv2.
Similarly, if enabled, NTLMv1, client lanman auth and client plaintext auth authentication will be disabled. This also disables share-level authentication.
If disabled, an NTLM response (and possibly a LANMAN response) will be sent by the client, depending on the value of client lanman auth.
Note that some sites (particularly those following 'best practice' security polices) only allow NTLMv2 responses, and not the weaker LM or NTLM.
Default : client ntlmv2 auth = no
- client plaintext auth (G)
- Specifies whether a client should send a plaintext password if the server
does not support encrypted passwords.
缺省設置: client plaintext auth = yes
- client schannel (G)
- This controls whether the client offers or even demands the use of the
netlogon schannel. client schannel = no does not offer the
schannel, server schannel = auto offers the schannel but does not
enforce it, and server schannel = yes denies access if the server
is not able to speak netlogon schannel.
缺省設置: client schannel = auto
示例: client schannel = yes
- client signing (G)
- This controls whether the client offers or requires the server it talks to
to use SMB signing. Possible values are auto, mandatory and
When set to auto, SMB signing is offered, but not enforced. When set to mandatory, SMB signing is required and if set to disabled, SMB signing is not offered either.
缺省設置: client signing = auto
- client use spnego (G)
- This variable controls controls whether samba clients will try to use
Simple and Protected NEGOciation (as specified by rfc2478) with WindowsXP
and Windows2000 servers to agree upon an authentication mechanism. SPNEGO
client support for SMB Signing is currently broken, so you might want to
turn this option off when operating with Windows 2003 domain controllers
in particular.
缺省設置: client use spnego = yes
- comment (S)
- 這是一段當客戶用網上鄰居(net
如果想設置機器名後的說明文字請參考 server string 命令.
缺省設置: No comment string
示例: comment = Fred's Files
- config file (G)
- 這可以使samba使用指定的配置文件來替代缺省的配置文件,(通常是smb.conf).如果設置了這個選項,會出現一個先有雞還是先有蛋的問題!
示例: config file = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m
- copy (S)
- 這使你可以克隆服務.
缺省設置: no value
示例: copy = otherservice
- create mask (S)
- 與 create mode 同義.
根據這個規則,samba將會把這個選項生成的unix文件創建模式和由force create mode設置的選項進行逐位的或運算,force create mode 的缺省選項是000.
這個選項不會影響目錄創建模式.細節參見directory mode .
參考force create mode以進一步瞭解在創建文件時設置的特殊位.關於創建目錄模式參見directory mode選項.參見 inherit permissions parameter.
Note that this parameter does not apply to permissions set by Windows NT/2000 ACL editors. If the administrator wishes to enforce a mask on access control lists also, they need to set the security mask.
缺省設置: create mask = 0744
示例: create mask = 0775
- create mode (S)
- 與 create mask 同義.
- csc policy (S)
- This stands for client-side caching policy, and specifies how
clients capable of offline caching will cache the files in the share. The
valid values are: manual, documents, programs, disable.
These values correspond to those used on Windows servers.
For example, shares containing roaming profiles can have offline caching disabled using csc policy = disable.
缺省設置: csc policy = manual
示例: csc policy = programs
- deadtime (G)
- 這個值(十進制整數)定義連接發呆超時,單位是分鐘.如果一個連接發超過了這個時間就會被斷開.如果有文件被打開了,這個時間就不起作用.
缺省設置: deadtime = 0
示例: deadtime = 15
- debug hires timestamp (G)
- 有些時候記錄信息需要比秒更高層次的時間標識,用這個布爾量選項可以向時間標識信息頭中加入以微秒級的頻率.
注意要使用這個選項,必須打開 debug timestamp選項.
缺省設置: debug hires timestamp = no
- debuglevel (G)
- 與 log level 同義.
- debug pid (G)
- 爲很多從smbd(8)fork出來的進程使用同一個記錄文件時,很難精確地跟蹤信息是哪個進程輸出的.用這個布爾量選項向時間標識信息頭中自動添加進程號.
注意要使用這個選項,必須打開 debug timestamp 選項.
缺省設置: debug pid = no
- debug timestamp (G)
- samba缺省會給調試紀錄信息加上時間標識.如果運行的是高級別debug
缺省設置: debug timestamp = yes
- debug uid (G)
- samba有時以root身份運行,而有時以已聯接的用戶來運行.使用這個布爾量選項可以向記錄文件的時間標識信息頭中自動插入當前的euid,egid,uid和gid標識.
Note that the parameter must be on for this to have an effect. 注意要使用這個選項,必須打開 debug timestamp選項.
缺省設置: debug uid = no
- default (G)
- 與 default service 同義.
- default case (S)
也注意一下short preserve
缺省設置: default case = lower
- default devmode (S)
- This parameter is only applicable to printable services. When smbd is
serving Printer Drivers to Windows NT/2k/XP clients, each printer on the
Samba server has a Device Mode which defines things such as paper size and
orientation and duplex settings. The device mode can only correctly be
generated by the printer driver itself (which can only be executed on a
Win32 platform). Because smbd is unable to execute the driver code to
generate the device mode, the default behavior is to set this field to
Most problems with serving printer drivers to Windows NT/2k/XP clients can be traced to a problem with the generated device mode. Certain drivers will do things such as crashing the client's Explorer.exe with a NULL devmode. However, other printer drivers can cause the client's spooler service (spoolsv.exe) to die if the devmode was not created by the driver itself (i.e. smbd generates a default devmode).
This parameter should be used with care and tested with the printer driver in question. It is better to leave the device mode to NULL and let the Windows client set the correct values. Because drivers do not do this all the time, setting default devmode = yes will instruct smbd to generate a default one.
For more information on Windows NT/2k printing and Device Modes, see the MSDN documentation.
缺省設置: default devmode = no
- default service (G)
- 這個選項定義一個當指定服務找不到時的缺省服務.注意,在選項值裏沒有方括號(看示例!).
這個選項沒有缺省值. 如果沒給出這個選項的話,對不存在的服務的請求將返回錯誤.
缺省服務一般是那些允許guest ok, read-only的服務.
注意在缺省服務選項指定的服務名裏, 字符'_'被映射爲'/'. 這樣可能會出現有趣的事情.
[global] default service = pub [pub] path = /%S
- delete group script (G)
- This is the full pathname to a script that will be run AS ROOT smbd(8) when a group is requested to be deleted. It will expand any %g to the group name passed. This script is only useful for installations using the Windows NT domain administration tools.
- deleteprinter command (G)
- With the introduction of MS-RPC based printer support for Windows NT/2000
clients in Samba 2.2, it is now possible to delete printer at run time by
issuing the DeletePrinter() RPC call.
For a Samba host this means that the printer must be physically deleted from underlying printing system. The deleteprinter command defines a script to be run which will perform the necessary operations for removing the printer from the print system and from smb.conf.
The deleteprinter command is automatically called with only one parameter: "printer name".
Once the deleteprinter command has been executed, smbd will reparse the smb.conf to associated printer no longer exists. If the sharename is still valid, then smbd will return an ACCESS_DENIED error to the client.
參見 addprinter command, printing, show add printer wizard
缺省設置: none
示例: deleteprinter command = /usr/bin/removeprinter
- delete readonly (S)
- 這個選項允許刪除只讀文件,這個只讀不是通常dos裏的含義,而是unix中的.
缺省設置: delete readonly = no
- delete share command (G)
- Samba 2.2.0 introduced the ability to dynamically add and delete shares
via the Windows NT 4.0 Server Manager. The delete share command is
used to define an external program or script which will remove an existing
service definition from smb.conf. In order to successfully execute
the delete share command, smbd requires that the
administrator be connected using a root account (i.e. uid == 0).
When executed, smbd will automatically invoke the delete share command with two parameters.
configFile - the location of the global smb.conf file.
shareName - the name of the existing service.
This parameter is only used to remove file shares. To delete printer shares, see the deleteprinter command.
參見 add share command, change share command.
缺省設置: none
示例: delete share command = /usr/local/bin/delshare
- delete user from group script (G)
- Full path to the script that will be called when a user is removed from a
group using the Windows NT domain administration tools. It will be run by
smbd(8) AS ROOT. Any %g will be replaced with the
group name and any %u will be replaced with the user name.
缺省設置: delete user from group script =
示例: delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/deluser %u %g
- delete user script (G)
- 它定義一個在使用RPC(NT)工具管理用戶時,fBsmbd(8)以root身份運行的包括路徑的一個腳本.
當遠程客戶使用'User Manager for Domains' 或是 rpcclient 從服務器上刪除一個用戶時執行此操作。
缺省設置: delete user script = <空字符串>
示例: delete user script = /usr/local/samba/bin/del_user %u
- delete veto files (S)
- 這個選項用於samba試圖刪除一個或多個包含禁止文件的目錄的情況(參見veto
如果這個選項被設爲了 yes,Samba將試圖遞歸刪除在被禁止目錄裏的任何文件和目錄.這對於整合象NetAtalk這樣的文件服務系統很有用,它通常會在目錄裏生成Dos/windows用戶看不見的中間文件(e.g. .AppleDouble).
設置delete veto files = yes 使那些有權限的用戶可以在刪除父目錄的時候透明的刪除子目錄.
參見 veto files 選項.
缺省設置: delete veto files = no
- deny hosts (S)
- 與 hosts deny 同義.
- dfree command (G)
- dfree
Retry Ignore".
注意:這個腳本應該屬主爲root,只有root可寫,並且不能帶有用戶標識位和組標識位(setuid or setgid)!
缺省設置: 缺省用內部程序來計算磁盤容量和可用空間.
示例: dfree command = /usr/local/samba/bin/dfree
#!/bin/sh df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2" "$4}'
在Sys V一類的系統上可能是:
#!/bin/sh /usr/bin/df -k $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $3" "$5}'
- directory (S)
- 與 path 同義.
- directory mask (S)
- 這個選項是8進制的模式。用來控制在生成UNIX目錄時,將其從dos模式轉換爲unix模式。
Samba將把這個選項和force directory mode的選項進行逐位的或運算,這個選項缺省時設置爲000(也就是不加額外的限制).
Note that this parameter does not apply to permissions set by Windows NT/2000 ACL editors. If the administrator wishes to enforce a mask on access control lists also, they need to set the directory security mask.
在生成目錄時如果需要設置特殊的模式位,參見force directory mode選項.
關於生成文件時的模式位參見create mode 選項和directory security mask選項.
Also refer to the inherit permissions parameter.
缺省設置: directory mask = 0755
示例: directory mask = 0775
- directory mode (S)
- 與 directory mask 同義。
- directory security mask (S)
- 此選項控制了NT客戶在他的本地NT安全對話框中操縱unix目錄權限時可以修改哪些權限位.
如果沒有明確設定的話,這個選項會用與directory mask選項同樣的值.要允許用戶在目錄中可以修改所有的user/group/world權限,可以把這個選項設爲0777.
參見 force directory security mode, security mask, force security mode 選項。
缺省設置: directory security mask = 0777
示例: directory security mask = 0700
- disable netbios (G)
- Enabling this parameter will disable netbios support in Samba. Netbios is
the only available form of browsing in all windows versions except for
2000 and XP.
Note that clients that only support netbios won't be able to see your samba server when netbios support is disabled.
缺省設置: disable netbios = no
示例: disable netbios = yes
- disable spoolss (G)
- Enabling this parameter will disable Samba's support for the SPOOLSS set
of MS-RPC's and will yield identical behavior as Samba 2.0.x. Windows
NT/2000 clients will downgrade to using Lanman style printing commands.
Windows 9x/ME will be uneffected by the 選項。 However,
this will also disable the ability to upload printer drivers to a Samba
server via the Windows NT Add Printer Wizard or by using the NT printer
properties dialog window. It will also disable the capability of Windows
NT/2000 clients to download print drivers from the Samba host upon demand.
Be very careful about enabling this 選項。
See also use client driver
Default : disable spoolss = no
- display charset (G)
- Specifies the charset that samba will use to print messages to stdout and
stderr and SWAT will use. Should generally be the same as the unix
缺省設置: display charset = ASCII
示例: display charset = UTF8
- dns proxy (G)
- 指定nmbd(8)象WINS服務器那樣尋找沒有登記的NetBIOS名,象對待DNS名那樣逐字的對待NetBIOS名,向DNS服務器查詢該名稱所代表的客戶端.
nmbd 在做DNS名查詢的時候將自身複製一份,因爲域名查詢是一個阻塞的動作.
參見 wins support 。
缺省設置: dns proxy = yes
- domain logons (G)
- 如果這個選項爲yes,Samba服務器將爲workgroup提供Windows
95/98 登陸域服務.Samba
2.2只能實現Windows NT 4
缺省設置: domain logons = no
- domain master (G)
- 這個選項告訴smbd(8)收集廣域網內的瀏覽列表.設置這個選項後,nmbd用一個特定的NetBIOS名向它的工作組標識它自己是一個主控瀏覽器.在同一工作組不同子網中的本地主控瀏覽器將把自己的瀏覽列表傳給nmbd,然後向smbd(8)
注意,windows NT主域控制器默認情況總是佔有這個在工作組中的特殊的NetBIOS名,宣稱自己是工作組的主域瀏覽器(也就是說,沒有什麼方法可以阻止一個Windows NT主域控制器這樣做). 這樣如果設置了這個選項,並且nmbd 在Windows NT之前向工作組宣稱了這個特殊的名字,那麼跨子網的瀏覽行爲會變得奇怪,並且可能會失敗.
If domain logons = yes , then the default behavior is to enable the domain master 選項。 If domain logons is not enabled (the default setting), then neither will domain master be enabled by default.
缺省設置: domain master = auto
- dont descend (S)
- 有些系統上存在某些特殊的路徑(比如linux中的/proc),這些目錄不需要(也不希望)客戶端關心,甚至可能具有無限的層次深度(遞歸的).這個選項允許你指定一個由逗號分隔的列表,服務器將把列表內包含的目錄始終顯示成空目錄.
注意,Samba對'dont descend'選項的輸入格式十分挑剔.例如他也許要求你輸入./proc而不是僅僅是/proc.實踐是最好的策略.
缺省設置: none (也就是說,所有目錄的內容會正常的傳遞給客戶端)
示例: dont descend = /proc,/dev
- dos charset (G)
- DOS SMB clients assume the server has the same charset as they do. This
option specifies which charset Samba should talk to DOS clients.
The default depends on which charsets you have installed. Samba tries to use charset 850 but falls back to ASCII in case it is not available. Run testparm(1) to check the default on your system.
- dos filemode (S)
- The default behavior in Samba is to provide UNIX-like behavior where only
the owner of a file/directory is able to change the permissions on it.
However, this behavior is often confusing to DOS/Windows users. Enabling
this parameter allows a user who has write access to the file (by whatever
means) to modify the permissions on it. Note that a user belonging to the
group owning the file will not be allowed to change permissions if the
group is only granted read access. Ownership of the file/directory is not
changed, only the permissions are modified.
缺省設置: dos filemode = no
- dos filetime resolution (S)
- 在DOS和Windows
這個選項的主要用於解決Visual C++與Samba的兼容性問題.當共享文件被鎖定時(oplocks選項被設置爲允許),Visual C++使用兩個不同的讀取時間的函數調用來檢查文件自從最後一次讀操作以來是否有改變.其中一個函數使用1秒的時間尺度,而另一個則使用2秒的時間尺度.由於使用基於2秒的方法要捨去任何的奇數秒,當文件的時間記錄是奇數秒時,Visual C++的兩次函數調用結果就會不一致,Visual C++就會總是認爲文件被改變.設置這個選項可以使得兩次函數調用的結果一致,Visual C++會很高興的接受這一切.
缺省設置: dos filetime resolution = no
- dos filetimes (S)
- 在DOS和Windows操作系統中,如果用戶對文件進行寫操作,就會改變文件的時間記錄.而在POSIX規則中,只有文件的所有者和root纔有改變文件時間記錄的能力.缺省的,Samba按照POSIX規則運行,如果smbd的用戶不是文件的所有者,那麼他對文件的操作不會改變文件的時間記錄.如果設置這個選項爲
缺省設置: dos filetimes = no
- enable rid algorithm (G)
- This option is used to control whether or not smbd in Samba 3.0 should
fallback to the algorithm used by Samba 2.2 to generate user and group
RIDs. The longterm development goal is to remove the algorithmic mappings
of RIDs altogether, but this has proved to be difficult. This parameter is
mainly provided so that developers can turn the algorithm on and off and
see what breaks. This parameter should not be disabled by non-developers
because certain features in Samba will fail to work without it.
缺省設置: enable rid algorithm = <yes>
- encrypt passwords (G)
- 這個布爾型值控制着是否與客戶端用加密口令進行交談.注意,NT4.0
HOWTO Collection中的 "User Database"
想要使加密口令能正確的工作, smbd(8)必須能訪問本地的smbpasswd(5)文件(如何正確設置和維護這個文件,請參閱smbpasswd(8)手冊),或者,設置選項security= [server|domain|ads],這樣設置將使得smbd依賴其它的服務器來幫它鑑別口令.
缺省設置: encrypt passwords = yes
- enhanced browsing (G)
- This option enables a couple of enhancements to cross-subnet browse
propagation that have been added in Samba but which are not standard in
Microsoft implementations.
The first enhancement to browse propagation consists of a regular wildcard query to a Samba WINS server for all Domain Master Browsers, followed by a browse synchronization with each of the returned DMBs. The second enhancement consists of a regular randomised browse synchronization with all currently known DMBs.
You may wish to disable this option if you have a problem with empty workgroups not disappearing from browse lists. Due to the restrictions of the browse protocols these enhancements can cause a empty workgroup to stay around forever which can be annoying.
In general you should leave this option enabled as it makes cross-subnet browse propagation much more reliable.
缺省設置: enhanced browsing = yes
- enumports command (G)
- The concept of a "port" is fairly foreign to UNIX hosts. Under
Windows NT/2000 print servers, a port is associated with a port monitor
and generally takes the form of a local port (i.e. LPT1:, COM1:, FILE:) or
a remote port (i.e. LPD Port Monitor, etc...). By default, Samba has only
one port defined--"Samba Printer Port". Under Windows
NT/2000, all printers must have a valid port name. If you wish to have a
list of ports displayed (smbd does not use a port name for
anything) other than the default "Samba Printer Port",
you can define enumports command to point to a program which should
generate a list of ports, one per line, to standard output. This listing
will then be used in response to the level 1 and 2 EnumPorts() RPC.
缺省設置: no enumports command
示例: enumports command = /usr/bin/listports
- exec (S)
- 與 preexec 同義。
- fake directory create times (S)
- NTFS和Windows
所以, 在缺省狀態下,
這個選項的主要用於解決Visual C++與Samba的兼容性問題.Visual C++生成makefiles文件時, 包含目標文件所依賴的目的目錄. 包含建立目錄的規則. 同樣的, 當NMAKE比較時間屬性時, 它檢查目錄建立時間. 目標目錄不存在的話, 會建立一個;如果存在,它的建立時間總是比它所包含的目標文件的建立時間早.
UNIX的時間規則意味着只要有文件在共享目錄中建立或刪除,Samba將更新關於該目錄建立時間的報告. NMAKE將發現目錄中除了最後建立的文件以外的所有目標文件都過期了(與目錄的建立時間相比較), 然後重新編譯目標文件.設置這個選項值將保證目錄的建立時間早於它裏面的文件,NMAKE就能夠正常工作.
缺省設置: fake directory create times = no
- fake oplocks (S)
- oplocks是這樣一個選項,
當你設置fake oplocks = yes後,smbd(8)總是允許oplock請求, 而不管到底有多少的客戶端在使用這個文件.
在通常情況下, 使用真實的oplocks支持總是比使用這個選項好.
如果你使用這個選項在一些只讀的共享上(例如: CDROM共享),或者你知道這個共享只能夠被一個客戶端所訪問(例如: 客戶主目錄). 你將會注意到性能上的重大提升. 如果你將這個選項用在多個客戶端都可以讀寫的共享上, 由於客戶可能同時訪問一個共享文件, 這樣會造成文件損壞. 請一定小心使用.
缺省設置: fake oplocks = no
- follow symlinks (S)
- 這個選項允許Samba管理員禁止某個特殊共享下smbd(8)對符號鏈接的訪問.
這是很有用的). 但是,
這個選項缺省是允許(也就是, smbd將允許訪問符號鏈接)
缺省設置: follow symlinks = yes
- force create mode (S)
- 這個選項設置一組UNIX格式的權限代碼,
參見 create mask 來獲得關於建立文件時的掩碼的詳細資料。
另外也參見 inherit permissions 參數.
缺省設置: force create mode = 000
示例: force create mode = 0755
這個例子中, 將迫使所有被建立的文檔對"同組/其它(用戶)"有讀和執行權. 對用戶自己有讀/寫/執行權力.
- force directory mode (S)
- 這個選項設置一組UNIX格式的權限代碼,
參見 directory mask 來獲得關於建立目錄時的掩碼的詳細資料。
另外也參見 inherit permissions參數.
缺省設置: force directory mode = 000
示例: force directory mode = 0755
這個例子中, 將迫使所有被建立的目錄對"同組/其它(用戶)"有讀和進入權. 對用戶自己有讀/寫/進入權力.
- force directory security mode (S)
- 此選項控制NT用戶通過本地NT安全對話框可以操作哪些目錄上的unix權限位.
如果沒有明確設定的話,這個選項會用與force directory mode選項同樣的值.要允許用戶在目錄中可以修改所有的user/group/world權限,可以把這個選項設爲0000.
參見 directory security mask, security mask, force security mode 參數。
缺省設置: force directory security mode = 0
示例: force directory security mode = 700
- force group (S)
- 這個選項指定一個UNIX組,
在samba 2.0.5及更新的版本中這個選項已經按下面的方法有了一些擴展功能.如果在此列出的組名有一個'+'字符加在名稱前的話,當前用戶正在訪問的共享資源只有初始組被缺省分配到這個組中,而可能的情況是用戶已經是其它組成員了.這樣,管理員可以決定只有在特殊組裏的用戶才能以設定的組身份建立文件,更有益於所有權分配管理.例如,設定force group = +sys的話,只有在sys組裏的用戶才能在訪問samba共享資源時擁有缺省的初始組標識.而其它所有用戶保留他們原始的組標識.
如果又設定了 force user選項的話,force group選項中指定的組將會越過在 force user中指定的初始組. If the force user parameter is also set the group specified in force group will override the primary group set in force user.
參見 force user選項.
缺省設置: no forced group
示例: force group = agroup
- force security mode (S)
- 此選項控制NT用戶通過本地NT安全對話框可以操作哪些目錄上的unix權限位.
如果沒有明確設定的話,這個選項會用與force create mode選項同樣的值.要允許用戶在文件上可以修改所有的user/group/world權限,可以把這個選項設爲000.
參見 force directory security mode, directory security mask, security mask 參數。
缺省設置: force security mode = 0
示例: force security mode = 700
- force user (S)
- 這個選項指定一個UNIX用戶的名字,
這個選項只有當一個連接建立起來後纔有用. 在建立連接的使用, 用戶還是必須有合法的用戶名和口令. 一旦連接建立起來, 所有的操作將強迫以這個名字進行, 而不管它是以什麼名字登錄的.
samba 2.0.5和更新的版本中這個選項會導致用戶的初始組被作爲所有文件操作的初始組.2.0.5以前的初始組被允許作爲聯接用戶的初始組(這是個bug)
參見 force group 選項。
缺省設置: no forced user
示例: force user = auser
- fstype (S)
- 這個選項允許管理員設置一個字符串說明共享的文件系統的類型,
缺省設置: fstype = NTFS
示例: fstype = Samba
- get quota command (G)
- The get quota command should only be used whenever there is no
operating system API available from the OS that samba can use.
This parameter should specify the path to a script that queries the quota information for the specified user/group for the partition that the specified directory is on.
Such a script should take 3 arguments:
type of query
uid of user or gid of group
The type of query can be one of :
1 - user quotas
2 - user default quotas (uid = -1)
3 - group quotas
4 - group default quotas (gid = -1)
This script should print its output according to the following format:
Line 1 - quota flags (0 = no quotas, 1 = quotas enabled, 2 = quotas enabled and enforced)
Line 2 - number of currently used blocks
Line 3 - the softlimit number of blocks
Line 4 - the hardlimit number of blocks
Line 5 - currently used number of inodes
Line 6 - the softlimit number of inodes
Line 7 - the hardlimit number of inodes
Line 8(optional) - the number of bytes in a block(default is 1024)
參見 set quota command 選項。
缺省設置: get quota command =
示例: get quota command = /usr/local/sbin/query_quota
- getwd cache (G)
- 這是一個性能調節選項.
缺省設置: getwd cache = yes
- group (S)
- 與 force group 同義。
- guest account (G,S)
- 這是一個用來訪問服務的用戶名(作爲客戶來訪賬戶,區別於系統上的用戶),
guest ok.
在某些系統上,缺省的訪問用戶名"nobody"賬戶可能不能打印.如果遇到這種情況,請使用其它的賬戶名(例如ftp)。想要測試這種情況,可以試着用來訪賬戶登錄(可以用su -命令),然後,使用系統打印命令lpr(1)或lp(1).
缺省設置: 編譯時指定,通常是"nobody"
示例: guest account = ftp
- guest ok (S)
- 如果一個服務的這個選項的值設爲yes,
權限設置爲 guest
這個選項抵消了設置 restrict anonymous = 2 的好處。
參見下面的 security來獲得更多信息。
缺省設置: guest ok = no
- guest only (S)
- 如果一個服務的這個選項設置爲
yes, 那末,
ok選項, 則此選項無效.
參見下面的 security 參數來獲得更多信息。
缺省設置: guest only = no
- hide dot files (S)
- 這是一個布爾值選項.
缺省設置: hide dot files = yes
- hide files (S)
- 這是一個隱藏文件或目錄的列表.這些文件不能被看見但是能被訪問.列表中的文件或目錄將被賦予DOS下的"隱藏"屬性.
參見 hide dot files, veto files 和 case sensitive.
缺省設置: 沒有隱藏文件
示例: hide files = /.*/DesktopFolderDB/TrashFor%m/resource.frk/
- hide local users (G)
- This parameter toggles the hiding of local UNIX users (root, wheel,
floppy, etc) from remote clients.
缺省設置: hide local users = no
- hide special files (S)
- This parameter prevents clients from seeing special files such as sockets,
devices and fifo's in directory listings.
缺省設置: hide special files = no
- hide unreadable (S)
- This parameter prevents clients from seeing the existance of files that
cannot be read. Defaults to off.
缺省設置: hide unreadable = no
- hide unwriteable files (S)
- This parameter prevents clients from seeing the existance of files that
cannot be written to. Defaults to off. Note that unwriteable directories
are shown as usual.
缺省設置: hide unwriteable = no
- homedir map (G)
- 如果nis homedir
username server:/some/file/system
參見 nis homedir , domain logons .
缺省設置: homedir map = <空字符串>
示例: homedir map = amd.homedir
- host msdfs (G)
- If set to yes, Samba will act as a Dfs server, and allow Dfs-aware
clients to browse Dfs trees hosted on the server.
參見 msdfs root share level 選項。 For more information on setting up a Dfs tree on Samba, refer to ???.
缺省設置: host msdfs = no
- hostname lookups (G)
- Specifies whether samba should use (expensive) hostname lookups or use the
ip addresses instead. An example place where hostname lookups are
currently used is when checking the hosts deny and hosts
缺省設置: hostname lookups = yes
示例: hostname lookups = no
- hosts allow (S)
- 與allow hosts 同義.
你可以用ip地址或主機名來指定主機.比如,你可以用類似 allow hosts = 150.203.5. 來限定只允許訪問在這個c類子網中的主機.hosts_access(5)中詳細描述了關於這個選項設置的完整語法.注意到你的系統中也許沒有這個參考手冊,這裏也作一個簡單的說明.
注意,本機地址127.0.0.1 總是允許連接,除非在hosts deny 選項中加以禁止.
Example 1: 允許150.203.*.* 中除了一臺機器之外的所有IP訪問
hosts allow = 150.203. EXCEPT
Example 2: 允許滿足給定的子網號/子網掩碼的IP訪問
hosts allow =
Example 3: 允許一系列主機訪問
hosts allow = lapland, arvidsjaur
Example 4: 允許NIS網絡組"foonet"訪問,但是禁止其中的一臺主機
hosts allow = @foonet
hosts deny = pirate
參見testparm(1) 來檢測主機是否可以按照你希望的方式被訪問.
缺省設置: none (也就是說,所有機器都可以訪問)
示例: allow hosts = 150.203.5.
- hosts deny (S)
- hosts
缺省設置: none (沒有禁止訪問的主機)
示例: hosts deny = 150.203.4.
- hosts equiv (G)
- 如果這個選項值不是空字符串,就指定了一個文件名.這個文件中列出了可以不用口令就允許訪問的主機和用戶的名字.
不要把這個選項和hosts allow 搞混了,那是關於控制主機對服務的訪問的,用於管理對來訪者的服務.而 hosts equiv是用於支持那些不對samba提供口令的NT客戶的.
注意:使用hosts equiv 可能會成爲一個很大的安全漏洞.這是因爲你相信發起訪問的PC提供了正確的用戶名.找一臺PC來提供一個假的用戶名是很容易的.我建議你只有在完全明白你在幹什麼的情況下才使用hosts equiv選項,或者在你自己的家裏(那裏有你可以完全信任的配偶和孩子)使用它.僅僅是在你完全可以信任他們的時候才用 :-)
缺省設置: no host equivalences
示例: hosts equiv = /etc/hosts.equiv
- idmap backend (G)
- The purpose of the idmap backend parameter is to allow idmap to NOT use
the local idmap tdb file to obtain SID to UID / GID mappings, but instead
to obtain them from a common LDAP backend. This way all domain members and
controllers will have the same UID and GID to SID mappings. This avoids
the risk of UID / GID inconsistencies across UNIX / Linux systems that are
sharing information over protocols other than SMB/CIFS (ie: NFS).
缺省設置: idmap backend = <空字符串>
示例: idmap backend = ldap:ldap://
- idmap gid (G)
- The idmap gid parameter specifies the range of group ids that are
allocated for the purpose of mapping UNX groups to NT group SIDs. This
range of group ids should have no existing local or NIS groups within it
as strange conflicts can occur otherwise.
The availability of an idmap gid range is essential for correct operation of all group mapping.
缺省設置: idmap gid = <空字符串>
示例: idmap gid = 10000-20000
- idmap uid (G)
- The idmap uid parameter specifies the range of user ids that are allocated
for use in mapping UNIX users to NT user SIDs. This range of ids should
have no existing local or NIS users within it as strange conflicts can
occur otherwise.
缺省設置: idmap uid = <空字符串>
示例: idmap uid = 10000-20000
- include (G)
- 這個選項使得你可以把一個配置文件插入到另一個配置文件中去.這只是一種文本替換,就在好像被插入的文件的那個位置直接寫入那個插入文件一樣.
它支持標準替換,除%u , %P 和 %S以外.
缺省設置: 沒有包含其他文件
示例: include = /usr/local/samba/lib/admin_smb.conf
- inherit acls (S)
- This parameter can be used to ensure that if default acls exist on parent
directories, they are always honored when creating a subdirectory. The
default behavior is to use the mode specified when creating the directory.
Enabling this option sets the mode to 0777, thus guaranteeing that default
directory acls are propagated.
缺省設置: inherit acls = no
- inherit permissions (S)
- The permissions on new files and directories are normally governed by
create mask, directory mask, force create mode and
force directory mode but the boolean inherit permissions parameter
overrides this.
New directories inherit the mode of the parent directory, including bits such as setgid.
New files inherit their read/write bits from the parent directory. Their execute bits continue to be determined by map archive , map hidden and map system as usual.
Note that the setuid bit is never set via inheritance (the code explicitly prohibits this).
This can be particularly useful on large systems with many users, perhaps several thousand, to allow a single [homes] share to be used flexibly by each user.
參見 create mask , directory mask, force create mode and force directory mode .
缺省設置: inherit permissions = no
- interfaces (G)
- 這個選項允許你超越默認的Samba用來處理瀏覽,名字註冊和其他NBT網絡流量的網絡藉口列表.
這個選項的內容是一個接口字符串的列表, 每個字符串可以是下列任何一種格式:
interfaces = eth0
將配置三個網絡接口,對應eth0設備以及IP地址192.168.2.10 和192.168.3.10。後兩個接口的網絡掩碼將設置爲255.255.255.0。
參見bind interfaces only.
缺省設置: 除了127.0.0.1 之外的所有活動接口 that are broadcast capable
- invalid users (S)
- 這是一個不允許在這個服務上登錄的用戶的名單.這的確是一個非常嚴格的(paranoid)檢查,確保任何可能的不適當的設置都不會破壞你的系統的安全.
參見 valid users .
缺省設置: 沒有非法用戶
示例: invalid users = root fred admin @wheel
- keepalive (G)
- 這個選項是一個整數,它表示用於keepalive包間隔的秒數.如果這個選項是0,那麼就不發送保持連接的包.發送保持連接的包使得主機可以確定客戶端是否還在響應。
通常,如果用於連接的socket使用了SO_KEEPALIVE屬性設置(參見socket options),那麼發送保持連接的包是不需要的.基本上,除非你遇到了某些困難,這個選項是用不到的.
缺省設置: keepalive = 300
示例: keepalive = 600
- kernel change notify (G)
- This parameter specifies whether Samba should ask the kernel for change
notifications in directories so that SMB clients can refresh whenever the
data on the server changes.
This parameter is only usd when your kernel supports change notification to user programs, using the F_NOTIFY fcntl.
缺省設置: Yes
- kernel oplocks (G)
- 在支持基於內核的
內核機會性鎖定操作使得本地UNIX進程或NFS對文件進行操作時可以鎖定(凍結)smbd(8)對同一個文件的oplocks 操作.這可以保持SMB/CIFS,NFS和本地文件操作之間的數據一致性.(這是一個很cool的特性哦 :-)
參見 oplocks 和 level2 oplocks 參數.
缺省設置: kernel oplocks = yes
- lanman auth (G)
- This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) will attempt to
authenticate users using the LANMAN password hash. If disabled, only
clients which support NT password hashes (e.g. Windows NT/2000 clients,
smbclient, etc... but not Windows 95/98 or the MS DOS network client) will
be able to connect to the Samba host.
The LANMAN encrypted response is easily broken, due to it's case-insensitive nature, and the choice of algorithm. Servers without Windows 95/98 or MS DOS clients are advised to disable this option.
Unlike the encypt passwords option, this parameter cannot alter client behaviour, and the LANMAN response will still be sent over the network. See the client lanman auth to disable this for Samba's clients (such as smbclient)
If this option, and ntlm auth are both disabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be permited. Not all clients support NTLMv2, and most will require special configuration to us it.
Default : lanman auth = yes
- large readwrite (G)
- This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) supports the new
64k streaming read and write varient SMB requests introduced with Windows
2000. Note that due to Windows 2000 client redirector bugs this requires
Samba to be running on a 64-bit capable operating system such as IRIX,
Solaris or a Linux 2.4 kernel. Can improve performance by 10% with Windows
2000 clients. Defaults to on. Not as tested as some other Samba code
缺省設置: large readwrite = yes
- ldap admin dn (G)
- The ldap admin dn defines the Distinguished Name (DN) name used by Samba to contact the ldap server when retreiving user account information. The ldap admin dn is used in conjunction with the admin dn password stored in the private/secrets.tdb file. See the smbpasswd(8) man page for more information on how to accmplish this.
- ldap delete dn (G)
- This parameter specifies whether a delete operation in the ldapsam deletes
the complete entry or only the attributes specific to Samba.
缺省設置: ldap delete dn = no
- ldap filter (G)
- 這個選項指定了RFC2254兼容的LDAP搜索過濾器。默認對所有匹配sambaAccount對象類的條目進行登錄名和
缺省設置: ldap filter = (&(uid=%u)(objectclass=sambaAccount))
- ldap group suffix (G)
- This parameters specifies the suffix that is used for groups when these
are added to the LDAP directory. If this parameter is unset, the value of
ldap suffix will be used instead.
缺省設置: none
示例: dc=samba,ou=Groups
- ldap idmap suffix (G)
- This parameters specifies the suffix that is used when storing idmap
mappings. If this parameter is unset, the value of ldap suffix will
be used instead.
缺省設置: none
示例: ou=Idmap,dc=samba,dc=org
- ldap machine suffix (G)
- It specifies where machines should be added to the ldap tree.
缺省設置: none
- ldap passwd sync (G)
- This option is used to define whether or not Samba should sync the LDAP
password with the NT and LM hashes for normal accounts (NOT for
workstation, server or domain trusts) on a password change via SAMBA.
The ldap passwd sync can be set to one of three values:
Yes = Try to update the LDAP, NT and LM passwords and update the pwdLastSet time.
No = Update NT and LM passwords and update the pwdLastSet time.
Only = Only update the LDAP password and let the LDAP server do the rest.
缺省設置: ldap passwd sync = no
- ldap port (G)
- 這個選項只有在編譯時配置了"--with-ldap"選項的情況下才可用.
參見: ldap ssl
Default : ldap port = 636 ; 如果 ldap ssl = on
Default : ldap port = 389 ; 如果 ldap ssl = off
- ldap server (G)
- 這個選項只有在編譯時配置了"--with-ldapsam"選項的情況下才可用.
Default : ldap server = localhost
- ldap ssl (G)
- This option is used to define whether or not Samba should use SSL when
connecting to the ldap server This is NOT related to Samba's
previous SSL support which was enabled by specifying the --with-ssl
option to the configure script.
The ldap ssl can be set to one of three values:
Off = Never use SSL when querying the directory.
Start_tls = Use the LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation (RFC2830) for communicating with the directory server.
On = Use SSL on the ldaps port when contacting the ldap server. Only available when the backwards-compatiblity --with-ldapsam option is specified to configure. See passdb backend
Default : ldap ssl = start_tls
- ldap suffix (G)
- 指定用戶和機器帳號從哪裏加入樹中。可以被ldap
user suffix和ldap machine
缺省設置: none
- ldap user suffix (G)
- This parameter specifies where users are added to the tree. If this
parameter is not specified, the value from ldap suffix.
缺省設置: none
- level2 oplocks (S)
- 這個參數控制了是否Samba在一個共享上支持第二級(只讀)oplocks。
2級,或者只讀oplocks允許Windows NT客戶在文件中可以保持一個oplocks,一旦第二個用戶請求同一文件時可以從讀寫oplocks級降爲只讀oplocks(而不是像傳統的做法,保持唯一的oplocks,在第二次打開時釋放所有的oplocks).這樣就可以允許支持2級oplocks的文件打開者緩存用於只讀的文件(也就是說,他們的寫和鎖定請求不可能被緩衝),並且使只讀文件的大量訪問提升性能(例如.exe文件).
一旦在擁有隻讀oplocks的客戶中有一位對文件進行了寫操作,所有的客戶都會被通知(不需要回復及等待), told to break their oplocks to "none",然後刪除所有read-ahead caches.
當前,如果使用了kernel oplocks的話,就不會認可2級oplocks(即使把那個選項設爲yes也沒用).還要注意,oplocks 選項必須在共享上被設成yes纔有效果.
參見 oplocks 和 kernel oplocks 選項。
缺省設置: level2 oplocks = yes
- lm announce (G)
- 這個選項決定nmbd(8)是否產生"Lanman宣告廣播",OS/2的客戶端需要這個廣播用以在它們的瀏覽列表裏看到Samba服務器.這個選項有3個值:yes、no、auto.缺省值是auto.如果這值爲no,Samba將不會產生這種廣播.如果設置爲yes,Samba將以lm
參見 lm interval.
缺省設置: lm announce = auto
示例: lm announce = yes
- lm interval (G)
- 如果Samba設置爲產生"Lanman宣告廣播(給OS/2客戶端使用,參見lm
參見lm announce.
缺省設置: lm interval = 60
示例: lm interval = 120
- load printers (G)
- 這個布爾值控制是否在"printcap"文件中的所有打印機將會被缺省的安裝到Samba環境,並且可以被瀏覽.參見"printers"段獲得更多細節.
缺省設置: load printers = yes
- local master (G)
- 這個選項允許nmbd(8)試着去成爲本地子網的主控瀏覽器.如果選項值爲no,
設置這個值爲 no 將使 nmbd 永遠不會 成爲主控瀏覽器。
缺省設置: local master = yes
- lock dir (G)
- 與 lock directory 同義.
- lock directory (G)
- 這個選項指出"加鎖文件"放置的目錄.加鎖文件用以實現最大連接數max
缺省設置: lock directory = ${prefix}/var/locks
示例: lock directory = /var/run/samba/locks
- locking (S)
- 這個選項控制當客戶端發出鎖定請求時,服務器是否執行"鎖定".
如果 locking = no ,所有的鎖定請求和解除鎖定請求將表現爲成功執行.對鎖定的查詢將會顯示沒有鎖定.
如果locking = yes 服務器將執行真正的鎖定。
缺省設置: locking = yes
- lock spin count (G)
- This parameter controls the number of times that smbd should attempt to
gain a byte range lock on the behalf of a client request. Experiments have
shown that Windows 2k servers do not reply with a failure if the lock
could not be immediately granted, but try a few more times in case the
lock could later be aquired. This behavior is used to support PC database
formats such as MS Access and FoxPro.
缺省設置: lock spin count = 3
- lock spin time (G)
- The time in microseconds that smbd should pause before attempting to gain
a failed lock. See lock spin count for more details.
缺省設置: lock spin time = 10
- log file (G)
- 這個選項允許設置其它的文件名字來替代Samba日誌文件(也就是調試文件).
示例: log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
- log level (G)
- 這個值(字符串)允許在smb.conf裏定義調試水平(記錄水平).This
parameter has been extended since the 2.2.x series, now it allow to
specify the debug level for multiple debug classes.
示例: log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2
- logon drive (G)
- 這個選項設置一個本地路徑(可以理解爲網絡映射盤),當登錄時,用戶的主目錄就連接到這個本地路徑(參見logon
缺省設置: logon drive = z:
示例: logon drive = h:
- logon home (G)
- 當Win95/98或Win
This parameter can be used with Win9X workstations to ensure that roaming profiles are stored in a subdirectory of the user's home directory. This is done in the following way:
logon home = \%NUrofile
This tells Samba to return the above string, with substitutions made when a client requests the info, generally in a NetUserGetInfo request. Win9X clients truncate the info to \\server\share when a user does net use /home but use the whole string when dealing with profiles.
Note that in prior versions of Samba, the logon path was returned rather than logon home. This broke net use /home but allowed profiles outside the home directory. The current implementation is correct, and can be used for profiles if you use the above trick.
注意,這個選項只在Samba被設置成爲登錄服務器logon server時才起作用.
缺省設置: logon home = "\%NU"
示例: logon home = "\remote_smb_serverU"
- logon path (G)
- 這個選項指定了存放roaming
to previous versions of these manual pages, it has nothing to do with Win
9X roaming profiles. To find out how to handle roaming profiles for Win 9X
system, see the logon home parameter.
這個選項支持標準替換,允許你爲每一個用戶或機器設置不同的登錄腳本.它也可以指定那些顯示在Windows NT客戶端上的"應用程序數據"(桌面,開始菜單,網上鄰居和程序等文件夾和他們的內容).
指定的共享資源和路徑必須是用戶可讀的,這樣,設定的選項和目錄才能被Windows NT客戶端裝載使用.這個共享資源在用戶第一次登錄時必須是可寫的,這樣Windows NT客戶端才能建立NTuser.dat文件及其他目錄.
Windows終端有時候即使沒有用戶登錄也會保持對[homes]共享資源的連接.因此,logon path不能包含對homes共享資源的任何參照(也就是說,把這個選項設置成類似\\%N\HOMES\profile_path會引起問題).
注意,這個選項只有在Samba被設置成爲登錄服務器logon server的時候才起作用.
缺省設置: logon path = \\%N\%U\profile
示例: logon path = \\PROFILESERVER\PROFILE\%U
- logon script (G)
- 這個選項指明,當一個用戶成功的登錄後,將會自動下載到本地執行的腳本文件,這個腳本文件可能是一個批處理文件(.bat)或者一個NT命令文件(.cmd).這個腳本文件必須使用DOS風格的回車/換行(CR/LF)來結束每一行,因此,我們推薦使用DOS風格的文本編輯器來建立這個文件.
腳本文件的存放位置必須是相對於[netlogon]服務中指明的目錄路徑,舉例來說,如果[netlogon]服務指定了了一個path是/usr/local/samba/netlogon,而logon script = STARTUP.BAT, 那麼將要下載到客戶端執行的文件的實際存放位置是:
登錄腳本的內容包含什麼,完全由你決定.我們建議包含這個指令:NET TIME \SERVER /SET /YES,它強迫每一臺機器的時間和服務器的時間同步(以服務器的時間爲準);另一個建議是映射公共工具盤:NET USE U:\\SERVER\"公共工具目錄" 例如:
缺省設置: no logon script defined
示例: logon script = scriptsU.bat
- lppause command (S)
- 這個選項指定在服務器上中斷指定的打印作業的打印或假脫機打印操作所使用的指令.
用%p置換可以取得打印機名,而%j會被打印作業號(一個整數)置換.在HPUX系統中(參見printing=hpux ),如果給lpq命令加上-p%p選項,打印作業會顯示其執行狀態,具體的說,如果作業的優先級低於阻塞級別,它會顯示'PAUSED'狀態,反之,如果作業的優先級等於或高於阻塞級別,它會顯示'SPOOLED'或'PRINTING'狀態.
參見 printing parameter選項.
缺省設置: 目前這個選項沒有缺省設置,除非printing選項設置SYSV,在這種情況下,缺省參 數是:
lp -i %p-%j -H hold
qstat -s -j%j -h
在HPUX系統中的例子: lppause command = /usr/bin/lpalt %p-%j -p0
- lpq cache time (G)
- 此選項控制了lpq信息多長時間被緩衝一次,以防止頻繁調用lpq命令.每一次系統使用lpq命令會保留一個單獨的緩衝,所以如果不同的用戶分別使用了不同的lpq命令的話,他們不可能共享緩衝信息.
參見 printing 選項.
缺省設置: lpq cache time = 10
示例: lpq cache time = 30
- lpq command (S)
- 這個選項指定爲了獲得lpq風格的打印機狀態信息而要在服務器上要執行的命令.
通常支持九種打印機狀態信息:CUPS, BSD,AIX,LPRNG,PLP,SYSV,HPUX,QNX和SOFTQ.而這些正好覆蓋了大多數的UNIX系統.你可以用printing =選項來控制到底要用哪種類型.
有些客戶端(特別是Windows for Workgroups)可能不能正確地向打印機發送聯接號以獲得狀態信息.對此,服務器會向客戶報告它所聯接的首個打印服務.這樣的情況只當聯接號發送非法時纔會發生.
注意,當服務器不能獲得PATH變量的話,以絕對路徑來描述lpq command是個好習慣. 當與CUPS庫編譯連接時,不需要lpq command,因爲smbd將使用庫調用來獲得打印隊列列表。
參見 printing 選項.
缺省設置: 依賴於 printing 的設置情況
示例: lpq command = /usr/bin/lpq -P%p
- lpresume command (S)
- 此選項指定爲了繼續連續打印或假脫機一個指定的打印任務時要在服務器上執行的命令.
此命令應該是一個以打印機名和要恢復的打印任務號作爲選項的程序或腳本.參見lppause command 參數。
如果使用%p變量的話,系統會在此處放置打印機名.用%j來代替打印任務號,當然是用整數形 式羅.
注意,當服務器不能獲得PATH變量的話,以絕對路徑來描述lpresume command是個好習慣
參見 printing 選項.
缺省設置: 當前沒有缺省設置,除非 printing 選項是 SYSV, 此時默認是
lp -i %p-%j -H resume
或者如果printing 選項是 SOFTQ, 那麼默認是:
qstat -s -j%j -r
HPUX的示例: lpresume command = /usr/bin/lpalt %p-%j -p2
- lprm command (S)
- 此選項指定爲了要刪除一個打印任務而需要在服務器上執行的命令.
注意,當不能從服務器獲得PATH變量的話,以絕對路徑來描述lprm command是個好習慣.
參見printing 選項.
缺省設置: 依賴於 printing 選項設置
示例 1: lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
示例 2: lprm command = /usr/bin/cancel %p-%j
- machine password timeout (G)
- 如果samba服務器是Windows
參見 smbpasswd(8), 和 security = domain 選項.
缺省設置: machine password timeout = 604800
- magic output (S)
- 此選項指定了一個用magic腳本輸出內容而建立的文件的名稱,參見下面對magic
警告:如果兩個客戶在同樣的目錄下用相同的magic script,輸出文件內容是無法確定的.
缺省設置: magic output = <magic script name>.out
示例: magic output = myfile.txt
- magic script (S)
- 這個選項用來指定將被服務器執行的文件的名字,這個文件如果已經打開,那麼,當這個文件關閉後服務器同樣也可以運行.這樣就允許了一個UNIX腳本可以傳送到samba主機,併爲所連接的用戶運行.
如果腳本產生了輸出的話,這些信息就被送到magic output選項指定的文件中(見以上描述).
缺省設置: 無。禁止使用magic script.
示例: magic script = user.csh
- mangle case (S)
缺省設置: mangle case = no
- mangled map (S)
- 這個選項是用來直接映射那些不能在Windows/DOS上描述的unix文件名.不過並不經常出現這樣的情況,只有一些特殊的擴展名在DOS和UNIX之間纔會不同,例如,HTML文件在UNIX下通常都是.html,而在Windows/DOS下通常卻是.htm.
所以如果要將 html 映射爲 htm 你應當這樣:
mangled map = (*.html *.htm)
有一個非常有用的經驗是刪掉在CDROM光盤上一些文件名後面討人厭的;1(只有在一些UNIX可以看到它們).爲此可以這樣映射:(*;1 *;).
缺省設置: 沒有 mangled map
示例: mangled map = (*;1 *;)
- mangled names (S)
- 這個選項控制是否要把UNIX下的非DOS文件名映射爲DOS兼容的形式("mangled")並使得它們可以查閱,或者簡單地忽略掉這些非DOS文件名.
NAME MANGLING部分有更多關於如何控制這類處理的詳細信息.
注意,如果你不喜歡'~'的話,可以用mangling char選項來指定你想要的字符.
最後,擴展名部分的前三個字符會被保留,強制轉換到大寫並作爲映射後名字的擴展名.最後的擴展名就是原始文件名中最後一個'.'右面的那部分.如果文件名中沒有'.',那麼映射後的文件名也沒有擴展名部分(除非用了"hidden files" - 參見後面的介紹).
缺省設置: mangled names = yes
- mangled stack (G)
- 這個選項控制了映射文件名的數量,以便讓Samba服務器smbd(8)對其進行緩存.
缺省設置: mangled stack = 50
示例: mangled stack = 100
- mangle prefix (G)
- controls the number of prefix characters from the original name used when
generating the mangled names. A larger value will give a weaker hash and
therefore more name collisions. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum
value is 6.
mangle prefix is effective only when mangling method is hash2.
缺省設置: mangle prefix = 1
示例: mangle prefix = 4
- mangling char (S)
- 這個選項指定在name
缺省設置: mangling char = ~
示例: mangling char = ^
- mangling method (G)
- controls the algorithm used for the generating the mangled names. Can take
two different values, "hash" and "hash2".
"hash" is the default and is the algorithm that has been used in
Samba for many years. "hash2" is a newer and considered a better
algorithm (generates less collisions) in the names. However, many Win32
applications store the mangled names and so changing to the new algorithm
must not be done lightly as these applications may break unless
缺省設置: mangling method = hash2
示例: mangling method = hash
- map acl inherit (S)
- This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will attempt to map
the 'inherit' and 'protected' access control entry flags stored in Windows
ACLs into an extended attribute called user.SAMBA_PAI. This parameter only
takes effect if Samba is being run on a platform that supports extended
attributes (Linux and IRIX so far) and allows the Windows 2000 ACL editor
to correctly use inheritance with the Samba POSIX ACL mapping code.
缺省設置: map acl inherit = no
- map archive (S)
- 這個選項決定了是否把DOS的歸檔屬性映射爲UNIX可執行位.在文件修改後DOS的歸檔位會被設定到文件上.保持歸檔位的一個理由是使得Samba或者你的PC在新建任何文件的時候,不會爲它們設置UNIX可執行屬性。那樣對於共享源代碼、文檔等等非常讓人厭煩。
注意這個選項需要在create mask[u4E2D]沒有排除文件屬主的執行權限位(也就是說它必須包含100).參見create mask選項中的描述.
缺省設置: map archive = yes
- map hidden (S)
- 這個選項決定DOS下的隱藏文件是否要映射爲UNIX全局可執行位.
注意這個選項需要在create mask中沒有排除所有用戶的執行權限位(也就是說它必須包含001).參見create mask選項中的描述.
缺省設置: map hidden = no
- map system (S)
- 這個選項決定DOS下的系統文件是否要映射爲UNIX組可執行位.
注意這個選項需要在create mask中沒有排除組用戶的執行權限位(也就是說它必須包含010).參見create mask選項中的描述.
缺省設置: map system = no
- map to guest (G)
- 這個選項只在安全模式不是共享級(security=share)時纔有用,也就是選用了用戶安全級,服務器安全級或者域安全級(user,
server, 和domain).
Never - 意思是用戶登錄時用了個非法口令並且被服務器所拒.這是個缺省值.
Bad User - 意思是用戶登錄時用了非法口令並且被服務器所拒,除非用戶名不存在,否則也可以以來賓身份登錄並映射到對應的guest account賬號.
Bad Password - 意思是用戶登錄時即使用了非法口令,但是還會以來賓身份登錄並映射到對應的guest賬號.可能出現這樣的問題,就是用戶雖然輸錯了口令,卻非常平靜地以“來賓”身份登錄到系統上。他們不明白爲什麼他們不能訪問那些他們認爲可以訪問的資源,因爲在登錄時沒有任何信息提示他們輸錯了口令。所以應該小心使用它,以避免不必要的麻煩. Helpdesk services will hate you if you set the map to guest parameter this way :-).
缺省設置: map to guest = Never
示例: map to guest = Bad User
- max connections (S)
- 最大聯接數就是允許同時聯接到一個資源服務的最大數量限制.在max
爲了實現這樣的功能,系統會使用記錄鎖定文件.鎖定文件存放在lock directory選項指定的目錄中.
缺省設置: max connections = 0
示例: max connections = 10
- max disk size (G)
- 控制磁盤使用的上限.如果把它設爲100的話,所有的共享資源容量都不會超過100M.
注意這個選項並不是限制管理員往磁盤上存放數據的容量.在上面所說的情況中,管理員仍然可以存放超過100M的數據到磁盤上,但如果客戶查詢剩餘磁盤空間或磁盤總空間的話,所得到的結果就只在這個 max disk size指定的容量範圍之內.
缺省設置: max disk size = 0
示例: max disk size = 1000
- max log size (G)
- 這個選項(一個kB爲單位的整數)用來指定使用的記錄文件最大到多少容量.samba會週期性地檢查這個容量,如果超過這個選項值就把老的文件換名成擴展名爲.old的文件.
缺省設置: max log size = 5000
示例: max log size = 1000
- max mux (G)
- 這個選項控制了對用戶允許的最大SMB併發操作數.你應該不需要設定這個選項的.
缺省設置: max mux = 50
- max open files (G)
- 這個選項限定了在任意時間客戶端用一個
缺省設置: max open files = 10000
- max print jobs (S)
- This parameter limits the maximum number of jobs allowable in a Samba
printer queue at any given moment. If this number is exceeded,
smbd(8) will remote "Out of Space" to the client. See all
total print jobs.
缺省設置: max print jobs = 1000
示例: max print jobs = 5000
- max protocol (G)
- 此項的值是一個字符串,定義了服務器支持的最高協議等級.
CORE: 早期版本,不接受用戶名.
COREPLUS: 在CORE的基礎上改進了一些性能.
LANMAN1: 第一個比較流行的協議,支持長文件名.
NT1: 目前用於Windows NT,一般稱爲CIFS.
參見 min protocol
缺省設置: max protocol = NT1
示例: max protocol = LANMAN1
- max reported print jobs (S)
- This parameter limits the maximum number of jobs displayed in a port
monitor for Samba printer queue at any given moment. If this number is
exceeded, the excess jobs will not be shown. A value of zero means there
is no limit on the number of print jobs reported. See all total print
jobs and max print jobs parameters.
缺省設置: max reported print jobs = 0
示例: max reported print jobs = 1000
- max smbd processes (G)
- This parameter limits the maximum number of smbd(8) processes
concurrently running on a system and is intended as a stopgap to prevent
degrading service to clients in the event that the server has insufficient
resources to handle more than this number of connections. Remember that
under normal operating conditions, each user will have an smbd(8)
associated with him or her to handle connections to all shares from a
given host.
缺省設置: max smbd processes = 0 ## no limit
示例: max smbd processes = 1000
- max ttl (G)
- 這個選項通知nmbd(8)
to live',
缺省設置: max ttl = 259200
- max wins ttl (G)
- 這個選項通知smbd(8)程序當它作爲一個WINS服務器時(wins
參見 min wins ttl 選項.
缺省設置: max wins ttl = 518400
- max xmit (G)
- 這個選項控制通過samba的最大包容量.缺省值是65535,同時這也是最大值.有時你可能用一個較小的值可以得到更好的性能.不過低於2048通常會有一些問題.
缺省設置: max xmit = 65535
示例: max xmit = 8192
- message command (G)
- 當服務器接收到一個WinPopup類似的信息時運行一個指定的命令.
message command = csh -c 'xedit %s;rm %s' &
%s =包含消息的文件名
%t = 發送信息的目標(很可能是服務器名).
%f = 信息的來源.
message command = /bin/mail -s 'message from %f on %m' root < %s; rm %s
如果沒有指定發送信息所用的命令,那麼這個信息並不會被髮出,同時Samba向發送者報告出錯.不幸的是WfWg(Windows for Workgrups)完全忽略出錯代碼,提示信息已被髮出.
message command = rm %s
缺省設置: 沒有 message command
示例: message command = csh -c 'xedit %s; rm %s' &
- min passwd length (G)
- 與 min password length 同義.
- min password length (G)
- 此項設定當執行變更UNIX口令時smbd接受的明文口令的最小字符長度.
參見 unix password sync, passwd program和 passwd chat debug 選項.
缺省設置: min password length = 5
- min print space (S)
- 此項設定一個用戶假脫機打印作業必須的最小剩餘磁盤空間.當然是用kB
參見 printing 選項。
缺省設置: min print space = 0
示例: min print space = 2000
- min protocol (G)
- The value of the parameter (a string) is the lowest SMB protocol dialect
than Samba will support. Please refer to the max protocol parameter
for a list of valid protocol names and a brief description of each. You
may also wish to refer to the C source code in
source/smbd/negprot.c for a listing of known protocol dialects
supported by clients.
If you are viewing this parameter as a security measure, you should also refer to the lanman auth 選項。 Otherwise, you should never need to change this 選項。
Default : min protocol = CORE
Example : min protocol = NT1 # disable DOS clients
- min wins ttl (G)
- 此項通知nmbd(8)當以WINS服務器的形式(wins
support =
缺省設置: min wins ttl = 21600
- msdfs proxy (S)
- This parameter indicates that the share is a stand-in for another CIFS
share whose location is specified by the value of the
選項。 When clients attempt to connect to this share,
they are redirected to the proxied share using the SMB-Dfs protocol.
Only Dfs roots can act as proxy shares. Take a look at the msdfs root and host msdfs options to find out how to set up a Dfs root share.
示例: msdfs proxy = \\otherserver\someshare
- msdfs root (S)
- If set to yes, Samba treats the share as a Dfs root and allows
clients to browse the distributed file system tree rooted at the share
directory. Dfs links are specified in the share directory by symbolic
links of the form msdfs:serverA\\shareA,serverB\\shareB and so on.
For more information on setting up a Dfs tree on Samba, refer to ???.
參見 host msdfs
缺省設置: msdfs root = no
- name cache timeout (G)
- Specifies the number of seconds it takes before entries in samba's
hostname resolve cache time out. If the timeout is set to 0. the caching
is disabled.
缺省設置: name cache timeout = 660
示例: name cache timeout = 0
- name resolve order (G)
- samba套件中的一些程序使用此項來決定使用的名字服務以及解析主機名到IP地址的次序.主要目的是控制netbios名稱怎樣解析。此選項列出不同的名字解析選項,以空格爲分隔符.
lmhosts : 在samba的lmhosts文件中查找IP地址.如果lmhosts文件的內容行中沒有名字類型附加在NetBIOS名上時(參見lmhosts (5)中的詳細描述),任何類型的名字都可以匹配這個查詢.
host : 執行標準的主機名到IP地址的解析操作,此操作會使用系統的/etc/hosts,NIS或者是DNS來查詢.具體方法取決於操作系統,在IRIX和Solaris中解析名字的方法可能是由/etc/nsswitch.conf文件來控制的.注意此方法只適用於對被查詢的NetBIOS名字類型爲0x20(服務器)或者是0x1c(域控制器)時纔有用,其它類型都會被忽略.後一種情況只在活動目錄域中有用,返回一個匹配_ldap._tcp.domain 的SRV RR條目的DNS 查詢。
wins : 向列在wins server選項中的服務器查詢一個名字對應的IP地址.如果沒有指定WINS服務器,那麼此方法就被略過了.
bcast : 向在interfaces選項中列出的每一個已知本地網絡接口進行廣播來作查詢.這是最不可信的名字解析方法,除非目標主機就在本地子網中.
缺省設置: name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
示例: name resolve order = lmhosts bcast host
When Samba is functioning in ADS security mode (security = ads) it is advised to use following settings for name resolve order:
name resolve order = wins bcast
DC lookups will still be done via DNS, but fallbacks to netbios names will not inundate your DNS servers with needless querys for DOMAIN<0x1c> lookups.
- netbios aliases (G)
- 此項指定一串NetBIOS名字讓nmbd作爲附加的名字進行宣佈.這樣就使一個機器在可瀏覽列表中可以出現多個名字形式.如果主機是瀏覽服務器或登錄服務器,
參見 netbios name 選項。
缺省設置: 空字符串 (沒有附加的名字)
示例: netbios aliases = TEST TEST1 TEST2
- netbios name (G)
- 此項對一已知的samba服務器設置它的NetBIOS名.缺省情況下會使用此主機DNS名字的主機名部分.如果這個服務器是作瀏覽服務器或登錄服務器時(或是主機DNS名的第一個成分時),這個服務器名將成爲這些服務對外宣佈時所用的名字.
參見 netbios aliases 選項
缺省設置: machine DNS name
示例: netbios name = MYNAME
- netbios scope (G)
- This sets the NetBIOS scope that Samba will operate under. This should not be set unless every machine on your LAN also sets this value.
- nis homedir (G)
- 此項從NIS映射表中取得有效共享服務器.對於用自動裝載程序的UNIX系統來說,用戶的主目錄經常根據需要從遠程服務器裝載到一個需要的工作站上.
此選項允許當Samba在主目錄服務器方式運行時讓samba反饋目錄服務器而非登錄服務器上的主共享資源,這樣samba用戶可以直接從目錄服務器上裝載目錄.當samba把目錄共享資源反饋給用戶,這時它會參考homedir map選項指定的NIS映射表然後再反饋表中列出的服務.
缺省設置: nis homedir = no
- nt acl support (S)
- 此布爾量選項控制是否讓smbd(8)嘗試把UNIX權限映射到NT的訪問控制列表.這個參數在2.2.2之前是一個全局選項。
缺省設置: nt acl support = yes
- ntlm auth (G)
- This parameter determines whether or not smbd(8) will attempt to
authenticate users using the NTLM encrypted password response. If
disabled, either the lanman password hash or an NTLMv2 response will need
to be sent by the client.
If this option, and lanman auth are both disabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be permited. Not all clients support NTLMv2, and most will require special configuration to us it.
Default : ntlm auth = yes
- nt pipe support (G)
- 此布爾量選項控制是否讓smbd(8)允許Windows
缺省設置: nt pipe support = yes
- nt status support (G)
- This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) will negotiate NT
specific status support with Windows NT/2k/XP clients. This is a developer
debugging option and should be left alone. If this option is set to
no then Samba offers exactly the same DOS error codes that versions
prior to Samba 2.2.3 reported.
You should not need to ever disable this 選項。
缺省設置: nt status support = yes
- null passwords (G)
- Allow or disallow client access to accounts that have null passwords.
缺省設置: null passwords = no
- obey pam restrictions (G)
- When Samba 3.0 is configured to enable PAM support (i.e. --with-pam), this
parameter will control whether or not Samba should obey PAM's account and
session management directives. The default behavior is to use PAM for
clear text authentication only and to ignore any account or session
management. Note that Samba always ignores PAM for authentication in the
case of encrypt passwords = yes. The reason is that PAM modules
cannot support the challenge/response authentication mechanism needed in
the presence of SMB password encryption.
缺省設置: obey pam restrictions = no
- only guest (S)
- 與 guest only同義.
- only user (S)
- 此布爾量選項控制是否允許當前進行聯接所用的用戶名沒有列在user列表中.缺省情況下此項是被禁止了,這樣用戶只要提供服務需要的用戶名就可以了.設置這個選項將強制服務器使用user列表中的登錄用戶名,這隻在共享級安全中有效。
要注意的是上面的說法也表明了samba並不會從服務名而推演出相應的用戶名.這樣的話對於[homes]段就比較麻煩了.要避免麻煩的話需要用user = %S,這句就表明你的用戶列表user正好就是這個服務資源名,這時的主目錄名就是用戶名.
參見 user 選項。
缺省設置: only user = no
- oplock break wait time (G)
- 此項調整性的選項以適應在Windows
缺省設置: oplock break wait time = 0
- oplock contention limit (S)
- 這是個非常高級的smbd(8)調整選項,用以改進在多個用戶爭奪相同文件時oplocks認可操作的效率.
簡單地說,這個選項指定了一個數字,如果爭奪相同文件的用戶數量超過了此設定極限的話,即使有請求,smbd(8)也不再認可oplock的操作了.這樣的話smbd就象Windows NT一樣的運行.
缺省設置: oplock contention limit = 2
- oplocks (S)
- 此布爾量通知smbd是否對當前請求的共享資源上的文件打開操作啓用oplocks(機會性的鎖定操作).oplock代碼可以明顯改善訪問samba服務器文件的速度(approx.30%
oplocks會有選擇性地關閉每一個基本共享資源上的特定文件.參見 veto oplock files 選項.在有些系統上會通過最底層的操作系統確認oplocks.這樣就可以在所有的訪問與oplocked文件中進行數據同步,而不管此訪問是通過samba或NFS或者是本地的UNIX進程.參見kernel oplocks選項查看細節.
參見 kernel oplocks 以及 level2 oplocks parameters.
缺省設置: oplocks = yes
- os2 driver map (G)
- The parameter is used to define the absolute path to a file containing a
mapping of Windows NT printer driver names to OS/2 printer driver names.
The format is:
<nt driver name> = <os2 driver name>.<device name>
For example, a valid entry using the HP LaserJet 5 printer driver would appear as HP LaserJet 5L = LASERJET.HP LaserJet 5L.
The need for the file is due to the printer driver namespace problem described in ???. For more details on OS/2 clients, please refer to ???.
缺省設置: os2 driver map = <空字符串>
- os level (G)
- 這個整數值控制在瀏覽器選舉中Samba宣佈它本身是什麼系統級別.
注意: 默認情況下,Samba將在本地主控瀏覽器選舉中超越所有M$操作系統並且獲勝,除非還有Windows NT4.0/2000 域控制器。這意味着Samba主機的錯誤配置將使一個子網的瀏覽無效。參見Samba docs/ 目錄中的BROWSING.txt 來獲取詳細信息。
缺省設置: os level = 20
示例: os level = 65
- pam password change (G)
- With the addition of better PAM support in Samba 2.2, this parameter, it
is possible to use PAM's password change control flag for Samba. If
enabled, then PAM will be used for password changes when requested by an
SMB client instead of the program listed in passwd program. It
should be possible to enable this without changing your passwd chat
parameter for most setups.
缺省設置: pam password change = no
- panic action (G)
- 此項是一個samba開發者使用的選項以允許當smbd(8)或smbd(8)程序崩潰時可以調用一個系統命令.通常這種功能被用於發出對問題的警告.
缺省設置: panic action = <空字符串>
示例: panic action = "/bin/sleep 90000"
- paranoid server security (G)
- Some version of NT 4.x allow non-guest users with a bad passowrd. When
this option is enabled, samba will not use a broken NT 4.x server as
password server, but instead complain to the logs and exit.
Disabling this option prevents Samba from making this check, which involves deliberatly attempting a bad logon to the remote server.
缺省設置: paranoid server security = yes
- passdb backend (G)
- This option allows the administrator to chose which backends to retrieve
and store passwords with. This allows (for example) both smbpasswd and
tdbsam to be used without a recompile. Multiple backends can be specified,
separated by spaces. The backends will be searched in the order they are
specified. New users are always added to the first backend specified.
This parameter is in two parts, the backend's name, and a 'location' string that has meaning only to that particular backed. These are separated by a : character.
Available backends can include: .TP 3 • smbpasswd - The default smbpasswd backend. Takes a path to the smbpasswd file as an optional argument. .TP • tdbsam - The TDB based password storage backend. Takes a path to the TDB as an optional argument (defaults to passdb.tdb in the private dir directory. .TP • ldapsam - The LDAP based passdb backend. Takes an LDAP URL as an optional argument (defaults to ldap://localhost) LDAP connections should be secured where possible. This may be done using either Start-TLS (see ldap ssl) or by specifying ldaps:// in the URL argument. .TP • nisplussam - The NIS+ based passdb backend. Takes name NIS domain as an optional argument. Only works with sun NIS+ servers. .TP • mysql - The MySQL based passdb backend. Takes an identifier as argument. Read the Samba HOWTO Collection for configuration details. .LP
缺省設置: passdb backend = smbpasswd
示例: passdb backend = tdbsam:/etc/samba/private/passdb.tdb smbpasswd:/etc/samba/smbpasswd
示例: passdb backend = ldapsam:ldaps://
示例: passdb backend = mysql:my_plugin_args tdbsam
- passwd chat (G)
- 這個字串控制在smbd(8)和本地口令更改程序間更用戶口令時發生的"chat"對話.字符串描述一個應答接收對的序列,讓smbd(8)用於決定對passwd
注意這個選項僅僅在unix password sync選項設置爲yes的時候有用。當smbpasswd文件中的SMB口令被更改時是以root身份運行的,不必輸入舊密碼文本. 這意味着root必須可以在不知道用戶密碼時重置他的密碼。在NIS/YP 中這意味着passwd程序必須在NIS主控服務器上運行。
這個字符串可以包含%n宏,用於替換新密碼。chat序列還可以包含標準宏\\n, \\r, \\t 和\\s 來給出換行,回車,tab和空格。chat序列字符串還可以包含'*' 來匹配任何字符序列。雙引號用來將帶空格的字符串設爲一個單獨的字符串。
如果pam password change參數設置爲yes,chat可以以任何順序進行,沒有特定的輸出,是否成功可以由PAM結果得到。在PAM會話中宏\n被忽略。
參見 unix password sync, passwd program , passwd chat debug 和 pam password change.
缺省設置: passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n *changed*
示例: passwd chat = "*Enter OLD password*" %o\n "*Enter NEW password*" %n\n "*Reenter NEW password*" %n\n "*Password changed*"
- passwd chat debug (G)
- 此布爾量指定口令對話腳本選項是否以
參見 passwd chat , pam password change , passwd program .
缺省設置: passwd chat debug = no
- passwd program (G)
- 指定用於設定UNIX用戶口令的程序名.出現%u的地方表示以用戶名替換.在調用口令更改程序前會先檢查用戶名是否存在.
注意如果把unix password sync選項設爲yes的話,在改變smbpasswd文件中的SMB口令時是以root身份調用改口令程序的.如果口令更改失敗的話,smbd對SMB口令的更改也會失敗,這是設計時的機制.
如果設定了unix password sync選項的話,指定口令程序時必須使用所有程序的絕對路徑,必須檢查安全問題.缺省的unix password sync選項值是 no.
參見 unix password sync.
缺省設置: passwd program = /bin/passwd
示例: passwd program = /sbin/npasswd %u
- password level (G)
- 在一些客戶端/服務器羣體中使用大小寫混合口令存在着困難.其中比較麻煩的一類客戶是WfWg,因爲它在使用LANMAN1協議時出於某些理由而強調要使用大寫口令.不過當使用COREPLUS時不要修改它!
例如,假定給出的口令是"FRED".如果 password level設爲1的話,在"FRED"驗證失敗時會嘗試以下的口令組合:
"Fred", "fred", "fRed", "frEd","freD"
如果password level設爲2的話,就會嘗試下面的組合:
"FRed", "FrEd", "FreD", "fREd", "fReD", "frED", ..
如果把選項設爲0時會使處理口令時只作兩種嘗試 - 先與給出的口令比較,再比較它的全部小寫形式.
缺省設置: password level = 0
示例: password level = 4
- password server (G)
- 通過在這裏指定其它的SMB服務器或者活動目錄域控制器,同時使用security
此選項設定上面所說的其它口令服務器的名字或者IP地址. 新的語法允許在連接到ADS realm服務器時指定端口號。要指定默認的LDAP 389端口之外的號碼,可以將端口號放在名字或ip後面,中間用一個冒號連接(比如說,。如果你不指定一個端口,Samba將使用標準的LDAP端口tcp/389. 注意端口號在WindowsNT4.0 域或者netbios連接的服務器上無效
如果參數是一個名稱,它將使用 name resolve order 中指定的方式來解析。
口令服務器應該是使用"LM1.2X002"或"LM NT 0.12"協議的主機,而且它本身必須使用用戶級安全模式.
如果把安全級security選項設爲domain或者ads的話,指定的其它口令服務器必須是在這個Domain中的一個主域控制器或備份域控制器或者'*'.另外指定字符'*'的話就以samba服務器會在整個域中使用加密驗證RPC調用來驗證用戶登錄.使用 security = domain的好處是,如果指定了幾個password server時,smbd 會對每一個進行嘗試直到它收到迴應,對於初始服務器當機時這就很有用了.
如果password server選項設爲字符'*'的話,samba將嘗試通過查詢WORKGROUP<1C>名字來自動查找主或者備份域控制器並聯系經過名字解析得到的IP地址列表中的每個服務器來進行用戶驗證.
如果security是server的話,會有一些安全級爲security = domain時所沒有的限制:
如果在password server選項中指定了幾個口令服務器的話,smbd在聯接具體的服務器時會失敗,也不能驗證任何的用戶賬號.這是安全級爲security = server 模式時SMB/CIFS協議的一個限制,並且Samba無法修改.
如果把Windows NT服務器作爲口令服務器,你必須確保用戶可以從Samba服務器上進行登錄.當使用 security = server模式時,網絡登錄看起來是從那裏處理的,而不是從用戶工作站.
參見 security 選項。
缺省設置: password server = <空字符串>
示例: password server = NT-PDC, NT-BDC1, NT-BDC2, *
示例: password server = *
示例: password server = *
- path (S)
- 此項指定給出的服務項所用的系統路徑.在服務項具有可打印屬性時,打印假脫機數據會先存放在這個路徑所指的位置中.
This parameter specifies a directory to which the user of the service is
to be given access. In the case of printable services, this is where print
data will spool prior to being submitted to the host for printing.
所指定的路徑都是基於根目錄root dir(如果有的話)的.
缺省設置: 無
示例: path = /home/fred
- pid directory (G)
- This option specifies the directory where pid files will be placed.
缺省設置: pid directory = ${prefix}/var/locks
示例: pid directory = /var/run/
- posix locking (S)
- The smbd(8) daemon maintains an database of file locks obtained by
SMB clients. The default behavior is to map this internal database to
POSIX locks. This means that file locks obtained by SMB clients are
consistent with those seen by POSIX compliant applications accessing the
files via a non-SMB method (e.g. NFS or local file access). You should
never need to disable this 選項。
缺省設置: posix locking = yes
- postexec (S)
- 此項指定在斷開服務時運行的一個命令.它使用通常的替換項.此命令在一些系統中可能是以root身份來運行的.
postexec = /etc/umount /cdrom
參見 preexec.
缺省設置: 無 (不執行命令)
示例: postexec = echo
- preexec (S)
- 此項指定在聯接到服務時運行一個命令.通常這也可以用一些替換項.
preexec = csh -c 'echo
參見 preexec close 和 postexec .
缺省設置: 無 (不執行命令)
示例: preexec = echo
- preexec close (S)
- 此布爾量選項控制是否從preexec
缺省設置: preexec close = no
- prefered master (G)
- 這是爲拼寫錯誤準備的。請查看 preferred master :-)
- preferred master (G)
- 此布爾量選項控制nmbd(8)是否作爲工作組裏的首選主瀏覽器.
如果設此選項爲yes時,nmbd會在啓動時強制進行一次選舉,它有一些有利條件來贏得選舉.推薦把此選項與 domain master = yes聯合使用,這樣nmbd可以保證成爲一個域瀏覽器.
參見 os level.
缺省設置: preferred master = auto
- preload (G)
- 此選項定義了要自動加入到瀏覽列表的服務項清單.這對於homes和printers服務項非常有用,否則這些服務將是不可見的.
注意,如果你想加載printcap裏所有的打印機,那麼用load printers會更容易.
缺省設置: no preloaded services
示例: preload = fred lp colorlp
- preload modules (G)
- This is a list of paths to modules that should be loaded into smbd before
a client connects. This improves the speed of smbd when reacting to new
connections somewhat.
缺省設置: preload modules =
示例: preload modules = /usr/lib/samba/passdb/
- preserve case (S)
- 此項控制建立新的文件時取名是否使用用戶傳遞的大小寫,還是強制使用default
case .
缺省設置: preserve case = yes
- printable (S)
- 如果此項設爲yes,那麼用戶可以讀寫併發送打印緩存文件到服務項指定的目錄中.
注意一個可打印的服務總是允許通過緩存打印數據的方法向服務項路徑中執行寫操作(需要用戶有可寫權限).read only選項控制只允許不可打印地訪問資源.
缺省設置: printable = no
- printcap (G)
- 與 printcap name 同義.
- printcap name (S)
- 此項用於覆蓋掉編譯時產生的缺省printcap名(通常是/etc/printcap).參見[printers]段的討論,它說明了爲什麼要這樣做的理由.
To use the CUPS printing interface set printcap name = cups . This should be supplemented by an addtional setting printing = cups in the [global] section. printcap name = cups will use the "dummy" printcap created by CUPS, as specified in your CUPS configuration file.
在可以用lpstat命令列出可用打印機的列表的System V系統上,可以用printcap name = lpstat 來自動獲得可用打印機列表.這對於配置samba時定義成SYSV的系統(這就包括了很多基於System V的系統)來說是缺省情況.如果在這些系統上設好printcap name爲lpstat的話,samba就會執行lpstat -v並嘗試分析輸出信息以獲得一份打印機列表.
print1|My Printer 1 print2|My Printer 2 print3|My Printer 3 print4|My Printer 4 print5|My Printer 5
在AIX中默認的printcap文件名是/etc/qconfig. 如果在文件名中找到qconfig字樣,Samba將假定文件是AIX 的qconfig格式。
缺省設置: printcap name = /etc/printcap
示例: printcap name = /etc/myprintcap
- print command (S)
- 當一個打印作業完全緩衝到了服務項時,此項指定的命令就能過調用system()來處理那些緩存文件.通常我們指定典型的命令來發送緩存文件到主機的打印子系統,不過也不一定要這樣.服務器不會刪除那些緩存文件,所以你指定的任何命令都應當在處理完以後刪除文件,否則的話就需要手工來刪除舊的緩存文件了.
%s, %f - 緩衝文件名路徑
%p - 適當的打印機名
%J - 客戶提交的作業名
%c - 緩衝的作業需要打印的頁數
%z -緩衝的打印作業的大小(以字節計)
注意在某些UNIX上以nobody賬號身份進行打印會導致失敗.如果發生了這樣的情況請建立一個單獨的有打印權的訪客賬號並在[global]段裏設置guest account選項.
print command = echo Printing %s >> /tmp/print.log; lpr -P %p %s; rm %s
缺省設置: 對於 printing = BSD, AIX, QNX, LPRNG 或者 PLP :
print command = lpr -r -P%p %s
對於 printing = SYSV 或者 HPUX :
print command = lp -c -d%p %s; rm %s
對於 printing = SOFTQ :
print command = lp -d%p -s %s; rm %s
對於 printing = CUPS :
如果Samba 編譯時加入了libcups, 那麼printcap=cups將使用CUPS API來提交作業等等。否則它用-oraw選項,使用SystemV命令來打印,也就是說它會用lp -c -d%p -o raw; rm %s.當printing = cups, 並且Samba編譯時加入了libcups時,任何手工設置的打印命令將被忽略。
示例: print command = /usr/local/samba/bin/myprintscript %p %s
- printer (S)
- 與 printer name 同義。
- printer admin (S)
- This is a list of users that can do anything to printers via the remote
administration interfaces offered by MS-RPC (usually using a NT
workstation). Note that the root user always has admin rights.
缺省設置: printer admin = <空字符串>
示例: printer admin = admin, @staff
- printer name (S)
- 此選項指定可打印性服務項用來打印緩存作業數據的打印機.
缺省設置: 空 (在很多系統中可能是 lp )
示例: printer name = laserwriter
- printing (S)
- 此選項控制系統上如何解釋打印機狀態信息,而如果在[global]段中定義,它也會影響print
command,lpq command,lppause command,lpresume
通常系統支持九種打印機風格,它們是BSD, AIX, LPRNG, PLP, SYSV, HPUX, QNX, SOFTQ,還有 CUPS
- print ok (S)
- 與 printable 同義。
- private dir (G)
- This parameters defines the directory smbd will use for storing such files
as smbpasswd and secrets.tdb.
Default :private dir = ${prefix}/private
- profile acls (S)
- This boolean parameter controls whether smbd(8) This boolean
parameter was added to fix the problems that people have been having with
storing user profiles on Samba shares from Windows 2000 or Windows XP
clients. New versions of Windows 2000 or Windows XP service packs do
security ACL checking on the owner and ability to write of the profile
directory stored on a local workstation when copied from a Samba share.
When not in domain mode with winbindd then the security info copied onto the local workstation has no meaning to the logged in user (SID) on that workstation so the profile storing fails. Adding this parameter onto a share used for profile storage changes two things about the returned Windows ACL. Firstly it changes the owner and group owner of all reported files and directories to be BUILTIN\\Administrators, BUILTIN\\Users respectively (SIDs S-1-5-32-544, S-1-5-32-545). Secondly it adds an ACE entry of "Full Control" to the SID BUILTIN\\Users to every returned ACL. This will allow any Windows 2000 or XP workstation user to access the profile.
Note that if you have multiple users logging on to a workstation then in order to prevent them from being able to access each others profiles you must remove the "Bypass traverse checking" advanced user right. This will prevent access to other users profile directories as the top level profile directory (named after the user) is created by the workstation profile code and has an ACL restricting entry to the directory tree to the owning user.
缺省設置: profile acls = no
- protocol (G)
- 與 max protocol 同義
- public (S)
- 與 guest ok 同義
- queuepause command (S)
- 定義服務器暫停打印隊列時要執行的命令.
此命令不支持Windows for Workgroups,但可以在Windows 95和NT的打印機窗口中發送.
缺省設置: 依賴於 printing 選項的設置
示例: queuepause command = disable %p
- queueresume command (S)
- 定義服務器恢復暫停了的打印隊列時要執行的命令.就是用於恢復因爲上面的選項(
此命令不支持Windows for Workgroups,但可以在Windows 95和NT的打印機窗口中發送.
缺省設置: 依賴於 printing 選項的設置
示例: queuepause command = enable %p
- read bmpx (G)
- 此布爾量選項控制是否讓smbd(8)支持"多工讀塊"(Read
缺省設置: read bmpx = no
- read list (S)
- 此處給出對服務項有隻讀權限的用戶清單.如果正在聯接的用戶屬於此列表,那麼他們將沒有寫權限,此時是不管read
invalid users
參見 write list 和 invalid users 選項。
缺省設置: read list = <空字符串>
示例: read list = mary, @students
- read only (S)
- 注意它與 writeable 反義.
如果這個參數是yes, 那麼服務的用戶不能建立或修改服務目錄中的文件。
注意一個可打印的服務(printable = yes) 的目錄 總是 可寫的(需要用戶可寫權限)但是隻能通過緩衝操作來寫.
缺省設置: read only = yes
- read raw (G)
- 此選項控制着是否讓服務器在傳送數據到客戶端時支持讀取原始的SMB請求.
如果允許,那麼它會以65535 字節爲單位來讀取一個數據包的65535字節.這會帶來較多的性能方面的好處.
通常將此選項作爲一種系統調試工具,而且嚴格來說不應修改.參見write raw選項.
缺省設置: read raw = yes
- read size (G)
- 此項影響着磁盤讀/寫與網絡讀/寫的輪流交替.如果在若干個SMB命令(通常是SMBwrite,SMBwriteX和SMBreadbraw)中傳送的數據量超過此項設定的值時,服務器開始就會在從網絡接收整個數據包之前進行寫操作;在執行SMBreadbraw的情況下,服務器在從磁盤上讀出所有數據之前就開始向網絡中寫數據.
缺省設置: read size = 16384
示例: read size = 8192
- realm (G)
- This option specifies the kerberos realm to use. The realm is used as the
ADS equivalent of the NT4 domain. It is usually set to the DNS name
of the kerberos server.
缺省設置: realm =
示例: realm =
- remote announce (G)
- 此項允許你設置nmbd(8)週期性地向任意工作組的任意IP地址申明自己的存在.
remote announce =
以上這行說明nmbd 對兩個給出的使用工作組名的IP地址進行申明.如果你只用了IP地址的話,那麼會用workgroup選項裏給出的工作組名來替代.
缺省設置: remote announce = <空字符串>
- remote browse sync (G)
- 此項允許你設定nmbd(8)週期性地同步位於遠程(remote
This is useful if you want your Samba server and all local clients to appear in a remote workgroup for which the normal browse propagation rules don't work. The remote workgroup can be anywhere that you can send IP packets to.
remote browse sync =
你選用的IP地址通常應該是遠程網絡的廣播地址,不過也可以用配置非常穩定的網絡中的已知主瀏覽器IP地址.如果給出一個主機的IP地址,或者主控瀏覽器事實上在自己的網段中, samba就不驗證遠程主機是否有效、是否正在偵聽了。
缺省設置: remote browse sync = <空字符串>
- restrict anonymous (G)
- 這個選項限制了是否在匿名連接中返回用戶和組列表信息,仿照了Windows2000
The security advantage of using restrict anonymous = 1 is dubious, as user and group list information can be obtained using other means.
The security advantage of using restrict anonymous = 2 is removed by setting guest ok = yes on any share.
缺省設置: restrict anonymous = 0
- root (G)
- 與 root directory" 同義
- root dir (G)
- 與 root directory" 同義.
- root directory (G)
- 服務器將在啓動時對此項所設之目錄進行chroot()(也就是改變根目錄)
加入一個root directory,注意不是實際的"/"目錄,可以增加額外的安全級別,但是代價就高了.這樣完全確保了所指定的root directory及所屬子目錄外的文件都是不能訪問的,包括服務器正常運行時所需的一些文件也是如此.因此要想維護服務器整體的可操作性,你需要鏡像一些系統文件到所指定的root directory下.特別是要鏡像 /etc/passwd文件或此文件的子集,如果需要的話,任何打印操作要用到的二進制文件或配置文件也要鏡像.當然,應該由操作系統決定必須被鏡像的文件集合.
缺省設置: root directory = /
示例: root directory = /homes/smb
- root postexec (S)
- 此項與
參見 postexec.
缺省設置: root postexec = <空字符串>
- root preexec (S)
- 此項與
參見 preexec 和 preexec close 選項.
缺省設置: root preexec = <空字符串>
- root preexec close (S)
- 此項與preexec close
參見 preexec 和preexec close.
缺省設置: root preexec close = no
- security (G)
- 此項是smb.conf文件中最重要的一個設定之一,它影響了客戶是如何應答Samba服務器的.
這個選項設置了“安全模式位”用於答覆協議協商以使smbd(8) 調整共享安全級是開或者關.客戶端根據此位決定是否(以及如何)向服務器傳送用戶和口令信息.
缺省值是security = user,這也是在Windows 98和Windows NT環境中最常用的設定.
可選的值 security = share, security = server 或者security = domain .
2.0.0版本之前的Samba中,缺省值是 security = share 主要因爲當時只有這一個值可選。
在WfWg裏有一個錯誤,當在使用用戶和服務器安全級時,WfWg客戶將會完全忽略你在"connect drive"對話框裏鍵入的口令.這就使除了在WfWg裏已登錄的用戶以外的任何人要聯接Samba服務項變得非常困難.
如果你的主機使用與UNIX主機上相同的用戶名時,就應當使用security = user.如果你用的用戶名通常在UNIX上不存在時就應該用security = share.
如果你想設置共享而不用口令的話(訪客級共享)也應該用security=share.這通常用於提供共享打印的服務器.在security=user裏設定guest帳戶非常困難,詳細的情況請參見map to guest選項.
smbd可能會使用一種混雜模式(hybrid),這樣就可以在不同的NetBIOS aliases下提供用戶和共享級的安全特性.
當客戶聯接到一個共享安全級的服務器,在聯接共享資源之前無需用一個合法的用戶名和口令登錄到服務器(雖然現在的客戶端象WIN95/95及NT在與security = share 的服務器交談時都會以用戶名發送一個登錄請求,但卻沒有帶口令).相反,客戶端會在每一個共享上發送認證信息(口令)以嘗試聯接到這個共享項.
注意 smbd 總是 用合法的UNIX用戶代表客戶進行操作, 即使是在 security = share 的時候.
如果設置了guest only選項,則跳過所有其它步驟只檢查guest account用戶名.
如果通過共享連接請求發送一個用戶名,則此用戶名(映射後 - 參見username map)被作爲潛在用戶名加入.
如果客戶使用一個先前的 logon 請求(SessionSetup SMB調用)則在SMB中發送的用戶名將作爲潛在用戶名加入.
如果未設guest only選項,則使用提供的口令來嘗試此列表.對於匹配到口令的第一個用戶將作爲UNIX用戶身份使用.
如果設置了guest only選項或未檢測到用戶名,則如果共享項中標誌爲可以使用guest account,那麼使用此訪客用戶賬號,否則拒絕訪問.
SECURITY = USER 這是samba2.0/3.0缺省安全級設置.對於用戶安全級,一個客戶必須先以合法的用戶名和口令(也可以用username map選項進程映射)“登錄”.在此安全模式中也可使用加密口令(參見encrypted passwords選項).如果設置瞭如user和guest only這樣的選項,則它們會被應用並且在此連接上更改UNIX用戶賬號,但只能在用戶賬號被成功驗證之後才行.
注意,當服務器成功驗證客戶身份之前,請求的資源名稱是不發送到服務器上的.這就是爲什麼用戶安全級中在沒有允許服務器自動把未知用戶映射爲guest account的情況下,訪客共享無法工作.參見map to guest選項獲得完成映射的細節.
只有已經用 net(8)把服務器添加進一個Windows NT的域中,此安全模式才能正常工作.它要求encrypted passwords選項設爲yes.在此模式中Samba將試圖把用戶名/口令傳送到一個WindowsNT主域或備份域控制器進行驗證像一臺真正的WindowsNT服務器那樣。
注意,對於客戶端來說,security=domain模式與security=user是一樣的.它隻影響 服務器處理驗證工作的方式.對於客戶端無任何影響.
注意,當服務器成功驗證客戶身份之前,請求的資源名稱是不發送到服務器上的.這就是爲什麼域安全級中在沒有允許服務器自動把未知用戶映射爲guest account的情況下,訪客共享無法工作.參見map to guest選項獲得完成映射的細節
參見 password server parameter 和 encrypted passwords 選項。
在此模式中Samba將試圖把用戶名/口令傳送到其它SMB服務器,比如一臺NT服務器,進行驗證.如果驗證失敗則回到security = user模式,它需要encrypted passwords 參數設置爲yes,除非遠端系統不支持它們。但是要注意,如果使用了加密口令的話,samba不會再去檢查UNIX系統口令文件的,它必須有一個合法的smbpasswd文件以再次檢查用戶賬號.參見Samba HOWTO Collection 中關於User Database 的章節來獲得如何設置的信息。
This mode of operation has significant pitfalls, due to the fact that is activly initiates a man-in-the-middle attack on the remote SMB server. In particular, this mode of operation can cause significant resource consuption on the PDC, as it must maintain an active connection for the duration of the user's session. Furthermore, if this connection is lost, there is no way to reestablish it, and futher authenticaions to the Samba server may fail. (From a single client, till it disconnects).
注意,當服務器成功驗證客戶身份之前,請求的資源名稱是不發送到服務器上的.這就是爲什麼服務器安全級中在沒有允許服務器自動把未知用戶映射爲guest account的情況下,訪客共享無法工作.參見 map to guest選項獲得完成映射的細節.
參見 password server parameter 和 encrypted passwords 選項。
In this mode, Samba will act as a domain member in an ADS realm. To operate in this mode, the machine running Samba will need to have Kerberos installed and configured and Samba will need to be joined to the ADS realm using the net utility.
Note that this mode does NOT make Samba operate as a Active Directory Domain Controller.
Read the chapter about Domain Membership in the HOWTO for details.
參見 ads server parameter, the realm paramter 和encrypted passwords 選項。
缺省設置: security = USER
示例: security = DOMAIN
- security mask (S)
- 此選項控制NT客戶用本地NT安全對話框操作UNIX權限時對權限所作的修改情況.
This parameter controls what UNIX permission bits can be modified when a
Windows NT client is manipulating the UNIX permission on a file using the
native NT security dialog box.
此選項用掩碼值'與'實現對權限位的更改,從而防止修改未出現在此掩碼中的任何位.可以將掩碼中的0看作用戶無權更改的位值. This parameter is applied as a mask (AND'ed with) to the changed permission bits, thus preventing any bits not in this mask from being modified. Essentially, zero bits in this mask may be treated as a set of bits the user is not allowed to change.
參見 force directory security mode, directory security mask, force security mode 選項.
缺省設置: security mask = 0777
示例: security mask = 0770
- server schannel (G)
- This controls whether the server offers or even demands the use of the
netlogon schannel. server schannel = no does not offer the
schannel, server schannel = auto offers the schannel but does not
enforce it, and server schannel = yes denies access if the client
is not able to speak netlogon schannel. This is only the case for Windows
NT4 before SP4.
Please note that with this set to no you will have to apply the WindowsXP requireSignOrSeal-Registry patch found in the docs/Registry subdirectory.
缺省設置: server schannel = auto
示例: server schannel = yes
- server signing (G)
- This controls whether the server offers or requires the client it talks to
to use SMB signing. Possible values are auto, mandatory and
When set to auto, SMB signing is offered, but not enforced. When set to mandatory, SMB signing is required and if set to disabled, SMB signing is not offered either.
缺省設置: client signing = False
- server string (G)
- 此選項在打印管理器中的打印機信息對話框以及在net
%v 將替換爲Samba版本號
%h 將替換爲主機名
缺省設置: server string = Samba %v
示例: server string = University of GNUs Samba Server
- set directory (S)
- 如果 set directory =
setdir命令只在Digital Pathworks客戶端中實現.參見Pathworks文檔的細節.
缺省設置: set directory = no
- set primary group script (G)
- Thanks to the Posix subsystem in NT a Windows User has a primary group in
addition to the auxiliary groups. This script sets the primary group in
the unix userdatase when an administrator sets the primary group from the
windows user manager or when fetching a SAM with net rpc vampire.
%u will be replaced with the user whose primary group is to be set.
%g will be replaced with the group to set.
缺省設置: No default value
示例: set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u'
- set quota command (G)
- The set quota command should only be used whenever there is no
operating system API available from the OS that samba can use.
This parameter should specify the path to a script that can set quota for the specified arguments.
The specified script should take the following arguments:
1 - quota type .TP 3 • 1 - user quotas .TP • 2 - user default quotas (uid = -1) .TP • 3 - group quotas .TP • 4 - group default quotas (gid = -1) .LP
2 - id (uid for user, gid for group, -1 if N/A)
3 - quota state (0 = disable, 1 = enable, 2 = enable and enforce)
4 - block softlimit
5 - block hardlimit
6 - inode softlimit
7 - inode hardlimit
8(optional) - block size, defaults to 1024
The script should output at least one line of data.
參見 get quota command 選項。
缺省設置: set quota command =
示例: set quota command = /usr/local/sbin/set_quota
- share modes (S)
- 此選項在一個文件打開時允許或禁止share
你 不應 把此選項關閉因爲很多Windows應用會因此停止運行。
缺省設置: share modes = yes
- short preserve case (S)
- 此布爾值選項控制着如果新文件符合8.3文件名格式(所有字母都爲大寫且長度適當),則以大寫字母建立文件,否則就轉換爲default
case .此選項可與preserve case =
缺省設置: short preserve case = yes
- show add printer wizard (G)
- With the introduction of MS-RPC based printing support for Windows NT/2000
client in Samba 2.2, a "Printers..." folder will appear on Samba
hosts in the share listing. Normally this folder will contain an icon for
the MS Add Printer Wizard (APW). However, it is possible to disable this
feature regardless of the level of privilege of the connected user.
Under normal circumstances, the Windows NT/2000 client will open a handle on the printer server with OpenPrinterEx() asking for Administrator privileges. If the user does not have administrative access on the print server (i.e is not root or a member of the printer admin group), the OpenPrinterEx() call fails and the client makes another open call with a request for a lower privilege level. This should succeed, however the APW icon will not be displayed.
Disabling the show add printer wizard parameter will always cause the OpenPrinterEx() on the server to fail. Thus the APW icon will never be displayed. Note :This does not prevent the same user from having administrative privilege on an individual printer.
參見 addprinter command, deleteprinter command, printer admin
Default :show add printer wizard = yes
- shutdown script (G)
- This parameter only exists in the HEAD cvs branch This a full path
name to a script called by smbd(8) that should start a shutdown
This command will be run as the user connected to the server.
%m %t %r %f parameters are expanded:
%m will be substituted with the shutdown message sent to the server.
%t will be substituted with the number of seconds to wait before effectively starting the shutdown procedure.
%r will be substituted with the switch -r. It means reboot after shutdown for NT.
%f will be substituted with the switch -f. It means force the shutdown even if applications do not respond for NT.
缺省設置: None.
示例: shutdown script = /usr/local/samba/sbin/shutdown %m %t %r %f
Shutdown script example:
#!/bin/bash $time=0 let "time/60" let "time++" /sbin/shutdown $3 $4 +$time $1 &
Shutdown does not return so we need to launch it in background.
參見 abort shutdown script.
- smb passwd file (G)
- 此選項設置加密口令文件smbpasswd的路徑.缺省路徑在編譯samba時指定.
缺省設置: smb passwd file = ${prefix}/private/smbpasswd
示例: smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
- smb ports (G)
- Specifies which ports the server should listen on for SMB traffic.
缺省設置: smb ports = 445 139
- socket address (G)
- 此選項允許你控制samba監聽連接所用的地址.它用於在一個服務器上支持多個配置不同的虛擬接口.缺省情況下samba會在任何地址上都接受連接請求.
By default Samba will accept connections on any address.
示例: socket address =
- socket options (G)
- 此選項設置用於與客戶端交談的套接字選項.
此選項通常用於在局域網上優化調整samba服務器的性能.因爲samba無法知道與你的網絡所對應的優化選項,所以你必須自己進行試驗並作出選擇.我們強烈推薦你先閱讀與你的操作系統有關的相應文件(也許man setsockopt會有幫助).
你可能會發現在有些系統上samba會在你使用一個選項時發出"Unknown socket option"的信息.這就說明你沒有正確拼寫或者需要爲操作系統添加一個包含文件到includes.h中.如有後面指出的問題請寫信到
socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY
缺省設置: socket options = TCP_NODELAY
示例: socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY
- source environment (G)
- This parameter causes Samba to set environment variables as per the
content of the file named.
If the value of this parameter starts with a "|" character then Samba will treat that value as a pipe command to open and will set the environment variables from the output of the pipe.
The contents of the file or the output of the pipe should be formatted as the output of the standard Unix env(1) command. This is of the form:
Example environment entry:
缺省設置: No default value
Examples: source environment = |/etc/
示例: source environment = /usr/local/smb_env_vars
- stat cache (G)
- 此選項檢測smbd(8)是否使用緩存以提升映射不分大小寫名稱的速度.你無須更改此選項.
缺省設置: stat cache = yes
- strict allocate (S)
- This is a boolean that controls the handling of disk space allocation in
the server. When this is set to yes the server will change from
UNIX behaviour of not committing real disk storage blocks when a file is
extended to the Windows behaviour of actually forcing the disk system to
allocate real storage blocks when a file is created or extended to be a
given size. In UNIX terminology this means that Samba will stop creating
sparse files. This can be slow on some systems.
When strict allocate is no the server does sparse disk block allocation when a file is extended.
Setting this to yes can help Samba return out of quota messages on systems that are restricting the disk quota of users.
缺省設置: strict allocate = no
- strict locking (S)
- 此布爾量選項控制服務器對文件鎖的處理.當設爲yes,則服務器對文件鎖檢查每次讀寫訪問,並拒絕鎖存在時的訪問.在有些系統上這可能會很慢.
當禁用strict locking時,服務器只在客戶明確要求時才爲他們檢查文件鎖.
循規蹈矩的客戶總是在重要的時候要求檢查文件鎖,所以在多數情況下strict locking = no是可取的.
缺省設置: strict locking = no
- strict sync (S)
- 很多Windows應用(包括Windows
參見 sync always 選項。
缺省設置: strict sync = no
- sync always (S)
- 此布爾量選項控制是否在寫操作結束前把所寫的內容寫到固定存儲設備上.如果爲no則服務器將在每次寫調用中讓客戶請求來操縱它(客戶可以設置一個位碼來指出要同步一次特殊的寫操作).如果爲yes則在每次寫操作後調用一次fsync()
參見 strict sync 選項。
缺省設置: sync always = no
- syslog (G)
- 此選項決定samba調試信息號如何映射爲系統syslog的記錄等級.調試級0映射爲syslog的LOG_ERR,調試級1映射爲
缺省設置: syslog = 1
- syslog only (G)
- 此選項使samba只把調試級別號記錄到系統syslog,而不是調試記錄文件.
缺省設置: syslog only = no
- template homedir (G)
- When filling out the user information for a Windows NT user, the
winbindd(8) daemon uses this parameter to fill in the home
directory for that user. If the string %D is present it is
substituted with the user's Windows NT domain name. If the string
%U is present it is substituted with the user's Windows NT user
缺省設置: template homedir = /home/%D/%U
- template primary group (G)
- This option defines the default primary group for each user created by
winbindd(8)'s local account management functions (similar to the
'add user script').
缺省設置: template primary group = nobody
- template shell (G)
- When filling out the user information for a Windows NT user, the
winbindd(8) daemon uses this parameter to fill in the login shell
for that user.
缺省設置: template shell = /bin/false
- time offset (G)
- 此選項是個加入到轉換標準GMT爲當地時間操作的分鐘數.如果你向很多有不正確保存時間操作的主機提供服務時這就很有用了.
缺省設置: time offset = 0
示例: time offset = 60
- time server (G)
- 此選項檢測nmbd(8)
缺省設置: time server = no
- timestamp logs (G)
- 與 debug timestamp 同義.
- unicode (G)
- Specifies whether Samba should try to use unicode on the wire by default.
Note: This does NOT mean that samba will assume that the unix machine uses
缺省設置: unicode = yes
- unix charset (G)
- Specifies the charset the unix machine Samba runs on uses. Samba needs to
know this in order to be able to convert text to the charsets other SMB
clients use.
缺省設置: unix charset = UTF8
示例: unix charset = ASCII
- unix extensions (G)
- This boolean parameter controls whether Samba implments the CIFS UNIX
extensions, as defined by HP. These extensions enable Samba to better
serve UNIX CIFS clients by supporting features such as symbolic links,
hard links, etc... These extensions require a similarly enabled client,
and are of no current use to Windows clients.
缺省設置: unix extensions = yes
- unix password sync (G)
- 此布爾量選項控制samba是否在smbpasswd文件中的加密SMB口令被更改時嘗試用SMB口令來同步UNIX口令.如設爲yes則以root身份調用passwd
參見 passwd program, passwd chat.
缺省設置: unix password sync = no
- update encrypted (G)
- 此布爾量選項使以明文口令登錄的用戶在登錄時自動更新smbpasswd文件中的加密
爲了讓此選項正確工作,當它設爲yes時必須把 encrypt passwords選項設爲no .
缺省設置: update encrypted = no
- use client driver (S)
- This parameter applies only to Windows NT/2000 clients. It has no effect
on Windows 95/98/ME clients. When serving a printer to Windows NT/2000
clients without first installing a valid printer driver on the Samba host,
the client will be required to install a local printer driver. From this
point on, the client will treat the print as a local printer and not a
network printer connection. This is much the same behavior that will occur
when disable spoolss = yes.
The differentiating factor is that under normal circumstances, the NT/2000 client will attempt to open the network printer using MS-RPC. The problem is that because the client considers the printer to be local, it will attempt to issue the OpenPrinterEx() call requesting access rights associated with the logged on user. If the user possesses local administator rights but not root privilegde on the Samba host (often the case), the OpenPrinterEx() call will fail. The result is that the client will now display an "Access Denied; Unable to connect" message in the printer queue window (even though jobs may successfully be printed).
If this parameter is enabled for a printer, then any attempt to open the printer with the PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER right is mapped to PRINTER_ACCESS_USE instead. Thus allowing the OpenPrinterEx() call to succeed. This parameter MUST not be able enabled on a print share which has valid print driver installed on the Samba server.
參見 disable spoolss
缺省設置: use client driver = no
- use mmap (G)
- This global parameter determines if the tdb internals of Samba can depend
on mmap working correctly on the running system. Samba requires a coherent
mmap/read-write system memory cache. Currently only HPUX does not have
such a coherent cache, and so this parameter is set to no by
default on HPUX. On all other systems this parameter should be left alone.
This parameter is provided to help the Samba developers track down
problems with the tdb internal code.
缺省設置: use mmap = yes
- user (S)
- 與 username 同義
- username (S)
- 在逗號分隔的列表中指定多個用戶以用於輪流(從左到右)測試所提供的口令.
只有當主機無法提供它自己的用戶名時才需要username選項。當用COREPLUS 協議或你的用戶擁有與UNIX用戶名不同的WfWg用戶名時就會有這樣的情況.在這兩種 情況下,用\\server\share%user語句代替會更好的.
在大多數情況下username選項並不是最好的解決方案,因爲它意味着Samba會 嘗試對username選項行中的每個用戶名輪流作測試.這樣做是很慢的,而且萬 一很多用戶重複口令的話這就是個壞主意了.錯誤使用此選項可能會帶來超時或安全 缺陷.
samba依靠底層的UNIX安全.此選項不限制登錄者,它只對Samba服務器提供響應所提 供口令的用戶名的線索.任何喜歡的人都可以登錄,而且如果他們只是啓動一次 telnet對話的話不會造成破壞.進程以登錄的用戶身份運行,所以他們無法做任何他 們不能做的事兒.
要對一組特殊的用戶限制一個服務的話可以用 valid users 選項.
如果任何用戶名以'@'字符開始則此用戶名將首先在NIS網絡組列表(如果Samba編譯 時加入了網絡組支持的話)中進行查找,然後在UNIX用戶組數據庫中查找並展開成屬 於以此名爲組的所有用戶的列表.
缺省設置: 如果是guest服務就是guest帳號,否則是空字符串.
示例:username = fred, mary, jack, jane, @users, @pcgroup
- username level (G)
- 此選項在很多DOS客戶發送全大寫的用戶名時,幫助samba嘗試和“猜測”實際
如果把此選項設爲非0,則情況就改變了.此選項指定的是用於嘗試同時檢測UNIX用戶名的大寫字母的組合數.數字越高,則嘗試的組合數越多,但用戶名的發現也越慢.當在你的UNIX主機上有奇特的用戶名如AstrangeUser 時使用此選項.
缺省設置: username level = 0
示例: username level = 5
- username map (G)
- 此選項允許你指定一個包含對客戶機到服務器上的用戶名映射的文件.它可用於幾個目的.最常見的是把用DOS或Windows主機的用戶的名稱映射到UNIX主機上的用戶.其它還有把多個用戶映射到單個用戶名上以使他們可以更簡單地共享文件.
忽略以'#' 或 ';'號開始的行.
例如把名稱admin 或 administrator映射爲UNIX名 root,你可以這樣:
root = admin administrator
或把UNIX組 system中的任何人映射爲UNIX名sys就可以這樣:
sys = @system
如果你的系統支持NIS NETGROUP選項,則在使用/etc/group 匹配組之前先檢查網絡組數據庫.
tridge = "Andrew Tridgell"
將把windows用戶名"Andrew Tridgell"映射爲unix用戶名"tridge".
!sys = mary fred guest = *
注意重映射作用於所有出現用戶名的地方.因此如果你連接到\\server\fred而 fred已被重映射爲 mary,則你實際會連接到\\server\mary"並需要提供mary的口令而不是 fred的.這種情況只有一個例外,那就是用戶名是被傳到 password server(如果你有一個的話)驗證的.口令服務器會接收客戶提供的未經修改的用戶名.
缺省設置: no username map
示例: username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/
- users (S)
- 與 username 同義.
- use sendfile (S)
- If this parameter is yes, and Samba was built with the
--with-sendfile-support option, and the underlying operating system
supports sendfile system call, then some SMB read calls (mainly ReadAndX
and ReadRaw) will use the more efficient sendfile system call for files
that are exclusively oplocked. This may make more efficient use of the
system CPU's and cause Samba to be faster. This is off by default as it's
effects are unknown as yet.
缺省設置: use sendfile = no
- use spnego (G)
- This variable controls controls whether samba will try to use Simple and
Protected NEGOciation (as specified by rfc2478) with WindowsXP and
Windows2000 clients to agree upon an authentication mechanism. Unless
further issues are discovered with our SPNEGO implementation, there is no
reason this should ever be disabled.
缺省設置: use spnego = yes
- utmp (G)
- This boolean parameter is only available if Samba has been configured and
compiled with the option --with-utmp. If set to yes then
Samba will attempt to add utmp or utmpx records (depending on the UNIX
system) whenever a connection is made to a Samba server. Sites may use
this to record the user connecting to a Samba share.
Due to the requirements of the utmp record, we are required to create a unique identifier for the incoming user. Enabling this option creates an n^2 algorithm to find this number. This may impede performance on large installations.
參見 utmp directory 選項。
缺省設置: utmp = no
- utmp directory (G)
- This parameter is only available if Samba has been configured and compiled
with the option --with-utmp. It specifies a directory pathname
that is used to store the utmp or utmpx files (depending on the UNIX
system) that record user connections to a Samba server. 參見
utmp 選項。 By default this is not set, meaning
the system will use whatever utmp file the native system is set to use
(usually /var/run/utmp on Linux).
缺省設置: no utmp directory
示例: utmp directory = /var/run/utmp
- -valid (S)
- This parameter indicates whether a share is valid and thus can be used.
When this parameter is set to false, the share will be in no way visible
nor accessible.
This option should not be used by regular users but might be of help to developers. Samba uses this option internally to mark shares as deleted.
缺省設置: True
- valid users (S)
- 這是一份允許登錄服務項的用戶列表.以'@','+'和'&'開始的名稱用invalid
如果此項爲空(缺省)則任何用戶都可以登錄.如果一個用戶名同時存在於此列表及invalid users列表,則拒絕此用戶訪問.
%S 替換爲當前服務名. 這在[homes]段裏非常有用.
參見 invalid users
缺省設置: 空 (任何人都不會被拒絕)
示例: valid users = greg, @pcusers
- veto files (S)
- 這是一份既不可見又不可訪問的文件及目錄的列表.在列表中的每一項必須用'/'進行分隔,項目中允許有空格.可以用DOS通配符'*'和'?'來指定多個文件或目錄.
每項必須是一個UNIX路徑,而非一個DOS路徑,同時必須不含 UNIX目錄分隔符'/'.
注意case sensitive選項適用於對文件的禁止目的.
需要明白這個選項的很重要的一個特點: 在Samba刪除一個目錄時的行爲。如果一個目錄除了veto files之外不包含任何內容,刪除操作將失敗,除非設置了delete veto files 是yes.
參見 hide files 和 case sensitive.
缺省設置: 沒有隱藏任何文件.
; 隱藏任何文件名帶有'Security'的文件, ; 任何擴展名是.tmp的文件,任何文件名帶有'root'的文件 veto files = /*Security*/*.tmp/*root*/ ; 隱藏NetAtalk服務器創建的Apple專用的文件 veto files = /.AppleDouble/.bin/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash Folder/
- veto oplock files (S)
- 此選項只在對一個共享打開了oplocks選項時纔有效.它允許Samba管理員在所選文件上選擇性地關閉允許oplocks,這些文件可以用通配符列表來匹配,類擬於在veto
缺省設置: 沒有隱藏oplocks許可
你可能想在已知客戶會猛烈爭奪的文件上使用此項.在NetBench SMB基準程序下面就是個好例子,它導致客戶猛烈地對以.SEM後綴的文件進行連接.爲使Samba不在這些文件上允許oplocks,你可以在[global]段或特定的NetBench共享中使用此行:
示例: veto oplock files = /*.SEM/
- vfs object (S)
- 與 vfs objects 同義.
- vfs objects (S)
- This parameter specifies the backend names which are used for Samba VFS
I/O operations. By default, normal disk I/O operations are used but these
can be overloaded with one or more VFS objects.
缺省設置: no value
示例: vfs objects = extd_audit recycle
- volume (S)
- 此選項允許你忽略共享項提供的卷標.這對於那些堅持要使用一個特殊卷標的安裝程序光盤來說很有用.缺省就是共享項的卷標.
缺省設置: 共享的名稱
- wide links (S)
- 此選項控制服務器是否跟蹤UNIX文件系統中的符號鏈接.指向服務器導出的目錄樹的鏈接總是被允許的;此選項只是控制對導出目錄樹以外的區域的訪問情況.
缺省設置: wide links = yes
- winbind cache time (G)
- This parameter specifies the number of seconds the winbindd(8)
daemon will cache user and group information before querying a Windows NT
server again.
缺省設置: winbind cache type = 300
- winbind enable local accounts (G)
- This parameter controls whether or not winbindd will act as a stand in
replacement for the various account management hooks in smb.conf (e.g.
'add user script'). If enabled, winbindd will support the creation of
local users and groups as another source of UNIX account information
available via getpwnam() or getgrgid(), etc...
缺省設置: winbind enable local accounts = yes
- winbind enum groups (G)
- On large installations using winbindd(8) it may be necessary to
suppress the enumeration of groups through the setgrent(),
getgrent() and endgrent() group of system calls. If the
winbind enum groups parameter is no, calls to the
getgrent() system call will not return any data.
Warning: Turning off group enumeration may cause some programs to behave oddly.
缺省設置: winbind enum groups = yes
- winbind enum users (G)
- On large installations using winbindd(8) it may be necessary to
suppress the enumeration of users through the setpwent(),
getpwent() and endpwent() group of system calls. If the
winbind enum users parameter is no, calls to the
getpwent system call will not return any data.
Warning: Turning off user enumeration may cause some programs to behave oddly. For example, the finger program relies on having access to the full user list when searching for matching usernames.
缺省設置: winbind enum users = yes
- winbind gid (G)
- This parameter is now an alias for idmap gid
The winbind gid parameter specifies the range of group ids that are allocated by the winbindd(8) daemon. This range of group ids should have no existing local or NIS groups within it as strange conflicts can occur otherwise.
缺省設置: winbind gid = <空字符串>
示例: winbind gid = 10000-20000
- winbind separator (G)
- This parameter allows an admin to define the character used when listing a
username of the form of DOMAIN \user. This parameter is only
applicable when using the and
modules for UNIX services.
Please note that setting this parameter to + causes problems with group membership at least on glibc systems, as the character + is used as a special character for NIS in /etc/group.
缺省設置: winbind separator = '´
示例: winbind separator = +
- winbind trusted domains only (G)
- This parameter is designed to allow Samba servers that are members of a
Samba controlled domain to use UNIX accounts distributed vi NIS, rsync, or
LDAP as the uid's for winbindd users in the hosts primary domain.
Therefore, the user 'SAMBA\user1' would be mapped to the account 'user1'
in /etc/passwd instead of allocating a new uid for him or her.
缺省設置: winbind trusted domains only = <no>
- winbind uid (G)
- This parameter is now an alias for idmap uid
The winbind gid parameter specifies the range of user ids that are allocated by the winbindd(8) daemon. This range of ids should have no existing local or NIS users within it as strange conflicts can occur otherwise.
缺省設置: winbind uid = <空字符串>
示例: winbind uid = 10000-20000
- winbind use default domain (G)
- This parameter specifies whether the winbindd(8) daemon should
operate on users without domain component in their username. Users without
a domain component are treated as is part of the winbindd server's own
domain. While this does not benifit Windows users, it makes SSH, FTP and
e-mail function in a way much closer to the way they would in a native
unix system.
缺省設置: winbind use default domain = <no>
示例: winbind use default domain = yes
- wins hook (G)
- 當把Samba作爲一臺WINS服務器運行時,此選項允許你調用一個外部程序更改WINS數據庫.此項主要用於動態更新外部名字解析數據庫,如動態DNS.
wins_hook operation name nametype ttl IP_list
第四部分參數是以秒計算的名稱有效時間TTL (time to live).
- wins partners (G)
- A space separated list of partners' IP addresses for WINS replication.
WINS partners are always defined as push/pull partners as defining only
one way WINS replication is unreliable. WINS replication is currently
experimental and unreliable between samba servers.
缺省設置: wins partners =
示例: wins partners =
- wins proxy (G)
- 此布爾量選項控制nmbd(8)
缺省設置: wins proxy = no
- wins server (G)
- 此選項指定nmbd要註冊的WINS服務器的IP地址(或DNS域名:IP地址優先(for
If you want to work in multiple namespaces, you can give every wins server a 'tag'. For each tag, only one (working) server will be queried for a name. The tag should be seperated from the ip address by a colon.
缺省設置: 未啓用
示例: wins server = mary: fred: mary:
For this example when querying a certain name, will be asked first and if that doesn't respond . If either of those doesn't know the name will be queried.
示例: wins server =
- wins support (G)
- 此布爾量選項控制nmbd(8)進程是否作爲WINS服務器.你不應該把它設爲yes,除非有多子網或希望特定的nmbd作爲你的WINS服務器.注意在網絡上有多臺WINS服務器時不應把它設爲yes.
缺省設置: wins support = no
- workgroup (G)
- 此選項規定Samba所在的工作組以便讓客戶查詢.注意它也規定在使用security
= domain時所用的域名.
缺省設置: 編譯時設置爲 WORKGROUP
示例: workgroup = MYGROUP
- writable (S)
- 與 writeable 相同,是爲拼寫錯誤者準備的 :-)
- writeable (S)
- 注意它與 read only 反義.
- write cache size (S)
- If this integer parameter is set to non-zero value, Samba will create an
in-memory cache for each oplocked file (it does not do this for
non-oplocked files). All writes that the client does not request to be
flushed directly to disk will be stored in this cache if possible. The
cache is flushed onto disk when a write comes in whose offset would not
fit into the cache or when the file is closed by the client. Reads for the
file are also served from this cache if the data is stored within it.
This cache allows Samba to batch client writes into a more efficient write size for RAID disks (i.e. writes may be tuned to be the RAID stripe size) and can improve performance on systems where the disk subsystem is a bottleneck but there is free memory for userspace programs.
The integer parameter specifies the size of this cache (per oplocked file) in bytes.
缺省設置: write cache size = 0
示例: write cache size = 262144
for a 256k cache size per file.
- write list (S)
- 此選項設置對服務項有讀寫權的用戶列表.如果正在連接的用戶屬於此列表,那他們就可以有寫入權,而不管read
參見 read list 選項。
缺省設置: write list = <空字符串>
示例: write list = admin, root, @staff
- write ok (S)
- 注意它與 read only 反義.
- write raw (G)
- 此選項規定服務器是否在從客戶端傳輸數據時支持原始方式寫SMB消息塊.你不應該更改它.
缺省設置: write raw = yes
- wtmp directory (G)
- This parameter is only available if Samba has been configured and compiled
with the option --with-utmp. It specifies a directory pathname
that is used to store the wtmp or wtmpx files (depending on the UNIX
system) that record user connections to a Samba server. The difference
with the utmp directory is the fact that user info is kept after a user
has logged out.
參見 utmp 選項。 By default this is not set, meaning the system will use whatever utmp file the native system is set to use (usually /var/run/wtmp on Linux).
缺省設置: no wtmp directory
示例: wtmp directory = /var/log/wtmp
雖然配置文件允許服務項名包含空格,但你的客戶端軟件就不一定了.因爲在比較中總是忽略空格,所以這不成問題 - 但應該認識到其它可能性.有一條類似提示,很多客戶特別是DOS客戶,會限制服務項名爲8個字符.雖然 smbd(8)沒有這樣的限制,但如果這樣的客戶截去部分服務項名的話,他們的連接嘗試會失敗.爲此你可能要保持你的服務項名在8個字符以內.
對於管理員來說[homes] 和 [printers]特殊段的使用很容易,但對缺省屬性的多樣組合應該小心.當設計這些段時要特別仔細.特別是要確保假脫機目錄權限的正確性.
此手冊頁是針對samba套件版本3.0的。參見 SEE ALSO¶
samba(7), smbpasswd(8), swat(8), smbd(8), nmbd(8), smbclient(1), nmblookup(1), testparm(1), testprns(1).作者 AUTHOR¶
samba軟件和相關工具最初由Andrew Tridgell創建。samba現在由Samba Team 作爲開源軟件來發展,類似linux內核的開發方式。最初的samba手冊頁是 Karl Auer寫的。 手冊頁源碼已經轉換爲YODL格式(另一種很好的開源軟件,可以在找到),由Jeremy Sllison 更新到Samba2.0 版本。 Gerald Carter 在Samba2.2中將它轉化爲DocBook 格式。 Alexander Bokovoy 在Samba 3.0中實現了DocBook XML4.2 格式的轉換。
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