MLTERM(1) | General Commands Manual | MLTERM(1) |
mlterm - Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator on XSYNOPSIS¶
mlterm [options]DESCRIPTION¶
mlterm is a multi-lingual terminal emulator written from scratch, which supports various character sets and encodings in the world and complex characters such as double width for East Asian, combining for Thai, Vietnamese, and so on, and bi-direction for Arabic and Hebrew. Indic scripts are experimentally supported. It also supports various unique feature such as anti-alias using FreeType, multiple XIM, multiple windows, scrollbar API, scroll by mouse wheel, automatic selection of encoding, daemon mode, and so on.Supported encodings are: ISO-8859-[1-11], ISO-8859-[13-16], TIS-620 (same as ISO-8859-11), KOI8-R, KOI8-U, KOI8-T, GEORGIAN-PS, TCVN5712, ISCII_(ASSAMESE|BENGALI|GUJARATI| HINDI|KANNADA|MALAYALAM|ORIYA|PUNJABI|TAMIL|TELUGU), VISCII, CP125[0-8], CP874, EUC-JP, EUC-JISX0213, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP[1-3], EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, ISO-2022-KR, GB2312 (EUC-CN), GBK, GB18030, ISO-2022-CN, HZ, EUC-TW, BIG5, BIG5HKSCS, and UTF-8. If you have already set locale (for example LANG variable; see locale(7) for detail) mlterm will automatically select proper encoding.
Note that bool is to be substituted by true or false.- -A, --aa(=bool)
- Use anti-aliased fonts. This option works only with Xft or cairo for now. The default is true.
- -B, --sbbg=color
- Specify a background color of a scrollbar. A valid value for color is a color name or a RGB value. The color name should be defined in rgb.txt or "color" configuration file. The RGB value's format should be "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA", "rgb:RR/GG/BB" or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA".
- -C, --ctl(=bool)
- Enable complex text layouting on UTF8 encoding to support indic scripts and RTL (right-to-left) languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. The default is true.
- -E, --km=encoding
- Specify encoding. Valid encodings are listed in DESCRIPTION section above in this man page. AUTO makes mlterm determine the according according to the current locale (default AUTO).
- -F, --sbfg=color
- Specify a foreground color of a scrollbar. See --sbbg option for valid values.
- -G, --vertical=mode
- Specify vertical writing mode. cjk for RTL vertical writing and mongol for LTR one. The default is none which means horizontal writing mode.
- -H, --bright=value
- Brightness of background images in percent. See -p option for details of background images. The default is 100 (keep original).
- -I, --icon=name
- Specify a name to be used when a mlterm window is iconified. The default is "mlterm".
- -J, --dyncomb(=bool)
- Enable dynamic character combining. "Dynamic" means that combining characters are stored in without combining but they are displayed using combined form. This affects calculation of column position, i.e., a pair of base character and combining character is counted to be two columns in this mode, while it is counted to be one column in the normal mode. Under this option, a (logical) column number and a character one-to-one correspondence. even for combining characters (though not for fullwidth characters; see -Z/--multicol option for handling of fullwidth characters). Thus, this mode enables you to use combining characters with software which does not support combining characters. The default is false.
- -K, --metakey=value
- Specify a key to be interpreted as a META key. Valid values are:
alt, meta, hyper, super, mod1,
mod2, mod3, mod4, and none. The default is
See -k option also.
- -L, --ls(=bool)
- Whether to use login shell or not. The default is false.
- -M, --im= input method : [ arguments ... ]
- Specify an input method. (See doc/ja/README.ja in detail)
- --im=xim
- Use XIM with the default XIM server specified by standard way (i.e., XMODIFIERS environmental variable).
- --im=xim:Ami
- Use XIM with Ami on the system locale.
- --im=xim:kinput2:ja_JP.EUC-JP
- Use XIM with kinput2 on ja_JP.EUC-JP locale.
- --im=kbd:arabic
- Use keyboard mapping input method in Arabic.
- --im=kbd:hebrew
- Use keyboard mapping input method in Hebrew.
- --im=kbd:isciixxx
- Use keyboard mapping input method in Indic.
- --im=uim
- Use uim with the default conversion engine.
- --im=uim:prime
- Use uim with prime conversion engine.
- --im=m17nlib:ru
- Use m17n library in Russian.
- --im=m17nlib:or:itrans
- Use m17n library in Oriya using ITRANS method.
- --im=scim
- Use SCIM.
- --im=ibus
- Use IBus with the default conversion engine.
- --im=ibus:anthy
- Use IBus with anthy conversion engine.
- --im=fcitx
- Use Fcitx.
- --im=canna
- Use Canna.
- --im=wnn
- Use Freewnn.
- Use Freewnn with jserver at host. (JSERVER environmental variable is also available.)
- --im=skk
- Use SKK.
- Use SKK with the use of utf8 skk server at host and semicolon key as sticky shift key. (SKK_DICTIONARY and SKK_STICKY_SHIFT_KEY environmental variable are also available.)
- --im=iiimf
- Use IIIMF in the system language.
- --im=iiimf:ar
- Use IIIMF in Arabic.
- --im=iiimf:ja:CannaLE
- Use IIIMF in Japanese using CannaLE language engine.
- --im=none
- Don't use input method.
- -N, --name=name
- Specify application name. The default is "mlterm".
- -O, --sbmod=value
- Specify the side to show a scrollbar. left for left side and right for right side. none turns off a scrollbar. autohide shows a scrollbar only if mouse pointer is at the right edge of the screen. The default is left.
- -P, --clip(=bool)
- Whether to enable CLIPBOARD (not only PRIMARY) selection. The default is true.
- -Q, --vcur(=bool)
- Change interpretation of cursor keys to be natural in vertical writing mode. This means that up and down arrow keys are treated as backward (left arrow in horizontal LTR) and forward (right arrow in horizontal LTR), respectively. In cjk -G/--vertical mode, left and right arrow keys are also treated as next line (down arrow in horizontal LTR) and previous line (up arrow in horizontal LTR), respectively, while vice versa in mongol mode. The default is true.
- -R, --fsrange=range
- Set acceptable range of font size. The format is "minsize-maxsize", where minsize and maxsize are font sizes in pixel (default 6-30). The GUI configurator and other means for setting fontsize should honor the range.
- -S, --sbview=name
- Select a type of scrollbar. See SCROLLBAR section below for details. The default is "simple" which means the built-in simple scrollbar.
- -T, --title=name
- Specify a title for a mlterm window. The default is "mlterm".
- -U, --viaucs(=bool)
- Force to convert a selection (i.e., copy-and-paste strings) whose type is not UTF8_STRING to the current mlterm encoding via Unicode. See SELECTION section below for detail. The default is false.
- -V, --varwidth(=bool)
- Use variable column width. You may want to use this option when you use proportional fonts. The default is false.
- -W, --sep=characterlist
- Delimiter characters used for word selection, which are consulted when you double-clicked mlterm, to define what is a word. The default is " ,.:;/|@()[]{}")
- -X, --alpha=value
- Alpha in pseudo or true transparent. The default is 255.
- -Y, --decsp(=bool)
- Use dynamically composed line drawing character set of DEC special. The default is false. This overrides DEC_SPECIAL in "font" configuration file, while DEC_SPECIAL in "aafont" (for Xft or cairo) is always overridden.
- -Z, --multicol(=bool)
- Treat fullwidth characters (east Asian characters in most cases; which occupies two columns on the screen) as they occupy two logical columns. It is the de-facto standard way to handle fullwidth characters in east Asian terminal emulators (XFree86 xterm and kterm, cxterm, hanterm, rxvt, eterm) and other systems such as MS-DOS, PC-9801, and so on. In most fonts, the glyphs of fullwidth characters are designed assuming that their width are twice of normal characters and won't display correctly without this option. The default is true.
- -0, --crbg=color
- Specify background color for cursor (default is same to foreground color). Valid values for color are color names defined in rgb.txt and color rgb string whose format is "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA", "rgb:RR/GG/BB" or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA".
- -1, --wscr=value
- Specify actual window width, by percentage against calculated value by multiplying font width by column number. This is useful when you use a proportional font which includes some glyphs with exceptionally large width, i.e., much larger "maximum width" than your expectation. In vertical mode this option changes actual window height. The default is 100.
- -3, --contrast=value)
- Contrast of background image in percent. See -p option for details of background image. The default is 100.
- -4, --gamma=value)
- Gamma of background image in percent. See -p option for details of background image. The default is 100.
- -5, --big5bug(=bool)
- Enable a workaround for Big5 CTEXT bugs (which had been existed until XFree86 4.1.0). This affects Big5 selections (i.e., copy-and-paste strings) in COMPOUND_TEXT format which mlterm sends. The default is false.
- -6, --stbs(=bool)
- Don't exit backscroll mode when console applications output something. The default is false.
- -7, --bel=mode
- Behavior when BEL (0x07) is received. sound for beep , visual for blanking screen and sound|visual for the both. The default is none which ignores BEL.
- -8, --88591(=bool)
- Use ISO8859-1 fonts for US-ASCII part of various encodings.
- -9, --crfg=color
- Specify foreground color for cursor (default is same to background color). Valid values for color are color names defined in rgb.txt and color rgb string whose format is "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA", "rgb:RR/GG/BB" or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA".
- -$, --mc=value
- Doubleclick/tripleclick interval in millisecond. The default is 250.
- -%, --logseq(=bool)
- Enable logging. Contents of stream received by mlterm will be logged under ~/.mlterm/. This option is mainly intended to be used for debugging purposes. The default is false. Note that % should be escaped to be supplied as a command line option on most shells.
- -&, --borderless(=bool)
- Asks the window manager to use no decorations at all. Warning: You will not be able to resize the window. You probably want to use --geometry as well. The default is false.
- -@, --screens=value
- Specify number of screens (sessions) to be used in start up. The default
is 1. Note that when one of these screens are closed, sessions
which were connected to the screens do not immediately killed.
See MULTIPLE PTY section for details.
- -*, --type=value
- Specify the rendering engine to be used to draw fonts. xcore is conventional X11 core font mechanism. xft means Xft mechanism and cairo means cairo mechanism. The default is cairo.
- -#, --initstr=value
- Specify a string to be automatically sent after initialization of session. The value normally will be parsed by a shell. See -e option to execute other application at start-up time.
- -a, --ac=value
- Specify number of columns to be occupied by a Unicode's "EastAsianAmbiguous" character. The default is 1 except "ja" locale where the default is 2. Some of asian people may want to specify 2. See Unicode Standard Annex (UAX) #11 East Asian Width found at Unicode web site for details.
- -b, --bg=color
- Specify background color (default white). Valid values for color are color names defined in rgb.txt and color rgb string whose format is "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA", "rgb:RR/GG/BB" or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA".
- -c, --cp932(=bool)
- Use CP932 mapping table to convert from JIS X 0208 to Unicode when
displaying JIS X 0208 characters using Unicode font in Xft or cairo mode.
This is useful when you use proprietary Japanese true type fonts which are
intended to be used with Microsoft Windows, with mlterm with
encodings (such as EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, ISO-2022-JP, and so on) which
contain JIS X 0208 as a coded character set.
The reason is, such proprietary fonts may have glyphs only for Unicode code points into which JIS X 0208 code points are converted using CP932 mapping table. (CP932 is a name of mapping table which is used by Microsoft to convert from Shift_JIS [plus Microsoft private extended characters] into Unicode. In Unicode's point of view, CP932 is a name of encoding which is similar to Shift_JIS and is used by Japanese version of Microsoft Windows.) If you use such fonts for encodings such as EUC-JP and Shift_JIS with JIS0208.TXT mapping table which mlterm adopts as the standard, a few characters are mapped into Unicode code points where the fonts don't have glyphs.
Both of CP932.TXT and JIS0208.TXT mapping tables are supplied by Unicode Consortium, though they are regarded to be obsolete.
The default is true.
- -d, --display=string
- Specify X display to connect with.
- -e program [ arguments ... ]
- Invoke the command in the mlterm window. This option must be the last option on the command line.
- -f, --fg=color
- Foreground color (default black). Valid values for color are color names defined in rgb.txt and color rgb string whose format is "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA", "rgb:RR/GG/BB" or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA".
- -g, --geometry=geometry
- Specify size and position of the window; see X(7).
- -h, --help(=bool)
- Show help messages.
- -i, --xim(=bool)
- Whether to use XIM (X Input Method). Most east Asian people will want to enable this option. Other people can also safely enable this. The default is true. The name of the XIM server to be connected is specified by standard way (i.e., XMODIFIERS environmental variable).
- -j, --daemon=value
- Start as a daemon process. Note that mlclient is executed if a daemon process has already started. Possible =values are "blend" and "genuine". See the chapter of DAEMON MODE for details.
- -k, --meta=mode
- Behavior of META key. esc for sending ESC and none for
ignoring META key. The default is 8bit which sets the most
significant bit.
See -K option also.
- -l, --sl=value
- Specify number of lines of backlog or "unlimited". Over 65535(0xffff) is regarded as "unlimited". The default is 128.
- -m, --comb(=bool)
- Enable combining characters by overstriking glyphs (recommended for TIS-620, TCVN5712, and UTF-8). Note that fonts which contain combining characters which extend backward cannot be used, since mlterm does combine characters by controlling the writing positions. This option is automatically turned on when using --dyncomb option. The default is true.
- -n, --noucsfont(=bool)
- Use non-Unicode fonts even when mlterm encoding is UTF-8. Useful when you don't have ISO10646-1 fonts and you want to use UTF-8 encoding. The default is false.
- -o, --lsp(=value)
- Specify number of extra pixels between lines. The default is 0.
- -p, --pic=path
- Path for a wallpaper (background) image. Note that the wallpaper cannot be used with pseudo transparent background.
- -q, --extkey(=bool)
- Enable extended keys for backscroll mode. The default is false. Extended scroll keys are SCROLL_UP, up arrow, and "k" (for scrolling one line backward) and SCROLL_DOWN, down arrow, and "j" (for scrolling one line forward). Please note that concrete keys for symbols of SCROLL_UP and SCROLL_DOWN are specified in key configuration file. Only keys of PAGE_UP and PAGE_DOWN (which are specified in key configuration file) are available by default.
- -r, --fade=ratio
- Specify fading ratio for unfocused windows. 100 means no fading and 0 means darkest. The default is 100
- -s, --mdi(=bool)
- Whether to use multiple document interface. The default is true. If you disable this option, scrollbar and screen separation are unavailable.
- -t, --transbg(=bool)
- Whether to enable pseudo transparent background. Note that pseudo transparent background cannot be used with wallpaper. The default is false.
- -u, --onlyucsfont(=bool)
- Use Unicode fonts even when mlterm encoding is not UTF-8. Useful
when you have ISO10646 fonts but you don't have other fonts and want to
use non-UTF-8 encodings. Note that conversion to Unicode is lossy. i.e. if
mlterm encoding is not a subset of Unicode like ISO-2022-JP-2 or
EUC-TW, characters which are regarded as a same character in Unicode will
be displayed with the same glyph and cannot be distinguished.
The default is false.
- -v, --version
- Show version information.
- -w, --fontsize=value
- Specify font size in pixel. The default is 16.
- -x, --tw=value
- Specify tab width. The default is 8.
- -y, --term=string
- Specify terminal type, i.e., the value of TERM variable. The default is xterm.
- -z, --largesmall=size
- Specify the step of changing font size in pixel when you pushed "Font size larger" or "Font size smaller" button on GUI configurator. The default is 1.
- --ade=value
- Specify character encodings detected automatically.
- --auto(=bool)
- Automatically detect appropriate character encoding from the encodings specified by --ade option. The default is false.
- --altbuf(=bool)
- Whether to enable alternate screen buffer. This option is similar to "titeInhibit" of xterm.
- --bc(=bool)
- Whether to broadcast input or pasted characters to all ptys whose value of "ignore_broadcasted_chars" option is false. The default is false.
- --bd=value
- Specify the color to use to display bold characters.
- --bdfont(=bool)
- Use bold font for characters with the bold attribute. The default is true.
- --bimode=value
- Specify bidi mode. Valid values are: normal, left and right. The default is normal.
- --bisep=characterlist
- Specify separator characters to render bidi text.
- --bl=value
- Specify the color to use to display blinking characters.
- --blink(=bool)
- Blink cursor. The default is false.
- --blpos=value
- Specify the position (offset from the default baseline) of baseline. The default is 0.
- --border=value
- Specify inner border width. The default is 2. The maximum value is 224.
- --boxdraw=value
- Use either unicode font or DEC Special font forcibly to draw box-drawing characters. unicode for unicode font and decsp for DEC special font. The default is noconv which draw them as they are.
- --ciphlist=value
- Specify ciphers (comma separated list) for encrypting the ssh session.
- --ckm=encoding
- Specify encoding of the console where mlterm-con works. Valid encodings are listed in DESCRIPTION section above in this man page. AUTO makes mlterm determine the according according to the current locale (default AUTO).
- --co=value
- Specify the color to use to display crossed-out characters.
- --colors(=bool)
- Whether to recognize ANSI color change escape sequences. The default is true.
- --csc=value
- Specify the number of sixel graphics colors of the console where mlterm-con works. A valid value is 16, 256 or full. The default is 16.
- --csp=value
- Specify number of extra pixels between lines. (ignored if you specify --V option.) The default is 0.
- --csz=value
- Specify cell width and height in pixel which mlterm-con uses if it doesn't get them. The default is 8,16.
- --da1=value
- Specify primary device attributes string. The default is 63;1;2;3;4;7;29.
- --da2=value
- Specify secondary device attributes string. The default is 24;279;0.
- --depth=value
- Specify visual depth. (8,16,24,32) If depth is 32, you can enable semi-transparency by specifying opacity as the value of --alpha option or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA" as the value of --bg option.
- --deffont=value
- DEFAULT in ~/.mlterm/*font.
- --emoji=value
- Specify path of a directory where emoji image files exist or a open type emoji font to show unicode emoji characters. The default is ~/.mlterm/emoji.
- --exitbs(=bool)
- Whether to exit backscroll mode on receiving data from pty. The default is false.
- --fullwidth=value
- Force full width regardless of EastAsianWidth.txt.
e.g.) --fullwidth=U+1234-5678,U+0123-4567
- --halfwidth=value
- Force half width regardless of EastAsianWidth.txt.
e.g.) --halfwidth=U+1234-5678,U+0123-4567
- --ibc(=bool)
- Whether to ignore broadcasted characters. The default is false.
- --iconpath=path
- Specify the file to be used as a window icon.
- --it=value
- Specify the color to use to display italic characters.
- --itfont(=bool)
- Use italic font for characters with the italic attribute. The default is true.
- --keepalive=value
- Specify interval seconds to send keepalive message to ssh server. The default is 0.
- --lborder=value
- Specify inner border width of a layout manager. The default is 0. The maximum value is 224.
- --ldd(=bool)
- Embold glyphs by drawing doubly at 1 pixel leftward instead of rightward. The default is false.
- --locale=value
- Specify locale. The default is "".
- --logmsg(=bool)
- Enable logging messages of mlterm to ~/.mlterm/msg.log. The default is true.
- --loecho(=bool)
- Whether to use local echo mode or not. The default is false.
- --maxptys=value
- Specify maximum number of ptys (sessions) to be opened simultaneously. It
should be multiple of 32. The default is 32.
See MULTIPLE PTY section for detail.
- --metaprefix=value
- Specify prefix characters in pressing meta key if mod_meta_mode = esc. The default is \x1b.
- --noul(=bool)
- Don't draw underline. The default is false.
- --oft=value
- Specify features of glyph substitution. The default is fliga,clig,dlig,hlig,rlig.
- --osc52(=bool)
- Allow access to clipboard(selection) by OSC 52 sequence. The default is false.
- --ost=value
- Specify script of glyph substitution. The default is flatn.
- --otl(=bool)
- Whether to show substituting glyphs in open type fonts with the use of libotf or harfbuzz. Don't specify --ctl=false if you want to use substituting glyphs. --ctl option disables automatic search of alternative glyphs in other fonts on cairo/xlib and freetype+fontconfig/{wayland|framebuffer}. The default is false.
- --parent=value
- Specify parent Window ID. The default is 0.
- --point(=bool)
- Treat the value of -w option as point instead of pixel. Note that this option works on xft, cairo or win32. The default is false.
- --scp(=bool)
- Allow OSC 5379 scp. The default is false. Even if allow_scp = false, it is possible to transfer a file to "." directory (~/.mlterm/scp).
- --serv=value
- Specify a host you want to connect via ssh etc. This option is enabled
only if mlterm is built with MinGW or --enable-ssh2 option.
Value format: (<protocol>://)(<user>@)<server>(:<port>)(:<encoding>)
e.g.) mlterm --serv ssh://user@host:22:eucjp
- --pubkey=value
- Specify public key file for ssh connection. The default is ~/.ssh/ in win32).
- --privkey=value
- Specify private key file for ssh connection. The default is ~/.ssh/id_rsa(%HOMEPATH%termid_rsa in win32).
- --rcn(=bool)
- Reconnect to ssh server automatically in unexpected disconnection. The default is false.
- --restart=value
- Whether to restart mlterm with all opened ptys except ssh if SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGFPE or SIGILL is received. The default is true.
- --rv=value
- Specify the color to use to display reverse characters.
- --seqfmt=value
- Specify the format of logging vt100 sequence. raw for logging as it is and ttyrec for logging by ttyrec format. The default is raw.
- --shortcut(=bool)
- Whether to allow dynamic change of shortcut keys by OSC 5379 set_shortcut sequence. The default is false.
- --trim(=bool)
- Whether to trim new line characters at the end in pasting text. The default is false.
- --ul=value
- Specify the color to use to display underlined characters.
- --ulpos=value
- Specify the position (offset from the baseline) of underline. The default is 0.
- --ucsnoconv=value
- Use unicode fonts partially regardless of -n option.
e.g.) --ucsnoconv=U+1234-5678,U+0123-4567
- --urgent(=bool)
- Draw the user's attention when making a bell sound in the unfocused window. The default is false.
- --uriword(=bool)
- Select URI by double clicking it regardless of -W option. The default is false.
- --vtcolor=mode
- Set vt color mode. 256 for pseudo color, high for high color and true for true color. The default is high.
- --working-directory=value
- Working directory.
- --x11(=bool)
- Enable x11 forwarding for ssh connection. The default is false.
Pushing control key and mouse button 3 invokes GUI configurator (mlconfig). It can modify encoding, foreground and background color, tab size, backlog size, font size, usage of combining character, and so on.GUI configurator has six pages (Encoding, Font, Background, Color, Scrollbar, and Others), OK/Apply/Cancel buttons, and four special buttons.
Note this feature needs GTK+ 2.x or later.
Encoding page¶
Encoding-related configurations are located in this page. Note that configurations will be enabled when you push Apply button.- Encoding
- Specify encoding. (-E, --km)
- Auto detect
- Whether to detect appropriate character encoding automatically. (--auto)
- Encoding list
- Specify character encodings detected automatically. (--ade)
- Input Method
- Specify which input method to be used. (-M, --im)
- XIM Server
- Specify the name of XIM server to be connected. You can input from your keyboard or you can choose one of registered XIM servers. This doesn't have equivalent command option. See the section of XIM Configuration File for registration of XIM servers.
- XIM locale
- Specify the name of the locale to be used for connection to the XIM server. Popular XIM servers usually have acceptable locales to be used for connection. If you choose registered XIM server in Input Method, this will be set automatically. You can also input the locale name from your keyboard.
- Option
- Specify the name of key mapping table. When using ISCII encoding, Indic key mapping is used automatically. In other encodings, this will be automatically selected according to the current locale.
- Option
- Specify the name of the conversion engine to be used. If you choose auto, the conversion engine will be automatically selected according to the current locale.
Note this feature needs uim library.
m17n library:
- Option
- Specify the language and the input method to be used. If you choose auto, the language and input method will be automatically selected according to the current locale.
Note this feature needs m17n library and m17n-db.
- No option
- No option
- No option
- Option
- Specify the address of the host where jserver works.
- No option
- Option
- Specify the place of skk dictionary (server or file) and the key used as sticky shift key.
- Option
- Specify the language id (RFC1766) and the language engine to be used. If you choose auto, the language id/engine will be automatically selected according to the current locale.
Note this feature needs IIIMCF library.
- Complex Text Layout
- Whether to enable complex text layouting on UTF8 encoding to support indic scripts and RTL (right-to-left) languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. (-C, --ctl)
- Combining
- Whether to support combining characters by overstriking. (-m, --comb)
- Combining = 1 (or 0) logical column(s)
- Processing combining characters as if it occupies one column logically while it occupies zero column on the screen. (-J, --dyncomb)
- Process received strings via Unicode
- When you paste some strings into mlterm, the strings are converted into Unicode and then to mlterm encoding. (-U, --viaucs)
- OpenType Layout
- Whether to show substituting glyphs in open type fonts with the use of libotf or harfbuzz. (--otl)
- Ambiguouswidth = fullwidth (UTF8 only)
- Processing Unicode characters with EastAsianAmbiguous property as fullwidth. (-a, --ac)
- Fullwidth = 2 (or 1) logical column(s)
- Processing CJK fullwidth characters as it occupies two columns logically since it occupies two columns on the screen. (-Z, --multicol)
Font page¶
Configurations related to appearance (or look&feel) are located in this page.- Font size
- Font size in pixel. (-w, --fontsize)
- Foreground color
- Foreground color for letters. (-f, --fg)
- Xft
- Use xft for rendering engine. (-*, --type)
- Cairo
- Use cairo for rendering engine. (-*, --type)
- Anti alias
- Use anti-alias fonts by using Xft or cairo. (-A, --aa)
- Variable column width
- Use variable column width. (-V, --varwidth)
- Vertical mode
- Vertical writing mode. (-G, --vertical)
- Font name
- Specify XLFD, Xft or cairo font for character sets. "Select" button shows a dialog to choose it.
- Font policy
- Whether to use unicode fonts (or non-unicode fonts) all the time regardless of a selected encoding. (-u, --onlyucsfont) (-n, --noucsfont)
- Box drawing
- Whether to use a unicode font or (a dec special font) all the time to draw box drawing characters. (--boxdraw)
- Line space
- Specify number of extra dots between lines. (-o, --lsp)
- Letter space
- Specify number of extra dots between characters. (--csp)
- Underline position
- Specify the position (offset from the baseline) of underline. (--ulpos)
- Baseline position
- Specify the position (offset from the default baseline) of baseline. (--blpos)
- Screen size ratio against font size
- Specify actual screen width (screen height in vertical mode). (-1, --wscr)
Background page¶
Configurations related to background are located in this page.- Background color
- Background color. (-b, --bg)
- Picture
- Specify the image file to be used for background image. (-p, --pic)
- Pseudo Transparent
- Pseudo transparent background. (-t, --transbg)
- Picture/Transparent Brightness, Contrast, Gamma and Alpha.
- Brightness, contrast, gamma alpha of the background image. (-H, --bright) (-3, --contrast) (-4, --gamma) (-X, --alpha)
- Fade ratio on unfocus
- Fading ratio when window is unfocused. (-r, --fade)
Color page¶
Configurations related to color are located in this page.- Cursor color
- Specify color to show cursor. (-9, --crfg) (-0, --crbg)
- Substituting color
- Specify color to show instead of bold, underlined, italic, blinking or crossed-out attribute. (--bd) (--ul) (--it) (--bl) (--co)
- VT basic 16 colors
- Customize VT basic 16 text colors.
Scrollbar page¶
Configurations related to scrollbar are located in this page.- Position
- Specify scrollbar position. (-O, --sbmod)
- View
- Specify name of scrollbar. (-S, --sbview)
- Foreground color
- Specify foreground color of scrollbar. (-F, --sbfg)
- Background color
- Specify background color of scrollbar. (-B, --sbbg)
Others page¶
Other configurations are located in this page.- Tab size
- Column number of tab. (-x, --tw)
- Backlog size
- Number of lines of backlog. (-l, --sl)
- Columns/Rows
- Number of columns and rows of the screen. (-g, --geometry)
- Word separators
- Delimiter characters used for word selection, which are consulted when you double-clicked mlterm, to define what is a word. (-W, --sep)
- Double click interval (msec)
- Doubleclick/tripleclick interval in millisecond. (-$, --mc)
- Meta key outputs
- Behavior of META key. (-k, --meta)
- Bell mode
- Behavior when mlterm receives BEL (0x07) code. (-7, --bel)
- Save log
- Whether to log sequence received from pty in ~/.mlterm/[pty].log in raw or ttyrec format. (--logseq) (--seqfmt)
- CLIPBOARD Selection
- Whether to enable CLIPBOARD (not only PRIMARY) selection. (-P, --clip)
- Local echo
- Whether to use local echo mode. (--loecho)
- Blink cursor
- Whether to blink cursor. (--blink)
- Don't scroll automatically in scrolling back.
- Don't exit backscroll mode when console applications output something. (-6, --stbs)
- Scroll by Shift+Up or Shift+Down
- Enable extended keys for backscroll mode. (-q, --extkey)
- Select URI by double click
- Select URI by double clicking it regardless of -W option. (--uriword)
- Send keys to all windows
- Whether to broadcast input or pasted characters to all ptys whose value of "ignore_broadcasted_chars" option is false. (--bc)
- Trim trailing CR/LF in pasting
- Whether to trim new line characters at the end in pasting text. (--trim)
There are buttons which is independent from OK/Apply/Cancel buttons.- OK/Apply/Cancel
- OK button applies the modified configuration to the current mlterm session, saves it to "~/.mlterm/main" configuration file, and quits the GUI Configurator. Apply button just applies the modified configuration to the current mlterm session.
- Font size (Larger and Smaller)
- Change font size.
- Full reset
- Reset internal status.
- Transfer a file via SCP.
- PTY List
- One process of mlterm may have multiple sessions and screens. The sessions may or may not have corresponding screen, i.e., the number of sessions can be more than the number of screens. Such situation can be achieved by closing a part of multiple screens from -@/--screens option. In such case, the screen-less session can be designated to one of screens by choosing the session (pty) from this list and push "select" button.
Pushing control key and mouse button 1 invokes configurable menu displayer (mlterm-menu). It displays a menu with items such as "Larger Font" or "UTF-8 encoding". Though a default menu definition is supplied, you can freely define menu items by writing a menu configuration file. See Menu Configuration File section for detail.Note this feature needs GTK+ 2.x or later.
mlterm can use multiple XIM (X Input Method) servers. The current XIM is specified by the GUI configurator. Using this feature you can input multiple complex languages such as Japanese and Korean. Locale to be used for communication with XIM can also be specified for each XIM. In the GUI configurator, you can choose one of registered pair of XIM and its locale or you can input your favorite XIM and its locale.The locale for XIM is only used for communication with the XIM and is not related to the current mlterm locale. You have to properly configure the XIM locale only when your XIM has preference on the locale of XIM client (i.e., mlterm in this case). mlterm automatically convert the inputed string into proper encoding and you don't have to care about it.
Of course the initial XIM is chosen by using standard configuration, i.e., using XMODIFIERS environmental variable. See X(7) for detail on XIM and XMODIFIERS variable.
When invoked with -j/--daemon command line option, mlterm starts to listen on a unix domain socket and accept requests from mlclient.With blend mlterm will exit when the final terminal window is closed. But with genuine, mlterm will disconnect from X server windows and continues to work. In latter case, it's possible to stop and restart a X server and revive the lasting sessions on mlterm.
mlterm supports scrollbar API so that users can develop scrollbar libraries with arbitrary look and feel. The scrollbar libraries can be used by putting the libraries at the specified directory (determined on the compilation process) and invoke mlterm with -s -S name option. Scrollbar libraries named "sample", "sample2", "athena", "motif", "mozmodern", and "next" are supplied.ANTI-ALIAS¶
mlterm can use True Type fonts using -A option via FreeType library when it has been compiled with anti-alias option.Note this feature needs XFree86 4.0.2 or above and FreeType 2.0.2 or above.
mlterm can use background image (as known as wallpaper), by using -p/--pic option. You can also specify the brightness of the image by using -H/--bright option.Note this feature needs gdk-pixbuf.
This is one of most unique features of mlterm. The number of windows can be specified using -P option. Typing control + F1 opens another window which shares the same process. The maximum number of windows can be specified using --maxptys option.BACKSCROLL MODE¶
mlterm enters into backscroll mode by typing Shift + up or Shift + PageUp key. In the mode, you can use the following keys.- j or Down
- Scroll down one line.
- k or Up
- Scroll up one line.
- d or PageDown
- Scroll down one page.
- u or PageUp
- Scroll up one page.
- Shift + space
- Initialize XIM.
- Shift + Insert
- Insert selection.
- Control + F1
- Open a new pty window.
- keys defined in key configuration file
- PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN, SCROLL_UP, and SCROLL_DOWN keys are defined in the file.
- other keys
- Exit from the backscroll mode.
Please note that keys other than PAGE_UP and PAGE_DOWN in key configuration file are available only when you used -q/--extkey command option.
Selection is a mechanism to be used for copy-and-paste in X Window System. Thus, this section describes on so-called copy-and-paste.There are many encodings in the world. Though copy-and-paste needs sender and receiver and each of them can use one of various encodings, mlterm is designed to be able to receive characters from various encodings as much as possible.
There are two internationalized types of selection. One is COMPOUND_TEXT is the another is UTF8_STRING. COMPOUND_TEXT is ISO2022-based and can distinguish character sets which a character belongs to. However, the character sets which COMPOUND_TEXT supports are limited to ISO8859-* and East Asian character sets. On the other hand, UTF8_STRING is Unicode-based and can express all characters from Unicode character set. However, it cannot distinguish characters from different character sets which share one codepoint in Unicode, which can be a problem especially for CJK Han Ideogram (in other words, Kanji, Hanji, or Hanja). Note that UTF8_STRING is rather new and can be used only with XFree86.
Though the receiver of copy-and-paste can request the preferable type of selection, the sender may not support the requested type. Thus mlterm has to be able to process both of COMPOUND_TEXT and UTF8_STRING.
On the other hand, encodings supported by mlterm (see DESCRIPTION section for detail) are classified into four categories;
- (a) Unicode itself
- UTF-8.
- (b) subset of Unicode and ISO-2022-compliant
- "Subset of Unicode" means that Unicode supports round-trip compatibility for the encoding, i.e., the conversion of the encoding --> Unicode --> the encoding doesn't lose any information. "ISO-2022-compliant" means that the encoding can be regarded as a subset of ISO-2022 where a part of ISO-2022 control codes and escape sequences are not supported. Many popular encodings belong to this category such as ISO-8859-*, EUC-*, ISO-2022-KR, TIS-620, TCVN5712, and so on.
- (c) subset of Unicode and non-ISO-2022-compliant
- Some of popular encodings such as Shift_JIS, Big5, GBK, GB18030, Johab, and so on belongs to this category.
- (d) not subset of Unicode
- ISO-2022-JP, ISO-2022-JP-2, ISO-2022-JP-3, EUC-TW, and so on. All of them are ISO-2022-compliant.
Now the behavior of mlterm can be explained.
------------------------------------------------------- encoding received selection how to process? ------------------------------------------------------- a COMPOUND_TEXT convert to Unicode a UTF8_STRING no need for conversion b COMPOUND_TEXT user preference *1 b UTF8_STRING convert to the encoding *2 c COMPOUND_TEXT user preference *1 c UTF8_STRING convert to the encoding *2 d COMPOUND_TEXT no need for conversion *3 d UTF8_STRING convert to the encoding *2 -------------------------------------------------------
*1 Characters from unsupported character sets (i.e., characters which cannot be expressed in the mlterm encoding) may appear in the selection (received copy-and-paste string). If you want to receive characters which are equivalent to characters which are supported in the current mlterm encoding (i.e., characters which share the same codepoint in Unicode), you can use -U (or --viaucs) option. Otherwise, these characters are pasted into mlterm using ISO-2022 escape sequence (when mlterm encoding is category b). Note such ISO-2022 escape sequences are illegal in the current mlterm encoding and the application software will need special feature to treat them properly, though it is displayed well in mlterm. When mlterm encoding is category c, such characters are simply ignored (when -U option is not enabled).
*2 Characters which cannot be converted into mlterm encoding are simply ignored.
*3 Characters from unsupported character sets will be pasted into mlterm using ISO-2022 escape sequence.
mlterm loads configuration files of "main", "font", "vfont", "tfont", "aafont", "vaafont", "taafont", "color", "key", "termcap", and "xim" on start up. "menu" configuration file is loaded by the configurable menu displayer (mlterm-menu). See the section of CONFIGURABLE MENU for detail.Configuration files for one user are to be located in "~/.mlterm/" directory, while location for configuration files for all users depends on the compilation option. Possible locations are "/etc/", "/etc/X11/", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/mlterm/", and so on.
The names and the roles of configuration files are:
- main
- Main configuration items which can be overridden by command line options.
- font
- Configurations for ordinary X fonts.
- vfont
- Configurations for ordinary X fonts of variable column width.
- tfont
- Configurations for ordinary X fonts of vertical writing.
- aafont
- Configurations for Xft or cairo fonts.
- vaafont
- Configurations for Xft or cairo fonts of variable column width.
- taafont
- Configurations for Xft or cairo fonts of vertical writing.
- color
- Designate concrete RGB values for color names.
- key
- Key definitions for special features of mlterm.
- termcap
- Define mlterm's behaviors which affects terminfo and termcap definition.
- xim
- Define preset locales for X Input Methods which are shown in the GUI configurator. Of course you can input XIM names and locales for the GUI configurator which are not listed in this configuration file.
- menu
- Define menu items which is displayed by configurable menu displayer.
The contents of these configuration files (other than menu) consist of lines of "key=value" format. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
Note that the configuration files are changed since version 1.9.44.
Main Configuration File¶
This file contains main configuration items which can be overridden by command line options. The main configuration file "main" has the following keys. Parentheses show the corresponding command-line options. See the explanation on these command-line options for detail.- auto_detect_encodings=value (--ade)
- Specify character encodings detected automatically.
- allow_osc52=bool (--osc52)
- Allow access to clipboard(selection) by OSC 52 sequence.
- allow_scp=bool (--scp)
- Allow OSC 5379 scp.
- allow_change_shortcut=bool (--shortcut)
- Allow dynamic change of shortcut keys by OSC 5379 set_shortcut sequence.
- alpha=name (-X, --alpha)
- Alpha in pseudo or true transparent.
- app_name=name (-N, --name)
- Application name. auto_restart=bool (--restart) Restart mlterm with all opened ptys except ssh if SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGFPE or SIGILL is received. If you want to get core image, specify "false".
- baseline_offset=value (--blpos)
- Specify the position of baseline. The default is 0.
- bel_mode=mode (-7, --bel)
- Behavior when BEL (0x07) is received.
- bd_color=value (--bd)
- Specify the color to use to display bold characters.
- bl_color=value (--bl)
- Specify the color to use to display blinking characters.
- bg_color=color (-b, --bg)
- Background color.
- bidi_mode=mode (--bimode)
- Specify bidi mode.
- bidi_separators=characterlist (--bisep)
- Specify separator characters (\xNN is also available) to render bidi text.
- big5_buggy=bool (-5, --big5bug)
- Support Big5 CTEXT bugs (which exist in XFree86 4.1.0 or before).
- blink_cursor=bool (--blink)
- Blink cursor.
- box_drawing_font=value (--boxdraw)
- Use either unicode font or DEC Special font forcibly to draw box-drawing characters.
- borderless=bool (-&, --borderless)
- Don't draw window decorations.
- brightness=value (-H, --brightness)
- Specify the amount of darkening or lightening the background image.
- broadcast=bool (-H, --bc)
- Whether to broadcast input or pasted characters to all ptys whose value of "ignore_broadcasted_chars" option is false.
- cipher_list=value (--ciphlist)
- Specify ciphers (comma separated list) for encrypting the ssh session.
- co_color=value (--co)
- Specify the color to use to display crossed-out characters.
- col_size_of_width_a=value (-a, --ac)
- Number of columns of Unicode characters with EastAsianAmbiguous property.
- compose_dec_special_font=bool (-Y, --decsp)
- Compose line drawing character set.
- console_encoding=encoding (--ckm)
- Specify encoding of the console where mlterm-con works.
- console_sixel_colors=value (--csc)
- Specify the number of sixel graphics colors of the console where mlterm-con works.
- contrast=value (-3, --contrast)
- Contrast of background image in percent.
- cursor_bg_color=color (-0, --crbg)
- Specify background color for cursor.
- cursor_fg_color=color (-9, --crfg)
- Specify foreground color for cursor.
- daemon_mode=mode (-j, --daemon)
- Start as a daemon process.
- default_cell_size=value (--csz)
- Specify cell width and height in pixel which mlterm-con uses if it doesn't get them.
- default_server=value (--serv)
- Specify a host you want to connect via ssh etc.
- depth=value (--depth)
- Specify visual depth.
- display=value (-d, --display)
- Specify X server to connect.
- emoji_path=value (--emoji)
- Specify path of a directory where emoji image files exist or a open type emoji font to show unicode emoji characters.
- encoding=encoding (-E, --km)
- Specify encoding.
- exit_backscroll_by_pty=bool (--exitbs)
- Exit backscroll mode on receiving data from pty.
- fade_ratio=ratio (-r, --fade_ratio)
- Specify fading ratio when window is unfocused.
- fg_color=color (-f, --fg)
- Foreground color.
- fontsize=value (-w, --fontsize)
- Font size in pixel.
- font_size_range=range (-R, --fsrange)
- Range of size of usable fonts.
- gamma=value (-4, --gamma)
- Gamma of background image in percent.
- geometry=value (-g, --geometry)
- Specify size and position of the window; see X(7).
- hide_underline=bool (--noul)
- Don't draw underline.
- icon_name=name (-I, --icon)
- Icon name.
- icon_path=path
- Path for the image file to be used as window icon.
- ignore_broadcasted_chars=bool (--ibc)
- Whether to ignore broadcasted characters.
- inner_border=value (--border)
- Specify inner border width.
- input_method= input method : [ arguments ... ] (-M, --im)
- Specify input method.
- iso88591_font_for_usascii=bool (-8, --88591)
- Use ISO8859-1 fonts for US-ASCII part of various encodings.
- it_color=value (--it)
- Specify the color to use to display italic characters.
- layout_inner_border=value (--lborder)
- Specify inner border width of a layout manager.
- leftward_double_drawing=bool (--ldd)
- Embold glyphs by drawing doubly at 1 pixel leftward instead of rightward.
- letter_space=value (--csp)
- Specify number of extra dots between letters. (ignored if you specify --V option.) If you use multiple fonts whose widths are different, adjust this option.
- line_space=value (-o, --lsp)
- Specify number of extra dots between lines. (Negative value is available.) If you use multiple fonts whose heights are different, adjust this option.
- locale=value (--locale)
- Specify locale.
- logging_msg=bool (--logmsg)
- Enable logging messages of mlterm to ~/.mlterm/msg[pid].log.
- logging_vt_seq=bool (--logseq)
- Enable logging vt100 sequences to ~/.mlterm/[device].log.
- logsize=value (-l, --sl)
- Specify number of lines of backlog or "unlimited".
- max_ptys=value (--maxptys)
- Specify maximum number of ptys (sessions) to be opened simultaneously.
- meta_prefix=value (--metaprefix)
- Specify prefix characters in pressing meta key if mod_meta_mode = esc.
- mod_meta_mode=mode (-k, --meta)
- Behavior of META key.
- mod_meta_key=value (-K, --metakey)
- Specify a key to be regarded as META.
- not_use_unicode_font=bool (-n, --noucsfont)
- Use non-Unicode fonts even when mlterm encoding is UTF-8.
- only_use_unicode_font=bool (-u, --onlyucsfont)
- Use Unicode fonts even when mlterm encoding is not UTF-8.
- ot_features=value (--gft)
- Specify features of glyph substitution.
- ot_features=value (--gst)
- Specify script of glyph substitution.
- parent_window=value (--parent)
- Specify parent Window ID.
- primary_da=value (--da1)
- Specify primary device attributes string.
- receive_string_via_ucs=bool (-U, --viaucs)
- If the received selection (i.e., copy-and-paste strings) or strings received from XIM is not UTF8_STRING type, convert it into Unicode and then to the current mlterm encoding, in order to identify equivalent characters (i.e., characters which share the same codepoint in Unicode) from various character sets. See SELECTION section below for detail.
- regard_uri_as_word=bool (--uriword)
- Select URI by double clicking it regardless of --W option.
- rv_color=value (--rv)
- Specify the color to use to display reverse characters.
- sb_bg_color=color (-B, --sbbg)
- Background color for scrollbar.
- sb_fg_color=color (-F, --sbfg)
- Foreground color for scrollbar.
- screen_width_ratio=value (-1, --wscr)
- Specify actual screen width (screen height in vertical mode).
- scrollbar_mode=mode (-O, --sbmod)
- Specify scrollbar position.
- scrollbar_view_name=name (-S, --sbview)
- Specify name of scrollbar.
- secondary_da=value (--da2)
- Specify secondary device attributes string.
- ssh_auto_reconnect=bool (--rcn)
- Reconnect to ssh server automatically in unexpected disconnection.
- ssh_keepalive_interval=value (--keepalive)
- Specify interval seconds to send keepalive message to ssh server.
- ssh_public_key=value (--pubkey)
- Specify public key file for ssh connection.
- ssh_private_key=value (--privkey)
- Specify private key file for ssh connection.
- ssh_x11_forwarding=bool (--x11)
- Enable x11 forwarding for ssh connection.
- step_in_changing_font_size (-z, --largesmall)
- Specify changing size when font size becomes larger or smaller.
- tabsize=value (-x, --tw)
- Specify tab width.
- termtype=string (-y, --term)
- Terminal type.
- title=name (-T, --title)
- Title name.
- trim_trailing_newline_in_pasting=bool (--trim)
- Trim new line characters at the end in pasting text.
- type_engine=value (-*, --type)
- Rendering engine for drawing fonts.
- ul_color=value (--ul)
- Specify the color to use to display underlined characters.
- underline_offset=value (--ulpos)
- Specify the position (offset from the baseline) of underline. The default is 0.
- unicode_full_width_areas=value (--fullwidth)
- Force full width regardless of EastAsianWidth.txt.
- unicode_half_width_areas=value (--halfwidth)
- Force half width regardless of EastAsianWidth.txt.
- unicode_noconv_areas=value (--ucsnoconv)
- Use unicode fonts partially regardless of -n option.
- use_auto_detect=bool (--auto)
- Automatically detect appropriate character encoding from the encodings specified by auto_detect_encodings option.
- use_alt_buffer=bool (--altbuf)
- Use alternate screen buffer.
- use_ansi_colors=bool (--colors)
- Recognize ANSI color change escape sequences.
- use_anti_alias=bool (-A, --aa)
- Use anti alias font.
- use_bold_font=bool (--bdfont)
- Use bold font for characters with the bold attribute.
- use_clipboard=bool (-P, --clip)
- Use CLIPBOARD (not only PRIMARY) selection.
- use_combining=bool (-m, --comb)
- Enable combining characters.
- use_cp932_ucs_for_xft=bool (-c, --cp932)
- Use CP932 - UCS mapping for displaying JISX0208 by Xft or cairo.
- use_dynamic_comb=bool (-J, --dyncomb)
- Enable dynamic character combining.
- use_extended_scroll_shortcut=bool (-q, --extkey)
- Enable extended short cut keys for scrolling.
- use_ctl=bool (-C, --ctl)
- Enable complex text layouting on UTF8 encoding.
- use_ot_layout=bool (--otl)
- Whether to show substituting glyphs in open type fonts with the use of libotf or harfbuzz.
- use_italic_font=bool (--itfont)
- Use italic font for characters with the italic attribute.
- use_local_echo=bool (--loecho)
- Use local echo mode.
- use_login_shell=bool (-L, --ls)
- Whether to use login shell or not.
- use_multi_column_char=bool (-Z, --multicol)
- Process full width characters.
- use_point_size=bool (--point)
- Treat the value of -w option as point instead of pixel.
- use_mdi=bool (-s, --mdi)
- Use multiple document interface.
- use_transbg=bool (-t, --transbg)
- Use pseudo transparent background.
- use_urgent_bell=bool (--urgent)
- Draw the user's attention when making a bell sound in the unfocused window.
- use_variable_column_width=bool (-V, --varwidth)
- Use variable column width.
- use_vertical_cursor=value (-Q, --vcur)
- Use cursor movement for vertical writing.
- use_xim=bool (-i, --xim)
- Use XIM (X Input Method).
- vt_color_mode=mode (--vtcolor)
- Set vt color mode.
- vertical_mode=value (-G, --vertical)
- Use vertical writing.
- wall_picture=path (-p, --pic)
- Path for wallpaper image.
- word_separators=characterlist (-W, --sep)
- Delimiter characters (\xNN is also available) used for word selection.
- working_directory=value (--working-directory)
- Working directory.
- static_backscroll_mode=bool (-6, --stbs)
- Don't exit backscroll mode when console applications output something.
- vt_seq_format=value (--seqfmt)
- Specify the format of logging vt100 sequence.
Font Configuration Files¶
The font configuration files "font", "vfont", "tfont", "aafont", "vaafont", and "taafont" have the following keys.DEFAULT=font DEC_SPECIAL=font ISO8859_n=font TIS620=font ISCII_HINDI=font ISCII_MALAYALAM=font ISCII_ASSAMESE=font ISCII_BENGALI=font ISCII_GUJARATI=font ISCII_KANNADA=font ISCII_MALAYALAM=font ISCII_ORIYA=font ISCII_PUNJABI=font ISCII_TAMIL=font ISCII_TELUGU=font VISCII=font KOI8_R=font KOI8_U=font TCVN5712=font JISX0201_ROMAN=font JISX0201_KATA=font JISX0208_1978=font JISX0208_1983=font JISX0208_1990=font JISX0213_2000_1=font JISX0213_2000_2=font KSX1001_1997=font UHC=font (not used) JOHAB=font (not used) GB2312_80=font GBK=font BIG5=font HKSCS=font CNS11643_1992_n=font ISO10646_UCS4_1=font ISO10646_UCS4_1_FULLWIDTH=font U+XXXX-XXXX=font
In "font", "vfont", "tfont" files, "font" is specified in "NAME:PERCENT" format where "SIZE" is font size in pixel, and "NAME" is XLFD or alias names of X fonts. If "NAME" contains "%d", it is replaced by an appropriate font size number. ":PERCENT" is multiplied by font size and decides character width of a font. If ":PERCENT" is omitted, max font width is used for it.
In "aafont", "vaafont", "taafont" files, "font" is specified in "FAMILY WEIGHT SLANT SIZE:PERCENT" format. ":PERCENT" is multiplied by font size and decides character width of a font. If ":PERCENT" is omitted, 'M' width is used for it.
mlfc command generates ~/.mlterm/aafont automatically.
- charset_BOLD=font
- Specify boldface fonts.
- charset_ITALIC=font
- Specify italic fonts.
- charset_BOLD_ITALIC=font
- Specify bold-italic fonts.
- U+XXXX-XXXX=font
- Specify which fonts to use for unicode ranges except U+00-7f.
Color Configuration File¶
The color configuration file "color" has the following key.- COLORNAME=RGB
- Assign a concrete color for the name COLORNAME. Default colors used
by mlterm are black, red, green, yellow,
blue, magenta, cyan, and white. and can be
overridden here.
For highlighted colors, a name with "hl_" prefix will be automatically searched. i.e. for bold read character, "hl_red" is searched instead of "red".
17 - 230 and 232 - 255 in 256 colors can be also overridden.
The format of RGB is either "RRRR-GGGG-BBBB" (where RRRR, GGGG, and BBBB are hexadecimal value from 0 to ffff), "#RRGGBB", "#RRGGBBAA", "rgb:RR/GG/BB" or "rgba:RR/GG/BB/AA"(where RR, GG, and BB are hexadecimal value from 00 to ff).
If mlterm failed to parse a entry, the color will be regarded as black.
XIM Configuration File¶
The X Input Methods configuration file "xim" has the following formatXIM=locale
where XIM is XIM name and locale is locale name used for communication with the XIM server. For example,
kinput2=ja_JP.eucJP Ami=ko_KR.eucKR xcin-zh_CN.GB2312=zh_CN.GB2312These settings are used to create list of XIMs by the GUI configurator. Though a XIM which is not listed in this file can't be selected from the list, it can be selected by specifying its name directly.
Feature Key Configuration File¶
The feature key configuration file "key" has the following format.KEY=FEATURE
Here, the format for KEY is "(MASK+)KEY", where MASK is one of Control, Shift, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, Mod5, Mod and Alt. You can specify multiple "MASK+"s. You can search spellings of KEY by using xev(1) command or searching keysym macros from /usr/X11R6/include/X11/keysymdefs.h (or the equivalent file in your X11 include directory) and omit the prefix XK_. Double quotation marks are not needed. You can specify Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4 or Button5 as KEY.
- Switch conversion mode of m17n library and kdb input methods. (default UNUSED)
- Activate or deactivate kbd input method. (This feature was obsoleted by IM_HOTKEY)
- Open new pty in new screen (default Ctrl+F1).
- Same as OPEN_SCREEN (obsoleted).
- Open new pty in current screen (default Ctrl+F2).
- Switch to a next free pty (default Ctrl+F3).
- Switch to a previous free pty (default Ctrl+F4).
- Open new pty in horizontally split screen (default Shift+F1).
- Open new pty in vertically split screen (default Shift+F2).
- Switch to a next unfocused screen (default Shift+F3).
- Switch to a previous unfocused screen (default Shift+F4).
- Close current screen (default Shift+F5).
- Expand current screen horizontally (default Shift+F6).
- Expand current screen vertically (default Shift+F7).
- Start backscroll mode and scroll up one page (default Shift+Prior).
- Scroll down one page. (default Shift+Next).
- Start backscroll mode and scroll up by one line (default Shift+Up). Note this key is enabled only when -q/--extkey option is used.
- Scroll down one line (default Shift+Down). Note this key is enabled only when -q/--extkey option is used.
- Insert selection (default Shift+Insert).
- The specified string is issued when the KEY key is pressed. Double quotation marks are required around the STRING. Note that you cannot control the status of mlterm by sending terminal control codes such as "\x1b]5379;encoding=utf8\x0a" because the code sequence will be caught by your shell (or something running on it). To deliver control sequences to mlterm directly, use "proto:STRING" instead.
- "proto:STRING"
- The specified string is assumed to mlterm's original control sequence. A list of sequences should be found in doc/en/PROTOCOL. For example, "proto:encoding=utf8" means changing the current character encoding to UTF-8.
- "exesel:STRING"
- The specified string is assumed to a command to be executed with selected strings as arguments. For example, "exesel:mlclient -e w3m" means executing "mlclient -e w3m [selected text]".
- "menu:STRING"
- The specified string is assumed to a configuration program to be executed. For example, "menu:mlterm-menu" means executing mlterm-menu.
Terminal Behavior Configuration File¶
This configuration file determines the behaviors of mlterm that should match the definition of terminfo and termcap. In principle, this file should not be edited and, instead, you should choose a proper value for TERM variable (i.e., proper terminfo/termcap definition) which meets mlterm's behavior. (Since mlterm' can behave as a xterm/kterm to some extent, TERM=kterm / TERM=xterm should give acceptable results.) However, sometimes you may not want to edit your terminfo and termcap. Your software may don't understand terminfo nor termcap, or your terminfo/termcap entry is shared by several terminal emulators and changing it will break other terminals. In such cases, you can configure mlterm so that it works well on existing terminfo/termcap definitions on your systems. This is also useful for distributors of operating systems (like Debian) with strict policy of terminal emulators' behaviors.You can define the behaviors of mlterm for each value of TERM variable, so that you don't need to edit termcap file each time you login into other systems and use different value of TERM variable by -y option. You can also specify the default behavior when TERM variable is different from all of specified TERM names in the termcap file.
The grammar of this configuration file is resemble to the grammar of termcap entries. First, one or more name(s) of TERM is written. Multiple names are connected with vertical line character '|'. Special name '*' is for default. Then colon ':' comes, and keys are written separated by colons. Configuration(s) for other TERM will follow after new line.
Followings are available keys for each TERM value.
- kD=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when Delete key is pushed (default \E[3~).
- kb=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when BackSpace key is pushed (default ^H).
- kh=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when HOME key is pushed in application cursor key mode. (default \EOH).
- @7=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when END key is pushed in application cursor key mode. (default \EOF).
- k1=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when F1 key is pushed (default \EOP).
- k2=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when F2 key is pushed (default \EOQ).
- k3=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when F3 key is pushed (default \EOR).
- k4=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when F4 key is pushed (default \EOS).
- k5=sequence
- Specify sequence to be outputted when F5 key is pushed (default \E[15~).
- ut
- Specify the way how the screen is erased by control codes. If ut is written in the termcap file, charcells are painted by the current background color when erased; otherwise the charcells are painted by the initial background color. Default is non-ut behavior.
The following special characters can be used to specify sequence in keys of kD/kb/kh/@7.
- \E
- ESC code (0x1b).
- ^?
- DEL code (0x7f).
- ^A, ^B,...
- Corresponding control code (0x01 - 0x1a).
Menu Configuration File¶
This configuration file defines the menu displayed by the configurable menu displayer mlterm-menu. See CONFIGURABLE MENU section for detail.SEE ALSO¶
Manual pages of mlclient(1), locale(7), charsets(7), UTF-8(7), and X(7).PROTOCOL ( for mlterm's original control escape sequences which enable you to change configurations dynamically.
e.g.) echo -en "\x1b]5379;encoding=eucjp\x07"
README.fb ( for mlterm on framebuffer.
README.win32 ( for mlterm on Win32 GDI. ( for mlterm on Android.
README.cocoa ( for mlterm on MacOSX/Cocoa.
README.console ( for mlterm on Console.
README.wayland ( for mlterm on Wayland.
README.indic ( for indic scripts.
README.ssh ( for ssh connection with the use of libssh2 ( ( for development of scrollbar library.
README.brltty ( for accessibility with the use of brlapi. (
Mapping tables between Unicode and local character sets (and encodings) are found at Unicode Consortium web site ( Note that mapping tables for East Asian character sets and encodings are moved to OBSOLETE/EASTASIA directory of the site since August 2001.
For BIG5 and BIG5HKSCS encodings, mapping tables for Unicode is taken from
Unicode Standard Annex (UAX) #11 East Asian Width, which explains East Asian Width properties, and EastAsianWidth.txt, which defines EastAsianAmbiguous characters in Unicode, are supplied by Unicode Consortium (
- "main", "font", "vfont", "tfont", "aafont", "vaafont", "taafont", "color", "key", "termcap", "xim", and "menu"
- Configuration files.
Subscribe mlterm-dev-en ML ( ~/.mlterm/msg.log, backtrace log and related files to your report if at all possible.
2018-06-12 |