table of contents
nauty-hamheuristic - try to find hamiltonian cycles in any graphsSYNOPSIS¶
hamheuristic [-sgu] [-vq] [-L#] [-t#] [infile [outfile]]DESCRIPTION¶
- Apply a heuristic for finding hamiltonian cycles.
- Output those which are unsuccessful.
- -s
- force output to sparse6 format
- -g
- force output to graph6 format If neither -s or -g are given, the output format is determined by the header or, if there is none, by the format of the first input graph.
- -u
- Suppress output to outfile, give statistics instead.
- The output file will have a header if and only if the input file does.
- -p
- Be content with a hamiltonian path
- -v
- Give a cycle or path if one is found.
-L# Limit number of sideways steps (default 1000+5*n)
-t# Try # times (default 1)
- -q
- suppress auxiliary information
November 2017 | nauty 2.6.10 |