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opagetvf_env(1) | Master map: IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) | opagetvf_env(1) |
opagetvf_envProvides opagetvf_func and opagetvf2_func shell functions that query the parameters of a vFabric. Also exports values that indicate the PKEY, SL, MTU, and RATE associated with the vFabric. The typical usage of this tool is to include it in a shell script as:. /usr/sbin/opagetvf_env
A usage example is provided in:
NOTE: opagetvf_func and opagetvf2_func have a similar usage. The difference is whether the MTU and RATE are returned as absolute values or enum values, respectively.
Function Syntax¶
opagetvf_func "arguments to opagetvf" pkey_env_var_name sl_env_var_name[ mtu_env_var_name[ rate_env_var_name]]
opagetvf2_func "arguments to opagetvf" pkey_env_var_name
sl_env_var_name[ mtu_env_var_name[
Function Options¶
- "arguments to opagetvf"
- Specifies a set of arguments to pass to opagetvf to select a virtual fabric.See opagetvf for more information.
- pkey_env_var_name
- Specifies the environment variable to fill in with pkey for the selected virtual fabric. The variable given will be exported with the hex numeric value for the pkey.If a variable name of "" is provided, pkey is not saved.
- sl_env_var_name
- Specifies the environment variable to fill in with service level (sl) for the selected virtual fabric. The variable given will be exported with the numeric value for the sl.If a variable name of "" is provided, sl is not saved.
- mtu_env_var_name
- Specifies the environment variable to fill in with maximum MTU for the selected virtual fabric. The variable given will be exported with the value for the MTU.If a variable name of "" is provided, MTU is not saved.
- For opagetvf_func, MTU is returned as an absolute value of 2048, 4096, 8192, or 10240.
- For opagetvf2_func, MTU is returned as an enumerated value of 4, 5, 6, or 7 corresponding to the absolute values above, respectively.
- If the selected virtual fabric does not have a limitation specified for MTU, the variable will be unaltered.
- rate_env_var_name
- Specifies the environment variable to fill in with maximum static rate for the selected virtual fabric. The variable given will be exported with the value for the rate.If a variable name of "" is provided, rate is not saved.
- For opagetvf_func, rate is returned as an absolute value of 25g, 50g, 75g or 100g.
- For opagetvf2_func, rate is returned as an enumerated value of 15, 12, 9, or 16 corresponding to the absolute values above, respectively.
- If the selected virtual fabric does not have a limitation specified for rate, the variable will be unaltered.
Function Example¶
# ensure values are empty in case they are not specified for the virtual fabricMTU=
opagetvf_func "-d 'Compute'" PKEY SERVICE_LEVEL MTU RATE
echo "The Compute Virtual Fabric has pkey: $PKEY SL:$SERVICE_LEVEL MTU:
$MTU rate:$RATE"
NOTE: Additional examples may be found in /usr/src/opa/mpi_apps/openmpi.params and /usr/src/opa/mpi_apps/mvapich2.params. Those scripts use opagetvf_func and opagetvf2_func to get virtual fabric parameters and then pass them into openmpi and mvapich2, respectively.
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