opafmcmd(8) | Master map: IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) | opafmcmd(8) |
opafmcmd - Execute a command to a specific instance of the OPA Fabric ManagerExecutes a command to a specific instance of the Fabric Manager (FM). This command can be used, for example, to query the configuration attributes of a particular instance of an FM as well as issue subnet management commands.
opafmcmd [-i fm_instance] cmd [ args]Options¶
- --help
Produces full help text.
- -i fm_instance
Specifies the number of the FM instance to act on.
- Range is 0 to 7. Default is 0.
- cmd [args]
Specifies the commands and arguments (if applicable) to be run. Values include:
smForceSweep Makes the Subnet Manager (SM) sweep now.
smRestorePriority Restores the normal priority of the SM, if it is currently elevated.
smShowCounters Gets statistics and performance counters from the SM.
smResetCounters Resets SM statistics and performance counters.
smStateDump Dumps internal SM state into specified directory.
smLogLevel Sets the SM logging level. Values include:
- 0=NONE+
- 1=WARN+
- 3=INFO+
- 5=DEBUG2+
- 6=DEBUG4+
- 7=TRACE+
smLogMode Sets the SM log mode flags. Values include:
- 0/1 1=downgrade non-actionable
- 0/2 2=logfile only
smLogMask Sets the SM log mask for a specific subsystem to the value given. For a list of subsystems and mask bit meanings, see the files /etc/opa-fm/opafm.xml or /usr/share/opa-fm/opafm.xml.
smPerfDebug Toggles performance debug output for SM.
saPerfDebug Toggles performance debug output for Subnet Administration (SA).
saRmppDebug Toggles Reliable Message Passing Protocol (RMPP) debug output for SA.
pmShowCounters Gets statistics and performance counters for the Performance Manager (PM).
pmResetCounters Resets statistics and performance counters for the PM.
pmDebug Toggles debug output for PM.
pmRmppDebug Toggles RMPP debug output for PM.
feLogLevel Sets the Fabric Executive (FE) logging level. Values include:
- 0=NONE+
- 1=WARN+
- 3=INFO+
- 5=DEBUG2+
- 6=DEBUG4+
- 7=TRACE+
feLogMode Sets the FE log mode flags.
- 0/1 1=downgrade non-actionable
- 0/2 2=logfile only
feLogMask Sets the FE log mask for a specific subsystem to the value given. For a list of subsystems and mask bit meanings, see the files /etc/opa-fm/opafm.xml or /usr/share/opa-fm/opafm.xml
feDebug Toggles debug output for FE.
feRmppDebug Toggles RMPP debug output for FE.
smLooptestStart Starts loop test in normal mode. Specify the number of 256 byte packets. Default is 0.
smLooptestFastModeStart Starts loop test in fast mode. Specify the number of 256 byte packets. Default is 5.
smLooptestStop Stops loop test. Returns switch LFTs back to normal.
smLooptestInjectPackets Enter numPkts to send to all switch loops. Default is 1.
smLooptestInjectAtNode Enter the switch node index to inject loop packets. Default is 0.
smLooptestInjectEachSweep Sets whether to inject or stop injecting packets each sweep.
- Enter 1 to inject packets each sweep.
- Enter 0 to stop injecting each sweep.
smLooptestPathLength Sets the loop path length. Range is 2 - 4. Default is 3.
smLooptestMinISLRedundancy Sets the minimum number of loops in which to include each ISL. Default is 4.
smLooptestShowLoopPaths Displays the loop paths given node index or all loop paths. Default is all.
smLooptestShowSwitchLft Displays a switch LFT given node index or all switches LFTs. Default is all.
smLooptestShowTopology Displays the topology for the SM Loop Test.
smLooptestShowConfig Displays the current active loop configuration.
smForceRebalance Toggles Force Rebalance setting for SM.
smAdaptiveRouting Displays or modifies Adaptive Routing setting for SM. If no arguments are entered, displays current setting. Enter 0 to Disable. Enter 1 to Enable.
smForceAttributeRewrite Sets rewriting of all attributes upon resweeping.
- Enter 0 to Disable.
- Enter 1 to Enable.
smSkipAttrWrite Specifies the bitmask of attributes to be skipped (not written) during sweeps. Enter -help for list of options.
smPauseSweeps Pauses SM sweeps.
smResumeSweeps Resumes SM sweeps.
opafmcmd smForceSweepopafmcmd -i 2 smLogLevel 3
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