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osgearth_overlayviewer(1) | osgearth_overlayviewer(1) |
osgearth_overlayviewer - debug the overlay decorator capability in osgEarthSYNOPSIS¶
osgearth_overlayviewer [--sky | --ocean | --kml file.kml | --coords | --dms | --dd | --mgrs | --ortho | --autoclip | --images path | --image-extensions * | --out-earth]
osgearth_overlayviewer is a utility for debugging the overlay decorator capability in osgEarth. It shows two windows, one with the normal view of the map and another that shows the bounding frustums that are used for the overlay computations.OPTIONS¶
- Path to the earth file
- --sky
- Installs a SkyNode (sun, moon, stars and atmosphere..globe only)
- --ocean
- Installs a sample ocean surface node
- --kml file.kml
- Loads a KML or KMZ file
- --coords
- Displays map coords under mouse
- --dms
- Displays map coords as degrees/mins/seconds
- --dd
- Displays map coords as decimal degrees
- --mgrs
- Displays map coords as MGRS
- --ortho
- Installs an orthographic camera projection
- --autoclip
- Installs an automatic clip plane handler
- --images path
- Finds images in [path] and loads them as image layers
- --image-extensions *
- With --images, only considers the listed extensions
- --out-earth
- With --images, writes out an earth file
03 January 2019 |