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otbgui_StereoFramework - OTB StereoFramework applicationDESCRIPTION¶
This is the StereoFramework application, version 5.2.0 Compute the ground elevation based on one or multiple stereo pair(s)Complete documentation:
- -progress
- <boolean> Report progress <string list> Input images list (mandatory)
- <string> Couples list (optional, off by default)
- <int32> Image channel used for the block matching (mandatory, default value is 1)
- -elev.dem
- <string> DEM directory (optional, off by default)
- -elev.geoid
- <string> Geoid File (optional, off by default)
- -elev.default
- <float> Default elevation (mandatory, default value is 0)
- -output.res
- <float> Output resolution (mandatory, default value is 1)
- -output.nodata
- <float> NoData value (optional, on by default, default value is -32768)
- -output.fusionmethod
- <string> Method to fuse measures in each DSM cell [max/min/mean/acc] (mandatory, default value is max)
-output.out <string> [pixel] Output DSM [pixel=uint8/uint16/int16/uint32/int32/float/double] (default value is float) (mandatory)
- -output.mode
- <string> Parameters estimation modes [fit/user] (mandatory, default value is fit)
- -output.mode.user.ulx
- <float> Upper Left X (mandatory)
- -output.mode.user.uly
- <float> Upper Left Y (mandatory)
- -output.mode.user.sizex
- <int32> Size X (mandatory)
- -output.mode.user.sizey
- <int32> Size Y (mandatory)
- -output.mode.user.spacingx <float>
- Pixel Size X (mandatory)
- -output.mode.user.spacingy <float>
- Pixel Size Y (mandatory)
- -map
- <string> Output Cartographic Map Projection [utm/lambert2/lambert93/wgs/epsg] (mandatory, default value is wgs)
- <int32> Zone number (mandatory, default value is 31)
- -map.utm.northhem
- <boolean> Northern Hemisphere (optional, off by default)
- -map.epsg.code
- <int32> EPSG Code (mandatory, default value is 4326)
- -stereorect.fwdgridstep
- <int32> Step of the displacement grid (in pixels) (optional, on by default, default value is 16)
- -stereorect.invgridssrate
- <int32> Sub-sampling rate for epipolar grid inversion (optional, on by default, default value is 10)
- -bm.metric
- <string> Block-matching metric [ssdmean/ssd/ncc/lp] (mandatory, default value is ssdmean)
- -bm.metric.lp.p
- <float> p value (mandatory, default value is 1)
- -bm.radius
- <int32> Radius of blocks for matching filter (in pixels) (optional, on by default, default value is 2)
- -bm.minhoffset
- <float> Minimum altitude offset (in meters) (mandatory, default value is -20)
- -bm.maxhoffset
- <float> Maximum altitude offset (in meters) (mandatory, default value is 20)
- -postproc.bij
- <boolean> Use bijection consistency in block matching strategy (optional, on by default)
- <boolean> Use median disparities filtering (optional, off by default)
- -postproc.metrict
- <float> Correlation metric threshold (optional, off by default, default value is 0.6)
- -mask.left
- <string> Input left mask (optional, off by default)
- -mask.right
- <string> Input right mask (optional, off by default)
- -mask.variancet
- <float> Discard pixels with low local variance (optional, on by default, default value is 50)
- -ram
- <int32> Available RAM (Mb) (optional, off by default, default value is 128)
- -inxml
- <string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)
otbgui_StereoFramework sensor_stereo_left.tif sensor_stereo_right.tif -elev.default 200 -stereorect.fwdgridstep 8 -stereorect.invgridssrate 4 1 -output.res 2.5 -output.out dem.tifSEE ALSO¶
The full documentation for otbgui_StereoFramework is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and otbgui_StereoFramework programs are properly installed at your site, the command- info otbgui_StereoFramework
should give you access to the complete manual.
December 2015 | otbgui_StereoFramework 5.2.0 |