pegasus-rc-client - shell client for replica implementations
pegasus-rc-client [-Dproperty=value[...]] [-V]
[-c fn] [-p k=v]
[[-f fn]|[-i|-d fn]|[cmd [args]]
The shell interface to replica catalog implementations is a prototype. It
determines from various property setting which class implements the replica
manager interface, and loads that driver at run-time. Some commands depend on
the implementation.
Any option will be displayed with its long options synonym(s).
The -D option allows an experienced user to
override certain properties which influence the program execution, among them
the default location of the user’s properties file and the PEGASUS home
location. One may set several CLI properties by giving this option multiple
times. The -D option(s) must be the first option on the command line. A
CLI property take precedence over the properties file property of the same
-c fn, --conf fn
Path to the property file
-f fn, --file fn
The optional input file argument permits to enter
non-interactive bulk mode. If this option is not present, replica manager
specific commands should be issued on the command-line. The special filename
hyphen (-) can be used to read from pipes.
Default is to use an interactive interface reading from
-i fn, --insert fn
The optional input file argument permits insertion of
entries from the Replica Catalog in a bulk mode, wherever supported by the
underlying implementation. This is highly, useful when interfacing with the
Globus RLS as the backend, and one wants to inserts millions of entries in it.
Each line in the file denotes one mapping of the format
<lfn> <pfn> [k=v [..]]
-d fn, --delete fn
The optional input file argument permits deletion of
entries from the Replica Catalog in a bulk mode, wherever supported by the
underlying implementation. This is highly, useful when interfacing with the
Globus RLS as the backend, and one wants to delete millions of entries from
Each line in the file denotes one mapping of the format:
<lfn> <pfn> [k=v [..]]
-p k=v, --pref k=v
This option may be specified multiple times. Each
specification populates instance preferences. Preferences control the extend
of log information, or the output format string to use in listings.
The keys format and level are recognized as of this
There are no defaults.
cmd [args]
If not in file-driven mode, a single command can be
specified with its arguments.
Default is to use interactive mode.
-V, --version
displays the version of Pegasus you are using.
Regular and planned program terminations will result in an exit code of 0.
Abnormal termination will result in a non-zero exit code.
contains the basic properties with all configurable
contains the basic properties with all configurable
contains all compiled Java bytecode to run the replica
is the suggested base directory of your the execution
should be set and point to a valid location to start the
intended Java virtual machine as $JAVA_HOME/bin/java.
should be set to contain all necessary files for the
execution environment. Please make sure that your CLASSPATH includes
pointer to the replica implementation required jar files.
The complete branch of properties pegasus.catalog.replica including
itself are interpreted by the prototype. While the
pegasus.catalog.replica property itself steers the backend to connect
to, any meaning of branched keys is dependent on the backend. The same key may
have different meanings for different backends.
determines the name of the implementing class to load at
run-time. If the class resides in org.griphyn.common.catalog.replica no
prefix is required. Otherwise, the fully qualified class name must be
is used by the RLS|LRC implementations. It determines the
RLI / LRC url to use.
is used by the SimpleFile implementation. It specifies
the path to the file to use as the backend for the catalog.
is used by a simple rDBMs implementation. The string is
the fully-qualified class name of the JDBC driver used by the RDBMS
is the JDBC URL to use to connect to the database.
is used by a simple rDBMS implementation. It constitutes
the database user account that contains the RC_LFN and RC_ATTR
is used by a simple RDBMS implementation. It constitutes
the database user account that contains the RC_LFN and RC_ATTR
is used by the pegasus-rc-client for the bulk
insert and delete operations. The value determines the number of lines that
are read in at a time, and worked upon at together.
The command line tool provides a simplified shell-wrappable interface to manage
a replica catalog backend. The commands can either be specified in a file in
bulk mode, in a pipe, or as additional arguments to the invocation.
Note that you must escape special characters from the shell.
displays a small resume of the commands.
exit, quit
should only be used in interactive mode to exit the
interactive mode.
drops all contents from the backend. Use with special
insert <lfn> <pfn> [k=v [...]]
inserts a given lfn and pfn, and an
optional site string into the backend. If the site is not specified, a
null value is inserted for the site.
delete <lfn> <pfn> [k=v [...]]
removes a triple of lfn, pfn and,
optionally, site from the replica backend. If the site was not
specified, all matches of the lfn pfn pairs will be removed,
regardless of the site.
lookup <lfn> [<lfn> [...]]
retrieves one or more mappings for a given lfn
from the replica backend.
remove <lfn> [<lfn> [...]]
removes all mappings for each lfn from the replica
list [lfn <pat>] [pfn <pat>] [<name>
obtains all matches from the replica backend. If no
arguments were specified, all contents of the replica backend are matched. You
must use the word lfn, pfn or <name> before
specifying a pattern. The pattern is meaningful only to the implementation.
Thus, a SQL implementation may chose to permit SQL wild-card characters. A
memory-resident service may chose to interpret the pattern as regular
set [var [value]]
sets an internal variable that controls the behavior of
the front-end. With no arguments, all possible behaviors are displayed. With
one argument, just the matching behavior is listed. With two arguments, the
matching behavior is set to the value.
The tables are set up as part of the PEGASUS database setup. The files concerned
with the database have a suffix -rc.sql.
Karan Vahi <vahi at isi dot edu>
Gaurang Mehta <gmetha at isi dot edu>
Jens-S. Vöckler <voeckler at isi dot dot edu>
Pegasus Team