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performous-tools - Tools for Performous karaoke game
ss_extract [-h|--help] [--dvd arg] [-l|--list] [--song arg] [--video arg]
[--audio arg]
- ss_adpcm_decode [-h|--help] [archive.pak] input.mib output.wav
- ss_chc_decode chc_file key1 key2 key3 key4 track_id
- ss_cover_conv [-h|--help] [pak_file] [track_id] [output_image]
- ss_ipu_conv [-h|--help] infile.ipu outfile.m2v
- ss_ipu_decode [-h|--help] input output
- ss_pak_extract [-h|--help] file.pak --extract [files]
- ss_pak_extract file.pak --dump file
- ss_pak_extract file.pak --list
- ss_archive_extract archive --extract [files]
- ss_archive_extract archive --dump file
- ss_archive_extract archive --list
- gh_fsb_decrypt input.fsb
- gh_xen_decrypt input.xen output
- itg_pck file.pck
Tools for converting original Singstar and Guitar Hero data to the format used
by Performous.