rtas_ibm_get_vpd - retrieve dynamically changing Vital Product Data
/usr/sbin/rtas_ibm_get_vpd -h
/usr/sbin/rtas_ibm_get_vpd [-l location_code]
The rtas_ibm_get_vpd utility is a utility to assist inventory retrieval
applications by gathering dynamically changing vital product data on IBM ppc64
systems. The output of this utility is formatted to be parsed by other
applications; as such, it is not intended for general command-line usage,
though there is no reason that it should not be used in that manner.
- -l location_code
- Specify the location code of the device from which dynamic VPD should be
gathered. If this option is not specified, dynamic VPD for all appropriate
devices will be gathered.
- -h
- Print a usage message.
- 0
- Success.
- 1
- Usage or parameter error.
- 2
- Hardware error.
- 3
- The library used to invoke firmware routines, librtas, has experienced an
- 4
- The necessary firmware routine is not available on this system.
- 5
- Out of memory.