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mkgeo_contraction(1rheolef) rheolef-7.0 mkgeo_contraction(1rheolef)


mkgeo_contraction -- build an unstructured 2d mesh of an abrupt contraction


  mkgeo_contraction options [nx [ny [nz]]]


The following command build a triangle-based 2d unstructured mesh of the [-10,0]x[0,4] u [0,10]x[0,1] mesh

        mkgeo_contraction > contraction.geo
        geo contraction.geo


This command is convenient for building a mesh for the abrupt contraction, as it is a very classical benchmark in complex fluid flow problems. It calls bamg unstructured mesh generator with anisotropy feature. The mesh files goes on `@var{name'.geo} where name is the basename for the output (see option -name below). The three auxiliary files required for automatic mesh generation with Rheolef combined with bamg are also provided: `@var{name'.bamg}, `@var{name'.bamgcad} and `@var{name'.dmn}.


The geometry is [-Lu,0]x[0,d] u [0,Ld]x[0,1]. By default c=4 is the contraction ratio and Lu=Ld=10 are the upstream and downstream pipe lengths.
-c float
-Lu float
-Ld float
These options control the geometry parameters.
These options control the geometry coordinate system. Default is cartesian. THE DISCRETIZATION: The optional nx and ny arguments are floats that specifies the subdivision in each direction. By default nx=1 and ny=ny. Changing the density applies the factor 1/n to all the mesh edges lengths.
-hmin float
Controls the edge length at the re-entrant corner of the contraction. Default is hmin=0.1. Changing the density by the previous options applies the factor 1/n to hmin also.


The boundary sides are represented by domains: axis, wall, upstream and downstream.


-name string
Set the basename for the output files. By default, the basename is contraction.
Split each triangle in three substriangles by inserting the barycenter as an additional node. This is useful for using the Scott and Vogelius incompressible mixed finite element P2-P1d for velocity-pressure approximation. Default is no split.
Clear temporary files (this is the default).
In verbose mode, print to stderr all subcommands and logs.


Copyright (C) 2000-2018 Pierre Saramito <> GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
rheolef-7.0 rheolef-7.0