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salt-pepper - Tool to access a salt-api instance


salt-pepper [opts]


A CLI interface to a remote salt-api instance


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Configuration file location. Default is a file path in the "PEPPERRC" environment variable or ~/.pepperrc.
Increment output verbosity; may be specified multiple times
-H, --debug-http
Output the HTTP request/response headers on stderr
Ignore any SSL certificate that may be encountered. Note that it is recommended to resolve certificate errors for production.
Pepper ``salt`` Options:
Mimic the ``salt`` CLI
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
Specify wait time (in seconds) before returning control to the shell
specify the salt-api client to use (local, local_async, runner, etc)
Enter JSON at the CLI instead of positional (text) arguments. This is useful for arguments that need complex data structures. Specifying this argument will cause positional arguments to be ignored.
Specify file containing the JSON to be used by salt-pepper
Return a failure exit code if not all minions respond. This option requires the authenticated user have access to run the `jobs.list_jobs` runner function.
Targeting Options:
Target which minions to run commands on
-E, --pcre
Target hostnames using PCRE regular expressions
-L, --list
Specify a comma delimited list of hostnames
-G, --grain
Target based on system properties
Target based on PCRE matches on system properties
-I, --pillar
Target based on pillar values
Target based on PCRE matches on pillar values
-R, --range
Target based on range expression
-C, --compound
Target based on compound expression
-N, --nodegroup
Target based on a named nodegroup


Authentication Options:
Authentication credentials can optionally be supplied via the environment variables: SALTAPI_URL, SALTAPI_USER, SALTAPI_PASS, SALTAPI_EAUTH.
Specify the host url. Defaults to https://localhost:8080
-a EAUTH, --auth=EAUTH, --eauth=EAUTH, --extended-auth=EAUTH
Specify the external_auth backend to authenticate against and interactively prompt for credentials
Optional, defaults to user name. will be prompt if empty unless --non-interactive
Optional, but will be prompted unless --noninteractive
Set eauth token expiry in seconds. Must be allowed per user. See the `token_expire_user_override` Master setting for more info.
Optional, fail rather than waiting for input
-T, --make-token
Generate and save an authentication token for re-use. The token is generated and made available for the period defined in the Salt Master.
-r, --run-uri
Use an eauth token from /token and send commands through the /run URL instead of the traditional session token approach.
Cache file location. Default is a file path in the "PEPPERCACHE" environment variable or ~/.peppercache.


The full documentation for salt-pepper is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and salt-pepper programs are properly installed at your site, the command
info salt-pepper

should give you access to the complete manual.

March 2018 salt-pepper 0.5.5-1