STILTS-PIXFOOT(1) | Stilts commands | STILTS-PIXFOOT(1) |
stilts-pixfoot - Generates Multi-Order Coverage mapsSYNOPSIS¶
stilts pixfoot [ifmt=<in-format>] [istream=true|false] [in=<table>] [icmd=<cmds>] [order=<int-value>] [ra=<expr>] [dec=<expr>] [radius=<expr>] [mocfmt=fits|json] [out=<out-file>]
pixfoot takes a list of sky positions from an input table and generates a pixel map describing a sky region which includes them all. Currently the output is to a format known as a Multi-Order Coverage map (MOC), which is a HEALPix-based format composed of a list of HEALPix pixels of different sizes, which can efficiently describe complex regions. Other output formats may be introduced in the future.See also the Coverage class for MOC-related functions.
- ifmt=<in-format>
- istream=true|false
- in=<table>
- A filename.
- A URL.
- The special value "-", meaning standard input. In this case the input format must be given explicitly using the ifmt parameter. Note that not all formats can be streamed in this way.
- A system command line with either a "<" character at the start, or a "|" character at the end ("<syscmd" or "syscmd|"). This executes the given pipeline and reads from its standard output. This will probably only work on unix-like systems.
- icmd=<cmds>
Commands may alteratively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored.
- order=<int-value>
- ra=<expr>
- dec=<expr>
- radius=<expr>
- mocfmt=fits|json
- out=<out-file>
stilts(1)If the package stilts-doc is installed, the full documentation
SUN/256 is available in HTML format:
STILTS version 3.1-5-debianThis is the Debian version of Stilts, which lack the support of
some file formats and network protocols. For differences see
Mark Taylor (Bristol University)Mar 2017 |