stilts-tapskymatch - Crossmatches table on sky position against TAP tableSYNOPSIS¶
stilts tapskymatch [ifmt=<in-format>] [istream=true|false] [in=<table>] [icmd=<cmds>] [ocmd=<cmds>] [omode=out|meta|stats|count|cgi|discard|topcat|samp|tosql|gui] [out=<out-table>] [ofmt=<out-format>] [inlon=<expr/deg>] [inlat=<expr/deg>] [tapurl=<url-value>] [taptable=<name>] [taplon=<column>] [taplat=<column>] [tapcols=<colname,...>] [sr=<expr/deg>] [find=all|best|each|each-dist] [blocksize=<int-value>] [maxrec=<int-value>] [sync=true|false] [blockmaxrec=<nrow>] [compress=true|false] [fixcols=none|dups|all] [suffixin=<label>] [suffixremote=<label>]
tapskymatch allows you to perform a positional crossmatch of a local table with one held in a remote TAP service, as long as that TAP supports upload queries. This task does three main jobs. First, it prepares the ADQL queries and TAP negotiations for you so that you don't need to remember the syntax for performing positional crossmatches against a TAP service. Second, it organises data transfer so that only those columns required (basically the positional ones) are transmitted to and from the service, to save on bandwidth. And third it divides the job up into chunks, so that the TAP service only has to perform a manageable-sized query at a time. If the job is large this chunking can be useful to monitor progress of the job, and it also allows you to perform a match which would otherwise hit the upload or output limits imposed by the service.The positional match may be done in any spherical coordinate system, it's up to the user to ensure that the same coordinates are provided for the local and remote tables.
Note that cdsskymatch provides similar functionality by accessing a different external service, which is usually much faster; if the table you wish to match is part of the VizieR database, you may wish to use that command instead.
- ifmt=<in-format>
- istream=true|false
- in=<table>
- A filename.
- A URL.
- The special value "-", meaning standard input. In this case the input format must be given explicitly using the ifmt parameter. Note that not all formats can be streamed in this way.
- A system command line with either a "<" character at the start, or a "|" character at the end ("<syscmd" or "syscmd|"). This executes the given pipeline and reads from its standard output. This will probably only work on unix-like systems.
- icmd=<cmds>
Commands may alteratively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored.
- ocmd=<cmds>
Commands may alteratively be supplied in an external file, by using the indirection character '@'. Thus a value of "@filename" causes the file filename to be read for a list of filter commands to execute. The commands in the file may be separated by newline characters and/or semicolons, and lines which are blank or which start with a '#' character are ignored.
- omode=out|meta|stats|count|cgi|discard|topcat|samp|tosql|gui
Possible values are
- out
- meta
- stats
- count
- cgi
- discard
- topcat
- samp
- tosql
- gui
- out=<out-table>
This parameter must only be given if omode has its default value of "out".
- ofmt=<out-format>
This parameter must only be given if omode has its default value of "out".
- inlon=<expr/deg>
- inlat=<expr/deg>
- tapurl=<url-value>
The default values of the various endpoints (sync and async query submission, tables metadata, service-provided examples etc) use this URL as a parent and append standard sub-paths. However, other parameters (syncurl, asyncurl, ...) are provided so that the different endpoints can be set individually if required.
- taptable=<name>
- taplon=<column>
- taplat=<column>
- tapcols=<colname,...>
- sr=<expr/deg>
- find=all|best|each|each-dist
- all: All matches
- best: Matched rows, best remote row for each input row
- each: One row per input row, contains best remote match or blank
- each-dist: One row per input row, column giving distance only for best match
- blocksize=<int-value>
- maxrec=<int-value>
- sync=true|false
- blockmaxrec=<nrow>
Note this differs from the maxrec parameter, which gives the maximum total number of rows to be returned from this command.
- compress=true|false
- fixcols=none|dups|all
- none: columns are not renamed
- dups: columns which would otherwise have duplicate names in the output will be renamed to indicate which table they came from
- all: all columns will be renamed to indicate which table they came from
- suffixin=<label>
- suffixremote=<label>
stilts(1)If the package stilts-doc is installed, the full documentation
SUN/256 is available in HTML format:
STILTS version 3.1-5-debianThis is the Debian version of Stilts, which lack the support of
some file formats and network protocols. For differences see
Mark Taylor (Bristol University)Mar 2017 |