STILTS-TSKYMATCH2(1) | Stilts commands | STILTS-TSKYMATCH2(1) |
stilts-tskymatch2 - Crossmatches 2 tables on sky positionSYNOPSIS¶
stilts tskymatch2 [in1=<table1>] [ifmt1=<in-format>] [in2=<table2>] [ifmt2=<in-format>] [omode=out|meta|stats|count|cgi|discard|topcat|samp|tosql|gui] [out=<out-table>] [ofmt=<out-format>] [ra1=<expr>] [dec1=<expr>] [ra2=<expr>] [dec2=<expr>] [error=<value/arcsec>] [tuning=<healpix-k>] [join=1and2|1or2|all1|all2|1not2|2not1|1xor2] [find=all|best|best1|best2]
tskymatch2 performs a crossmatch of two tables based on the proximity of sky positions. You specify the columns or expressions giving right ascension and declination in degrees for each input table, and a maximum permissible separation in arcseconds, and the resulting joined table is output.If you omit expressions for the RA and Dec, an attempt is made to identify the columns to use using column Unified Content Descriptors (UCDs) or names. First columns bearing appropriate UCD1 or UCD1+ values (POS_EQ_RA, POS_EQ_RA_MAIN, pos.eq.ra or pos.eq.ra;meta.main and their equivalents for declination) are sought. If these cannot be found, columns named something like "RA" or "RA2000" are sought. If either is found, the column units are consulted and radian->degree conversions are performed if necessary (degrees are assumed if no unit value is given). If nothing likely can be found, then the command will fail with an error message. This search logic is intended as a convenience only; it is somewhat ad hoc and subject to change. To make sure that the correct angle values are being used, specify the ra and dec position parameters explicitly.
tskymatch2 is simply a cut-down version, provided for convenience, of the more general matching task tmatch2. If you want more match options or otherwise more configurability, you can probably find it by using tmatch2.
- in1=<table1>
- A filename.
- A URL.
- The special value "-", meaning standard input. In this case the input format must be given explicitly using the ifmt1 parameter. Note that not all formats can be streamed in this way.
- A system command line with either a "<" character at the start, or a "|" character at the end ("<syscmd" or "syscmd|"). This executes the given pipeline and reads from its standard output. This will probably only work on unix-like systems.
- ifmt1=<in-format>
- in2=<table2>
- A filename.
- A URL.
- The special value "-", meaning standard input. In this case the input format must be given explicitly using the ifmt2 parameter. Note that not all formats can be streamed in this way.
- A system command line with either a "<" character at the start, or a "|" character at the end ("<syscmd" or "syscmd|"). This executes the given pipeline and reads from its standard output. This will probably only work on unix-like systems.
- ifmt2=<in-format>
- omode=out|meta|stats|count|cgi|discard|topcat|samp|tosql|gui
Possible values are
- out
- meta
- stats
- count
- cgi
- discard
- topcat
- samp
- tosql
- gui
- out=<out-table>
This parameter must only be given if omode has its default value of "out".
- ofmt=<out-format>
This parameter must only be given if omode has its default value of "out".
- ra1=<expr>
- dec1=<expr>
- ra2=<expr>
- dec2=<expr>
- error=<value/arcsec>
- tuning=<healpix-k>
- join=1and2|1or2|all1|all2|1not2|2not1|1xor2
- 1and2: An output row for each row represented in both input tables (INNER JOIN)
- 1or2: An output row for each row represented in either or both of the input tables (FULL OUTER JOIN)
- all1: An output row for each matched or unmatched row in table 1 (LEFT OUTER JOIN)
- all2: An output row for each matched or unmatched row in table 2 (RIGHT OUTER JOIN)
- 1not2: An output row only for rows which appear in the first table but are not matched in the second table
- 2not1: An output row only for rows which appear in the second table but are not matched in the first table
- 1xor2: An output row only for rows represented in one of the input tables but not the other one
- find=all|best|best1|best2
- all: All matches. Every match between the two tables is included in the result. Rows from both of the input tables may appear multiple times in the result.
- best: Best match, symmetric. The best pairs are selected in a way which treats the two tables symmetrically. Any input row which appears in one result pair is disqualified from appearing in any other result pair, so each row from both input tables will appear in at most one row in the result.
- best1: Best match for each Table 1 row. For each row in table 1, only the best match from table 2 will appear in the result. Each row from table 1 will appear a maximum of once in the result, but rows from table 2 may appear multiple times.
- best2: Best match for each Table 2 row. For each row in table 2, only the best match from table 1 will appear in the result. Each row from table 2 will appear a maximum of once in the result, but rows from table 1 may appear multiple times.
stilts(1)If the package stilts-doc is installed, the full documentation
SUN/256 is available in HTML format:
STILTS version 3.1-5-debianThis is the Debian version of Stilts, which lack the support of
some file formats and network protocols. For differences see
Mark Taylor (Bristol University)Mar 2017 |