webmagick - create gallery thumbnails for websites
webmagick [OPTIONS]
WebMagick `webmagick' recurses through directories of images and builds HTML
pages and image-maps to display those images in a web browser. Options may be
specified on the command line as --option or in .webmagickrc files as
$opt_option. By default WebMagick processes files in the current directory.
See --srcdir for a way to process files in a different directory.
- --[no]debug
- Print debug messages (default off)
- --[no]forcecache
- Force cached thumbnails to be generated (default off)
- --[no]forcehtml
- Force HTML files to be generated (default off)
- --[no]forcemontage Force montage (default off)
- --[no]ignorefp
- Ignore directories with names like _vti (FrontPage directories) (default
- --[no]help
- Display usage message (default off)
- --[no]recurse
- Recurse directory tree (default off)
- --srcdir
- Image directory to process
- --[no]verbose
- Tell us more ... (default off)
- --[no]version
- Print version and exit (default off)
- --iconpath
- Relative path under rootdir to webmagick icons
- --iconbase
- Global base URL for webmagick icons
- --prefixpath
- Path to prepend to generated URLs (e.g. /~username)
- --rootpath
- Absolute path to server root (NCSA DocumentRoot)
Server-side imagemaps:¶
- --htimage
- Imagemap CGI program URL (set to '' for none)
- --maptype
- Server-side map type ("ncsa" or "cern")
- --[no]serversidemap Enable server-side map writting (default
- --dirindexname
- Directory-name to title cross-reference file name
- --imgindexname
- Image-name to thumbnail label cross-reference file name
- --indexname
- Name of master index files (default server index)
- --pageindexname
- Base name of page-related index files
- --readme
- Name of directory info file
- --[no]cache
- Cache thumbnails (default on)
- --cachedir
- Subdirectory name to cache thumbnails in (default .cache)
- --cacheformat
- Format of cached thumbnails (default JPEG)
- --cachegeom
- Cache thumbnail geometry (default thumbgeom)
- --cachemin
- Smallest image to cache in pixels. (default 300*200)
- --[no]forcegif
- Force imagemap to be in GIF format (default off)
- --[no]forcejpeg
- Force imagemap to be in JPEG format (default off)
- --jpegquality
- Quality of JPEG imagemaps
- --maxgif
- Maximum size of GIF imagemap before trying JPEG
- --columns
- Montage columns
- --rows
- Montage rows (max)
- --[no]mapnetscape
- Map generated image files to Netscape 216-color cube (default off)
- --thumbbackground
- Montage background color
- --thumbframebgcolor Background color inside of Frame (unused if no
- --thumbborderwidth Thumbnail border width (pixels)
- --thumbcompose
- Thumbnail image composition operation (default Copy) Over, In, Out, Atop,
Xor, Plus, Minus, Add, Subtract, Difference, Bumpmap, Copy, MatteReplace,
Mask, Blend, Displace
- --thumbfont
- Thumbnail title font
- --thumbforeground
- Montage foreground color (effects label color)
- --thumbframe
- Geometry of frame around thumbnail (default no frame)
- --thumbgeometry
- Thumbnail geometry (widthxheight)
- --thumbgravity
- Direction thumbnail gravitates to (default Center) NorthWest, North,
NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast. North is
- --thumblabel
- Format for default thumbnail text label
- --thumblabelwidth
- Label width (in characters) to truncate to.
- --thumbframecolor
- Frame color (if thumbnail frames enabled)
- --thumbshadow
- Enable decorative shadow under thumbnail
- --thumbtexture
- Texture to tile onto the image background
- --thumbtransparent Transparent color
- --zoomfilter
- Zoom filter algorithm (Box/Triangle/Mitchell)
HTML Colors & Appearance:¶
- --address
- Optional user address info
- --[no]anonymous
- Don't show WebMagick address and copyright info on pages (default
- --coloralink
- Link (active) color
- --colorback
- Background color (also applied to JPEG montage background)
- --colorfore
- Foreground text color
- --colorlink
- Link (unvisited) color
- --colorvlink
- Link (visited) color
- --dircoloralink
- Link (active) color (directory frame)
- --dircolorback
- Background color (directory frame)
- --dircolorfore
- Foreground color (directory frame)
- --dircolorlink
- Link (unvisited) color (directory frame)
- --dircolorvlink
- Link (visited) color (directory frame)
- --dirhtmlext
- Extension for directory frame
- --stylesheet
- URL to stylesheet (overrides other color options)
- --[no]date
- Output updates date (default on)
- --footer
- Page footer (imagemap frame) (default to </CENTER>)
- --header
- Page header (imagemap frame) (default to <CENTER>)
- --[no]javascript
- Enable JavaScript output (default off)
- --[no]pichtml
- Per-image HTML file generation (default off)
- --pichtmlext
- Per-image HTML file extension (default .html)
- --pichtmlbottom
- Per-image HTML, extra HTML to display below image (default to
- --[no]pichtmlnav
- Per-image HTML, show navigation buttons (default off)
- --[no]pichtmlputtitle Put per-image HTML picture title (default
- --pichtmltarget
- Per-image HTML default frame target
- --pichtmltitleend
- End tags for per-image HTML picture title (default </P>)
- --pichtmltitlestart Start tags for per-image HTML picture title
(default <P>)
- --pichtmltop
- Per-image HTML, extra HTML to display above image (default to
- --[no]readmevisible Show README.html on first page rather than just
linking (default off)
- --[no]tables
- Use HTML tables instead of imagemaps for thumbnails (default off)
- --title
- Page title
Frame Options:¶
- --[no]frames
- Use frames, if no - single directory collection assumed (default on)
- --framemarginwidth Pixels allocated to frame margin in horizontal
- --framemarginheight Pixels allocated to frame margin in vertical
- --framebordersize
- Pixels allocated to frame border
- --frameborder
- Enable (YES) or disable (NO) decorative frame borders
- --framestyle
- Frame style to use (out of those available)
- --[no]allowconfig
- Allow user to configure framestyle, columns and rows (requires javascript
and tables) (default off)
Messages Replacement:¶
- --msg_copyright
- "Copyright "
- --msg_date_format
- "%B %e, %Y" (see strftime(3))
- --msg_directories
- "Directories"
- --msg_directory_navigator
- "Directory Navigator"
- --msg_images
- "Images"
- --msg_index_of_directory
- "Index of directory"
- --msg_index_of_files
- "Index of files "
- --msg_index_through
- "through"
- --msg_next
- "Next"
- --msg_page_navigator
- "Page Navigator"
- --msg_page_updated_on
- "Page updated on"
- --msg_prev
- "Prev"
- --msg_produced_by
- "Produced by"
- --msg_readme
- "ReadMe"
- --msg_up
- "Up"
The full documentation for webmagick is maintained as a Texinfo manual.
If the info and webmagick programs are properly installed at
your site, the command
- info webmagick
should give you access to the complete manual.