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libwget-utils(3) | wget2 | libwget-utils(3) |
size_t wget_strlcpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
ssize_t wget_strscpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
int wget_strcmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int wget_strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int wget_strcasecmp_ascii (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int wget_strncasecmp_ascii (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
char * wget_strtolower (char *s)
int wget_strncmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
int wget_strncasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
void wget_memtohex (const unsigned char *src, size_t src_len, char *dst, size_t dst_size)
void wget_millisleep (int ms)
long long wget_get_timemillis (void)
int wget_percent_unescape (char *src)
int wget_match_tail (const char *s, const char *tail)
int wget_match_tail_nocase (const char *s, const char *tail)
char * wget_strnglob (const char *str, size_t n, int flags)
char * wget_human_readable (char *buf, size_t bufsize, uint64_t n)
int wget_get_screen_size (int *width, int *height)
char * wget_restrict_file_name (const char *fname, char *esc, int mode)
Detailed Description¶
This is a collections of short routines that are used with libwget and/or Wget code. They may be useful to other developers that is why they are exported.Function Documentation¶
size_t wget_strlcpy (char * dst, const char * src, size_t size)¶
Parameters:src Input string
size Size of dst
Copy string src into dst with overflow checking.
This is the same as snprintf(dst,size,'%s',src) but faster and more elegant.
If src is NULL, the return value is 0 and nothing is written. If \ dst is NULL, the return value is the length of src and nothing is written.
ssize_t wget_strscpy (char * dst, const char * src, size_t size)¶
Parameters:src Input string
size Size of dst
Copy string src into dst with overflow checking.
If either dst is NULL or size is 0, the return value is -1 and nothing is written. If src is NULL and size is 0, the return value is -1. If src is NULL and size is >0, the return value is 0 and dst is an empty string.
Else the return value is the number of bytes copied to dst excluding the terminating 0.
int wget_strcmp (const char * s1, const char * s2)¶
Parameters:s2 String
This functions compares s1 and s2 in the same way as strcmp() does, except that it also handles NULL values.
int wget_strcasecmp (const char * s1, const char * s2)¶
Parameters:s2 String
This functions compares s1 and s2 in the same way as strcasecmp() does, except that it also handles NULL values.
int wget_strcasecmp_ascii (const char * s1, const char * s2)¶
Parameters:s2 String
This functions compares s1 and s2 as ASCII strings, case insensitive. It also accepts NULL values.
int wget_strncasecmp_ascii (const char * s1, const char * s2, size_t n)¶
Parameters:s2 String
n Max. number of chars to compare
This functions compares s1 and s2 as ASCII strings, case insensitive, up to a max number of n chars. It also accepts NULL values.
char* wget_strtolower (char * s)¶
Converts ASCII string s to lowercase in place.
int wget_strncmp (const char * s1, const char * s2, size_t n)¶
Parameters:s2 String
n Max. number of chars to compare
This functions compares s1 and s2 in the same way as strncmp() does, except that it also handles NULL values.
int wget_strncasecmp (const char * s1, const char * s2, size_t n)¶
Parameters:s2 String
n Max. number of chars to compare
This functions compares s1 and s2 in the same way as strncasecmp() does, except that it also handles NULL values.
void wget_memtohex (const unsigned char * src, size_t src_len, char * dst, size_t dst_size)¶
Parameters:src_len Number of bytes to encode
dst Buffer to hold the encoded string
dst_size Size of dst in bytes
Encodes a number of bytes into a lowercase hexadecimal C string.
void wget_millisleep (int ms)¶
Parameters:Pause for ms milliseconds.
long long wget_get_timemillis (void)¶
Return the current milliseconds since the wget_percent_unescape (char * src)¶
Does an inline percent unescape. Each occurrence of xx (x = hex digit) will converted into it's byte representation.
int wget_match_tail (const char * s, const char * tail)¶
Parameters:tail String
Checks if tail matches the end of the string s.
int wget_match_tail_nocase (const char * s, const char * tail)¶
Parameters:tail String
Checks if tail matches the end of the string s, disregarding the case, ASCII only.
char* wget_strnglob (const char * str, size_t n, int flags)¶
Parameters:n Length of string
flags Flags to pass to glob()
Finds a pathname by running glob(3) on the pattern in the first n bytes of globstr. Returns a newly allocated string with the first n bytes replaced with the matching pattern obtained via glob(3) if one was found. Otherwise it returns NULL.
char* wget_human_readable (char * buf, size_t bufsize, uint64_t n)¶
Parameters:bufsize Size of /p buf
n Number to convert
Returns a human readable representation of n. n, a byte quantity, is converted to a human-readable abbreviated form a la sizes printed by `ls -lh'. The result is written into the provided buffer.
Unlike `with_thousand_seps', this approximates to the nearest unit. Quoting GNU libit: "Most people visually process strings of 3-4 digits effectively, but longer strings of digits are more prone to misinterpretation. Hence, converting to an abbreviated form usually improves readability."
This intentionally uses kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), etc. in their original computer-related meaning of 'powers of 1024'. We don't use the '*bibyte' names invented in 1998, and seldom used in practice. Wikipedia's entry on 'binary prefix' discusses this in some detail.
int wget_get_screen_size (int * width, int * height)¶
Parameters:height Number of rows in terminal
Get the size of the terminal to which the output is currently printed (stderr). This function accepts two int pointers and will set their values to the width and height of the active terminal in number of columns. If either of the parameter is NULL, its value will not be set by the function.
char* wget_restrict_file_name (const char * fname, char * esc, int mode)¶
Parameters:esc Pointer to the buffer where sanitized file name will be stored. Should be at least strlen(fname) * 3 + 1 bytes large.
mode Mode of operation
This functions exists to pass the Wget test suite. All we really need (Wget is targeted for Unix/Linux), is UNIX restriction (NUL and /) with escaping of control characters. See
Sanitizes file names by percent-escaping platform-specific illegal characters.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for wget2 from the source code.Thu May 17 2018 | Version 1.99.1 |