wml::des::rollover - RollOver-Style Image-Button
#use wml::des::rollover
<rollover [attributes]>
One of the most interesting trick to make a webpage more interactive is the
so-called rollover effect commonly known from window system GUIs. The
idea is simply to change the underlaying image when the mouse rolls
over it. Additionally when a mouse click occurs over the image it acts
like a button and jumps to a new URL.
Although there are more then one way to achieve this optical
effect, to use the client-side scripting-language JavaScript
currently is the best solution. But here only those variants can be used
which provide the "image" object. Netscape
version 3 and 4 and Internet Explorer 4 support this. But the generated code
of this "<rollover>" tag is
backward-compatible with all types of browsers.
- name
- The name of the image. Just for internal usage to bind the correct image
objects to the image tag.
- src
- The normal image which is displayed when the mouse is not over the
- oversrc
- The image which is displayed when the mouse is over the image.
- href
- The URL for the hyperlink which gets activated when the mouse clicks into
the image.
- alt
- This string is displayed in text-only browsers or browsers which have
images disabled at the place where the image stays. Additionally it is
displayed in the browsers status line when the mouse is over the
- target
- This sets the "target" attribute for the
surrounding anchor ("<a>") tag.
Use this for redirecting the hyperlink to different target area, i.e.
usually when using frames or multiple windows.
- The ``ATTR=STR'' pairs are passed along to the
"<a>" and
"<img>" HTML tags.
Ralf S. Engelschall
Internal: P1, P2
External: JavaScript (BROWSER)