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XYMONQ(1) | User Commands | XYMONQ(1) |
xymonq - a frontend to query the Xymon network- and systems-monitor.SYNOPSIS¶
xymonq [ -c conf-file] -q QUERYTYPE [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS] [-f FIELD[,FIELD,...]] [-s SECTION[,SECTION,...]] | -l ] [-S|-p] [-h | -V] [-d]xymonq -q clientlog [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS] [-s SECTION[,SECTION,...]] | -l ]
xymonq -q xymondboard [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS] [-f FIELD,[FIELD,...]]
xymonq -q hostinfo [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] [-T TEST] [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS]
xymonq -q xymondlog [-P PAGEPATH] [-H HOSTNAME] {-T TEST | -l} [-C COLOR[,COLOR,...]] [-X CRITS]
xymonq -q ghostlist [-a [-]AGE] [-l]
xymonq -q config [-f file]
xymonq -q {ping|version}
xymonq is a frontend to send various query-messages via xymon(1) to a Xymon server xymond(8). All test- (column) information for one or more hosts/tests and internal status information of Xymon can be retrieved.xymonq - A frontend to query the Xymon network- and systems-monitor.
- Query to perform to Xymon [clientlog | xymondboard | hostinfo | xymondlog | ghost[list] | config | ping]
See section QUERYTYPES for details.
- A PAGEPATH specification from hosts.cfg(*).
- A hostname from hosts.cfg(*). To read the hosts from stdin use "-" (all other filters inactive).
- The name of a TEST, defaults to "info"(*).
(*) interpreted as a REGEX
- only tests with COLOR, may be coma-separated list like "clear,green", default: empty=all colors
- eXtra CRITERIA, like "ip=", "net=" or "tag=", CRITS are passed as-is to xymondboard
This is to provide support for new or less often used filter CRITERIA. `-X` may be used multiple times (`-X ip=172.33 -X tag=test`) or have multiple quoted criteria (`-X "ip=172.33 tag=test`). Since Xymon v4.3.19 filtering on the whole message (`msg=PCRE`), various timestamps and XMH-values (`XMH_string=VALUE`, e.g. `XHM_CLASS=linux` -- see `xymon-xmh(5)`) is possible too.
An empty (or missing) option matches every item of that criterium.
- -L
- print evaluated hostlist to stdout and exit
- -S
- print "HOST=hostname" separator-lines above data (deprecated)
- -p
- prefix each line of output w/ "hostname: ", valid for queries: clientlog, xymondboard, xymondlog
Options for clientlog:¶
- -f FIELD
- fields to print, defaults to "hostname"
- one or more section-names, coma separated If empty the whole clientlog is printed
- -l
- list available sections only (as they occur)
Options for xymondboard:¶
- -f FIELD
- fields to print, defaults to empty, thus using xymon-defaults
Options for xymondlog:¶
- -l
- just list available tests for selected host(s)
Options for ghostlist:¶
- -a [-]AGE
- print only host with report AGE; AGE is a GNU-date "-s"-compatible string) The "-" prefix inverts the selection.
- -l
- only print the hostnames instead of the default full "ghostline"
Options for client:¶
- -f file
- The file to retrieve, e.g. "hosts.cfg", "analysis.cfg". Only files ending with ".cfg" can be fetched. Defaults to "hosts.cfg".
Global options:¶
- -c conf-file
- use specified config-file, this prevents searching default locations; default-values apply if not specified. Has to be 1st cmdline option in order to allow selectively override values from cmdline.
- -v
- verbose output, print the "xymon"-commandlines
- -V
- print version info
- -d
- enable debug output
- -h
- this help message
This is only a short description of the query types possible. For more detailed information see xymon(1).clientlog Get the raw-data transmitted to the xymon-server. This contains the data gathered by the `xymonclient*`-scripts.
xymondboard Obtain status for one or more hosts w/ extensive filtering on the host-selection side as well as the output-side (-f FIELDS).
hostinfo Retrieve the config from `hosts.cfg` about one or more hosts (host-selection like xymondboard).
xymondlog Print full of status-columns as dispayed on the web interface.
config Retrieve a config-file (only ".cfg"-files) from the `server/etc/`-dir of the xymon-server.
ghostlist Get information about hosts sending data without being present in the xymon-server configuration.
ping|version Get version of the xymon-server, this uses the `ping`-command.
The default configuration and some query-settings can be adjusted with a configuration file. The file has to conform to bash(1) syntax as it is sourced as-is.Possible settings (default values shown):
XYMON_CMD="xymon" Path and command name for `xymon` binary. XYMON_SRV="" Where to find the Xymon server: IP:PORT (recommended) or HOSTNAME:PORT. QUERYTYPE="" The default query to execute. TEST="info" The test to use for selecting hosts or printing w/ xymondlog. FIELDS="..." The fields to print for xymondboard, defaults to xymon(1)-defaults. SECTION="" Section(s) to print for clientlog. Multiple sections are comma separated.
The config file can be specified via `-c conf-file`. If no config-file is specified `xymonq` searches the following locations in order, using the first one found:
1. ./.xymonq.cfg 2. ~/.xymonq.cfg 3. /etc/xymon/xymonq.cfg 4. if no file is found: use default values
Print a list of all hosts known to xymon (i.e. defined in hosts.cfg) xymonq -LExamples for clientlog:
Print the 'clientlog' for all hosts xymonq -q clientlog
List all sections in 'clientlog' for all hosts on page 'dc1', print "HOST="-separator xymonq -q clientlog -P dc1 -lS
Print the 'osversion' section for hosts whole hostname matches the regex "bb.*com" xymonq -q clientlog -H "bb.*com" -s osversion
Examples for xymondlog:
List all tests for all hosts on page 'dc1' whose hostname contain 'mx' xymonq -q xymondlog -P dc1 -H mx -l
Print the 'disk'-status of hosts whose hostname match the PCRE 'bb' xymonq -q xymondlog -H bb -T disk
Examples for xymondboard:
Identical host-selection as above but show the first line of the 'cpu'-status xymonq -q xymondboard -H bb -T cpu -f line1
Examples for ghostlist:
Get the "hosts.cfg"-file: xymonq -q config xymonq -q config -f hosts.cfg
Get "analysis.cfg"-file: xymonq -q config -f analysis.cfg
Examples for ghostlist:
Print the full ghostlist: xymonq -q ghostlist
Print the hosts from ghostlist that reported within the last 5 minutes: xymonq -q ghostlist -a "5 minutes ago"
Print the hostnames only from ghostlist that reported at least 24 hours ago: xymonq -q ghostlist -a "-yesterday" -l
Examples for config:
Fetch `hosts.cfg`: xymonq -q config -f hosts.cfg
Written by Thomas EckertCOPYRIGHT¶
Copyright © 2015-2018 Thomas Eckert, ALSO¶
xymon(1), xymon-xmh(5), xymond(8)January 2018 | IT-Eckert |