yodlmacros - Macros for the Yodl converters
This manual page lists the standard macros of the Yodl package.
The following list shows the macros defined by the Yodl converters define and
which can be used in Yodl documents. Refer to the Yodl user guide, distributed
with the Yodl package, for a full description.
The following list shows all macros of the package in alphabetical
- `abstract(text)’
- Defines an abstract for an article or report type of document. Abstracts
are not implemented for books or manpages. Must appear before
starting the document using the `article’ or `report’
- `addntosymbol(symbol)(n)(text)’
- Adds `text’ `n’ times to `symbol’. The value
`n’ may also be the name of a defined counter (which is not
- `affiliation(site)’
- Defines an affiliation, to appear in the document titlepage below the
author field. Must appear before starting the document with
`article’, `report’ or `book’. The affiliation is
only printed when the author field is not empty. When converting to html
the way the affiliation is displayed can be tuned using CSS id selector
specifications. The affiliation has
- `AfourEnlarged()’
- Enlarges the usable height of A4 paper by 2 cm.: the top margin is reduced
by 2 cm. This macro should be called in the preamble. The macro is
available only for LaTeX conversions.
- `appendix()’
- Starts appendices
- `article(title)(author)(date)’
- Starts an article. The top-level sectioning command is `(n)sect’.
In HTML conversions only one output file is written, while the way the
headings are displayed can be tuned using CSS id selector specifications:
the title has `id="title"’, the author
`id="author"’, and the date
- `attrib(text)’
- In html, pushes `text’ as an attribute for the next html tag
supporting `attrib’. E.g, to set a blue color and 30 pixel
left-hand side margin for a section use
sect(Section name)
This results in the html markup
<h1 style="color:blue;margin-left:30px;">Section name</h1>
This macro is only effective with html conversions. It is applied in a
stack-wise fasion: when multiple `attrib’ calls are used, then the
topmost attrib-string is added to the first macro calling the
`attribinsert’ macro, with subsequent macros using subsequent
elements on the attrib-stack.
- Commonly used attributes are `id="idname"’, expecting a
`#idname’ CSS label in either internal or external CSS
specifications, or `style="spec"’ (as shown in the
- Example: when using
attrib(width = "100" height = "100")
attrib(id = "#fig")
then the `#id’ attribute is applied to `<figure>’, and
the `width’ and `height’ attributes are applied to
`<img>’, which html markup is inserted by the `figure’
- The `attrib’ macro is supported by the following predefined macros
(between parentheses the number of attribute strings that are inserted by
these macros; if only 1 attribute string is inserted no number is
- `bf cell cells center chapter code dashes dit em figure(3) file htmltag
itdesc lchapter link lref lsect lsubsect lsubsubsect nchapter npart nsect
nsubsect nsubsubsect paragraph part quote row sc sect strong subs subsect
subsubsect subsubsubsect sups tableatt tbl tac tc tnac tnc tr tt ttbegin
url verb verborg verbinclude’.
- `attribclear()’
- Removes any existing contents from the attrib-stack. This macro is only
active when converting to html
- `attribinsert()’
- In html, if the attrib-stack is not empty, inserts the value on top of the
attrib-stack and then pops the topmost value. If the attrib-stack is
empty, nothing happens.
- `bf(text)’
- Sets `text’ in boldface.
- `bind(text)’
- Generate a binding character (non-breaking space) after text.
- `book(title)(author)(date)’
- Starts a book document. The top-level sectioning command is
`(n)chapter’, `(n)part’ being optional. In HTML output files
are created for each chapter, while the way the headings are displayed can
be tuned using CSS id selector specifications: the title has
`id="title"’, the author `id="author"’,
and the date `id="date"’.)
- `cell(contents)’
- Sets a table cell, i.e., one element in a row. With the man/ms converters
multiple blanks between `cell()’ macro calls are merged into a
single blank character.
- Instead of using `cell’ in `table’, consider using
`tc’ in `tbl’.
- `cells(nColumns)(contents)’
- Set a table cell over `nColumns’ columns. With LaTeX and xml the
information in the combined cells is centered.
- With man/ms conversions the `cells()’ macro simply calls the
`cell()’ macro, but here the `setmanalign()’ macro can be
used to determine the alignment of multiple cells.
- With html the macro `attrib’ can be used, but when it contains a
`style’ specification the macro’s default
`style="text-align: center"’ is ignored (but it can
optionally be specified using the `attrib’ macro).
- Instead of using `cells’ in `table’, consider using
`tnc’ in `tbl’.
- `cellsline(from)(count)’
- Sets a horizontal line starting at column number `from’ over
`count’ columns in a row. If `from’ is less then the number
of columns already added to a row then it is ignored. This macro must be
embedded in a `row’ macro defining a table row. To put a line
across the table’s full width use `rowline’. To set
horizontal lines across columns 1 until 2 and columns 4 until 5 table of a
table use:
Combining `cellsline’ and `cell’ or `cells’ calls in
one row produces undefined results.
- Instead of using `cellsline’ in `table’, consider using
`tline’ in `tbl’.
- `center(text)’
- Centers `text’. Use `nl()’ in the text to break lines. In
html the `attrib’ macro is not supported, but a division
(`div’) with style definition `text-align: center’ is used.
To center a table in html use the `tableatt’ macro. If a
`table’ or `tableatt’ macro is used inside a `center’
macro then the contents of columns are column-wise centered.
- Inside a `center(...)’ context the counter `XXcenter’ is
unequal 0.
- `chapter(title)’
- Starts a new chapter in books or reports.
- `cindex()’
- Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo c-indices. Its argument is
the index entry. See also the `[fptv]index’ macro.
- `cite(text)’
- Sets `text’ as a citation or quotation
- `clearpage()’
- Starts a new page, when the output format permits. Under HTML a horizontal
line is drawn.
- `code(text)’
- Sets `text’ in code font, and prevents it from being expanded. For
unbalanced parameter lists, use `CHAR(40)’ to get `(’ and
`CHAR(41)’ to get `)’.
- `columnline(from)(through)’
- Sets a horizontal line over some columns in a row. Note that
`columnline’ defines a row by itself, consisting of just a
horizontal line spanning some of its columns, rather than the
table’s full width, like `rowline’. The two arguments
represent column numbers. It is the responsibility of the author to make
sure that the `from’ and `through’ values are sensible.
1 <= from <= through <= ncolumns
To set a horizontal line in just one column select `through’ equal to
- Note: this macro cannot be used if multiple lines must be set in
one row. In those cases the macros `tline, tskip’, and
`tendline’ should be used.
- Instead of using `columnline’ in `table’, consider using
`tline’ in `tbl’.
- `dashes()’
- Inserts two dashes in teletype font, and prevents them from being
- In html the `attrib’ macro is recognized by the
`<code>’ tag that is used to embed the two dashes.
- `def(macroname)(nrofargs)(redefinition)’
- Defines `macroname’ as a macro, having `nrofargs’ arguments,
and expanding to `redefinition’. This macro is a shorthand for
`DEFINEMACRO’. An error occurs when the macro is already defined.
Use `redef()’ to unconditionally define or redefine a macro.
- `description(list)’
- Sets `list’ as a description list. Use `dit(item)’ to
indicate items in the list.
- `dit(itemname)’
- Starts an item named `itemname’ in a description list. The list
should be used in `description’ macros. With `html’
conversions the contents of a description item is separated from the item
itself. The `dit’ macro only defines the item, and not the
description itself. This macro sets the item in bold-face (`strong’
font). The macro `itdesc’, available since Yodl 3.05, can be used
to defines an item and its description, using its suggested format
(i.e., indenting the description relative to the item).
- `eit()’
- Indicates an item in an enumerated list. The `eit’ macro should be
used as an argument in `enumeration’ macros.
- `ellipsis()’
- Sets ellipsis (...).
- `em(text)’
- Sets `text’ as emphasized, usually italics.
- `email(address)’
- In HTML, this macro sets the `address’ in a `<a
href="mailto=..">’ locator. In other output formats,
the `address’ is sent to the output. The `email’ macro is a
special case of `url’.
- `enumeration(list)’
- `enumeration()’ starts an enumerated list. Use `eit()’ in
the list to indicate items in the list.
- `euro()’
- Sets the euro currency symbol in latex, html, (and possibly sgml and xml).
In all other conversions EUR which is the official textual abbreviation
(cf. is written. Note that LaTeX may
require latexpackage()(eurosym).
- `evalsymbol(symbol)(expression)’
- Symbol symbol receives the value resulting from evaluating
expression. E.g., if `sym’ is a defined symbol, then
evalsymbol(sym)(SUBSTR(hello world)(3)(2))
assigns the value `lo’ to `sym’.
- `fig(label)’
- This macro is a shorthand for `figure ref(label)’ and just makes
the typing shorter, as in `see fig(schematic) for ..’ See
`getfigurestring()’ and `setfigurestring()’ for the
`figure’ text.
- `figure(file)(caption)(label)’
- Sets the picture in `file’ as a figure in the current document,
using the descriptive text `caption’. The `label’ is defined
as a placeholder for the figure number and can be used in a corresponding
`ref’ statement. Note that the `file’ must be the filename
without extension: By default, Yodl will supply `.gif’ when in HTML
mode, or `.ps’ when in LaTeX mode. Figures in other modes may not
(yet) haven been implemented.
- When converting to html, this macro uses three attribute-strings (if
available). The string pushed first using an attrib-call defines the
attributes for its `<figcaption>’ html-markup; the string
pushed next defines the attributes for its `<img>’
html-markup; the string pushed last defines the attributes for its
`<figure>’ html-markup. The `figure’ macro’s
html output is organized like this:
<figure -attrib-string pushed last (if any)>
<img ... -attrib-string pushed last but one>
<figcaption -attrib-string pushed 2nd to last>
Starting with Yodl 3.07.00 no `alt="Figure # is shown
here..."’ attribute is defined anymore for the `img’
markup: an `alt’-attribute can easily be defined at the last
attrib-call, using `getfigurestring()’ to obtain `Figure’ or
its language-specific translation, and
`COUNTERVALUE(XXfigurecounter)’ to obtain the order-number of the
figure shown in the next `figure’-macro call.
- `file(text)’
- Sets `text’ as filename, usually boldface. In html `attrib’
macro applies to the `<strong>’ tag.
- `findex()’
- Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo f-indices. Its argument is
the index entry. See also the `[cptv]index’ macro.
- `footnote(text)’
- Sets `text’ as a footnote, or between parentheses when the output
format does not allow footnotes.
- `gagmacrowarning(name name ...)’
- Prevents the `yodl’ program from printing cannot expand possible
user macro. E.g., if you have in your document `the file(s) are
..’ then you might want to put before that:
`gagmacrowarning(file)’. Calls `NOUSERMACRO’.
- `getaffilstring()’
- Expands to the string that defines the name of Affiliation
Information, by default AFFILIATION INFORMATION. Can be
redefined for national language support by `setaffilstring()’.
Currently, it is relevant only for txt.
- `getauthorstring()’
- Expands to the string that defines the name of Author Information,
by default AUTHOR INFORMATION. Can be redefined for national
language support by `setauthorstring()’. Currently, it is relevant
only for txt.
- `getchapterstring()’
- Expands to the string that defines a `chapter’ entry, by default
Chapter. Can be redefined for national language support by
- `getdatestring()’
- Expands to the string that defines the name of Date Information, by
default DATE INFORMATION. Can be redefined for national language
support by `setdatestring()’. Currently, it is relevant only for
- `getfigurestring()’
- Returns the string that defines a `figure’ text, in captions or in
the `fig()’ macro. The string can be redefined using the
`setfiguretext()’ macro.
- `getpartstring()’
- Expands to the string that defines a `part’ entry, by default
Part. Can be redefined for national language support by
- `gettitlestring()’
- Expands to the string that defines the name of Title Information,
by default TITLE INFORMATION. Can be redefined for national
language support by `settitlestring()’. Currently, it is relevant
only for txt.
- `gettocstring()’
- Expands to the string that defines the name of the table of contents, by
default Table of Contents. Can be redefined for national language
support by `settocstring()’.
- `htmlcommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to html. The
`cmd’ is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `htmlheadfile(file)’
- Adds the contents of `file’ to the `head’ section of an HTML
document. The contents of file are not interpreted and should contain
plain html text. This option can be useful when large bodies of text, like
the contents of `<script>’ sections, must be included into
the head section of html documents. This macro is only active in the
preamble, should only specified once, and is only interpreted for html
- `htmlheadopt(option)’
- Adds the literal text `option’ to the current information in the
`head’ section of an HTML document. `Option’ may (or:
should) contain plain html text. A commonly occurring head option is
`link’, defining, e.g., a style sheet. Since that option is
frequently used, it has received a dedicated macro:
`htmlstylesheet’. When large bodies of html-text must be added to
html documents the macro `htmlheadfile’ should be used. This macro
is only active in the preamble and is only interpreted for html
- `htmlnewfile()’
- In HTML output, starts a new file. All other formats are not affected.
Note that you must take your own provisions to access the new file; say
via links. Also, it’s safe to start a new file just befoore opening
a new section, since sections are accessible from the clickable table of
contents. The HTML converter normally only starts new files prior to a
`chapter’ definition.
- `htmlstyle(tag)(definition)’
- Adds a `<style type="text/css"> ... </style>’
element to the head section of an HTML document.
Use `htmlstyle’ to specify one or more CSS definitions which are
eventually inserted at the ellipsis (`...’) in the generic
`style’ definition shown above. E.g., (using `#rrggbb’ to
specify a color, where `rr’ are two hexadecimal digits specifying
the color’s red component, `gg’ two hexadecimal digits
specifying the color’s green component, and `bb’ two
hexadecimal digits specifying the color’s blue component)
htmlstyle(body)(color: #rrggbb; background-color: #rrggbb)
htmlstyle(h1)(color: blue; text-align: center)
htmlstyle(h2)(color: green)
results in the element
<style type="text/css">
body {color: #rrggbb; background-color: #rrggbb;}
h1 {color: blue; text-align: center;}
h2 {color: green;}
The macros `htmlheadopt’ and `htmlstylesheet’ could also be
used to put information into the head-section of an HTML document, but
`htmlheadopt’ is of a much more general nature, while
`htmlstylesheet’ refers to CSS elements stored in an external file.
The macro `attrib’ can be used to define inline styles.
- The `htmlstyle’ macro is only active in the preamble and is only
interpreted for html conversions.
Refer to available CSS specifications (cf.,
for an overview of how CSS specifications are used, and which CSS
specifications are available).
- By default the internal style specification
`figure {text-align: center;} img {vertical-align: center;}’
is used. If this is not appropriate, specify `nohtmlimgstyle()’ in
the preamble.
- `htmlstylesheet(url)’
- Adds a `<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
...>’ element to the head section of an HTML document, using
`url’ in its `href’ field. The argument `url’ is not
expanded, and should be plain HTML text, without surrounding quotes. The
macro `htmlheadopt’ can also be used to put information in the
head-section of an HTML document, but `htmlheadopt’ is of a much
more general nature. This macro is only active in the preamble and is only
interpreted for html conversions.
- `htmltag(tagname)(start)’
- Sets `tagname’ as a HTML tag, enclosed by `<’ and
`>’. When `start’ is zero, the `tagname’ is
prefixed with `/’. As not all html tags are available through
predefined Yodl-macros (there are too many of them, some are used very
infrequently, and you can easily define macros for the tags for which Yodl
doesn’t offer predefined ones), the `htmltag’ macro can be
used to handle your own set of macros. In html the `attrib’ macro
is supported. E.g.,
attrib(title="World Health Organization") htmltag(abbr)()WHO+htmltag(abbr)(0)
- `ifnewparagraph(truelist)(falselist)’
- The macro `ifnewparagraph’ should be called from the
`PARAGRAPH’ macro, if defined. It will insert `truelist’ if
a new paragraph is inserted, otherwise `falselist’ is inserted
(e.g., following two consecutive calls of PARAGRAPH). This macro can be
used to prevent outputting multiple blank lines.
- `includefile(file)’
- Includes `file’. The default extension `.yo’ is supplied if
- Since Yodl version 3.00.0 Yodl’s default file inclusion behavior
has changed. The current working directory no longer remains fixed at the
directory in which Yodl is called, but is volatile, changing to the
directory in which a yodl-file is located. This has the advantage that
Yodl’s file inclusion behavior now matches the way
C’s `#include’ directive operates. The originally
implemented file inclusion behavior is used when Yodl’s `-L’
(`--legacy-include’) option is used.
- `includeverbatim(file)’
- Include `file’ into the output. No processing is done,
`file’ should be in preformatted form, e.g.:
- `it()’
- Indicates an item in an itemized list. Items in `it’ macros are
arguments of `itemization’ macros.
- `itdesc(itemname)(contents)’
- Starts an item and its description in a description list. Its name is
`itemname’, the contents of the item is defined by
`contents’. The `itemname’ is defined by using the
`dit’ macro.
- With `html’ conversions the contents are surrounded by
`<dd>’ and `</dd>’ tags, resulting in contents
which are indented relative to the itemname. When the `attrib’
macro is used it is applied to the itemname (`dt’-tags).
- With other conversions the `contents’ are quoted (as if using
- `itemization(list)’
- Sets `list’ as an itemizationd list. Use `it()’ to indicate
items in the list.
- `kindex()’
- Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo k-indices. Its argument is
the index entry. See also the `[cfptv]vindex’ macro.
- `label(labelname)’
- Defines `labelname’ as an anchor for a `link’ command, or to
stand for the last numbering of a section or figure in a `ref’
- `langle()’
- Character <
- `languagedutch()’
- Defines the Dutch-language specific headers. Active this macro via
- `languageenglish()’
- Defines the English-language specific headers. Active this macro via
- `languageportugese()’
- Defines the Portugese-language specific headers. Active this macro via
- `LaTeX()’
- The LaTeX symbol.
- `latexaddlayout(arg)’
- This macro is provided to add Yodl-interpreted text to your own LaTeX
layout commands. The command is terminated with an end-of-line. See also
the macro `latexlayoutcmds()’
- `latexcommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ plus a white space to the output when converting to
LaTeX. The `cmd’ is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `latexdocumentclass(class)’
- Forces the LaTeX `\documentclass{...}’ setting to `class’.
Normally the class is defined by the macros `article’,
`report’ or `book’. This macro is an escape route in case
you need to specify your own document class for LaTeX. This option is a
modifier and must appear before the `article’,
`report’ or `book’ macros.
- `latexlayoutcmds(NOTRANSs)’
- This macro is provided in case you want to put your own LaTeX layout
commands into LaTeX output. The `NOTRANSs’ are pasted right after
the `\documentclass’ stanza. The default is, of course, no local
LaTeX commands. Note that this macro does not overrule my favorite
LaTeX layout. Use `nosloppyhfuzz()’ and `standardlayout()’
to disable my favorite LaTeX layout.
- `latexoptions(options)’
- Set latex options: `documentclass[options]’. This command
must appear before the document type is stated by `article’,
`report’, etc..
- `latexpackage(options)(name)’
- Include latex package(s), a useful package is, e.g., `epsf’. This
command must appear before the document type is stated by
`article’, `report’, etc..
- `lchapter(label)(title)’
- Starts a new chapter in books or reports, setting a label at the beginning
of the chapter.
- `letter(language)(date)(subject)(opening)(salutation)(author)’
- Starts a letter written in the indicated language. The date of the letter
is set to `date’, the subject of the letter will be
`subject’. The letter starts with `opening’. It is based on
the `letter.cls’ document class definition. The macro is available
for LaTeX only. Preamble command suggestions:
- o
- `latexoptions(11pt)’
- o
- `a4enlarged()’
- o
- `letterreplyto(name)(address)(postalcode/city)’
- o
- `letterfootitem(phone)(number)’, maybe e-mail too.
- o
- `letteradmin(yourdate)(yourref)’
- o
- `letterto(addressitem)’. Use a separate `letterto()’ macro
call for each new line of the address.
- `letteraddenda(type)(value)’
- Adds an addendum at the end of a letter. `type’ should be
`bijlagen’, `cc’ or `ps’.
- `letteradmin(yourdate)(yourref)’
- Puts `yourletterfrom’ and `yourreference’ elements in the
letter. If left empty, two dashes are inserted.
- `letterfootitem(name)(value)’
- Puts a footer at the bottom of letter-pages. Up to three will usually fit.
LaTeX only.
- `letterreplyto(name)(address)(zip city)’
- Defines the `reply to’ address in LaTeX or txt-letters.
- `letterto(element)’
- Adds `element’ as an additional line to the address in LaTeX
- `link(description)(labelname)’
- In HTML output a clickable link with the text `description’ is
created that points to the place where `labelname’ is defined using
the `label’ macro, and `attrib’ macro applies to the
`<a>’ tag. Using `link’ is similar to `url’,
except that a hyperlink is set pointing to a location in the same
document. For output formats other than HTML, only the
`description’ appears.
- `lref(description)(labelname)’
- This macro is a combination of the `ref’ and `link’ macros.
In HTML output a clickable link with the text `description’ and the
label value is created that points to the place where `labelname’
is defined using the `label’ macro, and `attrib’ macro
applies to the `<a>’ tag. For output formats other than HTML,
only the `description’ and the label value appears.
- `lsect(label)(title)’
- Starts a new section, setting a label at the beginning of the section. In
html `attrib’ macro applies to the `<h2>’ tag.
- `lsubsect(label)(title)’
- Starts a new subsection. Other sectioning commands are `subsubsect’
and `subsubsubsect’. A label is added just before the subsection.
In html `attrib’ macro applies to the `<h3>’ tag.
- `lsubsubsect(label)(title)’
- Starts a sub-subsection, a label is added just before the section In html
`attrib’ macro applies to the `<h4>’ tag.
- `lsubsubsubsect(label)(title)’
- Starts a sub-sub-sub section. This level of sectioning is not numbered, in
contrast to `higher’ sectionings. A label is added just before the
- `lurl(locator)’
- An url described by its Locator. For small urls with readable
- `mailto(address)’
- Defines the default `mailto’ address for HTML output. Must appear
before the document type is stated by `article’,
`report’, etc..
- `makeindex()’
- Make index for latex.
- `mancommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to man. The `cmd’
is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `manpage(title)(section)(date)(source)(manual)’
- Starts a manual page document. The `section’ argument must be a
number, stating to which section the manpage belongs to. Most often used
are commands (1), file formats (5) and macro packages (7). The sectioning
commands in a manpage are not `(n)sect’ etc., but
`manpage...()’. The first section must be the
`manpagename’, the last section must be the
`manpageauthor’. The standard manpage for section 1 contains the
following sections (in the given order): `manpagename’,
`manpagesynopsis’, `manpagedescription’,
`manpageoptions’, `manpagefiles’, `manpageseealso’,
`manpagediagnostics’, `manpagebugs’, `manpageauthor’.
Optional extra sections can be added with `manpagesection’.
Standard manpageframes for several manpagesections are provided in
`/usr/local/share/yodl/manframes’. YODL manual pages can be
converted to `groff, html’, or plain ascii text formats.
- `manpageauthor()’
- Starts the AUTHOR entry in a `manpage’ document. Must be the last
section of a `manpage’.
- `manpagebugs()’
- Starts the BUGS entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manpagedescription()’
- Starts the DESCRIPTION entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manpagediagnostics()’
- Starts the DIAGNOSTICS entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manpagefiles()’
- Starts the FILES entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manpagename(name)(short description)’
- Starts the NAME entry in a `manpage’ document. The short
description is used by, e.g., the `whatis’ database.
- `manpageoptions()’
- Starts the OPTIONS entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manpagesection(SECTIONNAME)’
- Inserts a non-required section named `SECTIONNAME’ in a
`manpage’ document. This macro can be used to augment
`standard’ manual pages with extra sections, e.g., EXAMPLES.
Note that the name of the extra section should appear in upper
case, which is consistent with the normal typesetting of manual
- `manpageseealso()’
- Starts the SEE ALSO entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manpagesynopsis()’
- Starts the SYNOPSIS entry in a `manpage’ document.
- `manttquoted(onOff)’
- With man-conversions arguments of tt macros are displayed as normal text.
To enhance their visibility arguments of tt macros may be quoted, in which
case they are surrounded by backtics and normal quotes. By default
arguments of tt macros are not quoted. Quotation is used after calling
`manttquoted(1)’, and is suppressed after calling
`manttquoted(0)’. The macro is only active when converting to
- `mbox()’
- Unbreakable box in LaTeX. Other formats may have different opitions on our
unbreakable boxex.
- `metaC(text)’
- Put a line comment in the output.
- `metaCOMMENT(text)’
- Write format-specific comment to the output.
- `mscommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to ms. The `cmd’
is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `nbsp(count)’
- Inserts `count’ `non-breaking space’ characters into the
generated output; i.e., the space character is not optimized away. If the
argument list is empty one non-breaking space is inserted.
- `nchapter(title)’
- Starts a chapter (in a `book’ or `report’) without
generating a number before the title and without placing an entry for the
chapter in the table of contents. In html `attrib’ macro applies to
the `<h1>’ tag.
- `nemail(name)(address)’
- Named email. A more consistent naming for url, lurl, email and nemail
would be nice.
- `nl()’
- Forces a newline; i.e., breaks the current line in two.
- `nodeprefix(text)’
- Prepend text to node names, e.g.
nodeprefix(LilyPond) sect(Overview)
Currently used in texinfo descriptions only.
- `nodeprefix(text)’
- Prepend text to node names, e.g.
nodeprefix(LilyPond) sect(Overview)
Currently used in texinfo descriptions only.
- `nodetext(text)’
- Use text as description for the next node, e.g.
nodetext(The GNU Music Typesetter)chapter(LilyPond)
Currently used in texinfo descriptions only.
- `nohtmlfive()’
- Starting yodl 3.05 html-conversions by default use html5. This can be
suppressed (in favor of using html4) by calling this macro. This macro
merely suppresses writing the initial `<!DOCTYPE html>’ to
generated html files; it is only active in the preamble and is only
interpreted for html conversions.
- `nohtmlimgstyle()’
- By default html-pages specify
`(<style type="text/css" img {vertical-align:
This macro suppresses this `img’ CSS style specification. This macro
is only active in the preamble and is only interpreted for html
- `nop(text)’
- Expand to text, to avoid spaces before macros e.g.: a. Although a+sups(2)
should have the same effect.
- `nosloppyhfuzz()’
- By default, LaTeX output contains commands that cause it to shut up about
hboxes that are less than 4pt overfull. When `nosloppyhfuzz()’
appears before stating the document type, LaTeX complaints are
- `notableofcontents()’
- Prevents the generation of a table of contents. This is default in, e.g.,
`manpage’ and `plainhtml’ documents. When present, this
option must appear before stating the document type with
`article’, `report’ etc..
- `notitleclearpage()’
- Prevents the generation of a `clearpage()’ instruction after the
typesetting of title information. This instruction is default in all non
`article’ documents. When present, must appear before
stating the document type with `article’, `book’ or
- `notocclearpage()’
- With the LaTeX converter, no `clearpage()’ instruction is inserted
immediately beyond the document’s table of contents. The
`clearpage()’ instruction is default in all but the
`article’ document type. When present, must appear before
stating the document type with `article’, `book’ or
`report’. With other converters than the LaTeX converter, it is
- `notransinclude(filename)’
- Reads filename and inserts it literally in the text not subject to macro
expansion or character translation. No information is written either
before or after the file’s contents, not even a newline.
- `noxlatin()’
- When used in the preamble, the LaTeX converter disables the inclusion of
the file `xlatin1.tex’. Normally this file gets included in the
LateX output files to ensure the conversion of high ASCII characters (like
e) to LaTeX-understandable codes. (The file `xlatin1.tex’ comes
with the YODL distribution.)
- `nparagraph(title)’
- Starts a non-numbered paragraph (duh, corresponds to subparagraph in
- `npart(title)’
- Starts a part in a `book’ document, but without numbering it and
without entering the title of the part in the table of contents. In html
`attrib’ macro applies to the `<h1>’ tag.
- `nsect(title)’
- Starts a section, but does not generate a number before the `title’
nor an entry in the table of contents. Further sectioning commands are
`nsubsect’, `nsubsubsect’ and `nsubsubsubsect’. In
html `attrib’ macro applies to the `<h2>’ tag.
- `nsubsect(title)’
- Starts a non-numbered subsection. In html the `attrib’ macro
applies to the `<h3>’ tag.
- `nsubsubsect(title)’
- Starts a non-numbered sub-sub section. In html `attrib’ macro
applies to the `<p>’ tag.
- `nsubsubsect(title)’
- Starts a non-numbered sub-subsection.
- `paragraph(title)’
- Starts a paragraph. This level of sectioning is not numbered, in contrast
to `higher’ sectionings (duh, corresponds to subparagraph in
latex). In html `attrib’ macro applies to the `<p>’
- `part(title)’
- Starts a new part in a `book’ document. In html `attrib’
macro applies to the `<h1>’ tag.
- `pindex()’
- Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo p-indices. Its argument is
the index entry. See also the `[cftv]index’ macro.
- `plainhtml(title)’
- Starts a document for only a plain HTML conversion. Not available in other
output formats. Similar to `article’, except that an author- and
date field are not needed.
- `printindex()’
- Make index for texinfo (?).
- `quote(text)’
- Sets the text as a quotation. Usually, the text is indented, depending on
the output format. In html the `attrib’ macro is recognized by the
`<blockquote>’ tag.
- `rangle()’
- Inserts the right angle character (>).
- `redef(macro)(nrofargs)(redefinition)’
- Defines macro `macro’ to expand to `redefinition’. Similar
to `def’, but any pre-existing definition is overruled. Use
`ARG’x in the redefinition part to indicate where the
arguments should be pasted. E.g., `ARG1’ places the first argument,
`ARG2’ the second argument, etc...
- `redefinemacro(macro)(nrofargs)(redefinition)’
- Defines macro `macro’ to expand to `redefinition’. Similar
to `def’, but any pre-existing definition is overruled. Use
`ARG’x in the redefinition part to indicate where the
arguments should be pasted. E.g., `ARG1’ places the first argument,
`ARG2’ the second argument, etc... This commands is actually
calling redef().
- `ref(labelname)’
- Sets the reference for `labelname’. Use `label’ to define a
- `report(title)(author)(date)’
- Starts a report type document. The top-level sectioning command in a
report is `chapter’. In html the way the headings are displayed can
be tuned using CSS id selector specifications: the title has
`id="title"’, the author `id="author"’,
and the date `id="date"’.
- `roffcmd(dotcmd)(sameline)(secondline)(thirdline)’
- Sets a t/nroff command that starts with a dot, on its own line. The
arguments are: `dotcmd’ - the command itself, e.g., `.IP’;
`sameline’ - when not empty, `sameline’ is set on the same
line, following the `dotcmd’; `secondline’ - when not empty,
is set on the next line; `thirdline’ - when not empty, is set on
the third line. Note: `dotcmd’ and `thirdline’ are not
further expanded by YODL, the other arguments are.
- `row(contents)’
- The argument `contents’ may contain a man-page alignment
specification (only one specification can be entered per row), using
`setmanalign()’. If omitted, the standard alignment is used.
Furthermore it contains the contents of the elements of the row, using
`cell()’ or `cells()’ macros. If `cells()’ is used,
`setmanalign()’ should have been used too. In this macro call only
the `cell()’, `cells()’ and `setmanalign()’ macros
should be called. Any other macro call may produce unexpected
- The `row’ macro defines a counter `XXcol’ that can be
inspected and is incremented by predefined macros adding columns to a row.
The counter is initially 0. Predefined macros adding columns to a row add
the number of columns they add to the row inserting the contents of those
columns. These macros rely on the correct value of this counter and any
user-defined macros adding columns to table rows should correctly update
`XXcol’. In html `attrib’ macro applies to the
`<tr>’ tag.
- Instead of using `row’ in `table’, consider using
`tr’ in `tbl’.
- `rowline()’
- Sets a horizontal line over the full width of the table. See also the
`columnline’ macro. Use `rowline’ instead of a `row’
macro call to provide a table with a horizontal line-separator.
- Instead of using `rowline’ consider using `tline’ in a
`tbl’ argument.
- `sc(text)’
- Set `text’ in the tt (code) font, using small caps. In html the
`attrib’ macro is not supported, while the code section is embedded
in a `<div style="font-size: 90%">’ section.
- `sect(title)’
- Starts a new section. In html the `attrib’ macro is recognized by
the `<h2>’ tag.
- `setaffilstring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `affiliation information’ string, by
`setaffilstring(AFILIACION)’, YODL outputs this Spanish string to
describe the affiliation information. Currently, it is relevant only for
- `setauthorstring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `Author information’ string, by
default AUTHOR INFORMATION. E.g., after
`setauthorstring(AUTOR)’, YODL outputs this portuguese string to
describe the author information. Currently, it is relevant only for
- `setchapterstring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `chapter’ string, by default
Chapter. E.g., after `setchapterstring(Hoofdstuk)’, YODL
gains some measure of national language support for Dutch. Note that LaTeX
support has its own NLS, this macro doesn’t affect the way LaTeX
output looks.
- `setdatestring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `date information’ string, by default
DATE INFORMATION. E.g., after `setdatestring(DATA)’, YODL
outputs this portuguese string to describe the date information.
Currently, it is relevant only for txt.
- `setfigureext(name)’
- Defines the `name’ as the `figure’ extension. The extension
should include the period, if used. E.g., use setfigureext(.ps) if the
extensions of the figure-images should end in `.ps’
- `setfigurestring(name)’
- Defines the `name’ as the `figure’ text, used e.g. in figure
captions. E.g., after `setfigurestring(Figuur)’, Yodl uses Dutch
names for figures.
- `sethtmlfigureext(ext)’
- Defines the filename extension for HTML figures, defaults to
`.jpg’. Note that a leading dot must be included in `ext’.
The new extension takes effect starting with the following usage of the
`figure’ macro. It is only active in html, but otherwise acts
identically as setfigureext().
- See also the `setlatexfigureext’ macro.
- `htmlmetacharset(meta-charset)’
- Adds `<meta charset="meta-charset">’ to the head of
html documents. By default `<meta charset="UTF-8">’
is used. This macro is only active in the preamble and is only interpreted
for html conversions.
- `setincludepath(name)’
- Sets a new value of the include-path specification used when opening .yo
files. A warning is issued when the path specification does not include a
.: element. Note that the local directory may still be an element of the
new include path, as the local directory may be the only or the last
element of the specification. For these eventualities the new path
specification is not checked.
- `setlanguage(name)’
- Installs the headers specific to a language. The argument must be the name
of a language, whose headers have been set by a corresponding
languageXXX() call. For example: languagedutch(). The language macros
should set the names of the headers of the following elements: table of
contents, affiliation, author, chapter, date, figure, part and title
- `setlatexalign(alignment)’
- This macro defines the table alignment used when setting tables in LaTeX.
Use as many `l’ (for left-alignment), `r’ (for right
alignment), and `c’ (for centered-alignment) characters as there
are columns in the table. See also `table()’.
- Instead of using the `table’ macro consider using the `tbl’
- `setlatexfigureext(ext)’
- Defines the filename extension for encapsulated PostScript figures in
LaTeX, defaults to `.ps’. The dot must be included in t new
extension `ext’. The new extension takes effect starting with a
following usage of the `figure’ macro. It is only active in LaTeX,
but otherwise acts identically as setfigureext().
- See also the `sethtmlfigureext’ macro.
- `setlatexverbchar(char)’
- Set the char used to quote LaTeX \verb
- `setmanalign(alignment)’
- This macro defines the table alignment in the context of the
`table’ macro, and is used when setting tables in man-pages (see
- Use as many `l’ (for left-alignment), `r’ (for right
alignment), and `c’ (for centered-alignment) characters as there
are columns in the table.
- Use `s’ to indicate that the column to its left is combined (spans
into) the current column. Use this specification when cells spanning
multiple columns must be defined.
- Each row in a table which must be convertible to a manpage may be preceded
by its own `setmanalign’ call.
- Note that neither `rowline’ nor `columnline’ requires
`setmanalign’ specifications, as these macros define rows by
themselves. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the
number of alignment characters is equal to the number of columns of the
- Instead of using the `table’ macro consider using the `tbl’
- `setpartstring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `part’ string, by default Part.
E.g., after `setpartstring(Teil)’, Yodl identifies parts in the
German way. Note that LaTeX output does its own national language support;
this macro doesn’t affect the way LaTeX output looks.
- `setrofftab(x)’
- Sets the character separating items in a line of input data of a
`roff’ (manpage) table. By default it is set to `~’. This
separator is used internally, and needs only be changed (into some unique
character) if the table elements themselves contain `~’
- This macro can be used in the context of the `table’ and
`tbl’ macros.
- `setrofftableoptions(optionlist)’
- Set options used for man-conversion, as used by the `tbl’ and
`table’ macros. By default no options are used. Multiple options
should be separated by blanks. From the tbl(1) manpage, the
following options are available:
- o
- `center’ Centers the table; default is left-justified. In the
context of the `tbl’ macro this is implied when the `tbl’
macro is specified as argument of the `center’ macro.
- o
- `expand’ Makes the table as wide as the current line length
- o
- `box’ Encloses the table in a box
- o
- `allbox’ Encloses each item of the table in a box
- See also `setrofftab’ which is used to set the character separating
items in a line of input data.
- `settitlestring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `title information’ string, by default
TITLE INFORMATION. E.g., after `settitlestring(TITEL)’, YODL
outputs this Dutch string to describe the title information. Currently, it
is relevant only for txt.
- `settocstring(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the `table of contents’ string, by default
Table of Contents. E.g., after
`settocstring(Inhalt)’, YODL identifies the table of contents in
the German way. Note that LaTeX output does its own national language
support; this macro doesn’t affect the way LaTeX output looks.
- `sgmlcommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to sgml. The
`cmd’ is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `sgmltag(tag)(onoff)’
- Similar to `htmltag’, but used in the SGML converter.
- `sloppyhfuzz(points)’
- By default, LaTeX output contains commands that cause it to shut up about
hboxes that are less than 4pt overfull. When `sloppyhfuzz()’
appears before stating the document type, LaTeX complaints occur only if
hboxes are overfull by more than `points’.
- `standardlayout()’
- Enables the default LaTeX layout. When this macro is absent, then the
first lines of paragraphs are not indented and the space between
paragraphs is somewhat larger. The `standardlayout()’ directive
must appear before stating the document type as `article’,
`report’, etc..
- `strong(contents)’
- In html and xml the `contents’ are set between
`<strong>’ and `</strong>’ tags. In html
`attrib’ macro applies to the `<strong>’ tag.
- `subs(text)’
- Sets text in subscript in supporting formats. In html the `attrib’
macro is recognized by the `<sub>’ tag.
- For superscripting, the `sups’ macro can be used.
- `subsect(title)’
- Starts a new subsection. Other sectioning commands are `subsubsect’
and `subsubsubsect’. In html `attrib’ macro applies to the
`<h3>’ tag.
- `subsubsect(title)’
- Starts a sub-subsection. In html `attrib’ macro applies to the
`<h4>’ tag.
- `subsubsubsect(title)’
- Starts a sub-sub-sub-subsection. This level of sectioning is not numbered,
in contrast to `higher’ sectionings.
- `sups(text)’
- Sets text in superscript in supporting formats In html the `attrib’
macro is recognized by the `<sup>’ tag.
- For subscripting, the `subs’ macro can be used.
- `table(nColumns)(alignment)(Contents)’
- Instead of using the `table’ macro, consider using the `tbl’
- The `table()’-macro defines a table. Its first argument specifies
the number of columns in the table.
- Its second argument specifies the (standard) alignment of the information
within the cells as used by LaTeX or man/ms. Use `l’ for
left-alignment, `c’ for centered-alignment and `r’ for right
- Its third argument defines the contents of the table which are the rows,
each containing column-specifications and optionally man/ms alignment
definitions for this row.
- See also the `tableatt’ macro and the specialized
`setmanalign()’ macro.
- `tableatt(nColumns)(alignment)(Contents)’
- Instead of using the `tableatt’ macro, consider using the
`tbl’ macro.
- The `tableatt()’-macro defines a table. The last `attrib’
call that was specified before using the `tableatt()’-macro is used
to specify html attributes for the table. E.g., to center a table in html
The macro’s first argument specifies the number of columns in the
table. Its second argument specifies the (standard) alignment of the
information within the cells as used by LaTeX or man/ms. Use `l’
for left-alignment, `c’ for centered-alignment and `r’ for
right alignment. Its third argument defines the contents of the table
which are the rows, each containing column-specifications and optionally
man/ms alignment definitions for this row.
- See also the `table’ macro and the specialized
`setmanalign()’ macro.
- `tac(alignment)(contents)’
- This macro is one of the four macros that can be used to define column
contents of rows of tables defined by the `tbl’ macro.
Alternatively, `tc, tnc’, and `tnac’ can be used.
- The `tac’ macro is used as argument of the `tr’ macro. The
cell’s alignment is defined by the `alignment’
specification, containing at most two alignment specifications: a
horizontal alignment (one of c, l, r (centered, left-aligned,
right-aligned)) and a vertical alignment (one of t, b (vertical top- and
bottom-alignment)) (not all conversion types may support all alignment
types, e.g., man-conversion does not support vertical bottom alignment).
Specifications other than c, l, r, b, and t and specifications beyond the
second one are ignored. The result of specifying conflicting alignment
types (e.g., `lr’ or `tb’) is not defined.
- When converting to `man’, if the table’s contents should
span multiple rows, then a groff/troff(1) text block must be
used. Since most tables do not use this, a text block is not generated by
default. To actually wrap the contents of column elements in a text block
while converting to `man’ prefix the first text block requiring a
text-block wrapping by `twrap(1)’, and end the last text block
requiring a text-block wrapping by `wrap(0)’.
- The `tao’ macro can be used to overrule the specified alignment for
a specific conversion type.
- The macro `tac’ recognizes `attrib’.
- `tao(type)(specification)’
- This macro is used inside the `tbl’ macro to override the alignment
specification that would otherwise be used for the next table element. It
is only active for the next `tc, tnc, tac,’ or `tnac’ call.
Its first argument defines the conversion type for which the override
should be used, its second argument defines the alignment specification to
- Here are some examples:
tc(left aligned)
tc(right aligned)
tc(left aligned, centered with html)
tac(c)(centered, latex and man: left aligned)
- Further details about the `tao’ macro are provided in the
yodltables(7) man-page.
- `tbl(align)(contents)’
- The `tbl’ macro refines the more basic `table’ macro. It was
named after the tbl(1) table formatting program used with
troff(1) documents.
- The `tbl’ macro currently is available for `html, man/ms,
latex’ and `txt’ conversions.
- Its first argument defines the alignment of the information in the
table’s columns, and is used by all conversions except
`txt’. Use `l’ for left-alignment, `c’ for
centered-alignment and `r’ for right-alignment. Individual cells of
the table may override these default settings using the macros
`tac’ and `tnac’.
- Its second argument defines the contents of the table consisting of rows
(using `tr’), and horizontal lines (using `tline’), which
may extend over the full table width or may cover one or more individual
columns. With `txt’ conversion rough approximations of horizontal
lines are used.
- Tables defined by the `tbl’ macro are centered (pseudo centering (8
space characters) is used for `txt’ conversion) when used as
argument of the `center’ macro.
- See also the `tao’ macro for information about how to realize
specific alignments for specific conversion types.
- When defining `tbl’ tables it is advised to clearly layout the
table specification. To avoid inadvertently introducing new lines lines
should end in a backslash (or The macro `tbl’ recognizes
- `tc(contents)’
- This macro is one of the four macros that can be used to define column
contents of rows of tables defined by the `tbl’ macro.
Alternatively, `tnc, tac’, and `tnac’ can be used.
- The `tc’ macro is used as argument of the `tr’ macro. Its
order within a row defines its type attribute, using the alignment
specification defined by the first argument of the `tbl’ call.
E.g., if `tbl(clr)(...)’ was used, then the contents of the first
`tc’ call in a `tr’ is centered in the table’s first
column; the contents of the second `tc’ call is left-aligned in the
table’s second column; and the contents of the third `tc’
call is right-aligned in the table’s third column.
- When converting to `man’, if the table’s contents should
span multiple rows, then a groff/troff(1) text block must be
used. Since most tables do not use this, a text block is not generated by
default. To actually wrap the contents of column elements in a text block
while converting to `man’ prefix the first text block requiring a
text-block wrapping by `twrap(1)’, and end the last text block
requiring a text-block wrapping by `wrap(0)’.
- The `tao’ macro can be used to overrule the default alignment
specification for a specific conversion type.
- The macro `tc’ recognizes `attrib’.
- `tcell(text)’
- Roff helper to set a table text-cell, i.e., a paragraph. For LaTeX special
table formatting p{} should be used.
- When using the `tbl’ macro for defining tables the `twrap’
macro can be used to set table elements in text-blocks (i.e., enclosing
text, possibly containing newlines in `T{’ and `T}’
- `telycommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to tely. The
`cmd’ is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `TeX()’
- The TeX symbol.
- `texinfocommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to texinfo. The
`cmd’ is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `tindex()’
- Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo t-indices. Its argument is
the index entry. See also the `[cfpv]index’ macro.
- `titleclearpage()’
- Forces a new page (using `clearpage’) following the title of a
document. This is already the default in books and reports, but can be
overruled using `notitleclearpage’. When present, it must appear in
the preamble, i.e., before the document type is stated as article,
book or report.
- `tline(beginNr)(endNr)’
- This macro is used to insert a horizontal line spanning one or more
columns of a table defined by the `tbl’ macro.
- If `endNr’ is not specified, and the `tline’ call does not
follow a previous `line’ call in which `endNr’ was
specified, then a horizontal line spanning the full width of the table is
defined (except when converting to plain text in which case a line of
`beginNr’ - (minus) characters is written; if `beginNr’ is
not specified then a line of 60 - characters is written).
- If `endNr’ is not specified, but the `tline’ call follows
previous `tline’ calls that did specify `endNr’ then the
current row is ended.
- If `endNr’ is specified, then a horizontal line is set, starting at
column number `beginNr’ continuing through column number
`endNr’. Note that these are numbers, not offsets:
`beginNr’ should be at least 1, `endNr’ must at least be
equal to `beginNr’ and should be at most equal to the number of
columns in the table. The `beginNr’ values of subsequent
`tline’ calls refer to the same row as the first `tline’
call, and must exceed `endNr’ of the previous `tline’
- Examples:
tline()() sets a line spanning the full table width
tline(1)(1) sets a line in column 1
tline(3)(4) sets another line in column 3 and 4
tline()() ends the previous line
tline()() sets a line spanning the full table width
- `tnac(nCells)(alignment)(contents)’
- This macro is one of the four macros that can be used to define column
contents of rows of tables defined by the `tbl’ macro.
Alternatively, `tc, tac’, and `tnc’ can be used.
- The `tnac’ macro is used as argument of the `tr’ macro. Its
first argument defines the number of columns spanned by the contents (2nd
argument) of the `tnc’ macro.
- The cell’s alignment is defined by the macro’s second
(`alignment’) specification, containing at most two alignment
specifications: a horizontal alignment (one of c, l, r (centered,
left-aligned, right-aligned)) and a vertical alignment (one of t, b
(vertical top- and bottom-alignment)) (not all conversion types may
support all alignment types). Specifications other than c, l, r, b, and t
and specifications beyond the second one are ignored. The result of
specifying conflicting alignment types (e.g., `lr’ or `tb’)
is not defined.
- When converting to `man’, if the table’s contents should
span multiple rows, then a groff/troff(1) text block must be
used. Since most tables do not use this, a text block is not generated by
default. To actually wrap the contents of column elements in a text block
while converting to `man’ prefix the first text block requiring a
text-block wrapping by `twrap(1)’, and end the last text block
requiring a text-block wrapping by `wrap(0)’. Multiple rows in a
text block are top-aligned with left and righ neighboring cells.
- The `tao’ macro can be used to overrule the default alignment
specification for a specific conversion type.
- The macro `tnac’ recognizes `attrib’.
- `tnc(nCells)(contents)’
- This macro is one of the four macros that can be used to define the column
contents of rows of tables that are defined by the `tbl’ macro.
Alternatively, `tc, tac’, and `tnac’ can be used.
- The `tnc’ macro is used as argument to the `tr’ macro. Its
first argument defines the number of columns spanned by the contents (2nd
argument) of the `tnc’ macro. The contents are centered in the
`nCells’ columns.
- When converting to `man’, if the table’s contents should
span multiple rows, then a groff/troff(1) text block must be
used. Since most tables do not use this, a text block is not generated by
default. To actually wrap the contents of column elements in a text block
while converting to `man’ prefix the first text block requiring a
text-block wrapping by `twrap(1)’, and end the last text block
requiring a text-block wrapping by `wrap(0)’. Multiple rows in a
text block are top-aligned with left and righ neighboring cells.
- The `tao’ macro can be used to overrule the default alignment
specification for a specific conversion type.
- The macro `tc’ recognizes `attrib’.
- `tocclearpage()’
- With the LaTeX converter, a `clearpage()’ directive if inserted,
immediately following the document’s table of contents. This is
already the default in all but the `article’ document type, but it
can be overruled by `notocclearpage()’. When present, it must
appear in the preamble; i.e., before the document type is stated
with `article’, `book’ or `report’. With other
converters than the LaTeX converter, it is ignored.
- `tr(contents)’
- This macro defines the rows of a table that is defined by the `tbl’
- The macro `tr’ expects one argument: the contents of the row,
defining the row’s column elements. It is not used for defining a
(partial) horizontal line: to set horizontal lines in a table defined by
the `tbl’ macro use the macro `tline’.
- Normally the contents of the columns in a (`tr’) row is defined by
of one or more calls to the macros `tc, tac, tnc,’ and/or
- The macro `tr’ recognizes `attrib’.
- `tt(text)’
- Sets `text’ in teletype font, and prevents it from being expanded.
When converting to man, `text’ is surrounded by a backtick and a
single quote character.
- For unbalanced parameter lists, use `CHAR(40)’ to get `(’
and `CHAR(41)’ to get `)’.
- The `tt’ macro does interpret character tables as well as any
`SUBST’ definitions. This is usually what is intended. In
situations where this is unwelcome the `ttbegin’ and `ttend’
pair of macros can be used, between which the builtin commands `PUSHSUBST,
POPSUBST, NOEXPAND’ and/or `NOTRANS’ can be used. E.g., to
clearly show two hyphens in LaTeX teletype font use
rather than
Likewise, use `ttbegin’ and `ttend’ if the teletype text
contains accented letters like e. To set this in teletype font use
- With html conversions the `attrib’ macro applies to the
`<code>’ tag.
- With man conversions the arguments of tt macros can be quoted. See the
`manttquoted’ macro for details.
- `ttbegin()’
- Initiates text set in teletype font. Following the text to set in teletype
font a `ttend()’ macro should be called.
- Usually the `tt’ macro can be used instead of the `ttbegin’
-- `ttend’ combination. However, `tt’ interprets character
tables as well as `SUBST’ definitions. In situations where this is
unwelcome the `ttbegin’ and `ttend’ pair of macros can be
used, between which builtin commands like `PUSHSUBST, POPSUBST,
NOEXPAND’ and/or `NOTRANS’ can be used.
- In html the `attrib’ macro applies to the `<code>’
- `ttend()’
- Ends text set in teletype font following `ttbegin’. Refer to the
`ttbegin’ macro’s description for details.
- `twrap(value)’
- Used for man/ms conversions only: when called with a non-zero argument
before using the `tc, tnc, tac’, and `tnac’ macros then
their contents are wrapped in text blocks (`T{ ... T}’ blocks). To
end the wrapping `twrap(0)’ must be called. E.g., in the following
row-definition the contents of columns three and four are set in T-blocks
when converting to man/ms:
- `txtcommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to txt. The `cmd’
is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `url(description)(locator)’
- In LaTeX documents the `description’ is sent to the output. For
HTML, a link is created with the descriptive text `description’ and
pointing to `locator’. The `locator’ should be the full URL,
including service; e.g, `’, but excluding the
double quotes that are necessary in plain HTML. Use the macro
`link’ to create links within the same document. For other formats,
something like description [locator] will appear. In html
`attrib’ macro applies to the `<a>’ tag.
- `verb(text)’
- Sets `text’ in verbatim mode: not subject to macro expansion or
character table expansion, and starting with Yodl version 4.00.00: not
using `SUBST’ definitions. See also `verborg’, which does
not provide the protection against `SUBST’ definitions.
- While converting Yodl-documents to target document types Yodl frequently
uses the (not further documented) builtin function `XXSUBST’. In
the unlikely event that the text `XXSUBST(...)’ must be written in
a document, the sequence
can be used.
- The text that is passed as argument to the `verb’-macro appears
literally on the output, usually in a teletype font (that depends on the
output format). This macro is for larger chunks, e.g., listings.
- When unbalanced parameter lists are required, use `CHAR(40)’ to get
`(’ and `CHAR(41)’ to get `)’.
- `verbinclude(filename)’
- Reads filename and inserts it literally in the text, set in verbatim mode.
not subject to macro expansion. The text appears literally on the output,
usually in a teletype font (that depends on the output format). This macro
is an alternative to `verb(...)’, when the text to set in verbatim
mode is better kept in a separate file.
- `verbinsert(args)’
- Passes `args’ to yodlverbinsert(1), inserting its output
into the converted file. This macro can be used to insert, e.g., a
line-numbered indented file, or a labeled subsection of a file, into the
file that’s currently being written by `yodl’. E.g,
verbinsert(-ans4 file) -- inserts file, showing line
numbers, using a 4 blank-space
character wide indentation.
verbinsert(-ns4 //SECT file) -- inserts the section of file,
labeled //SECT file, showing
line numbers, using a 4
blank-space character wide
- `verborg(text)’
- Sets `text’ in verbatim mode: not subject to macro expansion or
character table expansion, and starting with Yodl version 4.00.00: this
macro replaces the previosly defined `verb’ macro. The current
`verb’ macro surrounds this macro by `PUSHSUBST’ and
- The text that is passed as argument to the `verborg’-macro appears
literally on the output, albeit that `SUBST’ definitions are
processed, usually in a teletype font (that depends on the output format).
This macro is for larger chunks, e.g., listings.
- When unbalanced parameter lists are required, use `CHAR(40)’ to get
`(’ and `CHAR(41)’ to get `)’.
- `verbpipe(command)(text)’
- Pipe text through command, but don’t expand the output.
- `vindex()’
- Generate an index entry for LaTex() or texinfo v-indices. Its argument is
the index entry. See also the `[cfkpt]index’ macro.
- `whenhtml(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in HTML conversion mode. The text
is further expanded if necessary.
- `whenlatex(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in LATEX conversion mode. The text
is further expanded if necessary.
- `whenman(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in MAN conversion mode. The text is
further expanded if necessary.
- `whenms(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in MS conversion mode. The text is
further expanded if necessary.
- `whensgml(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in SGML conversion mode. The text
is further expanded if necessary.
- `whentely(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in TELY conversion mode. The text
is further expanded if necessary.
- `whentexinfo(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in TEXINFO conversion mode. The
text is further expanded if necessary.
- `whentxt(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in TXT conversion mode. The text is
further expanded if necessary.
- `whenxml(text)’
- Sends `text’ to the output when in XML conversion mode. The text is
further expanded if necessary.
- `xit(itemname)’
- Starts an xml menu item where the file to which the menu refers to is the
argument of the xit() macro. It should be used as argument to xmlmenu(),
which has a 3rd argument: the default path prefixed to the xit()
- This macro is only available within the xml-conversion mode. The argument
must be a full filename, including .xml extension, if applicable.
- No .xml extension indicates a subdirectory, containing another
- `xmlcommand(cmd)’
- Writes `cmd’ to the output when converting to xml. The `cmd’
is not further expanded by Yodl.
- `xmlmenu(order)(title)(menulist)’
- Starts an xmlmenu. Use itemization() to define the items. Only available
in xml conversion. The menutitle appears in the menu as the heading of the
menu. The menulist is a series of xit() elements, containing the name of
the file to which the menu refers as their argument (including a final /).
Prefixed to evert every xit()-element is the value of XXdocumentbase.
- Order is the the `order’ of the menu. If omitted, no order is
- `xmlnewfile()’
- In XML output, starts a new file. All other formats are not affected. Note
that you must take your own provisions to access the new file; say via
links. Also, it’s safe to start a new file just befoore opening a
new section, since sections are accessible from the clickable table of
contents. The XML converter normally only starts new files prior to a
`chapter’ definition.
- `xmlsetdocumentbase(name)’
- Defines `name’ as the XML document base. No default. Only
interpreted with xml conversions. It is used with the figure and xmlmenu
- `xmltag(tag)(onoff)’
- Similar to `htmltag’, but used in the XML converter.
No options are relevant in respect to the macros.
The files in tmp/wip/macros define the converter’s macro packages.
The scripts yodl2tex, yodl2html, yodl2man etc. perform
the conversions.
Frank B. Brokken (,